mm’d’i‘wuq" 1'l."l'laTAr1"Mfldet/f. dWP-me. P>yr_tt.'_hMrrprtamitgetta. 1$...M$il_r.$ttms MES": 7%" "irir"i'ii'i ti7a,"ia' o'dcck. - but: - 'y'toroe+rr?to-rtrs the Inc-k 1uetrhtom*iehtSeimb. lieu-mum humu- nqqTh-irairmo-t.iei-rc- muhlmwmm a!“ uh will it - Lrrtt.%.teeret-. â€at: “‘3'?" KM.“ the dr-iaaitiiii LGF'" iivaa%i'i ""- m by her deter and a. ee'eer delighted 'rithlr, I. brilliant m. Rum-I! Hr' 'tririiGGFth'i A - meeting of the Deodetd Plnnt-TO‘CMI’ â€mention will be held on Prid.r Harmon, October " in the Bil-cl!" Sundial church Ind I'.",',.' mm the mum "dl hue t while“ of huh. and coming personally .eqmhted with the . ft'Lt'. :1... lanai Hr. ntin . " him. than but! do that. " Ion. To “in “any. th. “in -- than hm h a... book. at h"ttyd. up“ In. Ph- HARD “its PM??? 10 " "1|me Mrs. Ruth Fuse " will: High Priestess of Emmanuel White Shrine of Like Form! for Min Helen Shah! Worthy High Mute“ the illneu tamed her to ruin her "bee. v~---‘ '“"‘““‘" I Mr. twrbrrVresienatio,, was ten- --------- dered to the board " its meeting last scum AME.†RALLY 3 Friday owning. becoming effective AT NEB' “IE" H. B. " once. so that hr might take up his _ --, new duties October 1. Trustee game. "et 2itet, T2T, Sept. 2%: A. Russell was appointed President 'en Tom tYoo . . . G ', _ . No. " attended the Scout Rally field" tn an), on Mr ierber's duties _ in the New Trier hizh school. A) Mr, Gerber 'e:1.rormtrts: business camp reunion was held m the dining manager of ' Wisconsm League of mom at 8 o'clock and music luminhcdr Municipalities. and for several year; ty _ Ion! troo " drum and tm le' nrvvious to that was engineer for the , p _ - , (‘12:; Product, association. corps was one rd the mttertainintrir locum. At 3 o'clock. the area wide; The Ih'rber, home at MR'. Vernon court of award 'Fatt hold Ind How-rm nvcnuo. Is to_be sold 35.30011 " poss- Huhn 1nd Rev. M. Artdtems, tut', iMe ta permit the family .to take up muster mivod the "ar scout thte, mi permanent residence in Urbana merit budge. The troop " drum and ! without undue delay. bugle corps haw been invited to It- -------- l tynd tte. - Eli-10 ".011,- 5"l"Lt The Chinese do e-Verything back- 2t 3rh5'lgmb: "t,1i"de12iCr ward. They classified a bevy of girls l hid. in G,Lii L',. at 1 o'clock. i .5 "red" the other day because the; ""i'Mflfl P.T. i. m a AR LUCY F. mums Farina: 3 blur steel nutnmulic pith ml when he tttppcd into hi. g“ .ta.) tion for a man of oil tor I waiting automobile. Irvm Hyde of Grayshkc,‘ [is station attendant nt Sheridan, mud In Belvidere street. was tubbedI of $3613 and locked in the Vllhroolllf a! the nation by two of . ynrty- of fear men who had driven up in .3 Potiar roadster. 1 omâ€. More than titty tiremen and village otfirruds gathered " the local Bell, Tavern Inst Thursday evening for the _ complimentary dinner given by the; dim-mu of the Libertyviile‘uundeg lem Chamber of Common» for the mvmhers of the L)bertzville the de-‘ parlml'nl to celebrate the arrival and“ m amt-m1 of the new fire rquipmem.§ Mrs. Ron Kilchmnnn. til. of Al- bert Kilehmann of Libertyville, and a native of Switzerland died "our heart trouble at Powell Namath“ hospual recrmly. Mrs. Kilthmlnnf had been suffering from heart nil-l mtnl. I elk-Mohavuk. 1Jertothrti- of her hat illness Mrs. Smith hm ett- ioyed remain-hie health for I woman nearing the century mark. In. Jennette Smith, 93 year- old. one of the olden residents ot Luke county, passed "way In: WM: murmng n the home of Grant Link In Libertrvitie, follom'ng in mum Denpondent over marital Wold.- and a forty city intent: in the collu- ty Jail led Herb Batista". ar, of 120 Gnu. 3mm, to attempt suicide in the canny jail, deputy Krill: thud. He recovered. NEIGHNRHOOD W68 [nun-ting mumsnm 'tt08HahmMJltrr DAM out mum W,NudSthnn dWFm til Put of It“ SE: nnd Vicinity; County Seal Dot-p Aha! The Chinese do everything track. ward. They classified a bevy of girls IS "red" the other day because the maids had bobbed hair. In Christian nations it in lone hair which in usu~ ally 'uurotwinted switlt BoMtevism-atso - vim. ; A. C football! toam on Sunday after-y , noon on thv Jewett Park. The balmy) â€were: brought out an unusually" Harm: rum! and the lava! team re-, l ttretted very much that they were un-l § tthh. tn "ntertain them and while they} .