_ Swedish Methodist ,riuiaessiPAreCAt “.mdmu-M mdemm '-a.ausu"1rrfe-."5T m â€in. a “:65 ad - 'Mnuilt“'w'_ iiaaiGsetsrktinntrei-tte “angina. macho-ulna!- -itN..uea.sc.aoas.-torV mum-(mu. in}; -" annuity." You use “My invited to uh - of the reading room, S6t Central i-or, which is open every week dar hall nim in the morning until six in the evening and on Wednesdays un- tit 'tao. The reading room is also REYar. F. Schriver. minister - The pador nvunriatus the te- sponie to last Sunday's services. The Young Mcrt an In be commended for their tine service in the evening. They ipbmiatvd the good attertdarsee also. _ -- _ ' n11-.. Palm Sunday servirrs Sunday. Special music. You will want to but it. The best way not to miss good things is to be present every Beginning with-Wednesday, 0Y6 hing Marrh F. we are having a series of meetinys each evening ex- eept Saturdays and MOSH“! on Easter Sunday afternoon with the Enter Cantata by our chair. Plan to at- tend .5 nften :1: pn;<ibln, Brine your friends. 5min! music each night. There will be a ig-tcinl serv- ire for the Sunday school at the Sunday school hour. We hop? every member will be pmenz. Easter Sunday will be a great day with the retention of members, bap- tismal serice. and the Ofrerintr (or Missions. Plan to be with us that day. Call the pastor if you want to have your children baptised. Sunday Highwood Ivonne and Evert; mace. Williim t Nelson, pastor Thursday, March 29-- 7:00 p.m_ Meeting of the Sunday School teachers at tlmrch. 8:00 p.211. Union Choir practice. Sunday. April t--- I 10:30 p.m. Sunday School, "l go in Sunday School because it enriches my life." 6:00 p-m. Epworth has“ de- mtionnl meeting. We are ex- pecting our First Vice President, Mr. Erlmd Borg to be with us at this time and to have charge of the meeting, He and Mrs. Borg will undoubtedly have in- teresting wings to tell us about their experiences in Sweden. Every leagutr should be there to welcome them hark. 7:15 p.111. liming service in _ Swedish. This “In: Sunday service is the first of our series of special Easter services. Mr. Bethany Evangelical â€h“ saii/ "diieriiooe, from 2:30 g,.-...--.........-.-.'...-.-.. ole-mi-al.-...-.--.-- . id"; Ml ANNOUNCEMENTS ts iii First United Evangelical “Bambi-knot“ khan-with M'ilI-hohlpuehl-uk. With the exception of M theerarittbea-ie--imq mrith_rrudtbt-tHrmsrr- irenritrtteGEUtists. “the†[at 'titrbts Mr. Niki-1m witl have eha-ottheservi-tdthrsetor will [II-cull; on the Swedish light the pm wilt he "waned. 1hs whet night. Tueaday to Sunni-q in- clusive, the services will kill promptly It 8 o'cioek. You a: tu-' vital. Bring your friends. Green Bay Road Ind Laurel avenue Rev. F. R. Card-ell. pastor The Bible Conference held last “wk under the auspices of the MiV was Christian Fundamentals Asso- matiun closed Sunday night with much tnterest and great blessing to many pawns. The various speakers brought strung mcssages from God's Word emphasixmz important truth and strengthening many in the Chris- tian Faith. Next Sunday the pastor will preach both morning and evening. Each night of the following week {Passion Week), excepting Saturday, sirvice will be held at the church at 7:15. Different speakers Will bring n'k's- Sign“ on the passion of Jesus. the 5iavicur. lending onward in thought up to Easter when the pastor Will preach on the Resurrection of Christ at the morning service. Easter tsight On Sunday evening there will be a reunion service for all those con- firmed in oar than}; since its organ- ization, especially for those coufirmed under our present pastor. H During Holy Wéek we shall have evening services n 8 o'clock on lon- day, Thursday and on Good Friday. On Good Friday evening Holy Com- munion will be celebrated. Grace Lindstrom, Edna Carling Eleanore Grossman. Ruth Semen. Ethel Krueggywl’aul Knigge. Carl Grostad. Edwin! 1mm, ' Robert Oldenburg, George “inn. Fred Gans.. berg, Ernest Hem]. John Sorsen, Ned Glader, Richard Seineider. There will be no business not 'Hr- cial meetings during Holy Week, the choir wil! n-nder an Easter Can. tata which will be of interest to all. German 7 .r. . A. Tee ___ -rN'-qFe 10:30 Engiish . qr"ti.eN -..ttre--.tt-_et'e_ -_.t__ 11:00 Evening Trev. 'te . ..__ --. -e__'" 8:00 This Sunday. being Palm Sunday, the following class of tifteerr children will be received into the membership of the church by the rite of eonfirtna, tion: Saturdays Sundays . IRE“ West Central avenue Rev. W. F. Suhr, pastor Church School Zion Lutheran Ser vices 9:00 PM Ttt6--Brrg Scout meeting h the Junior Room of the parish but. HOLY WEEK thosdnr- 9:MF-Ceeitian choir rebound in North avenue and Lauretta Place Rev. Wm. Doble, minister Thursday, March 29- 6:00 p.111. Chicken Dinner terved " Ladies of the etutretu, Sunday, April I- , 9:30 A. m. Sunday School. 