Local and Personal! :?It Fr, A quiet home wedding oeenred last Sunday, September 30, at the M. E. Parsonage when Mr. Paul E. Down- ing and Miss Eleanor Doble were united in marriage by the bride's father. Rev. W. B. noble. in the pres- ence of the immediate families only. The groom. formerly of Bellefontaine, Ohio, has been a resident of this com- munity for several years, and is known in business circles, as an ex- pert Floor Layer and Surfacer. The bride Ilsa is well known in this com- munity. having taken an active inter- est in musical and social activities. The time chosen for this wedding will be especially memorable to the fam, ilies as it n-presents’ Rev. Doble's last ceremony as an active pastor in Highland Park. After a wedding din- ner and usual felkitations, the young couple lefi tor their honeymoon, and upon ramming later in the week, (by will reside at tC4 Waukegan avenue Highland Park. The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Jackson daughter of Mrs. Fred Jack- son of Lake Forest and Mr. Arnold Werhamr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Werhane of this city will take ylace Saturday afternoon at four o'clock at the first Presbyterian church of Lake Forest, the Rev. Geo. Robots oftieiati.ng. Mi-s Jackson will be attended by her sister Verne as tuid of honor. Mr. Robert George Robinson will serve Mr, Werhane as best man. A reception will follow the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents. Miss Gladys Larson, daughter orl Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Larson will be married to Mr. Chester Bierwirth of Chicago ntx: Wednesday evening at 8:30 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents. the Rev. W. F. Suhr oftieiat. ing. The attendants will be Mrs. T. J, Zable who will serve as matron of honor. and Miss Lois Larson who will be the maid of honor. The Misses Thelma Larson. Vernyle lit-Dull. Dor- othy May, Peggy Griffiths, Ivy Levett and Mrs. Russell Barth l'l'helma Bench) will act as ribbon bearers. Dorothy Kutzer and Mary Elizabeth Larson will he thrwer girls and Don- Bid Liljn will be the ring bearer. Mr. Harry Fuller of Chicago will serve the groom as best man. Miss Dar- lene Jone; will play the wedding march. A roception will follow the ceremony after which the young couple will leave on a wedding trip. Upon their return the will reside in Chielgo. In. w. M“ (In, Pay) "hull-Hymn“!- Vm.l.c..hvh¢npoum ,rl."2l'g1'f.ty2t: Maud-hm a "1tPl'l'MtgJ"dTAt,t'lu Mrs. Rolland Hastings is entertain- ing at dinner Friday evening for Mrs. Charles Dicky who is visiting her daughter Mrs. Irving Randall. Min Mayme Rosenberg entertained several of her young friends at din, ner Friday evening. Miss Mnry Nuremberg was hos- tess to the Young People Missionary troeietr_on Monday evening: _ hymn-ammo.» .h.mCH.rrrotaeedtor%rervftu, ‘mthmadndmth â€albino-wt Hha Peggy Grimm Ind Mm. Illu- Iell Burt: Are entertaining for Miss Glut}! Larson this evening (Thun- tht Thad-y eGnintt thi, Merry~go- mind club was entertained " the home of Mrs. Florence Canker. In. Ituardt of S. Grammy road in Entertaining the Ladies Aid mitt, of the Redeemer Luthmn church. this "terooon. 0‘- Mr. an] In. Ernst-6b". Mrs. J. B. Card and daughter “in Raul have returned from .hroad when they spent the manner. [in In, Card will remain in New York for the whm. Rev. uni Mrs. C. G. Uni-nor re- turned from quite an extended trip through Pennsylvania on Inat "tar- day evening. Part of the time they uccompnnied Mr. 3nd Mrs. Edward Hint: At the - time Mr. and In. Henry Massimo made I trip to Penmy‘lvulin Ind New York. All Md 1 not! guanine time visiting ginning In. N. A. Wink in huh; today for Jolie. to attend the Inim- Con- vmion behtg held them. frlcnd- Git traveling claim an; “SM-M of America." It. w" Winter is not far off. Colder weather is com- ing. That is one of the surest things we know. Better play safe and phone us your order for your coal or coke now while delivery conditions are good and you can be sure