--- t_, - ' . _ . W. D. Gerber, who has been prel- ident of the (Eh-moo Vilhge board mun- April. i921. has accepted the msiiion " engineer of the Illinois Sun; Watvr Survey. with headquu- ten att Urbano. MAYOR OF' GLENCOE RESIGNS. LEAVING W. D. Gerber to Become Engin- eer of State Water Survey; Goes to Urban -e ' . this is one of the most important Mrs.. Kamsehuite, Iistrift “WWI elections in the history of the United Wald“! trt1.wsst tsssisted by '?.e.'rstadl, it in essential that all lull orarles Ir.fudintr. Mrs, Lela lermr ( voters see that their numes are regis- Py of leettyyllle amp. Mrs. Lydhltered. to avoid confusion on election Wick ot Wheeling amp, Mrs. Juliette day Smith of Highland Park c-mp. Mrs.; ' . . _ . illnry McKinzie of Glepview 'PP.?: oe,tPilh,niuiiggu"toeti,ttigt, has l t','ga"g,tit,t s'tettthi" Lui,',",",',; man); ~newclnnem have beers swam in Winnetka it". . “Mrs l rile Mi Mi thy tiay " voting, but in order to den of North CPD-it; Cl,",,',', and Mrs ‘ Immune the duties of the election 'Johnston of 'd,S1'e'l'] um: ' man! all voter! are urged to see that _ . - _ their name: are registered either on Four “Minn": were mutated a_nd October " or ao. Polling places 'tre the :ttnnxvely decorated hall with _ h h ll d Bl i ehl's more colorful tfrrwers tent I pleuimr track, trt t e town IE an e m . To the keen disappointment ot Itcrrtirhy, and surrounding town's foottuUt fans the Wrightwood foot butt (Mm failed to meet the Deerfield Four undidntes were initiated and the "trartiveir decorated hall with colorful tfrrwers tent I pleasing back, ground fur the ceremonies. WRIGH'rwoon TEAM FAILS 'ro APPEAR Mrs. William Johnston, oracle, was largely responsible for the "range- ment of the wlendid program of the evening. Masonic Twyla Int Thursday eve- ning, Swank: yt In one of espe- cial interest and w attended by one hundred and twenty-tive members in- cluding guest: from surrounding warm. The muting of the Darla†R. y, Veer, which was hid in the LARGE ATTENDANCE AT DEERFIELD I. N. A. MEET Him. Matte, District Dop- uty, Con-nil any on AccoQDIhI-enu m- - -- - AIAai-maiitiii mom-.1... m}: W P in the War creations , Fortunate indeed is the nub-deb who awaits the happy experience of selecting her autumn . footwear from these very newest of Modern ' Ilia models. For Modern Miss Shoes with All their ultra-modiah fidelity to line, leather . and color do not depart in the Ilightest from the dietatesot health and comfort. You should see them! “an M--- to a T ’ aCDL ty plPER lt . F- m They're -Ae,e., Modern Miss Shoes T1ri"nirigyat1tr Park Frags V minim" WVWY' 'tttr If?) It was nnnnunced by the naval au- thurities " Great Lakes last week that Harry F. Wolter, 1019 Ash street. had been selected for promo- tion to the position of chief Clerk of headquarters. ninth naval dis- trlrt. in plum of Edward J. MeGeogh, who recently resigned to accept an important executive position with the lied mid mane organization. . WOL'I'ER SUCCESSOR OF MrGEOGH AT CRT. LAKES s-rus" Because "the having bicturo than was in its infancy. Mr. Amet re- ."I-fved Very little for his invention. About twenty years ago he and his family removed to Rwanda Beach, Calif.. where they have lived ever since. " will hr recalled by Waukegan {funds :hat while Mr. Amet resided in Waukvean ho invented the first, V vhf pivunw machine. The pic- turer, were lint projected from this} muhine by George K. Spoor. my head of the old Essanny complny. They were exhibited in the old Phoe-i nix oiera house in Wlukegan. i Amet disposed of his interest in the device. the possibilities of which were 'hm little realized, to Mr. Spoor when {Nun-d the Essanay company. His) partner was “Bronco Billy" Antler-I Fun. who in the old days was a we!