'.ettaod, _ _ _ had concert in whednled trauma-y evening. A... c in Jew.. N M on Wacky- It. to in the public in com-n: Inviud The next weFllar meeting of the Deerfield American Legion auxiliary will be held at the home of Mrs. Cart Anderson on Chestnut St., on Mon- fdny evening. August B, at 8 o'cioek. Mrs. Chas. McCarthy of Evanston was a quest of Mrs. E. J. Knicker backer. Friday. . tr. “a Mrs. R. D. Reeds "a - of three boys returned Sum a {In I visit with relative. in Mr. Ind Mrs. Arthur J. Hook an mtrerrbereert of Highland announce the birth of a non " in Ila-mad Park hospital on rm: s.. July 29. Eight guests attended the alumi- '.- demonstration and delicious baboon given " the home of Mrs. H. Stinky on Muukmran rd.. on Mon- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fmder ahd their guest, Mrs. A. McCarthy of â€from". N. Y., with Mr. and Mrs. 'Blinm Antes of Highland Park at- - the arches!†proxrlm " Ra.. his Park on Sunday afternoon. chosen Wednesday., the day and date which will be held Iritrhund Plrk. Mrs. J. C. Ender. Mr. Arthur End- CV and Miss Clara Ender spent the meereod with Dr. und Mrs. L. A. handmville (Eve Ender) in Molinp. m. Mrs. Dondunville rammed to - I few days in Deerfield. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Hutchison re- 'tis enjoyed I beach party at High- hlrned Saturday from Missouri. 1 land Park last Thursdy afternoon. when they spent the past week visit-! Mrs. R. E. Pettis and dtrughtor - relatives JJean were truest: of Mrs. John Holt Mrs. J. C. Ender, Mr. Arthur End- at Beehnanor, Northbrook on Wed- .- .ml Man m... than. .mo my newly. two weeks Mrs. Julia Peterson and sons Dub- by and Ralph of Chicago returned riday from Clarksville, Mo., where E(y have been guests of Mr. and rm R. E. L. Holmes for the past 'Hh.amdrdnP.Broms,hi.nrife, - any at the home of his ab- uzl‘n. War. "mer, of Prairie View, In Friday morning. July I. Mr. - had been in toiling health tor no time and dashed once more to visit his minivan in this action Uae his phylicnl condition would mt. He was born in Ann. Un- ion county, Illinois, Nov. Si, 1887. He 'tn Ilrvived by his wife, Cecil Bryant Colby of Charleston. West VI., and Wee small children, Glenn Jr., Vin Binia May, and James David, besides his mother, Mn. Ida P. Colby ot.Et ml“. and the following brothers and sisters: Otis N. Colby of Philadelphia, In. J. Gom Davis of Miami, FU., George W. Colby of Deerfield, Mrs. George Schnnckel of Kenosha, Wis, In. Wm. Father of Prairie View, and Mrs. Herman Deeke of Des mines. lll. He lacked a few months of being 40 years old. _ - 1,t mmmm.w.z Vs. o0thtxro_tehiur-tovi.ithi. -tte.iatth'u-etimuGu-.aur- 'yebr,aanorth.uUNahhmth Mrs. Harry Olendnrf was hostess at a bridge party at her home on Hazel ave., on Thursday aiming. in compliment to Miss Coffin of New RochcN, N. Y. and the Misses Strong of Berkeley', Cal.. who are the guests of Mrs. Jase Strong on Orchard St. Mr. and its John Dorsey who have bean residing in the Chester Wessting apartment on Deerfield ave. fur the past two years moved Thurs- day In ChieaKo. "N Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Schmidt and son Robert spent last Sunday visiting friends and relatives at Elkhorn and Williams Bay, Wis. Mr. Ralph HorentferRer left Sat urday morningfor'Eéglc River. Wis. where he will 4pend .a week. A brief service was conducted at the heme of Mrs. Wm. Famer Inst Sat- My nfternoon, Rev. Mark J. An- drew? of Deerfield oftieiatint There- after the body was shipped to Charles- tom West Vac, where it was interred last Monday, Aug. I. day setfoot convention of the Evan- Felieal Synod of North America. A Truit And fresh vegetable store has been opened in one of the stares in the- Moehler block on Waukegan Dorothy and Pauline Thierback of Maywood. Virginia Cohs ’of Wrist Pullman and Darline Buck of Harvey were guess at the home of Mrs. C. Roll on Waukegan road last week. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Trutc hf Wil- mot road announce the birth of a son at the Highland Park hospital on Sat- urday. July 23rd. Mrs. John C Huehl entertained at dinner Tuesday evening for her daughter Miss Barbara Huehi, who left Wedw-sday evening with Chica- ga friends for Baltimore. Maryland. where as an E. L. T. S. graduate she will attend the Fourth National Sun- Deerfield Local Ind Personal Florian K. Savage has accepted a position at the M. Boyle aviation field, Galena. 111.. as pilot for com- mercial flying and teaching students for pilots. We wish Florian success at the ttew field. Mrs. Harry Whitcomb, Mrs. John C. Huehl and Mr. and Mrs. George Harder and son Buddy. visited Chica- go relatives last Friday. An especial- ly interesting time was had visiting Mrs. A. Knirtple an aged aunt, who is 93 years old and is one of the old, est residents of Chicago, E. ‘S. of Deerfield have p -IB‘ I"! Wall ol nlmnunl Wu c,Wat,. 1:35:11 a guest of Mrs. F. G. Napalm-bk Int . week. - m Sunset Park? Mrs, Clara Batch Stevens of Lake , Bhitr m I him-bean nest of Mrs. The Fender In? J. A. Reichelt. Jr., on Tuesdly. . Mc arthy 0 ’11:? F.' a." PSZEnbmk Gnriia7, lu. Mr. and Mrs. son: will leave next Wednesday tor “(WM Park at- Missouri where they will spend about ', pinyin " Ra.. three weeks. - Mr. Arthur End- Ender spent the and Mrs. L. A. Deerfield News At a meeting at the Rttermediate department of St. Paul's Evarwelicat church held In! Slinky the folhtw. ing were Aeeted Minn: President, End (Io-"ville“ Viee-Psaidertt, John on: ma. Raul Rail and mu- nm, tear, rte-mm. In. J. Dunne-alan- datre*ters at“. has. tad an“ Ind ll- l-Iph. Mr. and In. .wmiun TUedhttt - no AMI-n of [an Firm-l It. Edna! Iona-dd“ “it Gaul. In- - at In. KB. lama-a... Miss Elizabeth Raunchy has moved into her attractive Spanish bungalow on [we ave. Hee niece and nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bent: are making their home with her. l Mrs. Cumin Becker and son Eu- I gene, In Stick and daughter, Mar, jerk. and you Billy have just return- ed from Pemln, Florida, where they spent a month. _ Mrs. Edward Bach and daughter, _Hrs. Ross Sherman left for Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Tuesday, where they I will spend a week. Mrs. J. E. Marx-n. Mrs, Jack liters! and two _childron Jack and Jhitothy, Alice Eades untJean Pet- tis enjoyed I beach party at High- Mrs. Charles C. Gates after a two weeks' visit with relatives returned Thursday to her home in Globe. Ark. Mrs. Gates before her marrintte was Dorothy Reichert. Peter Marchi. the dramatic-lyric tenor, whom the Deeriietd Chamber of Ciimmerce is sponsoring in his Eu- rnmn study. left August 4 for Italy. Ct.arence Sherman and wife and son, Charles. were the guests of their mother. Mrs. Ann Sherman Sunday. Mrs. Catrell of Milwaukee is a west at the W, R. Carr home on Hazel ave. ( An aluminum demonstration was held at the home of Mrs. Clyde Bailey on last Werhtesday