as: North Shore Trust Company piiiitliii fi' "j,lt!l,ll]ly,lllf,,, Capital - $100,000 Surplus - $100,000 us, teach them the lesson of thrift Our Golden Egg Banks are an interesting method of arousing their interests in saving - and keeping it stimulated. When' the Youngsters Resources over $1,000,000 are in School . BOWMAN l _ctitchooimttpwrtBti I l i'r-rr.ceseaiu,, I In. 7 . “Wu-{WET}; Drink a cool glass' of Bowman's Milk next time you are thirsty. Sip it slow.. lar; critically. How sweet and delicious it is! " Telephone HP. 2700 DAIRY COMPANY _ The success of the ehildren's part of the carnival wu due to the "reient effort of Mr. Copp, phyground dime- tor at Ravinia 1nd Sunset park. He had planned various gun“ for which prizes were given. SOCCER GAME WILL BE PLAYED MONDAY One " 4he best sport events is promised by the Riviera A. C. ori Labor Day. The Ravenswood United Of the children’s costumes. Master Edward Brixxolara, of the.. boys, won first prize, and Ellen Horn and Mary Louise Kennar, of the little girls, shared the first prize, As they dressed as n couple. Mr. Curl Hauler, drained u u beggar monk, won first prixe, " luv- in: the most originnl and unique cou- mine. Cumin] Ind triA.t Ilia n With. My eve-ting, Aug. " lib in but An mud all}: the. INA Cd is that held on the Ian Sum, in Am“. Each you Inga m- hen have attended and Int-Id into the elmivnl spirit Ind in" attired themselves in costume. to wt nroiu ehametem. This yea. Mina Charlotte Robertson, dulled u I lady of the medieval period. m that prize, as having the most beautiful costume. Riviera A. C. vs. Ravenswood United to Meet on High- wood Field no an» cm“ m “mm “mu Fiteramtered_rso+attaetd.dth. Mr. may"? ,1 1. " PHONE - WRITE . SEE mnvmnmors . y"""',',,','.',',",",',',',,, '" A .DRADtMUWALtRmDAY oPBNhtotMrtemN" 'tttatt-d-during-tattracted them KW otrerintrs and pledges seem to mum a still Itronger pm fee next y-r, with more at- tention than to the needs und inter- elu at tho young folk. A goodly null! " High“ Park‘lhlk were The tirty-tour'th annual encampw ment at Harrington came to a elose, Monday morning, Aug. 29. In man“ ways it was one of the best ever held. _ A strong pramam had been planned and was carried through. Bishop 8.: c. Breyfozel, no. of Reading, itl./ Senior Bishop in the church spoke twice each day the first Saturday and [ Sunday of the camp. Rev. J, (it Schnb. I former pastor of the Eben- I our church in Highland Park was the I camp evangelist, and lead in thief morning Bible study from Tuesdayh night to the close of the edmp. Dr.t G. B. Kimmel, president of the Erin-l gelicd Theological seminary at Nap- l ereilU, m., spoke at the closing Sun- dar morning service. ' I CAMP MEETING ENDS IN BARRINGTON AUG. 29 macaw . HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR RENT LOT on ACRES LISTINGS WANTED HIGHLAND PARK STATE BANK 16 North Sheridan Road We wish to express our appreciation of the manner in which our patrons took advantage of the fur exhibition, which we held last week. Thes/e furs were from Ameriea's great Northwest and were fashioned in the season's prevailing styles by expert crafts- men. It is at all times our desire to Bring the best of the year's offerings to the-ladies of the'community, and it is indeed grati- f yi ng to us when theydake advantage of our efforts to serve them. SEVERAL YEARS AGO we knew an old man who worked in a coal yard. One morning he was seen with a pick amrshovel, eagerly digging irxa comer of the coal yard. He would not tell his friends what he was doing abut he was greatly excited. They feared he had lost his mind. Finally, when he was exhausted, he told his friends that his lifttime savings were stolen. He had buried $3,000 in Gold and now he could not find the money. Several others joined in the hunt and finally found the gold. If that money had been deposited in the bank drawing compound interest all these years, it would have grown to nearly $5,500 now. _ Compound interest with safety pays. An Expression of Appreciation MOLDANER. & HUMER An Old Man's Trouble ret-rt-tth-dt-trt-l-lt---' Cerf.Pt,t.Pe-etlra-eso- “Mini-Milka! ardtrtimmissi-,.at- The Home of Savings Depositors BEES BUILDING ' 4416 NORTH CLARK SHEET [whack 8223-8224 Fireplace and Tile Display Room Interior Tiles for floors, walls and fireplaces Tile installation of eharactet Fireplace Equipment - Furniture - Tapestries Bronzes - Objects D'Art . Furriers taaa - Ania-star Fire-eh Wood Boxes Patric?- 'ialfiaisi, Foot Scraper! Torchem Gardm Fm "sported Ink Walk. Console- nod Minors Gandh- all colon and tiles) Unusual PM. of Artistic Furnitun _ Antique Coma: Tables. Me, G ram Fenders REES TILE COMPANY WET?“ "T'.; t ..- ANNOUNCING Exclusive Art Studio the Formal Opening of the iiPWood U" Marble .. Cement TSthner Period Reproduction: in Artificial Stone DISTIN CTIV E FURNISHINGS Smoke?! Sands Desk Sets I. Marhte Shunt-y Door Porters to: Deni have Beta Door Knockers run Franzen Candle Stick: mu Ash Tray: Artistic linen “pm Torchem Garde. Minn mm.“ _ A..._ -.-, - MM;.M-:~:§7$§:.§3§£~W:VW R, Bellowi Andirm Phone Highland Park 54 REES MANTELS and mwmmud â€Hunk-ninth "ste-twth-ft-ar. Electric Log: Electric Grates Toasting Forks PM“