†l.nrwn star. being featured in "West. sznn rc-Imivvx of Mr. Amet. In the dw-Iurrtinn of his "suit Mr. Amet charges that he brought out “talking pictures" scverat years ago but the adwnt of the war ruined his tirtamr, ing company. He claims to hare pro- trttcd his invention by patents. Charging that he is the inventor of talking picturcs, and that he holds all the basic patents, Edward H. Amet of Rodondo Beach, Calif., but former- ly a well known resident of Wauke- gun. has brought suit for $10,000,000 araim! Warner, Pox and other large film corporations, on the ground that tho Talking Picture: they are pro- during are an inrrineement. This is tho information just received by Wau- FORMER WAUKEGAN MAN (r' sumo MOVIE CONCERNS r,..,',',', It in not necmuy, in Lake County, for old resident: who are accustomed to voting to re-register, believe, I: this is one of the most important elections in the history of the United States, tt in essential that all lull voters see that their numes are regis- tered, to avoid confusion on election day. October 16 Ind " Ire rmristratiort days (or Luke County. Those who have come to Nertieid recently use expected to have their names pinned on the pool books on those dats. Those who have moved way or dad since the last election will have their names stricken from the list. Polling Plan: In Hell! in To!!! Halt and BUimehN DEERFIBLD VOTERS All URGED To REGISTER Store THURSDAY, OCTOBER d, 1928 him ban-lit hu, a strong ruse against all five de- n ndamx. The prosecutor said some werks ago that he regarded the Beck b) uuwr as our of the most cold blooded ever committed in Lake coun- ty and that he wuuld demand the dausth mnalty for all tive defendants. Murtm was arrested in Chicago and u mum! in, mum ney. It is believed that the court wdl have to appoint attorneys to rep- (“5"!!! the others, as they have no funds. It is said that Martin is making an attempt tu gain his freedom by hum: a state witness. It is doubted, howrrer, if States Attorney A. V. Ninth would consider making such a Fun-gun with Martin as he feels he b,.. - A Harold Martin. colored, 32 yank: old, of 6346 Eberhardt avenue, Chi- cago, who with three other negrou and an Indian, is charged with the murder at William Beck, Jr., a far- mer who lived nelr Milburn, has en- gaged Attorney George W. Field to represent him. He is the only one of the quintet thus far to bave hired an zttlulney. It is believed that the ALA) Harold Martin, Indicated With Three Other in Killing of Wm. Beck to Fight MURDER SUSPECT HAS EMPLOYED COUNSEL an: (hump Say: that Great Brit, “a P., amt-[inn If kmbarking on tau! im-reawing program. All right, mun as we get our 25 new cruis.. mm we will be ready to listen to cordvssion made to I tha: he was the d tcar on the trio to .‘ Gut-nu The Attractive and Dignified Entrance to the New Home of the was the driver ofâ€; le trip m Milburn. rot. -Smith This, beautiful setting, together with en- tirely new equipment - and the whole, somely delicious home cooked food, which has always characterized this popular cafeteria make it one of the firteat places of its kind on the North Shore. We are tire you will like it - and we are, proud to offer it as our contribution to High, land Park's ever-increasing architectural HOWARD-UDELL C A F E T E R I A Many children are taken to and from school fly Yellow Cabs daily. unattended by anyone save the driver. Yellow Cabs have courteous and dependable drivers, reasonable and uniform rates of fare, and moral and tinaneial responsibility, Limousines & Sedans Advertise in the FREE The 'ellqu gab Company Parties and Pleasure Trips a Specialty Today you have the begt cab service in the world. Phone Highland Park 2000 hourly' and meter rates 'ellow Cab Company 5 and 7 passenger Cabs 660(3)"? Decimal, North Sham Now; and Spacinl Features TELEPHONE It. P. can