" WWW-nah!- kWh-11*")Odt '; hQMBWdJcI-Iu 1w. of 3m Tree. W-uri, who is a clerk in the Deerfield State NR. They live in the little hogan is! of In. Rote'. and on tho the home to which In. Hole came an I brideootheeastorthrtrierttomse, which was built in 1905. Jessie mar- ried Bert Plasma. non of Cassius Baldwin and Elk-n Patient Eaton 4who I†a grandson of John und- Nhen'l Baldwin Burton and of Al- fwd lad Sum Vedder Parsons). Junie died in Feb. 7. I920, They had ought Quinn. . but!!! Hole married Loin Glynch " Wanton-sh. who taught tttth Ind an - in the boom†school (I. titttto 19". They live in Shri- by. lent-nu. the they have a hotel. and have tn childmn. Mm.rrou-eatarter-beror tHDeqrNad Plains-kn church. "lid no mind In! 11. um I‘m Ich- irrthe church 1tuetletilaqsv-or.ee. 'h.mrrrturorr-eusthei,a, any _ Inim- - w'"; Ga, mwmmmm hmm.-dm-uuu 'ttet?----:. Im&eeqto-t-itgego whimyWa-dmu “butt-tinny“ t'gtrfa.2ugTgty,'hutes mic-ch - â€HpmAH-n “audit-mm“ ir-e-e-'-.--. -ehti-ie.Ar.araer, a_eeme'mt-v-utnettmiet M‘wh-orybr until-ninth: 'Iy‘hhlbnu "hthh-ncl-ylun" Philip Richard and Etixabeth (he: Role had nine children, five of whom are living; Lulu married Fred H. Meyer. who tune {run tieodorft, 'Germany in 1832 and lived in the home u C. W. Penis. Mr. Mayer is the W"!!! in W. Thes have {our children. Benjunh Vinchcr Boa. married Reesristta De Cm And lives in Burlingune. Cal. They hive Infra chum Kauai» married hi In married Mamie Amati of Wat- ford. Canada. He is the contractor for the new mt. it“: now hung r'ydommnexttotheeoetereeeronk, whiet ree-itat-d the boring out of my good tier-lb. The In Holes id roor ehihdres up. m__ is.“ - A.GaTGiiii"i . In: list 'ot m'i-Tml'; “vb. lain-d ty .thie _ "r W. _ “M _ a! did "kaiiiii Tho Bun-a {will lived on the Alex ("humus farm (which Mr. Hole bought) but called the Michal quhemr (an, which â€I urixin- dly him. Auteur: The Barnes (“Ilium attended the Wilma! when! lid Miss Ekda Mort. who In: the 'Frs,t. (tuber of Judge Barnesuhe ml: city jute in minom rump: 'ahert. Bennett. amber teacher in that sehool, The Hole childnn went to the Deerfield wheel than Melvin, Aym. Eliza Susan. Della Baker and a Mr. Lewis Were when. “II-mm'mtm. human-unis. gape-“Ibo...“ "ture-er-i-u," »"h.l'ctnw loud-dim; unha‘hlmSluhynM-h .attmasrr6ert,i'tApeil lath-tho Donnell-chad an stood atthe mmde-ukmnud DeerfSeuromds.the-tminister ,raaetoowhohadsatprliedthosmi- pit of the [Ah Ill-l chuck. which school of North-mm University in Em. This 1:th house mission was the nachos of the name“ f'- brterina church. numb who preached in this vicini- tyintheeu'lyyunolluhiltory. 'etfrort_the Methodist Moria] "tPer-dh-dt-h-e, 'ta"-tiagituurthe--thr roadbei2tfetrhtqrBt_imttmt. Ini- Yedd was (helium and build-retina“... A . whahen-obD-IIH. _ 1nttbttt_ttttHh-esrt mbuovhnlnlhhmn- “alumna-MSW '.eetete.'"errtevtt hmnkmmn us8t"e_toNtf.%_rehyto It“. Mr. 'usAui-.naae.- W _ thWHJIhe mad-.mua-uu-S- jGrikaVGriaariTrGiai. Bmt.arhJ.chea.xrhotim.tmag. my!†'teb-Uttar. A _ - . ' N - i h - Ir 9'_M.U_‘I§ I - m: M“.*.~.i7 a,“ C-""' “lb-“fr. “vi-Id. B.esrpeip--. a-r-isa- Win-~01 Church Members of this your? Ripon cam were curl Helbing, Russell H. Larson, F. H. Nelson, H. F. Clinch. William G. Bmure. C. S. Hill nnd I. L. Bum. Their total score Wu 206.5 out of posnible 250. Rim has n_ an: smaller enrollment than no“. or the tschools entered in the contest. wednesday that ammonia in which twenty-two youths were commission- ed lieutenant... lion than 300 trtw mu iron colleges throughout the United Sam had “tended the cup. Thursday the Citizens' Military Training any opened. The Victory carried with it perm» ttent messiah of the like: loving mi-nytrded for the event by the Tribune. Formal presettt'atioiu the trophy I’ll made the winning team by Col. S. D. Smith Tuesday. In 1921 the first leg " the cup wu won by the University of mi. noil team. Ripon came up in 1922 and Beored its first victory. The University of Wisconsin "a winner in 1923 and Ripon returned in "N. Then Miéhimm State 1nd Culver Military institute Iron in 1925 Ind 1926. I “n: urn-"c mun-r- Arum"; sy" at Fort Sheridan disbanded Charging that Len & Stem I ah driver, left Sherinhn modal“ IN. North - and m WVEM Guinean Mn. 3 tforth Chic-go, n math th. mr,Uatws.krtarteditiathrar- '_etteom'teAirw8sJttqNrhtNrse. Mwmehelsmin-(nn tthkqurSIm. P2t-aA.MiNr,eormeiidur AhMUdeCa-IM =t'e,,".WdTdh'.1,h"f2'lt. buthmdndmhtb hub. “Mn-Mm“ st_tmdhodtt-uaate- “behind. kWh-Malawi†th-be-Ne-trt-ti. mac-mm Th-rretutaitt-.qm- Bau,xms.ts.