Wilma-mum mini-ion." -uutt.nyrst-'aye.luet-, whisk-15...; vim -Ge-etsiti-aritiuder- Guots-touerrtert. It. A. R. Mitehegl d the 'taastie “mmmuavm aaa. -ieripuuies ir. Iwrs, "Fe-W W's tieotsr,A1ftedofCoeutee- tiemt.eotse.tustsowuotdttrmeds withctsamrioaPatabervM-etv. "h-did wire-haired fox terrier own- attrrer.rteeinud.uwis.n1soof "Iii "r lodge No. as A, P. and A. I. will meet tonight at seven- thirty a'eioek_rt mgr-union by Rt, "-tileirGiest IFS. Berhtt't brother Lian. Gordon Y. Sugars of the Royal Canadian Air Force. Mr. Sm ex- 'reetstodevotethertextttrts to the promotion of commercial avir â€)lr. Cart Grant of Bavin‘u was pleasantly surprised. Saturday eve- hing. upon arriving home from Win- neth to tind may of his friends there enjoying I we of 500. The prize winners were Mrs. Moore, Mrs. Ould. Mrs Frost, Mrs. Francis, (gorge Francis. George Thorsen. Harry Iamde, Robert Winter. After the nine dainty refreshments were Mr. and In. Joseph Danube and family accompanied by Mr. Ind iiri) Osear Sehmidley and Mrs. Charles) Green and daughter, Ruth, Miss Anna - Dewey of "ke Forest, visited; Miss Ruth Berube at Notre Dame} Convent at Bourbonnais. nu, on Sun- day. Thes attended 3 play in which} Miss Ruth played the part of the; In. Stewart B. Sniffen cMarionl lost-Icy) (burner of Mr. Ind Mrs/ Carleton Moseley. who has spent the) past year studying with her husband) in W. trimmed to this ‘country ur'l'hursday and is visiting her par- ants. 7' Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mott left Fri- dar for 1 two weeks visit with their parents in the, east, _ Our local talent in art has made a very tine showing at the exhibit now in -dress at the Art Institute. Mrs. Everett Milhrd has I portrait on ex- hibition. Mrs, Arthur Jemms, Jr., won I prize for a painting, Miss Edith Boymon. a sister to Mrs. Millard. has a bronze statue and Mr. Rudolph In- gerle has several fine pictures on dis- play for I'hith he was awarded a prize, There are about four hun- dred pictures hung. iii.Gii itrs. Robert-H. Bel-bat hue -i,s; Iona Bahrvwho teaches school in " Cree. Wis. Tras the week-end - of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs John MeCaffres who is con- firted to her bed for a few days is ..ttineaioewnswellascanbeex- ' Lime Billy Jennings is confined to his home with chicken pox. whopping cough and brooehitis, - - ___ q way. u... "wan...“ . Mrs. a E. Wood and daughter Iiu‘l Anne will lave "ext week for f,iel'ti rule Springs when they will be ioined) by Robert Wood who is attending‘ schod in New lexico. They expect to be - about two weeks. Campbell Chapter Guild will meet My afternoon. March 15 at the Mic ample. All members are - to be went. in. Benin IcNichols entertained asereid.erhatr9stTIr-9r:. _ géonin Boston. lass. In. Sand- Mr. Jane A. Flynn left“ loudly 'sr-hu-ii-vm',- h-rin-tdt-mehr. D-tbr SIRE is -raastimsd u -h-itheAiehestrrm. â€Ir. Gi, In. IL L. W]: have “(and from the east where Mr. tHo6rie& gnarled the N. E. Atom!- "tara-Witter-q-ti-d atr.i-MrsELNr.Re-rofChi- manta-kind a number of their att-st-re-i-tth-Prod a,“ It bresrrst, at: m Elli Gaoctse-GoraL.cr-r. -iik and In "- Comm, - .. mid in Kent-in. Wit, visit- Wammmmmlm PyqA.rarr8ErsA-mtemtsremofCtti- - 'eewtN-%s3.Nererortbkwood -.amr-beeet.urerhtefroen .--dmmtforrometimeis -ratthe Suit-ric- nt Milwaukee. hauVlil-nd-rl.m qtritrrree-heer IM- “hum-2min"?