' _ "In. 'illhll Gold HM of "ri.',." WW "and W! In. F," blood-hm “van-oi '.‘~mw&emdhd- . “I. had than for m aâ€. ..-gol-N.-- ,vyiii--esir.-r- ’ Miss Margaret Keith, daughter of the Carl Ranks of 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, ha set September 17 as - th? date for her wedding to Hughston Trr-rite-" - #45“. Puma“; Mrs. “on"! F. Sportreon. "138 In! rend. Glance, entwined " but? my main; in hrmor of IE- Iope In». 999 Bin! mod, who a be untried on Sew-her 17. to It. at"! Stein of New York. [in Juli Arte, In. Lima W-m. eo- 'qtqhted for in It Instinct: and hike on Wednesday sham. The young girls who will mist at the debut tea will be Miss Mary " ler. a debut-me of but nelson, and Mists Betty Pain, both of Wit-hath. and His: Helen Shimmin and Mir. Ilttibelle Hubb-rt of the Orrington w. Miss Mary Curman. Mian Beer Birding, Ind Miss Bahr- Grvvu of Eamon. Miss Ruth Hunter of Lake Forest and China, and liu Wea. In Jenems 19d Miss Betty leN-ir. of Chic-go. A tea unusual in the debut world is to be that given on the afternoon of Saturday, September IO, when Miss Virginia Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Wallace, and Miss Ashton Wilson, daughter of Mr. and Hrs. Charles R. Will. formerly of Winnetlu, will be int need to socie- ty. Following the tea, which will an plus " the Wallace residence at 815 Mr. Pleasant road, the young people will to to the Indian Hill club In: dancing. Mr, and Mrs. Wilson and their hugMer, who Are ttow living in Far- etteville. N. C., m nrriving in Wht- nah n week before the debut. Ind Ilsa Ashton will be the {out of the Willie†indefinitely. Among the affairs being given in honor of Miss Keith are a kitchen shower. which Mrs. Samuel Flood will give September 2, at her home, 138 Kenilworth avenue. and I miscelhm eons shower which Miss Shipman will give the week preceding the wedding. 'umoddutettfMiasCoeaWreini. â€It dss'ehter at In and In. Jinn-umammh- I‘ll-m- St-luiu-ot Inna h . II. salad " Glenn. Int Mmenoontookpieeul:8 ohHeh.nt St. Ana's f,t,'.u'gt2,tTt wwwmm. pry- Mr. McBride's best man will be Earl Kribben of Chicago, and the ush- ers will be the bride's brother, El- bridge, and William O'Brien of Chi- ago. After October 15, Mr. and Mrs. Me, Rain will be at home at 1406 Elm, wood avenue. Evanston. h " North Dakota and the mice. Miss We Lee of Chicago and um, N. H., In: the mid " but. The bride-mid: m Miss Ila-land’s sistervin-l-I, In. John lock Rowland of Chicago. Ind her tister, Min Aileen cure of Bulk The bride will wear the white satin dress and tulle veil worn by her sis' ter, Cornelia. at Mr wedding last Fear toll M.tarsen of Peoria. The at- tendants, Miss Alice Shipman. daugh- ter of the George Shipmans at 432 Warwick mad. and Miss Katherine Stolp, daughter of Dr. and Mrs, Rufus Stolp of 336 Warwick road. will be (owned in blue ehifton. Webster sum of Highhnd Put and! is best mun. The ushers yen M. Thur-ton Martin of Evanston and the hrideh two older brothers, John Roche Rowland of Chicngo and Felix Rowland of New York. Among the prenuptial parties given for Miss Howhnd were a luncheon given dn Wednesday by Mrs, Booth Tulinnon, a dinner given on Wed. nudly eGening by Miss Eileen Clark at York Harbor, an affair given on Thursday evening by Mr. and Mrs. John Roche Howland. The bridal din- ner was given last evening at Ken- "etmnekport. _ October has been chosen as the wedding month of Miss Helen Ger- trude Eagle. daughter of Mrs. Walter R. Eagle of 1030 Forest avenue, Glen- toe. The engagement of Miss Eagle to Rodes Garth Dunn, son of Dr. and Mrs. Freeland J. Dunn of Chicago, was announced recently by her moth- Mrs. Leroy A. Rand announces the marriage, of her daughter"." Beatrice, to Clarence Paul Carlson.' son of Mr. and Mrs, A. F. Carlson of Evanston, on Saturday evening. August 13. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson will be at home to their friends at 1401 Grey avenue, Evanston, after September I. _ Hawley Smith of Winnetka is to be best man at the wedding of Miss Harriet Thorp. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George G. Thdrp of Evanston. and Arthur Bailey of Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Bailey of San Francine, on the afternoon of Sep- tember 1. The wedding-will be quiet, and will be solemnized at 4:30 o'clock, in-the bride's home. Gf Fuicaton. The imamg wnrui-ir quiet one, attended only by one hum dred relatives and friends. The serv- ice will be read at 9 in me evening in the home of the bride's parents. Shore News “mum-“WW 00".de teheheorrettwithharHiaraerto4lviB-tt-et--t. E1rMNmrY_o-ttarod.rlthotele- 150‘th here. Mm.Miht-dwitiei-emt hha.eorr.ttetrarthg- - taths_ttueorwmstiogttovariom [new G. Juliana. M: - qrmrry_iatthisdutriet,oesuttletflthee-msdiae-Ne- the Nntimsat Lane of Women mmuunnmumw. Yuan. . Team, of Milo. N. Y. Albert Hagerty. of Libertyville, Ml., Won the University of Chicaizo schol- arship. The DePau scholarship went to L F. Schultz, Chicago. Wheaton college scholarships went _to Joseph D. Shaw, of Pontiac, and Willard R. White of Joliet. Gets Lake Forest Sthollrship Lewis C. Gottschalk. of Lake Mills, Wis., received the scholarship to Car- roll college. The Marquette universty scholarship was awarded to Warren H. Tinner. of Sheboygen, Wim, while E. Robinson, another Detroit man, won that given by Lake Forest col. lege. o. T. c. was awardcd a silver cup, the trophy given by the Mist reserve infantry, for having attained the highest efficiency among the 1,620 men trained this year. He was a member of. TY6op A, 317 reserve cavalry: WV "_'--.--"----- m....a_m_... ve ,...,,. cavalry to the best horseman at the camp. The scholarships awarded for the highest military effkiemey were from the University of Chicago. De Paid university. Lake Forest college, Marquette university, Wheaten col- lege and farm" college, . Minn 'Urriet WM, 115th of NEW In. Albert S. Web-m of 814 Oxford road. MM is spending the veck in Ocononovoc, Wis, u the (was! of Adele “when. Mrs. William Knudsen In: re- turned from a two yun' sodorms in Europe and is now a the home of her daughter, Mrs, Em! C. You Am- man of 568 Elm street, Winnetka. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Yotuttt of Ttte Prospect nvenue. Glencoe. have re- turned from a western trip of five weeks. They first attended the tour.. nament held in Seattle by the Wert, ern _Gott association. of which Mr. Y ung is president. They spent the If! of the time in Portland. Victoria, a d Vancouver. and Ruined through the Canadian Rockies. Frank R. Young of 333 Cannot road, Kenilworth, and his dun than, Miss Jane Young, left here last week for alake trip to Bungle. Mrs. Young is the guest of Mrs. Crooks of. Diamond Lake. Univvrsity and college schourshipsl silver cups and medals werepwyrded lam week to the youthful fighting, men, who showed the highest military ettieieney and horsemanship during their month of extensive training ati Ft. Sheridan. The presentations were) made by Brig. Gen. Michael J. Leni-' han, commandant at the Fort and byi Cot. Philip Fox of the MIst reserve} infantry. following a parade and re- view with which the camp was closedl for l927. Elwood H. Baehman. major of in- fantry in the Detroit high school R. roirkenirwfrtT,"ani" hrruir.'iiiii'i, Those prophets who predict . m- Mi,s, Jane Young, left here last week w merless ~sumfner an now get buy for a lake trip to Buffalo. Mrs.‘a,nd yetrin. to tell w.hen South Caro- Young is the guest of Mrs. Crooksj‘m' " trome Republican. of Ihamond Lake. l C. M. T. C. BOYS GIVEN y Illllltrll. s " COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS dllllllll) -IB- - v - l Detroit Lad Receives One From, /\/ w n... Detroit Lad Receives One From Lake Forest College; Others Who Made Mark ththB14tr,r.'Jttt1t"Patrfot, _ Win Trophies _ frank .EtyrTeaer, ,0! eyytiryrs, A Happy Bome.