- TueHeuar%tmhaMtnth.-Igi. “M. an I. M's..." Dunk-Out th-r-bg:. “mu-nu...“ "-ttetsa.rtureerm.tmi. mum- for i numb; 077;; mmmamm "eaudnutr5etFm-teertS. 'Mhlmdm DIS'I'IICI' 11 In _ IN MVANtmttrocr. 8 Putnam-{Turban â€Mommas-hymn. tr-het-sd-tu, nun-d in may - W'W he!“ 'rat-ed-ti-tu-ie. “by mm“d&?.14.an bub-audpo-ihmugdml'u. -C-M lav-nut. 'he3te.tht$h-eh-r-d Its hm: II m me: than mubiivolnwmmhn t.rr.uetserrtu--ets [mania uiiuri, -- Frahiiiiiliii"F. the Turin w,E.,_M.--_.;;"; Peer, eh.“ at a. -etive Huck-l can " 'rrrdiyr"iuriirGUcti; " the “Snnukr M aiTFLiTiiii one of the "mater 2'il,'L'l of the Punt-Teacher Maori-Fog. haw. In etrori u an] is: Triiiiiiii" ii; “Who in! pill-5cm! detect- that lumen. loline. Canton, Pekin and [Jaguar examined the children who we" to enter school this full, nil had the phniml detects com in -r_.. MCIBIIIII rleln Inc company. STATE BOARD OF P. Y. A. f From [921-26 she was at the Univer- IS NOW IN SESSION‘ 'sity of Wisconsin, first " asaistant . 'to the dun of women in chem of The ml meeting of the executive' freshmen Wm Ind paetheiieetie at committee and the board of man-gen I fairs. then "? eharete of sophomore of the "limb Congres- of Parents‘ women. and'm the second newest" end Teachers (the chain of nan; 1925-26. mm! dean tr '""re Pt title we: changed to conform withichartte 9f the .ehoursttits ami. JUN" the rational one at the Cleveland con- 1 and ff1"ff, Vow-ft". '"PeP'"r' of km In: sprint" is being held " l 'il "WWâ€? aetivittes. [Mimi]: how. the Mate headquarters in the Woman's; '"!F dueismpe. and "W3 on “I - City club on Michigan Avenue at!""".". rehstits. to her 'tor?-. She Wetter Drive on September 12, ta,' Ttceive. her latter. of Arts in hulory and It Final-Tend!" "sociationr) from Wilton-tn Mt June. 1923. ht ' is riomt Nov. '77-]!!th (Genet-l admisw After a year as assistant to the Hon! / _ winning} of Ge University School for Out of tomt plan: [Girls, Chicago. she studied interior Oct, 27~lllinoin at Urban“. fdecorntinx It the Art trttstittrte. The Nov. rt-msdinna at Bioomirttrtmt.') following two years. 1920-21. she in: Oct. t3--Butur N. U. second team vs. loyoln vanity. Oct. t3--Ohio States. Oet. 20--kertturey N. L'. second tum In. Notre Dame would tetra. Nov. 3 -Mmnesota "tomeeomintry. Nov. w-Purduc. Nov, gr -l)-rtmouth strand team home [amen A very limited nuhply of Dart- mouth (when In: still Ivnihble and 'according to the ticket alike. the only sure was of obtaining uckets for this game " through the purchase of season tickets. The limited supply of Inc-ken for thin game has made necessary holding each indwndul an der to two Inch-u only for this game. Two second team [tunes with In-; drum and Illtnois are not included ttti the season ticket. The" games are) played when the varsity teams are' playing " Bloomington and Urban. The Northwestern thdule of home lumps follovn: I There " no limit to the number of Benson ticketa which tny one person can purchase u long I: the supply lasts. These tickets are within the goal huts and give to the holder the name Mn! " nth of the six home runes. Evanston, lil., Sept. Kr-Applies- tions tor ungle tune ticket: tor the six home game: on Nonhwelum'l football schedule are not will; te- celved um wsli continue to be ac- cepled until the nun“ " ulna-ted. The nemn ticket sate which has be!!! m program for several month. will 11m; continue until the allotment " such but: has been sold. Over 10.- 000 season ttelreU have already been sold and tt " expected "In the allot, ment of [1.000 witl be [one soon. l SECOND T E A I CONTEST PATIO"!!! ovum-mans WWW “mm Inge-em Mes Intend- lng tkhedrrH, Second Ta- lluduu When Vinny In Not at Home r4uu,NetethtNteoNem" MM!!!