(o _ Local, Concerns which will share in Erection" of Beautiful, New Udell Building Out of the $187,000, which is being spent on this new building, over $110,000 will remain in Highland Park. Following are the names of the local concerns participating in its erection. HIGHLAND PARK DECORATING co, William Witter PAINTING PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 624 HIGHLAND PARK STATE BANK Financing Bond lune NORTH SHORE, EXCAVA’IORS Evaluating PHONE HIGHLAND PARK ml HIGHLAND PARK FUEL co. Building Materials JOHN GOURLEY & CO. PHONE HIGHLAND PARK SSS Lumber PHONE HIGHLAND PARK 466 PHONE HYGHLAND PARK moo Udell Printing Compung's New Building WOW DEERFIELD INTERIOR FINISH co. All Hill Work . LIBERTYVILLE ROOFING CO. EDWARD HINE LUMBER CO. vacuum; rm an and m MURPHY & SCHWALL Heating and 7»th momma) an r: and u MUTUAL COAL co. Mill. Material: LrBERryvuaa 'tbeta - ' mom: chnuxn PARK 2t PHONE DEERrTELD t36