Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 13 Sep 1928, p. 14

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- ‘Diiin-y ' muuik ' v" magnum, In. I. N. Luger-wood and dmrR*- c-rMhy.vhohanhenm {h ”I with retntive. in "t luthtHrM-emln- HM'M". ’ ' ‘I-l" but but with Ir. Ind Illa-31m. Him Bath Arum-9' of Milan]. m., Inch-r in Doc-meld when] ”trunking her home with Mr. und Mrs. Carl E. Baton, In. Jen: Sm Ind Ion. Wood, mtr-tdttirrtrrNis.r.traCe,ahtuft "My Efrain. by motor for New rm: Lake." m.) while en route from "What you should know than! soils members u pmmible wilt attend. ml trrti1isors." will he the “him on Friday. September mi u the Pres, Mrs, Julian Smiths talk " the regal-r byterian church. the “die! of the meeting of the Mfg,” Garden club Dorms satiety will serve one of their which will he held " the home or) famous rout beef dinmrn. Besides lurk Punk Rug" on Second sweet." the melt course many other deliciom Wodnnday afternoon Sm. 19m Mrs. ‘ tasty dishes will be served. Maintain: P, P. Browning will be the mist-m at 5:30 o’clock. Mrs. katheririe Gridley Jones Run- tlie, " fhntport, Fl... (fromerly of the International Sunday School BBBO- tintion conference in Culifornin. “a the nest of Mrs. J. A. Reichelt, Jr, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. W. Schneider and their damn-r and {Allin and Mrs. Schneider‘s mother Ind brother who live. on Grand avenue, win move next week to Wilmette. Mr. Ind In. E. Bram-n enter- trioe'd Mr. Brennan's uncle. Mr. J. J. ("Won of Moline, m., over the week- Mrs. Storms of Wilmette. is the new District president and is eager to meet MI of the local presidents in her Distriet, Mrs. mitten, the new State prosidmt is expected to be present. The September number of the Home and Garden Review, of which Mrs. James Robertson is the editor, has a picture of the lily pool in the garden of the A. P. Suite estate in Highland Park? A two column description of the lovely. garden of Mr. and Mrs. Wiéliam Aitken. of Bannnekburn. and an article on mulberry trees by Marie Ward Rtiehelt, of Oeertield. Mrs. Wal- ter B, Men-alt wu: awarded the blue ribbon for her six marigold blossoms at the first Down Town tlower show for amateur exhibitors at the Hotel Sherman. September 7 and 8, under th" anzpit-es of the Men's Garden club. The executive board of the Deer, field-Shields high school Parent- 1kazher association will meet Friday afternoon, September fourteenth. in the English club room of the high school at 2:30 p.m. Miss Elizabeth Bredin is the new president. And perhaps that is best. Most of us are too busy these days to tarry long in the mans of trade to listen to political discus- sions, but with the day's work out of the day we can sit in the quiet of the household at night time, tune in and hear politics and candidates dismissed. This will result in giving us a greater fn- terest in governmental affairs. We are still a government of the people, despite what the "intelligeneia" may claim, and if we continue to exercise our voting privilege as citizens the future of this country will remain reasonably safe. Soon the air will be filled with the appeals of political candi- dates extolling the virtues of themselves and their parties. The old country store, once the melting pot of public opinion, has given way in the march of progress to the microphone, and where once but neighbors listened to the exhorter now millions hear the state- ments of those who would guide the destinies of the nation. Roadmaking today is a scientific and technical job, requiring modern methods and material adapted to the soil and locality. The road jobs everywhere should he placed in the hands of thor- oughly practical and competent