10:45 a. m. Homing Worship. “zoo-Homing worship. The pastor will preach. The station of the sermon will be: "What the Cm: does for LU." S:80--Retig'ttus Edaeatioa meet- ing in the parish hon-e. W.tNr-Yomw People’s Society Inciting. Mrs. Geo. G. Greene will read extract: {run the letters of " den Greene. one of our members, who is teaching in the America: university at Curio, Egrpet. 5brreday-- ".?:30-The Presbyterian Guild wall meet in the home of Mn. ' Benson. Kill Lincoln "enue, with; Mrs, Earl Purdy assisting. The study will be on the growth Gd; develorrrncnt nf Christianity. ( 7ttrr-The tirct " the Holy Week Services will be held in the par~ ish house. Dr. Henry Seymour Brown will be the speaker and sr,eeiat mu<ic will be furnished throughout the services by Mrs. Herbert R. Smith. Tuesday-- Holy Week Services in the parish house. Dr. Andrew C. Zenos of McCormick Theological Seminary will be the speaker. 7:45-The Young Women's club will adjourn its mular "main: in order to participate in the Holy Week services All the members are urged to “and these services. Wednesday-- , THLHoly Week Services, Dr. R.) Worth Frank orthe McCormick Thmlnzical Seminary will the speaker. ( Thursday-- _ 7:t5- Holy Week ' Services. Dr.) Alfred H. Barr formerly a pas-i, tor in Detroit and in Baltimorel but now of MeCormirk Theolnzi-z cal Seminary will be the speaker. Friday- 7:45-Good Friday. Dr. James G. K. McClure who has given the Friday message for a number of years im be with us again in this service. i 7:00 p.m. Emrth In“: Em Hing Service. Enter Cant-ta by chorus choir. Fusion Week Services Tuad-y. April 8-- _ . 8:00 pm. Sermon by Rev. Jae. ll Taylm. Wednad-y, April 4-- the church. 9:45 - Church school. (than. for un' Fusion Fund. 4:t.--Ceeiliaut Choir rebuild it the parish house, WMWN‘M KNIGHTSOFPY‘I'EIAS AS.oNthDHrhetC-mttiemAo. "e%todHeetht A. o. PAY LODGE NO.f" A. P. l A. he. 'rid." m __ At In... 'eeetlhereer mi“ 7‘,_ 5- luthnkuu l 3:. tdelta-. "ittbrotr-dtorsau muo- GmeeM.E.Chameh -irTifGG WI???“ nu. his! m Au. II. '_-__ 'NNtht.N" Icahn In: and third Wallaby " T:30 IASONIC HALL - Sin-Ru Ito-l o. E. S, Na. 712 . I. MOIAS. tor Msodrr.AHB--- B:OOp.-. "MW Tueuar.Areil'-- ‘l'hundiy. April su. thud-h (Sand m) Friday. April 6r- _ . “:00 LIB. Inning wnhip. 8:00 p. m. Eva-in. mien. 8:00 um. Evening andâ€. ' Saturday, April T.-- 9:00 a. m. Cmstirmatioss dug. Corner Gm Bay Road Ind Howl root! avenue 1 C Rev K. A. Rust, pastor ' Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Morning Worship at 10:30. , The services this morning will be; in the - of special Palm Sinai-y , services. The vented girl’: their, " I mud by In adult group. will sing] the Palms by Fun and “Dance the “ Pain of “nary" by Bolton. indud-[ in; an abut-w duet by Miss Camera inc Zimmer and In. D. L. Barrett. A soprettp-teoor duet, “Love Divine" by WOW" will be sung by Mis, $'atherute'Zi- and Mr. Henry Hansen. The pastor will preach in an appropriate Lent theme. A tor- dial invitation is entailed to ntl. March 30-2:30 At Lincoln schonL Organization meeting Rtvinin-Hiulh land Park bunch of League of " man Voters. Sponsored by Ono“ Club Phone Mrs. Xavier Vite-lat at M. P. 1.'9M. March My-Highland Park Wom- an's club. lecture on "The Emotions! Life of the Chiu." by Dr. Smiley Blantn. " \"nssnr college, It 8:00. April 2~2:30 Spring musical: " Highland Park Woman: club. April ti-Easter Flower Mum at Defunct School. , E?,' 11:00 L I. (W) 8:!†9.11. St. Johns Evangelical "(on Me! an Gut “woo-moo†Civic Calendar Henry Clutton g Sons cHtcaGo-seariod Jack-on - EvAterroN--orH- and _ . In Our Evanmn Shop The Newest Style for High School Chaps in LYTTON HI SUITS Evansum Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evening WORM IOOOOOOOOOOQ m 164:1: In†W mm an.“ April IT-tr." Anni “Idling-1 Reliable Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. Cross Off Washday and Its Tedious Tail! b-am-h-P, We want. our on dry donning plant. 178-179 Highland Park. mind. SEND" the weekly washing nod and: otf wuhday " e.ertro-rcaleetdnr4 Tryout D-w-hservice-tortueh behiehqeioehestovmrtrey tra-sd in" damp and: hblhhsansk nfironino %LAUNDRY ab . f' 5‘51, [XXIII] A.dtgb-art& this“ “hmw‘ a-s-w.---. P-west-trr-tree undo-With“ hmwwmhhb ll