-. 'atgt.tr'pgta,rx: Proeteat,te Training! for the moderngirle ‘11:.“ - - iaTa7UGi. Ia 'rrdpgga'zdtT,gxe1t “huh-inund- nd by an. "hortt I'd-m wnrhNemirrithemoamroons mould-wk. Tutirstirsimdr-a.rmat mdhnvhchnundu -mwdmin -.r-eodtti.6ehteaeioard mutual-dad‘s†‘_“‘Mbqll M iiliG-uE a., h-Ihvim V - “04‘“ â€" “dualism .41- 'krtugtd-oetatseetr “Ho-umbr- "'etteytet..eytr2r.tr..re _ ,_ 7pm,. w Tf..GTC ','1h".rgi'rlr.tptttt;t': a'ea."t'"aS'ttA't.". ".-t-ud.shi The body of 1&wa Velma Denmnn. the son of Water Works Ell- gineer and Mrs. Harry Dam a! Wuukmn, WIS taken from th- m of Lake Miehiean last week tin third of the tour'Dennnn boys n victim of trseedy. Of the four boys. one m baud to death in an Accident. a tseextod did of illness, Ind now the third in demos, ed. The fourth boy. and remaining child of the hmily, was injumd in I street car accident in China» which resulted in the amputation of one leg. THIRD SON OF FAMILY Vlcrlll OF “AGE!“ Vernon Den-:- of Wuha- In and Return SUNDAY, SEPT. 4th Drowned; Two Other: lib: u¢nr In, your Tut-u lat - lxcgniu uni:- yoga! Rag-lu- .004, km" Purl. Dov-'0 in»: (tun-(om, HEM.“ Park. Wau- â€In and Kamch- sing and n- :u-i... and... I.†an, N. “(can ducted, Lv. Highland Pk. 8:10a.m. Ar. Milwaukee 9:40 a. m. Excursion Tickets good only on SPECIAL TRAINS Lv. Milwaukee 805 p. m. for your old coal or gas range will be given towards the pun. chase price of a new gas range equipired with a “Lorain" oven heat regulator. During the month of September --6th to 30th, 1927-- an allowance of September Gas Range Sale North Shore Gas Company Tum Men. C t N, W, Ry. Hughllnd Put Fir- Accidents Allowance on Your Old Coal or Gas Range $8.00 Allowance The Logical Place to Buy Gas Burning Appliances Thurs., 8:15, TOSCA, Gall, Danise, Chamlee, D'Angelo, Papi; Friday, 8:15, LOHENGRIN, Rethberg, Johnson, Claussen, De.frere, D'Angelo, Cehanov- sky, Hasselmans; Sat., SAMSON AND DELILAH, Martinelli, Claussen, Basi- ola, Rothier, D'Angelo, Hasselmans; Sun. at 3, afternoon of American Music, Mary Lewis, Hancock, Wallensteinooloiistss ( all seats free); 8:15, LOUISE, Gall, Johnson, Claussen, Rothier, Maxwell, Swarthout,' Mojica, D'Angelo, Page, Hasselmans; Mom: Gala Closing Performance, double bill, PAGLIACCI and CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA, Bori, Martinelli, Danise, Rethberg, Cham- lee, Swarthout, Defrere, Papi. 1aGaritClWLCU.da JET-3.177311%: .' round trip (not including admission) or North Shore Line regular schedule and 6:47 special Dorchester avenue, stopping intermediate points and Wa- lysh.and Adams 7312, Wilson avenue 7:30. $2 round trip including admission SEAT PRICES CLOSING NIGHT $3 AND $4 BOX OFFICE-phone Rogers Park 9112 from Chicago (no toll). From sub- urbs Highland Park 2727. Gate admission $1. Reserved seats (except clos- ing night), $1.50, $1.75, $2.25. $2.75, ti, and 400 free seats. - TRANSPORTATION - C. & N. W. RY. regular schedule and T:28 special, 81 Telephone Highland Park 194 Chicago Symphony Orchestra (50 Men) Ravinia Opera T031131 Now is the time of year when a nice not. well buttered, well browned piece of coast ismost appreciated. It cats,be enjoyed by all. The Best Little Toaster Forty Cents for One Thirtr-NinesCeots for Two That is just. what we mean. If you buy one it will be forty cents but just tell the salesman to wrap up two-the price will be thirty- nine cents. The Most Extraordinary Offer liver Made G PM:- - - Transportation Box Office will be given for your old coal or gas range towards the pur- chase price of an A-B-Unified Cu Range equipped with an oven heat regulator. www.30t 6th $12. 50 Allowance an athrwnnee of TONIGHT