mmmdmw.c.f.u. "oid-iGuiai'.] 'yCeretw.c.i.'Yr'.-iait'i'; 1ttf-tre-tiraiairii".' “witch-nulls!“ 'tttee.' Mamma- M u 1lluT,",ttp.tfgi.iiiFi. .u., 'rl', In an} "tiritira.7'Guii,',G", Lin: teu- Mm. ly. Tome Roam m" delightfully -roued hy I number of her friend: My. who can to help hee ech- M Mr birthday uninrnry. ho Tf,. the future, "lt. mu m hte, In. C. B. mine, ‘h "e [mm In. John m. In by Gurity m taken to the WWI lupin! early this week Ida-in: from an attack of mph. that. A party of thirty neighbor. from JY. 'rtrth_mtd " "it'll-ad Purk cu- m t picnic at Bound like, Ill., lat wednesar. W, -- .._.. v..- u... “an... Ch put mt, when a blaze at 233 [and - dun-(ed I mattres- I“ me other furnishings. It m girth extinnisheat _ In. John Setoremm of Nrrineton "out several dun last week with In "ters. In. Baum Tillman and In. Louise Boehmer of Central "e- The North Shore British American club enjoyed their “mull pienie at Sunset park tt Sunday. Games and not: were f of the day. In. Lester Olson and son. Brandt. returned Hand-y evening from a six tes' risk with ninjas in Vernon, Biennor Trygsieadm of Hoiton, lid!" is visiting her aunt and uncle, XiangMn. L E. Nash. Mr. John Wilhelm left Monday for the east from where he will sail for thritaerUnd. his old home. He will he [one several months. _ .. ..,..‘.... l -"WWt l...“ .-...~‘ " r. no»: Twelve members of the women’s/Sheridan entertained at ole Sociely of St. John's Evangelical“ breakfast yesterday morn} church went to Pal-tine on Wedness, nesdayr in compliment to tl day to attend the first regular meets) MR and Mrs. William 1 in; of the Arlington Heights Federae)Helcnac Arkansas. The : tioa of Evangelical Women which was 1 clmded Mr. and Mrs. Willie held in the St, Paul's Evangelical‘and Mrs. Knnble. Chaplain chunk. Rev. John C. Voeks. tester.) and Mrs. John Croke of This federation was formed at North-, Park. brook St. PeterHvaatreiicat church) Mrs. William Pearl will on Sunday. May IS. Rev. H. L. the members of her Frida Streich of St. Louis Mo., was the{ bridle club tomorrow at priflcip-l speaker. _ r on Galahad avenue; Mtalhown, ril'ruds-iii," weel guest of Mrs. 1hrthur F. Byfield, Dr. My where their week The Jinn-:1; The Girl's choir of St. John's Evan. treliealurhurirh will have a picnic at Ravinia park on Thursday afternoon and will hear the children's program in the afternoon ws well as 11 Trova- tore in the evening. The Misses Arlene and Virginia Bacon of Chicasto are the guests of their aunt Mrs. L B. Sinclair this Miss Marjorie Learning is leaving; Friday tor Boulder. Colo.. wherejhpf will remain five weeks. Her brother, Jerry Leaming. wilt join her at the] end of that time and they will motor through Ye!hrwstone National Park) together Miss Josephine Carle, Mrs. sum! The Mi ton Smith and Mrs. Younce of Janes-' Kinia ROI ville, Wis. Were guests a few days; cation at of last Week of Mrs. George A. Ma. Michigan, son. While here they enjoyed opera Miss M at Ravinia every evening. nue will Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Holland had as their weekend guests Mr. and Mrs: T. E. Brownfield of Detroit who are touring Illinois and Michigan states. Miss Ruth Bordon of formerly of Highland Part tied at her home in Chin any. May Hanson was called to her home in (Iconomowoc last week on amount of the illness of her mother, Mrs. Edward Hanson. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Abbott re- turnn! Friday from their honeymoon sped! in Philadelphia and Borton and are it home at 153 North Second street. Mr. and July-sf Stellar Bullard and family left on Monday for Coleman Lake in Goodman. Wis., where they win spend two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Rbbert M. Bridges and tamily are leaving tomorrow on 1 morith's auto.trip to Iowa, Mirme- son: and perhaps Canada. tor trip to Die bells. suira ls- land. and are visiting relatives in Grand Haven on their return trip. u, ' .. --'. _, - Marr Zimmer, the tttree-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Zim- mer who has been critically ill in the Winston hospital for the past month is not improving. ' Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Larson and Ill. and Mr.s, Sutton J. Laing of Oak Park are enioyinz a two weeks mo- C The Five Hundred dub met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Vetter _ _Saturd:y evening. - a maid of honor mad brides- maid. Ernest Runner acted IS best nu. The young couple are at home on But, o Link road with Mr. and In. Minder, Sr. he the Inning: of their “its. Imam " Verne to! has: a. mm..- which took place' - Slim, July 16 at eight o'clock it Triniw chum-h. Miss Rama's Po sisters, Edith and Lucille, served F, M. Installs will return Sat- from Los A'ngeles. Cant, he spent the past few weeks, Frederick Walter of Mar, M'n. Ia.. was the weekend Ruth Burdoft» of Chicago. Jail; rm: I KG, 1 thy 5w.“ Pm ighland Park was ii/iii-' tf liva- rm Mrs. _ ttGuii 'atp go. Satur- _ M van ' - fl - 7“". .._..-...... L....--.-, _ "ttc, mean. Deman- m minimum. #/flh?rg A. J. kin-um m dim-r and: n VIVE of Inn-dink H.1nriclolful BY F113 DI Ridge an Tut-any. ou lunch. a plain upland by In. John "on of 8mm nhr- Brand Bro... In m â€All-cw _tfle?tor-seutariii'"iii'i. of paint In“. with. h the C. P.l "rhthmsorofarrdiiiir R. Dem. Tum In... u“... m.vhohvhlth¢hnlmlu- fr'Pyhrrr-tsdie Cut .2â€. at Ila-kin "a'.'", bum: "I Isl-hm M.- --" n m was “In... at PpteHtEjiaGT'ibVc"aT,u'lrs,"JJ. '"'"'ioFrirfFG"i'."'iUi"d ~-~-~- t Mrs. T, G. Keen. Jr., of 782 Make 1mm. [iv-mm. an I miscellan- eous shower It her ham Mn] owning. July 19. in honor of her lil- ter, Min Harriet WW I bride- decL "eit.e M Inn pvt-mt. The sh decorum;- In: In mil w! Cla.' "my lowly and awful ' _-_- . _ W, __. -. .- “sternum: with a and] luncheon {anoint by bridge todny. Thin-why. in compli~ ment to her [some mg In. Ray- mond Punk of Jack-ammo. Florida Mr. And In. Joseph Stlpe and Mr. m: In. Killer "new to uk- Konhkonom Int week and "ent thel, week-end there. . i J Mrs. William Pearl the members of her _ {bridge club tomorrow ’ on, Oaku'bod avenue. Mrs. Joseph B. Card entertained twenty guests " luncheon and bridge at Exmoor on Tuesday in compliment io-Mrs. Raymond Punk of Jaekson, ville. Fhc, the house guest of Mrs. Frank Gardner. Mrs. John K. Richter of Olkwood avenue returned home oit'Fridi, " ter a six months any in Culifornin also visiting in Portland, Same. VIII Conver and Victoria, British 'ltdf,,'ll Inâ€- Mrs. Joseph B. C: twenty guests a lane at Exmoor on 'Nesdn: toMrs. Raymond Pm ville. Flt, the house Frank Gardner. . ,,___ “w"...w ELL.", Innu-"armiver'sa/d Five hundred was who came plank! at which the suc- lcorsfu] prize winners were. Mrs. rlirnmt Pen. Mrs. John Mecatrres, les. Ohlwein, Mr. Fred Perrymen, c, Mr. Fred Rubley. and Mr. Gus Weineke. 