“ -ttrtdiana (Genet-l admin- Illinois IGenerat admis. with Marsho Field nnd company. f From [921-26 she was at the Univer- sity of Wisconsin, first " assistant Ho the dean of women in charge of 'freshmen women and pant-cumin: at (him. then in charge of sophomore i'ffP?tP: Indrin the mend "that". Ming Brown did her prepmtory work in Deerfield Township highschool " Hmhland Park, Ill., and in Kemper Hull. Kenmhn. Wis.. a prvinte Episeu- palinn boardine school. She did her ruling" work at Northwestern univer- yily and Yuan-r college. receiving her A. B. degree in 1913. She made her debut in 1913 Ind before going to St. Marsh, roOeee. Dallas. Texas, for two yarn in 1916. did volunteer church work in Chicago, She was correspond- ine secretary pmi later president of thr Junior Auxiliary of that diocese. At St, Mary"s she in assistant prin- cipal and head of the history depart-) aunt. and later principal. l Dean Bizelow has voluntarily re- tired from the oftirre, which she has c-wbly Ind popuhrly titled for risk teen yours, to devote her time to hacking English literaiture. Miss Browq wan selected on the recount-cu- datiorf of Dean Bigolow. The Utter has been spending the summer at her cabin in Gold Hill and will counsel with Dean Brown, who will have the capable services of Mrs, Beatrice Coon. who wns Dean Bieelow's assistant. Dean Brown has served in a like impurity in a junior college in Texas. and in a sthool for girls in Chicago; also my assistant and acting dean at the University of Wisconsin. The nui- venity has issued the following sum» mary of her record: Lawn Mower Shop Miss Lydia L. Brown of China) who is to succeed S. Antoinette [new low as dean of women at the linker- sity of Color-do, has arrived “in In Ipnrtmem at The Nate, which she has kind for the school year. Min Lydia L. Brown has khan an apartment " The Nate which she has leased for the eehoot year. She In ahead " dun upon the recommen- dation of the former dean. S. Anoin- eue Bigelow, who reigned after eighteen years in the position. New Dean " WM Arrive" In A tuner Doerfieid-'rmihi. high Ithml girl ha been made den of tog-urn the Univznity of Colorado. in MADE DEAN OF WOMEN AT U. OF COLORADO Minn Lydia L. Bun. For-er D. S. [1. 8. GM. Am Position in ndia . Send your T Lawn Mower to us . to be Sharpened and "e"e Limnd hot info“ r7Giaii7iiir' m... ttttarte. IU'. mm, 'd'lu'Wt 1rl'Urg '" EWr"t'llbf."lSrlrlf2',1llr'fufst"dNtg.',t minimum. minimum-3th.!“ msndered-and the ,','gltr,tu'eag The but ot l'i'l'lTMe'l'l new. m'terrhetodttv-- NI! Moppine PS", ter fyr. 'rtettmtr "PM! a WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED MCdnlAv-u -pI')i'i'ill;jl'(igyat* Park Press For was" cling and studying in Europe. In 1925 er lad 19214.8 all: has been studying toward her PhD. q the University of " she m on lave of absence, trav- Elmer Clive): mud commissioner of Wm! Deerfield township. has In appliatinn before'the board of su- nervisors asking aid on s bridge to span the north brunch of the Chi- “(a river that extends into the coun- ty in that township. Clivey points out that the cost will be $7,000 and that the township an only bear half that mount. Mr, and Mrs. Soukup lived in Deer, field un Springfield avenue. Ind moved to Chirrmro about I year ago. Funeral “wires Were held from u‘hapol 2410 w. North avenue. low day, Stat. It). at 2 p. in. Interment Aims in Atari: Park. Three years ago high writer threat- oned to exterminate the plants for all time. At that time. Grass Lake ox- ceeded its usual level and the flowers were covered. Within two years the lot as will be u thick as ever. accord- ing to Jack O'Connor of Blarm-y Ida, Ibo has been a time observer of the conditions of the lotus beds. For the first time in three years, tho famous lotus beds of Grass Lake are, again in bloom ind promise to continue blossoming for another two wreks. The blooms this year are very "retty and hundreds of sightsoekers have visited the lake during the past Week. ASKS SUPERVISORS FOR AID ON BRIDGE Many V isitors Attracted to '), G rags lake: Plant Will i V Again Flourish _ Haida hin wife, one sister, Basie R, derer, four brothers. Joseph. Frank, Ruddy}! and Robcrt survive him. L0TT'.R BEDS BLOOM; _ 3 FIRST IN 3 YEARS) Mr. Soulup while residing in Deer- field seemed to he of u very cheerful disposition and won many friends, es- pecillly among the local American Legion Post and Masonic order of winch he was a member. William Sankup a former mick-t of MM killed haul! any Fri- day morning n. his home in Chicago, 4822 Drama-0nd Place. m, wile win out of town enjoying I vaeatioo at the time, but his "touter-in-taw, In. Mary Peterson told the police that while she - him draw the revolver. yet she In: unable to prevent the tragedy and the only motive she could give Ins despoetdetter. Com SUICIDE Witrtart I'ter, cl Chicago “I His Lite; THURSDAY, SWIBER 18. I!!!) 