people. If all the money wasted in the past on obsolete methods had hem wisely used, we should have much betttroads everywhere in Illinois than We have now. About now an enormous amount of money is being spent on road improvement. The greater part of it is well spent. but in a good many cases considerable sums of money are still used in repairing roads in an old fashioned way. The old way of fixing up many country roads, was to drag up the muck and sand that had been swept by rains into the gutters. into the center of the road, from which it soon worked out into the gutters again. A few weeks aftcr the road was treated, it often looked about the same as before. ' Tte Highlanh Park Pass Programs of state and federal-aid highway systems include new construction of more than 20,000 miles of surfaced roads and about 8.000 miles graded and drained. In addition, maintenance and repair work will be done an at least 240,000 miles of state highways. Funds available to state highway departments are fully 25 per cent greater in amount than last year, amounting this year to $750,000,000, Expenditures by county and local units will swell the highway total to upwards of $1,300,000.000. Widenin‘g pavements is tredGilii/i'CrGature of highway improvement programs. Road construction in 1928 will at least equal and probably giggly exceed Elle highesg Tark {ecordged ln any preceding may. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1928 Muwmmmnmiufiummnw "r%nrmrsi-ett.Aet-CsifE' "hti""-o"trbv'heuPtutixteco.atrri-s. "hothtantr,tihoi. Deerfield HIGHWAY BUILDING RADIO CAMPAIGNS THE ROAD MONEY 1 Miss Florence Gloden is viUtintr reL ’atives this week in Minneapolis, Minn.. I Ute left Saturday and made the trip i by airplane. I William and Robert Mr! of _ Bannocld'mm will attend the Univer- ‘3in of Notre Dune " Booth Bend, Ind., this ym. They will leave the l Inger part of the net. Grc-ulale m' _ 'aaa-aa; -.-_- E Manila-nan Goldberg of Keno-II- 'fr.Hrrtor.Gettvure- uncirhoneonCeltnlmblr. I"! In. E. I. “at”. If. and In I. Sb...- .1 dmrghtrr “new.“ Mr. Sherman'- w. In. Arm look Mr. Ind In. E. P. Daemon wen dinner mt- of Mr. and In. Allen of Lake Forest, Sunby. In". R. D. M, liner Ginny. flex Fabian. by Cinch! and R. The Daniela Athletic buck." club was defeated by a m of 3At at Highwood. Sundny afternoon, by the St. June: hall “on. Frost an Dam -, land-y evening September 17th. There will be A social hour following the hairless session uni it is hoped that us my members " pauible will attend. Fridar, September run at the Pres, byterinn church. the ladies of the Pore" society will serve one of their famous roast beef dinners. Besides field Anglican ueiocuiixiiiG" ia ty held at the home of In. Elf! Miss Elizabeth Hobart. who “In in the kindergarten of the Deeer Grammar school last term s-ailed for h T home in China last week. While Miss Hobart wm: an American, yet she sp~nt most of her life and was horn in China where ht-r parents We!!! xhortly following their tuning; in Evanston. Miss Hobo“. however re- roived some of her education in Am- erica and was alttndin‘ the North- western university at Em when Pratrtseed to teach in DeerNu _ Mr. John A. HominnIJ‘WZukcgan Rd., is ill in the Highhnd Park hos- vital. second. "t h; Camp Fire Girls, met with their new guardian. Mrs. Irving Brandon last Tuesday afternoon. In as much as the Deerfield Gram- mar school opened one week later this ail than usual, the opening date of .he Deerfield Parent-Teacher associa- tion will be Friday afternoon. Septem- bur 21. which is the third Friday of rcturned to their home on Tuesday mcrning after spending two weeks svith relatives in Minneapolis, Minn. month instead of the customary 1'tetthte of the Deer- NUMBER 29 In rally bathi- service 7 WW -_-. T:81t “III meeting. Iona-y. Sept. w, " 10 Ln. joint meeting of Pro-Mary not] of repre- -.. of the Pin-Muriel new " Em First Church to plan the wt of the M and winter. Junior choir Mun.) Thursday at 3:45 p. m. Our Innull Sunday School R-lly will he held Sunni-y. September 30th. Keep this dun open and he sun to be present with your friends for any member of the family. Worship, 11:30 mm. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Mid-week pnyer And praise serv- ice eoeh Wednesday evening at 11:00 o'clock. 'itrtitehoir rehersat follow It 9:00 o'clock; Bvllgeliul Bungalow (‘th Rev. A. P. Johnna". minister Vacation weeks In over. An new year of church nuivity is at hand. This church welcomes you to its serv- To the m-ny new citizens of Deer- field and community. who due to their "hnntte of residence have had to sever their nhtions with the home church. we extend a hearty invitation to wor- ship with us. We will be pleased to see you " our services Ind your chil- dren in our Sunday school. :at'eml the Sunday services. Children and yuung people should Como to Sun- day school. There are old members to be aroused to renewed interest and there are new members to be gained. We hope that We can count 0. you. Try and be with us next Sunday. f rcrmtsers and friends of the St. Paul's EvanzHical church In rm-umc their share of rrrurtmsibitity in swinging M: ".urch and all her organization‘ into antion. Every individual soul of the ehureh is nebula-d. Much wilt de- pend on getting the right start. The entire family should 'pledge itself tn, Now that the vacation weeks are over and a new year of church activ- ity is at hand we sinrl-rrly urge the St. Paul's Evangelical Church Ruv. F. G. Piepenhrok. pastor Churvh school, 9:15 mm. Services, 10:15 am. The September Workers confer- ence to which all workers of the Church School and organizations con- nected with same are invited. will be held at the parsonage Friday eve- ning, Sept. Itth. A dinner to he served at 6:in p. m.. will prrmde the business scssion. Friday, September 'gl. 7:30 tr-m, the choir will resume its activities Mrs. Frank Russo had as her quests on Sunday. Mrc. A. Siewers, daughter Catherines and little nephew. Carl Sie- Wers of Oak Park and Miss Ankle Attard of Chicago. The Sewing Circle of St, Paul‘s Evangelical church will meet at thel home of Mrs. Johit Weber on Second, ctrept. Thursday afternoon, Septem- ber 20th. Fer _ Mn. Fn-d Lahahn has been ill for the past two wax-ks at her home on Ccntrat avenue. WM]. choir ret-rant " a ltr. and Mrs. E. F. Weigh of Deer, tield Rd. will live in New York City while their daughter Lorraine Js " undinz thn Fineh school there. Its. and Mrs. Oscar Bar: of Eugene avonuo. are spending a vactttiort in Northern Wisconsin. ' :30: Ctmrehoettmst, Deerfield Church News 10:15: nguhip “a sermon. Let Wallace Reichelt and George Strys krr will 314er! Lake Forest college this year. Mr. and Mrs. llelstrom of High- wood were quents' of Mrs. E. H. Will- nran, Sunday. Mrs. Thorn " Forest Glenn is the house cues of Mrs, F. H. Meyer of Waukegan Rd. Mr. and Mrs. E. u. Selig had is their Kut'sts Saturday. Mrs. w. Buck, ley and son. Walter of Chic-go. Rev. and Mrs. F. G. Piepenbrok and two children have returned from their varation at Lake Tomahawk, Wis. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Kunk of Grand avenue. have ldopted In infant chug!» ter. Among the DeertUht American V- (ion Auxiliary members who ”tended the convention dinner at Wanker-n. Monday evening. September 10th, in- tlmhd Muses. Minnie Whiteomb, George Jacobs, Harry Mau, Frank Jacobs. Sn, Clarence Hahn, Chas, Frey, Philip Scully, Alex Willman. Bruce Blaine, Prank Jacobs, Jr., Ralph Peterson and P. H, Meyer, Mrs. Irene McIntyre Walbridge, the National Auxiliary president was among the speakers. The Deerfield Public Library begin- ning Monday, September 10th will be opened every Monday afternoon, from 2 until 5 o'ciock And on Friday after- Boon and evening from 2 until 5 and 7 to 9 o'clock instead of Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, Mr. Thadure Lange of Rondout visited relatives in Deerfield, Sunday, Sand-y schogl, 9:45 mm. A class Mr. and Mrs. Ethan. Willmnn and two children at Des Moines, Iowa. are visiting relatives in Deertield. Sherman m, In. - Volta, of Spr'utaNU, m., Inat rut Miss Edn- Volts will attend ch Itti- nois Woman's Count-t. Jackson- ville. this year. The Sh.eatagt my motored home by war of Starved Rock. l Mr. mud Mrs. George D. Richards spent last week with Mr. and In. W. A. Woodat, Eagle River, Wh, B-eqeH Murin- Chunk Pet J. Andra", push" 'BBtmWLAMDPimttetttktt y Hank Auto SM Co. Sister and brothers of the In. Carl Lange “knowledge with and“! up- preciatiort the kind onto-aim af sympathy undead during recent be, reavemem at their beloved brother. â€"â€" W p... IWi'raTiiirc'GC. mundyommtoh’m "sd-i.tirtthrtnini-demwu, during tic will“ nonths. Thliudly, healing of the Wound: I???” _yseietr. Friday, vii-nu- by “goon-n Io~ ciety berm " 5:30. Scouts will meet " the mu " Tn6. Full Cup Fire for all icouu and wont eon- mittoemen of Troop 52. " lb. church. All m urged to be present». New wont; - welcome. A cordial welcome to all the nerv- ices and activities of this church. Rubin and Heating Phan- nigmu Park m " B. St. John Are. T. ll. DECKER&C0. 25 South Second Street Telephone 391 OI what a froWning face papa makes when the heat isn't materializing. He needs to call us. We'll we to it that he has a com- fortable temperature - a smiling comfort. You know that most fires start because folks are just plain careless. Folks are that way with tires, too. If they would be careful in buying theirtires--tomeihand get _H_orsesrhoes---thesr would not he alarmed when they saw a bad stretch of road. These Masha: Tires are as tmuh as a 3-11 tire. DENTISTS Dottie“ - Northbrook (Mice open every day from 9 to 6. Evenings by appointment. DRS. O’CONNELL CARD oe THANKS Phones: Deerfield " Northbrook " THERRIEN 21-28 special Money-Saving on": -s Allowance t,',r.a,r,t,f,gtsot, beautiful NEW or 'atameirtiiULiiiiii- " St south St. John AmMWP-rk Tm 1Nhlmsd Park 2900 Punug “5551193 Com-m Citii5:REESEEEiEsy [Manor Tile Inst-elation: and. Dinindi-ve Furnishing! Pinch-Lug Beach 8223-84 EllultC5NtMt want: 4, _ The new Fedelco isfaster,saferand more thorough ' Iftllllllllllllb, than any other . “Alia-Ii at“. inlaid"- Weed Ink-u mun-d . Writ I." will a will“: [lull-g Una o-Th-ar. My All My - Rees Building, 4416 Noah Curl Sc Her return from abroad with 563 LINCOLN AVENUE WINNETKA English Antiques AL, a VB: 1-day of includu'ng Chem. Duh Tabla. Chm. of Queen Anne and Georeiar, Period I compn 1km; e decorative obieeu in (bf bole Lot REES “bl-it the prof-or fir-id. M iss Herbs: In the nut import.“ hum colleetio. of THE FIREPLACE biarrrts.bep-eh-deh. my"Lkd¢byWW-’ eralspecial allow; ance offer is lim- ited. Act Now! tnan '."httli,r. model. is lib. Modern Plumbinn and Healing hut-IQ- Ch-htttr Gr... - 3% Wm ”than“: 360 CENTRAL AVENUE Telephonn Shop H. P. 1404 lbs. 3. P. 439-134: With modern plumbing equipment manned. your bathroom will rival the beauty of In] other mm in yum home. Let us transform this nucl- used room into I place of - convenience with tho aid of 'ep-to- date accessories, inchrdinq bathtub. fauceu. etc. Call for prica. REALTY IN THE autumn s115 Moran Brothers

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