1 Mr. and Mrs, D. F. Burns of Fort {Sheridan entertained at eleven o'eloek lbroakfast yesterday mornink (Wed. I nesdayl in compliment to their nests j Mr, and Mrs. William Knoble of Widens, Arkansas. The guests in. jcluded Mr. and Mrs. “mum-n â€NJ-h- Mr. and Mrs. Milton I the Drake hotel, C.hieatto, the J. M. [42%]me at Sheridan mad dd g the the Lebolu who are ttoi until October I. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Edward Hismx (and daughter, Joan, of s. St. Johns 3 avenue left last Friday for a tour of (the east visiting fora while with , Mrs. Hiscox's $trandmothvr, Mrs. (Anna C. Stafford at Atlantic City, I New-Jersey. i The Misses Marian Huber and Vir- ‘ginia Roberts are spending their va- ication at-Camp Iawekia, Waterviet, \I:,.L:._A_ Mr. Joseph Stipe surprised on last , by thirty of his fr calm; to help him ce i While walking downstairs last j'I‘ucsday, Mrs. F. C. Nmrenberg of, S. ’St‘t‘vnll street, slipped and fell down the stairs breaking a small bone just _ above the ankle. She is getting along , nicely. _ Mr. and Mrs. Carrie R. Riecks of Hartsvme, S. c.. are visiting af the home of Mrs. Riecks' mother and sis- ter, Mrs. Randnlnh Q 12...“... --’ Mi . -_'- â€Mung a u"; home of Mrs. Riecks' mother and sis- ter, Mrs. Randolph S. Bryant and Benjamin J. Buckingham. 416 St. Johns place. bridge on Friday evening. _ _ Mr. and‘Mrs. William Weidlieh of New York City are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Llewellyn of Prairie avenue, Highwood. nue will bridge on lowing week and will be pk receive their friends at 930 S. avenue, Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Edward ' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Templeton nee Hildvgarde Schmidt, of 60 Bello- vue place are expected to return from their honeymoon in Europe the fol- I,<..:.._ ___ . ‘ ._, ' . .. -_"_. v. v-.. u... and her daughwr. Mrs. Lyman Bur. gess and two children of Montclnire, N. J., are mc‘guests today of Mrs. M. Warner of N. Second street. - Mi. John Manner who underwent the amputation of a toe at the High- land Park hospitnl. is improving nicely. _ myâ€" -'--". after a short stay in Atlantic City, N. J., and Wilmington, Del. Lieut, and Mrs. Darrell of Ft. Sher, Man are spending a month with Mm. Darrvli’s sister, Mrs. L. E. Nash, be- fore going to Ft. Bliss. Texas, where Lieut. Darrell has been transferred. Mrs. Joseph R. {Ind of Oak Park Clayton J. Niebuhr, son of I Mrs. C. (‘. Nivbuhr, returned 1 after a short slaw in Atunei, Bk. who spent nun! not: tear, ini in the out mtagmqd home Hat Wednesday. 52"" has the ha been unending school in the cut re- turned home with his mother and sister. iss Myra Thomas of forest will cptertain at five tabh _ -," "9,, .....( “ant-u Lebolmme at 1815 South road dd g the absence of ts who are going to Paris . and Mrs. wiiuariaGr, Knnble. Craphrin Garrison lumen FlorSheim of ipe Wa< pleasantly Thursday evening friends when they celebrate his birth. Five hundred was at which the sun-5 will be - pleziééd- To Friday evéifig TIll entertain MW] " Forest ave- five tables of a have “In; her hem: H iKhland of Mr. and Linden fedess __ ,___.