- -l-d-v-bh- qeNh.qr--N--eth. "thumb-not“ ae.r-rdN.g. ..r,rLtloeilhyeet -"--emr9thrhB.A. , tr"-'"""" animal thinâ€. “I. --Me.. iirc-ru.cetts_orrys de‘StJohns toi- tEi3ieit 1tit m... te?.?:) _.-___. In..." an... ( 'dch. A lov'ely lunch-n “I W " ',tta'u'll'lld'l 1* in . very pretty d-tod m‘ In. In... 'I The qothet' club of the Y. W. :C. A. met on My, lurch 6, At high: o’ehgk: _ l that ttuni-ts meet- (â€fair-pic for I but iuinc's program which consisted of . that most haunting talk by Miss Cora thou: [Hm-be. Wu " the BighUnd Beets, Park Public library on "Books." Hill he h 1mm†spoke of the diluent types sell I , of literature and their um Ind em- nnd " plunked children! books especially. ing .l Ill-21mm Iran served by In. cent: ' Abbott, Mrs. Sherwood and In. teetir Mr. Albert Nth. Jr., a!“ in. My morning tn- In†Broth- ers, limb. ad " with. it treatment: a St. [ain’- - I In. Albert Nah 01'th In. in tsutrerintr from Muriel tun-ind when-betellomnru‘intheh-w meat of her home last My noon As yet the seriousm of - iaOrriea has tttrt been determined. 1 The Friendship club of the Y. W. C. A. held their rettuiar meeting on l. Thursday, March first, at eight thirty io’clock. A short business meeting ; was held followed by n satin] hour. 1 An informal vesper service was held " the Y. W. C. A. on Sunday. l March 4, Miss Elizabeth Bredin led ‘the discussion hour which Wu fol- ‘lowed by tea and the usual Sunday Open House. Miss Bredin will have _ charge of a series of dimension l hours to be held at the Y. W. C. A. for in: In held followed by the eve ning's pm which nominal of t most intending talk by Miss Cora Hen-be. Wu at the BighUnd Park Public library on "Books." Kins Bernice spoke of the ditresent types of literature and their and Ind em- phasised childrens' books especially. Rnfreahmenta were served by In. Abbott, Mrs. Sherwood and In. Repholz. In. on Sunday durations. All girls} who may be interested In cordially‘ invited to attend. tht Sunday. March ll, there will be a special Girl Re- serve Vesper service which will be held in the assembly room at four o’clock There will be no discussion group on this day but the following Sunday the usual practice will be resumed. On Thursday. March l, a dinner was given at the Y. W. C. A. by all of the girls who live in the house' in honor of.Mrs. Clara Kuester Walton. who is leaving on March 8. for a three months' trip to Italy. Those ‘who attended the dinner were: Mrs. l Sarah UM, House secretary; ths. I Walton, Miss Nell Kuester. Mrs. Walton's sister. Mrs. Sophie Hoover, Miss Jennie Olson. Miss Caroline _ Ayers, Miss Marie Olsen, Miss Gunda .Prottengier. Miss Helen McQuillen. General secretary and Miss Laura Cranetield asociam secretary. l The Girl Reserve committee meets l at the Y. W. C. A. this afternoon at Ithree forty-five o'clock. Mrs. L. C. Gatewood, acting chairman wilt con- .duet the meeting. The report on _ the study book will be given by Mrs. T Wilson Kline. This will be followed ‘hy a discussion of the modern girl ‘based on a questionnaire given out at the last meeting of the committee. t ', Members of the committee are Mm! L. C. Gate'wood, Mrs. Carl Pflnstiehl.l Mrs. Robert Burk, Mrs. Bruce Chandler, Mrs. Wilson Kline, Mrs. Walter Sims, Miss Helene Wilson. Miss Lulu Lnsswell. Miss Dorothy Kratsch and Miss [Aura E. Crane- field, Girl Reserve secretary. The Camp Committee which wu appointed " the last regular meeting of the Board of Director: of the Y.', W. C. A. will meet on Monday. March 1 112. at ten o'clock to discuss the poo-1 sihility of a summer camp for Girll (ii,iii5ii, Thememhers of them-1 mittee are Mrs. Wilson Kline, In. I Elmer Glaser, In. T. M. Herb“ Mrs. SMord and Miss mm 5.1 Cranefield. The Live Y'er club of high school‘ Girl Reserves held their - meeting on Timothy. Inch 6, uteri school. Plan: In being made try' the club for . Fair and Dance to be1 given " the Y. W. C. A. on Saturdny. Pebrunry Ser, the Girl Reserve "Cdu" held their - will: " .the I 'ird"if iiriaa Trim} for the minder of th? 