-d.ndaee-raan the-diam. . suns 'rAxi DRIVER FOR ALLEGED INJURY For the third time in seven year! the rifle team of Ripon coltege. " Ripon, Wisu has won the marks, mnship competition of the R. o. t C-Init? emmped " For; Sheridan. GLBNtXWMBN'Beam ANNUALGOLFWIY "ltdPhfgWdt - “at 'd'dtNl'l! he-tpt-. The-“JD" alth- ag,th."ltl'."sall'S'aT.Tdi','d"g -.AuI.t%atth.S-i& 1h-tvvehhr-W- "'rtrey_qytodt*r-tab 't."uu"lilIrrt.'Ctgg 'm-rr' Ihbh itKrag-rsr.at cho hut in - curly 999.43?†'- We“ aid that the paving of DeertUld u’enue in the village of Deane“! would be completed in a few days and that three weeks later the new pavement will be open for tratBe. The Milbum road is nISo about com- Neted, he says. bulgingmhin A“, " 1E County "tora, Superintendent R. I. We]! laid hunch, that while Darrow & Barron, n WWII contra-ting firm In -ertttr the low bidder on the paving of unnu- kee avenue between Libertyvilk and Gamee, the contract cannot be let us yet. because the! the my riettt-ofsr has not yet been ee- cnred. Thin firm bid $155,146 ec- cording to word received by labial! from the tstate highway department " Sprinefbeid. Work has been started on the build.. ing of when: on the Graruakes Ivanhoe road. Grading work on this road is begun. RII’ON 1DhitCBrFLE ' __ Mh"ftiCAFit. o. T. 'c. For Third Time In Seven Years and Is Now Entitled to Retain Cam TO PAVE MILWAUKEE AVENUE IO GURNEE The _Rtervt gag»; ’Vhyinm 1yterturu,umrtir-v- 'h.tereetutuitivine Initiating-thou Amdtotr-untittet 750me lend-It an, a... Robyn-Mu†Pqrt1i-rkoaerumm-e. (IL-"What.“ [and gonna-Luna“ For t Ini'old. h kWh-gmm-ur- gay-up i. AGGAT," Pinata-(Hum lb- It __. " "M ' " "'iâ€"i 'e'i.tliilrtv2hue=r mattttttibtit MARIO: "llhr,fll, mt "'"1'l'fct,t'h'l'a, snu- Amd-q-tthes-thu-tn ""rrm"eilrre.,d.'"d-'i-1'i'-i-', II ta --- s.p'g"rdtettus_.,..,,_.. - --. Wart tmite. to F.- ..Th..Awy tf Du“. cum" Ana-f" an. qhth.d"dn as; “kW-mgr mundane“ “a? _ “and 18d "M1“ Frrr _Wasr- funny-II "et 1918 1' The harder the beds Ire and the ‘poorer the fodd is a: they get far- f that from home, the better time many ‘people think they are Invinz. To protect these friends Treasurer Ros Brneher prepared an assignment of nll property to n trustee, Supervi- sor George McCullough, which has, or will, become of record with Re- corder L. th Brockway. " Leaves Him Nothing This 'includes. Attorney Rllph J. Duty. his counsel. stated all of his real estate. . Braeher has turned 8100.000. fur. nished by friends, into the county treasury last Thursday. It went on deposit at the banks following the routine methods of handling income into the treasurer's otrice. This usignment, friends say. will leave Brad-er with little more than his person-l effects. He amplified this sutement by de- curing that he wouhk romute Ember and Bairstow as tdl if pay: ments were made. -That indicates. in a way, his cun- fidenet in the case. He refuses to discuss rumors that have arisen since the return ot the mud jury or make known any '0! the details that he till depend on for conviction in the" "his that start October 10 in tbe circuit court in which he has said that he will “proseeuw vigorous, ly and with force, fairly and impar- tially without malice." "The indictment; voted by the grand jury will be prosecuted with- u.ut reference to yarmert. They will be presumed vigorously and with force. fairly, impartially and with- out mulice. Cases