afternoon and on next Monday attemoon there. will be one at the home of Mrs. Raymond Meyer. Marie and Emma Freiman oi Northhrook visited at the Freeman home on Central Iva. on Sunday. a third in Burrimtton. The next con- vention will be held in Oakdale. Mr. and MrsfMitton Frantz have a sum- mer cottage in Barrington and enter- mind their relatives there during the convention. Mr. and ytris. Peter Curtis of chi. cago spent Sunday with Mr. Curtis' mother..Mrs. Ed. Beekman. PM-Id “it EM 'wmddlul-tothuuul Wou- t't W My conventio- Johnson' represented the 'Wornan's Missionary arm and Dorothy Fax- worthy the Mission circle. Over orut hundred delegates from Chicago dis- ti'ict were in attendance. Three Curt- ferentes are held in Illinois; one in Naperville, another in Oakdale, and In. Kilt:- Fnlh. In John Stub er, In. Walk. and 'lin. Laura Wendi-g the att-ded the entire con- nation. for fifteen years of the Woman', Missionary society of the Bethlehem Evangelical church, and District Or- ganizer for C ieatro, also secretary of literature Ct? the Evangelical church of Illi bis attended the merit- ed missionary society convention in Harrington last week, With hoi- $15- ter. Mrs. Milton Frantz, and daugh- ter, Olive, and their mother. Mrs, Henry Wesslirue, who although an years of age attended the entire con- vention. Mrs. Arthur Merner was a delegate from the Mission Band of the Deerfield church. Mrs. A, P. Knuth Wen-ling and Westley; Stryker an nth-ding a mventiul‘ in Naperville on. week. an “to; from the Bungalo- chmh Sunday. school and Christian Endum "oci-i ety. I Charles C. Knpachull who is cap- tain of 332d Field Artillery of Re- serve Mkers of United States army left Sunday morning for summer training at Camp Sparta. Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans and in- fant unughter of Chicago were guests at the L. Gloden home on Haz- el ave.", Sunday. Mrs. J. A. Reithelt, Jr., had as her guests on Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, her uncle. Mr. Grunt S. Ward of Webster Groves, Ma. and her sister, Mrs. B. J. Dickens of Chi, can, and on Sunday her cousin. Miss Harrie E. warde, of Aurora, Ill., Dr. and Mrs. James Guldring. of Austin and Mr. Wayne Thomas of High- wood. fourth birthday anniversary Satdr- day, July 30. Mrs. John Stryker. past president Mrs. Ann Elizabeth Hook Sherman has returned from a five weeks' visit at the home of her brother, George Hook, in South Milwaukee. Mrs. Sherman celebrated her seventy- In. Cahill of Milwaukee, Wis., is visiting In. B. H. Eeess. Mrs. Paul Vial: of Elmhurst was Paat reek†_8{._|:§II’I‘BVWM Mrs. Mary Burton §tewan Barry. 32 years old, and for the past 35 years a resident of Wilmette. passed away at her home. 91? Greenleaf ave- nue, last week. Mrs. Barry was the daughter of Thomas A. Stewart. first editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune and had been a resident of Chicago and the North Shore all of her life, Having come to Illinois with her parents when less than a yet! old. The annual church outing or picnic will be held this rumirdas at Sunset park beginning at P. p. m. Commit- tees are at work. planning to mayt this an outstanding event. Mem- bers and friends of the Doteas saris tr, Missionary society. church school. a, well as of the congregation, are all most cordially invited to be pros- ent. This is to be an event for the entire congregation and the cat-canon vi-ill be most enjoyable. 