'erre held at elected -ueot, president. and GIRL RESERVE 313993311 no havimra-rtrerriee "-htrArrmortheT:mr -siiiiViick AT Y. w. c. A. All Gm. Invited tear/ttl"' on Sand-v. lurch tt. a four o'eioek. , The Him-mi Psi-k sum nut. hid Invitations In" been I'M to the' par Value $30.00). with " M Camp Fire Girls, the Girl Sammy coupon! Moved the id HI and h the new Fore-t Girl lie-avg- 9136mm institution tho In]. of has attseretrwo-sti-toimutht Highland Park Girl â€but service, His-MGM.- tor-ttec-e-rho huh-dgh'h'dlhwihmu WMbwt-Ihlh'lll‘ tu.-v5em,-G..-w5t1nh.o damn-dam“ who“: huh-Ida howl-w“. “wk hwmw-‘w 'M_WUE_~I_‘ iiUTiiiiiNaGu. __ a In "ire. The “it'll-ad Park Girl Reserves octjv,r.zgr,,tetia"eu'rgrt,'h%1'f, 1 m Ape, Elsi-F:- lcNAnY-uuclu In. fad. laden-ac cm. vice and Iain Hamâ€. - wann- " on} nth-mew" ottheei, . m, - Bulletin, Pruitt J. I. (eii'EiiyUe2i,i?iriiesdleT,;h"; "-leiaiimo-tieleumierthtte l... “nit. â€when: or In. in,†which reads P' 10110“: mind to the MeNary-H-s Bill. The Council's decisive 3:61- " I problem of nation-Vida inter-i. 0-: a more concerning which them "ta, no and of - ditrere- of â€him ioes, In. engendered considerable can» ment. Query -- Wu this oetior, prompted by mere sentiment or " ‘good business? Mr mm u. "By "From a nentimenul point of m. the "rmer in untitled to a mu dent. He produce: and supplies our moat fund-mental need - Food. In that he finds him]! confronted with droughts, ttooda, stoma, frost. in- awn“, um, "mu.-. "_'""-" - I sects, can, ete.--tortditittets on: which t he has no control. He is forced to sell his crop at neu- lire-wu- price-1 and is pnid for it with a donut hr; ing 1 buying power of tsixtr-tiee cents. The governmen! lid Ind pro-f motive legislation extended to ma-‘ hunters. railroads, banks And wage? earners is in the farmer's can con- spicuous by its compmtive thanâ€; tective legislation extended to manu- l Farmers are “In,†aahinq tor, future“. railroads, banks and “It equality Tor egrieulture under the, earners is in the farmer's case con- tariif, Dr. Taylor said. Becauae of) spicuous by its comparative absence.‘ unfavorable price w farmen’ "As a matter of business the will“ I have been delivering tire carloada of ‘ cil action is not surprising. I dare products to the city in exam for; say 75 per teat of Illinois huh" the same amount of city product-x prosyefiw depends upon [neonatal [ they received before the war for four' agriculture. Profitable fanning racer carloads of products" 1 high the farm mom and m‘Ei "The purpose of the protective tar- ( for it I ready market. At tres writ-; ill," Dr, Taylor said. "has _ ing that market is Bat, With roan-1 been that of "adjusting price n‘ul nnable assurance of profit, the link"? The idea has been to develop a wen: has a liquid loan when he eon-aka. rounded economic life in a. United to finance the growing wheat ezeis/'s?'t'a"t'e"s" When an industry which "I the increased dairy herd,or the feed-', believed to be essential to the well intt of I bunch of hogs or cattle. But', being of the nation could not thrive} when these enterprises prove 'm-l because prices were so low that it." profitable, his loan becomes . 