will be set for trial on chber to, he said. The six defendants in criminal ac- tiorss tho were indicted by the spe- cial grand jury culled to probe the treasury and township. shortage will mmuin defendants throughout with no one being allowed (o'turn state‘s evidence on a grant of immunity States ‘Attorney Smith declared. Col. Smith outlined his position in the following written statement and asked that it might include I" that he would have to any on the matter: The (and jury returned true bills. The first named Treasurer Roy W. Blather on I charge of em- bankment; the second nun-ed Buch- er, In Penna". evtreaaurer, Humid Martin, former vice-president of the dehmet Security Savings bunk. Gulch Buick, Winnetlu oil promoter, and can C. Nye, formerly cuhier of the First Notion-l Bank at Eureka, Kas., on a charge of conspiring to 2111ka 't00,00o from the county treasury in new; the third named Brneher, Pear- In" and Martin for mnpirucy in the alleged taking of 883.000 an “inter- est" on county deposits; the fourth named George H. Blintow. former supervisor of Wauketenn township. with with-holding $60,000 in town- ship funds, in Waning-n howl-hip We by the “in! mud jury edhd to in- ruu'uate there two can, Sula At. - Smith last week admin-d for the first time that Ia would prone- cnta all cue- vigorously even though 'ompiete unleunent u made in each insulate. according to the Waukegan Sun's report, which continues: 'riththeformair-irteotti- dirt-tnog-firm-ist-d mean TURNS m CASH VII}! All“ Pug-b will, August Fur Sale VICTOR BROTHERS “Mlmmm nun-ulna: II Protect-tor in Slate-lent s-m n.- a Pin Pin-ecu“. We Call For and Deliver Prices as low l in Chicago 25%t0 40% REDUCTION .Open Evenings FF. Weiss and Frank Stanton of Lake county, it was decided that as a sohr tion to the problem of keeping up the water level in the chain of lakes and the Fox river. the first step would be to repair the old dam in the river. l An appropriaiton of $10,000 for this work has already been granted by the state legislature through the qlforts of Rep. Weiss. and there are some who believe that if the old dam is repaired, there will be no necessity to spend the $175,000 ttppropriated for the new dam at Pistakee Bay and the river. that the old dun will keep up the level in the chain of lakes. If this proves inadequate, however, the new dam at the mouth of the river ‘and Pisukee Bay, will be construct- There was nothing "hot" about the meeting “cording to Mr. Weiss who addressed the gathering and explain- ed that his part had been merely to save the lakes and rivers for all of the people in the district. AtU meeting held at McHenry re- cently and attindeq tty Rep. William Police rscort. fire cial car, members 0 her of Commerce, b Girl Scouts, Camp Pi ed bicycles. baby c wagons. cnmics. now orutcd pleasure cars menial cars, unde cars and undvrorate The parade will Pl lowing route: Piorth from Greenwood and Hazel to Park. east on Park to Lake Front park whrto the foot parade will dis- baml. thick-s will continue west on Mari? m Greenleaf, south to Green Bay. wu'h to Tower, Past to Foxdale, south to Elm. west to Center. north to Tower. west to Linden. north to Scott. west to Vernomhtorth to Park and east to Lake Front park, where the (folumn will disband. Because certain preliminary new are necessary before the actual oper- ation of mosquito abatement under the new law. a meeting has been all- ed at the office of John Hahn, Int. in Evanston. Arthur C. Stringer, “frailty of the Gorgas Memorial, is a resident of, the north shore, now living in Glen- we, The column will form at Hazel Ind Greenwood avenues. heading north Ind extending to the south, in the following order: North from Greenwood to Park. east on Park to park whrwo the foot para band. thick-s will south PLAN REPAIRS FOR 7 mm ON FOX RIVER Glencoe day committees last week announced the following plans for the parade on Glencoe day, Thursday, August ll: The