of prompt service. Our fuel is fully guaranteed-it must satisfy or we re- move it and refund your money. Buy Your Coal on Approval! pawl-V vans ALL. ovb! Ya: no." noon COAL Play Safe! mu. _ COKE i F0ErertL Puck: HIGHLAND PARK 1.00 ',."iiir, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Custaden of S. serve Sheridan road left Friday for Phil- ; Dur- adelphia where they are attending the aiding Amtrican Bankers association con- †the" vention, young Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bates of Deer- . trip.) field, are the proud parents of a son reside‘ born on Saturday. September 29 at _ the Highland Park hospital. Mrs. E. Stranger of Oakwood avenue ntt wtttiesiay fawning. Mrs. William. Guyot i; entertaining the Worth White circle this evening {Thursday}. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Brand and Miss) Charlotte have moved from the old‘r homestead on S. Second street, which l, was purchased some time ago by? the Udell Printing Co., to their Mew, ham-m on Deerfield avenue. in Deer-i tind. Mr. and Mrs. Saathotr and family are now living in the Second! greet residence. An important missionary confer-I tnue is being held at the Kimball av-i onue United Evangelical church in] Chicago this week. Bishop E. 5.. Wondnng and Dr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor, of China, are among the sprain-n. Miss Bertha Paine, of Highland Park, missionary in India! fur more than twenty years will speak on "Prayer and Missions." The First} United Evangelical church of this why- is well represented at the can-l rurvnce. i Mr. and Mrs. F. Wicks and daueh- tvr are leaving their home in Ravinia this who): and will spend the winter Itt Chicago at the Ito E Delaware :epartmertts. Thu opening met-ling of the Wa. man'~ Miadonal‘y Union of the Pres- Fyrerian rhurch will be held in the Hume " Mrs. George li, Bard, 295 Maple avenue. on Monday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. An intcrrcstirw pro- mam has been prepared and all the ladies of the church are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Jurrems, Jr.. of s. St. Johns avenue are receiv- inst enngratulations on the birth of a daughter, Mary Lonnru, on Saturday. Soptvmhor 29 at the Highland Park hospital. Mrs. Jerrems was formerly Lenore Smith. Mrs. Trim: Waller of Forest ave- nue has returned to Highland Park for thc winter. M r. and Mrs, Eldon H. Glea<on and family of County Line road have moved into their new home located at 257 Cedar avenue. Mr, and Mrs. John Not: of Deer- field, Illinois announce the birth of a my: on Tuesday, September 25 At the Highland Park hospital. air. and Mrs. Arthur H. Em Mtk_t4rret {mm-Im- wane-haunt. Mr. and Mrs. William S. Forrest. Jr., annnunce the birth of a daughter. Marian Townsley an September-M at the Michael Reese hospital, Chi- canto. Bishop E. S. Woodring, of Allen- town, Penn., I preacher with burning message. will preach at the First Uni- ted Evangelical church on Sand-y evening " 7:45 o’clock. q Announcement is nut by Mr. Ind Mrs. Willi-m J. thider of the marriage of their blather, Fraoeet boon: to June: B. MeCrareo on Thursday, October q at Mt o’clock It St. June: church. Highwood. m. Mr. and Mrs. James, Viti announce the approaching III-nine of their daughter. Rose, to Mr. Giacomo Cun- uullo on Saturday morning, Oeto- bet 6, at 9:30 o'clock at St. Janet chureh. Hist-wood. Illinois. After I reception in the parish home the young couple will take {two Inch motor trip through the mt visiting New York. Miss Marie Bletschr has returned from a four months trip in San Frtut- cisco. Miss Jane Martin of Hazel avenue left Sunday for Rose Mary Hall, Con- netieat where she will attend when]. Mr. and Mn. A. J. Bailey of Rider good drive In the proud parent; of I daughter horn on Friday. Sam. ber " at the RitrhUnd Purl W. In. Nut W. Munch-rd of WI ker "can hld " be M qvee the “and. Mr. and In. J. B. It- Connkk m their dam, In: of Avon. Illinois. The Woman Missimnry lociety of the First United Evnnnlicul