2ttr forms of recreation, indoor l, volley ball, barnyard golf. etc.. will .be made possible for young and GM. Do not fail to be present. l A cordial invitation to all the serv- ices of the church. WILME'I'I‘E WOMAN REMOVED BY DEATH - - h but a a. tereeeer.?tri.q- “9! “MM "eerfield Presbyterian Chunk Mark J. Andrews. minister. “hurch school gt 9:30 a, m. Morning service imd sermon at 10:45. No evening service. TIM-monthly meeting of the church whim] staff will be held at the home of Miss Itottise Hahn next Tuesday evening. “Middlmln. Am Rudolph. In. lath“: mtmuolthmmd“ emrwere-taoti.E.tLqri» nsn'l'uuday. F. G. Ping-um was. Church the! and "who It church will be omitted in but If an outdoor unite in out-neu- with our outing " Sun! Wood in Highland Putt. You In M l!- quested to col-(tents " the Park u 10:30 a. m. And be may to Phe..) pate in the service which - uh, promptly " ll 1. In .M‘t Ii“? beauty and inspiration of an out.’ service. There will be mung an} for all. The Sunday school CHIC-I I are requested t6 participle in mi opening song service the! which the! little children will be take- to “- selves tor the story telling by an of the teachers. 1 Preparations have been made {or a big day. Come out and help nah h such. Evuaxelinl Build!“ Child , A. P. Johnson, minister. Sunday school~9z45 a. m. Morning worship-ttcolt I. In. Christian Endeavor-TOO p. I. Evening serviee--8:00 p. In- _ , . Prayer and praise service will be held on Wednesday evening " 5:00 o'elock, Mr. James Fritach will he the leader. _ The Woman's Missionary society held their annual outing Team in Sunset park. Everyone reported I good time. A large number of our people attended the annual Woman's Missionary society convention he†in Barrington this past week. Sdissioee aries Rave very helpful reports as well as inspirational mess.†which were appreciated by Ill. ' The Illinois Conference Sand-g School and Christian Endeavor con- vention and school of religious train- inst is being held this week. Aug. 1 to 7, an Naperville, Ill. Delegates from our societies are Weasley Stes- kvr and Kenneth Wessling. Harrington Park camp meeting will lrv- held Aug. 19-29. The pastor is spending his m- tion in Chicasto.where be is “lend- insr'the Divinity school of Chicago univrbity. In. returns home over the week end and cumlucts the result? Sunday svrvice Arnold Peterson £0:de “In. Ashlin. 18833 are no" _ I. service today tho-auburn.- mutating- cr-ovcr 35,000. [tint-m _ ’- 9-4-1 "913219., A users who an This is the church with a welcome PLUIIING All) mm flu. n. P. tft Prknmn Plank" Pluhb and Pin-nun! 385 Roger Wills-s Ave. " saying. “Then is “kn-lid tun-pw~ nation to Chic.†over the Hertha-L em had the dun-i: ' To whim lit would not want much of An Glh l gineerin; prelim. A u.- ‘e-v-ivu sun’s-var “-I m I“ etfryrt.- par fyr*-d N. HWMVWMM Noethtut-eitu.ariihtntuLdr tyP"r.-firwtonmrrr.tinth. Vim Sun. 11h would the George Washington may not have Mon able to tell I Jie. but his biog- rwlpen do not suffer tron} }h_ewsune comNyittt.