District 1 section extends from Howard street north to the county line and went from the take front to Milwaukee avenue. GLENCOE DAY 10 BE - OBSERVED AUGUST Everything In Readiness and Big Celebration Planned;_ Parade Features tee on plans ealied by th- Gotta Memoriat institute, In unloved on caniution in Chm for advising in miter: toneerniug public health. min-we. Initial an“ under the mild "hepenritieurtuu-Giri" meeting in Evuuton of W~ tives of ull of the north shalt. Sine: the mango of the new "ate law, six mosquito abatement district: rem eh tablished tentatively by the commit- New Tristan-mud“: to the trqqt it" in“ w with Evasion-5W1 no. newest Mahayana-m. "eoitoeiett-ran of M " It. mosquito t. fire truck, ha hers of Glerseoe "We. band. Boy amp Fire Girls, I vaby carriages,‘ s, novelties; ftoa Fe cars, decorate undecorated r wanted trucks. will pass over , "m". ».,~.m.<;~xm:.w.x 1rvrzm Kr," ##wa Vs?- _-Y,.e. â€gnaw , band, otti- ta" ----r--------- " none Cham- & . Stan "o-- E6 Boy smug-.1 a a A. M. to s P. M. RI r1<, decorat-\ m p tos,‘ master l EI St floats, dr-c-l fi.' ‘ a a awn†J/ni-l FA g “1 M c ' & ‘ ' Ski.†a uri I te, , VET the fol-[ :9 / E and "3ch V L A Lake Franz y " V . de will dis-1 a c, t my west on " o h tn (7!?an - gel! “n to andalo. e '"ttirHref, T ',,r'.tPnrirrt1;hr1tl1,i' 2'l warm“ "igLr7r5i',ir;ti?si' i . (r tbl -- nh. tu Park{ ‘. 9". 1"aCuiwa1te'..,....-"P,,'Si; " suit'.?.".'..','.' f a Cham- _ Scouts, decorat- ' coaster It ' Besides his widow, Madalyn is squedbynw-anuyws old, Ind a daughter, Aimee, 18 years old, well known along the North Share foe her poetry. who is Bow touring Europe. Iulntyn had been in ill hum! the lust six month And had become my“. the: a trip to Scotland had failed to improve his condition, yoga-#92 my Winmke whee- Tb but, of Due.- Cupid] Incl-tun. Wynn“ innum- sl-ttiv-att-rr-tt aw:- I“... Win-dig. - found huh; irtuh-tothishometaatweeh by In. hurutrre when the became “triad n his than from the bmahfnattahaaautbeeausa.eareh ofthettouse. , 't"itW,rixtrt"iit7s)'rt: ty2tag, 3. 1C . MiEaiiENi+ie LouigEV. CLARENCE B. Ta her of Pin. S Tt her " “di- r, EVAN as " Reside-me Studio, 82» Ridge Terrace. Enuton. Tel. Grade-l an , That orineiplGUiiGTo iraaiiii ggccess. ion have to ask the .re.Ptc1t,pttyP,1trt, and show reasons why "no "an.-.“ .. n. I“ -r___,,, . - mu patronage would Be given. before you can get it, If a business makes no etfort to secure patronage, and just wait: quietly until it comes, it will wait a long time. People think such a concern lacks the spirit of enterprise. . The time has gone by when the things people want can be had on the silent method. People have to ask for things ‘their want. If you are looking for anything. and just sit patiently and wait for people to speak to you and ask you what you want, you will have to wait a long time. You have to ask for what you want. ~“-L .__'_A:,I, .. . . A» Newspaper advertising furnishes an abundant means by which the business people of this city and vicinity can ask for pntmname. and show rams why it should be given. It is the kind of appeal which people expect in these times, Ind to which they will respond. MOLDANJ ELEMENTARY The Highland Park Press Asking For Business The but 04ch 1rtuiamoltuNortil --t 3 Lesson: F-- Day and Night Instructions by 4 UKULELE Advertise in son, w. PfHeyn. Amdi.Weiaiiii. and A. W. Converse and the cum of prizes will be Robert H. Wuhan. The referee will be (huge B. In- my, churn-an east side pub e.- mittee of the WM Put but with Carl H. kiss. pm.ideat a! the Witusetha Park board, aid J-. A. White, former president of the M board, u honorary referees. mmmmm‘ the Win-um Put diBtriet U. I. Wltthu-tnrkB-bydv ter-.Aa-tq,nt8o'ruek. " .oooidtoiinhaveYoir-i, "rimming mhuNonhm-i- versity, to dine: the - I.“ by June- Aliea. beach master, ad Ftlter Euhaeh. life and . The judges wilel‘on; IL lau- rey, !!,idety..weub+eed, Byron Nol- mun emu. Ar . mun A0008! , COURSE