'roaen, could not mm sateen-lull] {org one. T . . [ labor and capital in the home market. I I “Fellow members, your AssociatioNtse policy has been to protect that! is on record. The hour has struck industry by means of . tariff. la‘ and the opportunity is here for the, many cases the advantage thusi 2,000 banks of Illinois to rally to "r l, gained has been mg" than w†aid of their tEtther'tp.",t.o till the soil. L necessary to sustain the industry. l "mam-ra-rea"""..'""'". “Fellow members, your Association is on record. The hour has struck and the opportunity is here for the 2,000 banks of Illinois to rally to the aid of their brethern who till the soil. “Respectfully yours. "J. M. APPEL, president." March l, 1928, 1 While she wu panning rim 1 DeerfUld the nurse who accompanied, "sotieedthat nhewumreolhpoenl- WW I moment before she In: laulxing and talking. She died with- in I few minutes. The body m re 'l movd to Prion Funeral home where the funeral .13 held Wednesday: WOMAN DIES ON WAY V HOME FROM HOSPITAL Mrs. Mary Mykytnk of Crane; Home for Widows Succumbs 'i, Monday at Deerfield I Apparently cured of ailments from which she had suttered for months and, while plainly showing her happi- nesst in anticipation of being with her seven fatherlcaa children within a short time. Mrs. Mars Mykytnk. need 47 years. residing at Crane home for widows and orphans west of High- land Pu'k. died while being removed to that institution from the Highland Park hospital in an automobile, Mon- day afurnoon. An inquiry into the death of the woman was made by Dr. John L Taylor, county coroner. this morning. An autopsy showed that she had died from an attack of pulmonnry embol- ism. 1 The consumer inside of the taritf Mrs. Mykytuk who with her seven‘ wgll will have to pay the price of children has been in the institution ': this protection. Dr. leor Mint. just for some years. vs: removed to the)., in the use of other protons! Highland Park hospital some weeksl and; This will m the cost ago to undergo an operation for vari- I of living. he "id. only in the “me _ ... . " - _ __ Ak_‘ A. A 7,,A,4:,A A. _-.--- "iiiiGiiriiie' "died vell from the ordeal and app-really Ind wad. DISTRICT NO. 108 SELIS 330.000 BONDS AT PAR Highland Park State. Bank Gets The. at Four Per Cent; Many Bidders The $30,000 holds tamarind at I spatial election October I, 1927, by the Totem of setteBt DUtriet No. 10tt, LII: County. Illinois for building at Mon to the Ravinia schoolho‘lc, - sold at public sale, sealed bids. on Friday noon, luck s, 19%, at the Pinion.) Safe Deposit company, 38 south Durham and. Chieago. The bonds were orthorised “I": bonds; the Board of Maude- did for bids on e?! inure-t hulk. the submitted an alternative momma. to Iuhmit bids at may rate of inter-t lasthan 4% sonstoprod-tu" than par. The result of bids nah!!! wassvaried.motrtbida-eeson4% ,idiiilo,o preniull m The Highland put Mate pgt. - was unwed. @AW-mhm. "tover-shove-truth-Aer b-more-s-ttate," .hteherrateoflatt-t. Andi.- uararerswit1-ei"o'htit -i-iresudhvthrm+ mwankhthhm Arti.t--"The haunt-n...- -rtrstmmhtero_rttr" Inn-Hun." Gib-Min!