'IP Wemsmtatumeaa-ar-torgueatIi'teahlitah I M _ ' l, Mum-aim 7 ict American dxys striding along with a he" in one hand and I scroll in the other Th, the strol! are inscribed in large letters the words: "Did you ever trawl Mt mites an ttour?"-- phisizinz ihe hieh-speed operation of Thrif' >X}lll)¢‘>’, which are con- strttrted of a solid composition that win mthmmd the elements, present the thrure of a town erier of early American days stridimr nlnn' um. An attractive innovation in outdoor dunking has been introduced by the Chkaeo North Shore and Milwlu- hee Railroad (North Shore Line) in the terrrtrtv which it serves with the errrl'un at important trattic points of artistic statues us a medium for earryirur.its manage- of service to the puch. Lincoln Market ll v , . - "NY :0 1e , I C..., -_- u A _ V I _ n '."4 ... . ' 'GG (s." a; 4“: tJ, ' _ '.'. Ue ' " k se' .-._ V â€I. _ _ , a t A" -" - -5 il ti " my†' _ “‘I'k C . ‘93?!) , ‘ gr t f T - E 4 “WV North Shore Line Erects Statues Phone in your order and call for it I swmrsPRmmmisucrmBAcoN,m ..... otmmlfrrsMoKErrrrAMs,ttr .'.._.w..r... srrorrrrailGor'r'rNrisrsPRmcLAam,ns.. FANCY ma um BROILERS, m ... momma or' F'DlliBr may) VEAL, tt F'ANCYhomvEALCmtPs,tts ."t.rwwr.... uaNrNmrsrrotJutliiatRoAtrr,ttr........ "trisoriarrsPAiiriutms,rts......, mrwsnmilRtrmtriotrAmiatrrrtAvr,nt... JmcYhmaWAmrrilrilRriomyrs,rtr........ DELICIOUS BREAKFAST PORK SAUSAGES, minim,» "o'".""-.-..-.--.-....... F'RrisBNA'rmilmilrilr'mNGmis,tts........ fgM0KrilDCALARAMB,Itr.................. GRo1iAlyl'1LrAApps BONEuiSs BRISKET Consider Quality - Since the dawn of History the man who has gained permanently, has gained on quality. 519 Central Avenue Telephone Highland Park 3140 Ten of these statues are being erected by the North Shore Line,: and eight are already eomptetedl These are located at Dempster Streetl and Briergate stations on the Skokie; Valley Route, Milwaukee avenue Ind; Dempster street. Milwaukee avenue} all-steel North Shore Line trains be-, (ween Chicago and Nif%sukee, I The figure of the town trier is' seven and one-half feet tall and ap- [wars to he carved out of marble. lt Hands on a seven-root haw. which is Fmishrad to represent light grey gran» ite. 0n the four sides of the base are lam North Shore Line emblems in bas-relief and Marques telling of l ttv. territory and leading communities ( served. I Teachers by grades are: kindergar- ten, Miss Alice Lindberg; IB, Mrs. Christy Knask; IA, Miss Evelyn Srheel; 2A and B. Miss Dorothy Lid- gerwood; 38, Miss Pauline White; HA. Miss Elizabeth schilstra; tA and B, Miss Jean Nygard; .'stt. Mrs. Mary Srhaarh: 5A, Mi=s Irene Evemon: tith, Miss Leona Evans; ith, Miss Ethel Titus; kth, Miss Beth Andrew. Miss Lindberg teaches music and art in the uppttrrades In the atlernuorts, n [Infield Gran-u Stigma Note- At the regular meeting of the Board of Educatibn held m Deerfield Grammar school Tuesday evenmg, an bids for the electric wiring were re- jeeted, and the clerk instructed to ad- vertise for more bids. On the first day of school, 341 pupils were enrolled. An enrollment of approximately 375 is expected be- fore the end of September. north of River Road, Milwaukee ae- enue at Half Day Road, Walkerâ€: Road at Northbrook and on Sherwin Road at Wilmette. The picture shows the statue at Briertrate yta"toet on the Skolne Vauey Route. and Speck] Fatal-u THE SWEDISH ART METAL CO., 1.1. Gun. W. bimn. N. S. -entmtive 553 Chicago Art. Hithl-nd Pall Phi. Bah-I M 1m All dogs found on the 4211-15 of trerfield unmuzzied or unIicrnsed and LI rats running at large will be kin- 1. By order of the Village officials. Grading Lawns - Shruhrbera' Perennials - Walks - Terraces it later. LANDSCAPE GAROENER 9l5 Logan Street Highland Park 2288 After 7 o‘clock ART METAL WORK North Shore News TELEPHONE K. P. “145. S. BISETH and Gardens NOTICE .12c . 21c 42c 39e 31e 549W