-_,., w...- plied with a mm: for In appear» ance on the Alena Theatre sun and responded with u nice nehrtonr1ede ‘men: of the courts-lea extended to in" And her puma And spoke trim. cerely of beautiful Highland Park. ‘ “in mum'- h‘uz best movie. were "The Merry Go Round", "The Phantom of the Opera", and "Stella "Iris": She has jun completed u Unhaul City â€have Me and th- World in Min." and will mum in- mull-hi: "ter her Chiem vial: to con-plot. her but Inning which “MW. .liu plied I Mrs. Herbert' "tiiiiith.- "T/ii." Bit-(ham. In. Henry Boyd (Delta. is, Mrs, Warren Dantes, Mr. Eric, son, Mrs. A. 0. Mason Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Edwin _Gilroy, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witten, Mr. and Mrs. John ed, with Illinois colors and placed at her disposal for the day by August Haalt-of the Haak Motor Sales. Mov, ies were made of Miss Philbin's arrival and her reception at the city hall and at the _Moraine Hotel. Martinelli. famous opera star, strolled into the movie and was photographed with Miss Philbin. Those who were present at the din, nor as Itursts. seated were: Mr. FV W. Pushing, Miss Philbin, Mr. Wil-I liam Reay. Mrs. Erieson, Mayor Lew..) MISS MARY PHILBIN N MOVIE STAR, VISITOR 2 voter-Black "You Cun't Win"; Beebe "Galapagos"; Howard "Ten Weeks With the Chinese Bandits"; Hughes "George Washington; the Human Being and the Hero"; Key- st-rling "Book of Marriage"; Russell "Education and the Good Life"; Sul- livan "Our Times"; Weiis "Around the World in Eight Days" Therc was also a which reccired one All the books ii in}; titir"sim, t borrowed from your public library. " votcs-Andrews "On the Trail: of Ancient Man"; Browne "This Be- lieving World"; James "Smoky; the? Story of ll Cow Horse"; Quick "Mis-l, sissippi Steamboatin' "; Russell "Ben.. Jhmio Franklin; the First Civilized American"; Sandburg "Abraham Lin- cnln: His Prairie Lears'", Slosson "Creative Chemistry." I 4 Votes-Bowers “Jefferson Hamilton"; Pupin "From Immil to inventor." " vutes--Beelte "Aeturus Adven- ture"; Halliburton "Royal Road to Romance"; Roosevelt Q Rommel! “East of the Sun and West of the Moon"; Woodward "George Waiting- ton." HARYPHILBIN votes were: It votes-Lawrence "Revolt in the Desert." [ 7 votes-Ludwig "Napoleon." 6 votes-Durant "Story of Philoso- phy"; DeKruit "Mierobe Hunters"; Ripley; "Main street. and . Wall Street." - ' No one but men can compilo . list of books that appeal to men. Br writing to the leading librarian. of the country such a list I!†neatly mule in . southern “bury by Inn wtys are prominent in library Olin and closely in touch with all etty, of civic life, addressing Rotary cl 'l Kiwanis clubs and other gratin-z tions found in all cities. l “mun-bu...†“bathe-9mm. Ir.nulnLN.m91 Chic-(o Ivan. sunny with In. A, Lilith-dun. BOOK LIST (TD-FILED APPEALING IO HEN Will! â€hark-s of Gentry her-re List; Pro-inn Books and Standing Philbin but [furiously com- film’tnmmrmm (Continued fiom pagé I) books which Al/wed the most sent tl IIIVIYIE’.~ 'F, "Jefferson and "From Immigrant Ions? list of titles rate each. this_list may be Erteyt an}; Cari z-W-"i 1"r.tthgtfat 0"“: .‘III- - m an. GGG Tai, TE“: .hl I“ Mm“ to “lwt'fer! my: --_- -- -..