“ "r-odhmrqaM" Kim-uwmllihh Am“ 'of the [new for we. h 'iuuEeo-ieouPertne" ‘01 Northwestern aim " Ian- -aasin.sreeehbafe-thermr- '_F'armers'rastitr"e. URG- nun INCLUDI " Dr.1‘ayhrdmhlr aunt in mm sum-luv†(“nah 2iiaited by Dr. Em, -e -- 0. my - "tt in believed that (IE viii bring quicker relic! to M" said Dr, Turk-t. "and that it “I! - Ian disturbance in other occi- pationn. With the In!“ Eli - become lurk n important in. with themthatitisboaed-mhrthem us in more important th- ' em to political parties This cool- omicisucbidslmlomn major political issue if retief is not obtained without {um leur." (I. not Count: [ 1 "This has [one to the point where ( under present conditions urirulture. {the basic unprotected industry. can (no lonxer compete successfully for r', labor and “pit-l in the domestic imnrketn Agriculture could compete " successfully with other industries if it had the ndrlnuge of prices in the _ home market marlin above the; genenl world price level. "This in: led students of the problem to hire, the position that either the preach protective tariff should be judiciously revised don‘t-rd with a View tol reciting the price farmers have toi my for things they buy. or else hive) the protective system made effective‘ on farm prodorts of which we pro-l doee n surplus. 1| "White it may be contended that the sound policy is to "due the and! proteetioet on mny of than in- dumits which have enjoyed untold prosperity in recent years. as I mat- ter of DWI] politics there m to be no mummy of bringing this of living, he "id. only in the an: m that pm of miniature: beret-u the can. of equipment and in the vrodnction'of food. for m.†has bean-e the u- of tseurLersirstseoedn-iei- ma1tieiss-ireeirtq fm dept-ion. nidDr.Tayor. _ REPORT TtENGNAhON _ FILED BY STRATlON “aim Foostatresi-taumeeWiBiam J. Btmtt-eteu-ensdheetatrqt 0.3830:de bah-Nusmw inbUnithI-Wum WWW. 'ti.-toodthatt9t--&- .dtotreeetieduhi.drrti-. mmthduthnlof PM. t1tmttrt-hi-duGo-r 'a-nie-ttue-ferret mum-bins“.- mtdchmn-dlw mrcrr.Thmso-ftmieaeoaCuc 'uskorchie-.eHerft'PPimat BUYS LARGE “A" NEAR WILL! hum-bu. '1’..th --ttoMe-qer-ot alumnus-Unnam- aimruaiAud-Anrqr-..M' - h I,“ .0 -rrtMI. .--_l.-L-_'.*"!-"' iaaiGa-rroyaar Bec_te'NrtHtre. SOAae'I'nd-IWII eri-aCuII-ennot was; for-[lot COIING WW.â€- P-"'"'"- --- W, - Ontwofthmoeelil- tTi-Tania-r-tit" ii'risara-iwtrrt-tPT iaFurirrdoe.tStPe.tyf, I“ -."-_-" _-' mw-m-I-bmh iiii"riiiiiaN-yre-'e Agata-annuals...“- aria-SGA-o-et" guy'h_d-d-nbhd- utusaupptrrmrho1reeaeiytesthsed,tyt GaTar"yair;ror-tteatittatrmyou.1dtu- siHuick, clean. complete, free from hehche. distress, loss of time or excessive labor. "inn-mun?†iiTiia-sie-"r- gala-15"“!- “ups-mum ii-.-- 0-. EARL W. GSELL & CO. 'a'sd Sponges, brushes. ammonia, amp, and other scrubbers The finerrt of producm. GSELL'S :1. Real Clean-up Helps Polishes for silver, furniture or gla: Chamois or other things for polishing. Excellent killer; for bed bugs, roaches, ants and water bugs. would“; mmmAm "ii-ii-s oatcmrtmtAl Andktmstit you with Rubber Gloves ntteriorDeeomtim" - Fabric: - Antiques 866 Eat Centred Aâ€... 1W 8W Park m: 09W BEAUTIFUL FABRICS GENUINE CRAFTSXANSHIP 1mm PREPARATIONS On Sula Mere w.auas.-tss.,amie [aria But Killers PHARMACttrN Polishes Alden for â€I... dt-sro-ai-th-he.. “hawk-â€nubh -h.-_tht-. -deehHknluhhndmt-ehee Huntsman-ii -_rt.-tu.dror-tdt... 'rttrtehhh-dtiehts--6rmarte- 'uHth-tM-rmtea-th macaw-n. “fl â€mutation-loan m“... Thu-Hi Amman, , Ayuddlll: LIN-db Mum-Ii. Auttu.t-- â€anâ€: At8tth.-tqF- '__-r" -.r_..-- -H-I,_~Iuhlna . “tun“ . YARDLEY It . "i at -r.--ar-G Into“