--Hartforxt Courim. rt fiuesA' " Gen-Em- “7-7 "The alloy, eight nilu long all a mile wide, in u ideal lac-Lion for In Ikporgilr. Whmwu WMSM Iii-mun Wsukmnnvuzdmnwiu Borden-I. Therunts-ide.ttsrtudra,w itwaoddetoe-ttuteotttetmet whiehisyrsowmsthiate-tUnn numb. alike." V “Amplve heilitin could be provided there for hanger- Ind for repair It:- tieys for mail and mum: pinna- The work wound be undertaken, In} Burnett believes, by the governmentA or a number of prominent Mae-I} men. Ownership of the valley lies; partly in the village of Gleam. Cook' county, and much of it is privately owned. I It was also Ian-wed that the vil- lage board of St. Charles this week considered plans for the construction of In airport there. A spectarular return of molten lava to the fire pit of Kilauea volcano seemed to be arranged tor the Spec-ill benrfit of Oliver Picher of Glencoe. Ilk, and his fellow travelers who Ir- Iived at Honolulu July 8 on the S. S. City of Honolulu. - "d to capacity. Beautiful fountains of red law: are playing the pit "Ile- maumau and visitors we watching the weird show by day and night. The Hawaiians are thy-owing allele herrxe» and other Mcrines into the pit in recognition of Pele, the god- .k " of the volcano, GLENCOE MAN SEES KILAUEA VOLCANO The activity which began th night before is thé first in three J,'2d and Is attracting such crowds of speeta- tors that the boats plying between Honolulu and the island of Hawaii where the volcano is located are book- TRANSPORTATION - c. a N. w. RY. regular schedule and ms 'qtseini, a round trip (not including Man) or Ninth Shore Ling regular M and 6:47 special Doreheiter m'hopping intermediate point. and a. bash and Adams 7:12, in»... um 7:30. $2rmrrtdtrirttmNdtmr-- or $1 and coupon book tick-t . . _ - BOX OFFICE-phone Rogers Park 9112 (no toll). From' autmrhd Highland Park 2727. Reserved seats openjng night, $3 and $4; other nights, $5051.75, $2.25, $2.75, $300 (free Monday concert nights). 'r%tetil h.'"" Thurs., 8:15, MASKED BALL, Rethberg, Martinelli. Danise. Macbeth, Clans- sen, Lazzari, D'Angelo, Cehanovsky, Papi; Fri.. FRA DIAVOLO, Paggi, Chamlee, Mojica, Bourskaya. Lazzari.revisan. 'n'Angeio, Papi; Sat., LOB- ENGRIN, Rethberg, Johnson. D'Angelo. Defrere, Claussen, Cehanovsky. Hasselmans; Sun. at 3, Polish Arts Club CONCERT (all seats free); Sole ists, Bourskaya, Koskiewicz; 8:15 RIG0LETT0, Paggi, Chamlee, Basiola. Bourskaya, Lazzari, D'Angelo, Papi. EXTRA PERFORMANCE Mon., Aug. 8, 8:15 P.M., THAIS WITH YVONNE GALL,-celebratted artist direct from, Paris and Danise, Mojica. D'Angelo. Cehanovsky, Maxwell, Swarthout, Hamel- -mans; Tues, MANON LESCAUT, Bori, Martinelli, Moiiea, Defren, D'An- gelo, Bogrskaya, Papi; Wed., Debut of Mary Lewis in TALES or' HOFF- MAN, Chamlee, Macbeth, Danish, Fraud, Rothier, Bout-shy... Defmms " jica, D'Angelo, Cehanovsky, Batsmehnnms; Thuts, 3 PM. CWLDREN'B PRO- GRAM (all seats free);v8215 THE JEWESS, Rethberg, Martinelli, mm, Rothier, Mojica, Defrere, D'Angelo, Ananinn, Haaaelmarta. Chicago Symphony Orchestra (50 Men) Ravinia O p e ra will; Sits ELM PLACE When die owner ofa small trod cuts his wisdom teeth Transportation HIGHLAND PARK BRANCH Box Offiee tee,,".'..?:':::.::,,:.':'..",':.?::',",',','?:,','.., -d.et6tmrhremaedtnoidWa- aaet-tht-tewo-.eeedooe.rd--hs This when of that: Inch a: Mubara- authentic. Therhm"mmteueiesgo-q.emdeeoeh. eoarhhftmeeethet-rdeanaoaofd_dw h.lrtTherudSmndther-rkdmo- can. and m quad in making the Ian. III-h I: all or marker-mad tmeh-ate, m "kaetl-dexmaitioon. . 'uvtr-thetrwudmneetho_eaotmrh. modt1-xtrombe8treedwa-.t1-tho-d, otshi-mo-ttnsthet-d_,de -1nbiBer,comAseeand1o-edex-thaeeho- whottmqbeStremMhhrsetslimet-_-. 11!:de Wm 'operloeleies I: is. -nueeo-sfraottu-ennae-srmir-. Arosecardwltth..htoemehr_ Sizes 1000 lbs. to 3 Tons A Pool Card will bring you the farts EVANS/ON REOQOMPAIW E PHONE HIGHLAND PARK :18 TONIGHT