-. um Ill! .tlttttryirtakCrGiGiui'"; P_trt'etitrGlriiraTi/'éia.". treofrr-msdeuia' ht... 'Mde by Her-:- Illn- Yf.ttO.airrresi. A Vale - that their hand; hat vat-end " man. MEN INJURED m AUTO ACCIDENT In. Atiee Hamm Zining. 126 But]! no“. Glam, 'asbed nay on WM] evening. July tlt, and m lurid ct Rankin Sammy mu- m " 2:30. Dr. D. R, Corn.“ of the Glenna Union church rend the _ in the chapel It Reteehitt. 3 In. lining is survived by he: lush-ad, and by four children: . Ian. Henry M. lining of Wine. Pam; and time damn". Mrs. M. D. Ree- tor Ind In. H. L Stout of Glenna. and In. Wallace Van Clan of Tmm‘vme, Mich. Mr. R. C. Berlin of this city is n cousin of Mr. Ties- hes. MRS. ZIESING. GLENCOE RESIDENT PASSES AWAY bond of director; iiGiliitiTe" Luci: ed It' that the Inn six months period hm; L. ~__“,,, . ,. -- trmthf be "extealir.eiTi'eF . Production at the Nash plants in Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee of 700 to 800 can a day is greater than at any time in the history of the company This announcement made today by oftieiah, of the Null Motors company is coupled with the further statement that in spite of the record production orders from dealers for, the new models. Announced threel, weeks ago, are in excess of the com- bined capacity of the .three Nash plants and the order: thmlm are being filled in rotation " they are received. The Bitmstimt bean out the statement made by C. W. Nash to the L“; . .. - _ _ NASH CAR Pitonvimos LARGEST IN HISTORY Several Plants Turning Out Automobiles at Rate of About 800 Daily krsls uroury gives “my votes ' My with cash purchases. Followinsr ics a list of the merrhahts “km give out the votes: _ Otherswerenotclovthento crux) the opportunity and the merry male for popularity is now on. It is dit. thrult to estimate the real leadenhip‘ so soon. lnnumerable votes um still; outstanding. The following table isi compiled on the collection of votes deposited in the ballot boxes to date. The votes nnw’turned in are collected by Mr. August link and committee but on the final night when the win- /m-r is announced and called forward to the stage of the Aleyon theater to i he crowrn-il and awarded. a dozen or anre trusiness men will count, the, and tinal votes brought in and Eadd them to the previously prepared} list, thur. find and announcing the winner the. evening of the conclusion, , of the tinttst. I ,luuphine Shopske .. _ ..'" V. 239 HIM Skidmore 're 606 Catharine Mueller ' r . _ FF 268 Saturday is ten vote day. Ten mum with each 2Cre purchase, date: (Jenna Udell Astrid Nelson Louige Barilari , Amanda Clavey Tat Monahan T T Jennie Sarina _ Tessie Sheahen C C Erna Dane T _ Hurrnco Glader Mae Forrart r (vanu'il-ve Mowers Benny Laeeeler's Final-mar} Huber Electric Co. Rasmussen Bros. T. S. Duffy Furniture Co; Albert Larson. -- llighlnnd Park Hardware Co. Same)": Market. ' Earl W. Gsell & CorDruiatisu Art Olson's Men's Storm Keit's" Gram-r): V Highland Park Yellow Cab. Felt Bros.' Show Store. Graham's Cupboard, B. & L, Cafe, Deerfield. Hunter's Sport Shim. ed in the popularity nee he the Whippet Couch“ I'm which I: to be awarded by the link Motor Sales to the you»; lady and†the most votes by Thanh]. Aug. 26. The oritinul intention- ven to have the content over try July 26 with the ink-man af olefin; St; winner foe thy queen of festivitiee‘ Highland Put Day. bat the content was slow in starting Ind its in- portance was not Viauliud until several yum ladies popped way out in from and gleefully spréad the news of their leadership. - fl I 0m hum m _ you. ladies of Highland Put, 'riAura', Drrfuh' nod Rnrinin In an - 1ituerhotf Hardwan- Co,r Car Electric Co. "rand Brothers. 31;th Inn. Yuu W..- (‘nlulnb (at PHI: Auto Win In: vu- Following is the m h'd 3' [$03on in__|n “to and“ 4ticiul standing to 2674 2551 2047 2121 1MB TiT t9.T ( 337 , M» In - in: tam": - tn 'bat In. a.“ aâ€. __ - 37] tiriiiii __,___ it; I" t1l,'ltt m nun-am ww Mum. -. - Mation W'Pmm m. Ptr3"rtotA_riiGiiri' 'tsd/Tet..:'?,"?,,',:,,',,'.'.-,?',','? 1etPsttshae-tr -. P. !ftlg1t,,tht'fasei'Piitiii? MOI-1 nu- h... tt1'1e1utiiiCGaiiVi"irc, t.uet..ttteyPfeytii"ii'iVia; loi{ nanonb‘hfnnm Former U. B. Any Olea- I)... July I..." "tt_trheitr" I Another pm of mud nix-nu); reetoyrPtiuliTGiik ‘llont St. John. Ivenne Inn M tstreet M tit 1mm, I†feet mum of Cod-t -.. Thir Property in about 150 {out In m t',e.t.teettAttyeiidir..iiViiiri; fte.Ptr-aekiitFa".ai". 1itlert.tttrur-iGiiriGTic 1'retot.h.eirrorertriTiiUG"i'a 'ru1ttroyi1uraeadAiiGiriV'i"i'e" myotthemidau. AUGtrtr_rpmiiii% never developed icy-rig, 3;; Recently the city has turned over btthe Purim-plantar!“ on DeerBeid - just was of the punchiu school. Thin my - purchased by a. my " 1ete Park a miehtot m up ht “I MORE LAND AVAILABLE ' .FOR PARK PURPOSES City Turns Over to PM M Two Tracts Which Are To Be Devchoed The LORETTA SHOP Prescription Doctor', Order tell you what Remedy you need Let Your DOCTOR EARL W. GSELL & CO. Greatly Reduced Frocks 389 Central Ave. 389 mG/wiau,,,, An. Phone 2600 Plum 23m T 10 North Sheridan Road, Highhnd Park Phone Highland Purl: 468 $15 and $19.75 Light Weight Travel Coats Reduced to 825 and $35 to us. We will fill lit in the beét possible way whether it be a prepared remedy or a Just in the midst of the summer season comes an opportunity for worth while econbmy. . We do not know - quite possibly you do not - he will know after he has ex- amined you. Then bring the Ask for Cinekodak Demonstration In Many Styles PHARMACIST?» HATS REDUCED an "etifiiiiGiiGi"CU'Jl,"t' Nttgttt - m b i 'eb-hrs" as that “F“! â€'37" II "Tr: ‘" [my m‘ . e WT%rtleiient in. R. A“; MM. A'.'fat ml â€My “on“ m m and but... and "e". a m mm fhqems nil - “at: a 1te"t . M 1,7lrGNtlt',. --". ...-. ...... Child's“! â€who tlt. “Frank-col“ Ti",",,','?', “mnm'fmm On 8M!- "d,'l,,'l,g, - w. . “Hahn... 1.- ---. _ - - -. "nu: “at- hm mu during that time. be, w h In from this also. A: a nun the health “worms. an en- ds“ to locate the mm of up cont-don and to trace in Mum h " hr u mime. Pun-u... In uh. him to mt has. and d.†M. and an. of diphtherh a" oe1Pee_riiktGariirti."i'i'."t {a m. OM two or that denu- L..- _._u_4 L, , A -- "u "Inn. wt JeertektiEirgi'rtikin"G'Wr 'gr_yredattNtVrii.iiikTiir, North Iva-u, BM m lon- d-y um “I, 13,.n1;,.mw: "1"- cl 4trttueu. In... 1eteht8iiaineiiAaiuri"ri'i'l ipltt.teereuAFiiiiiiUirr. 1tel.ite_eeG4diTuTC,7i,'i Hicymop' w._rrC-'--'----.-- WI [INT- lnd-r- - M '- nu. Eu: Gf'"" " it! o"wy.. an. 'it ---------'-, _ 'ug" Too Late to Classify . ""1000 CHILD DIES .fAItfAtTtFfi,i"iii"i"ti 39-" ram“. TULY n. I. icaarraf' -. duo“ nu