church will meet on Thursday afternoon, Octnher It, vim Mrs. R. G. Evans of South Pint “met. A , Mr. Ind 'fra. 3-de Ember- " l Mrs, E. L. Blume of 1040 s. Sheri- I dan road entertained twelve ladies at ‘luncheon on Monday. The occasion l was in celebration of I birthday In- _ niversary. The guests included lfriends from Chicago and Highland Park. Mr. and an. w, J. Wuhan ml plenum :urpriud on Sam on- ( nine " their home on Gleam ave: nu: than twenty of their triads] tune to help them eeteheate their fondant): wedding umivcmry. Pim , hundred passed the evening bun, pleasantly, the moccasin] prim Vin-l ners having been Mr. and Mrs, “will Berube, Mr. and Mn. Oscu mid-l lay, Mrs. J. Wuhan and In. Ill-y otitweia. 1 ' The regular business and social lmoeting of the Girls' choir of St. John's Evangelical church was held In! the parsonage on N. Green Bay rand on Monday evening at eight o'elock. Vernette Werhane. president' of the group presided at the business t meeting. Election of omcers resulted lin Catherine Zimmer being elertod president, and Florence Zimmer, sun rotary; Sophia Zinglar. treasurer, and Alice Flint. birthday secretary. Several items of business were trans, -nr'teil. Fulluwinz the busirvss mem- f m: Mrs. K. A. Roth led a discussion Min Friendship. Several [turtles were k njnyvil In which Yernotte Werhane Jami Florence Zimmor were success- ful and were presented with I gift. :Tho hostess served refreshments. _ cm Tuesday evening, Ort. 2, the in, when of St. John's Evarttrelieyt vhurvh onjeywl a delicious supper in} ithe social mom of the church, The ivliimer was: planned by the social and i w. uni In. w Gang .1 Pin: street. Noam [Iliad- m waiving eoagratuiatistat. on tho birth of a daughter on lash], out. t " the Highland 11treAepiPl. Little Joyce Bridges, daughter of Air. and Mrs. Robert M. British of W. Park avenue entertained twelve of her little girl friends It I delight- :‘ul birthday party yestgrdny Illu- noon (Wednesday). " In: Joree's sixth birthday and all the little guests report "just the best time ever." Mrs. Arthur Swanson was hostess on Thursday afternoon at two tables of bridge at her home on Orchard lane. The annual card party of the American legion auxiliary wilt be held Wednesday afternoon at two o'cioek at the Moraine hotel. The re- (Tints will be for service Hmong dis- able) Veterans of the world war. Mrs. Helen C. Golden has returned from a ten days stay in Burlington, Iowa, where she has been the guest of, Mrs. Fred Berry. Mrs. Harry Schwartz and Mrs. Walter Slang. of, Mrs. Fred Berry. Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rudolph of Schwartz and Mrs. Walter Sums. Cvunty Lim- ruud left yesterday for Mrs. Fred Fisher. Sn. was the a trip to northern Wisconsin. truest last week of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Bruno Boehm uf River For, Charles Miller of Antioch, “L m: {entertained at a nnp o'vlock lunch- The reguIar business and social “-21 on 'ru"sday for Mrs. K. "din of meeting of the Girls' choir of St. ink. Wis, the Hues! of Mrs. E. M. John's Evangelical church was held \‘unrad. 'EBrmNLANDPABEr%tt8tLtEMBrta3rrbPAlt3r.guatttte. l They have to. When Four Wimhrdabries come out of the Hart Behathter & Marx testing laboratories they're right. Get them in Raglans or single breasted straight line eoattr--.in ChesterfieHs, University models, double breasteds. You’ll get style - and you’ll get longer wear than you ever exper- ienced before. Highland Park and Wiuulka _ Phone Highland Park and Winn“. tt2 S. Fell ,' $22.50 $27.50 $35.00 who can“ at “I Ion-5 in. anon-WM. on. tr, " satiny, with In. C. 3. 'aatam ed and: woddhtd m. " mom wan all: attmetim with P-l per Irma-en in - Ind 13%. and with ultra-m Mun. A tst-it- tee of the Girls' choir took chug. of me decorations. Following ti! dil- ner I humus meeting ot m mm- mention was held. In tho .ti.eeteo "f Mr. G. A. Bolus. preside“ of tho "sarcit eotmeit, Bu. K. A. Both pn- -|ded. Report: of the cater: for the sisal you wen given and Nan. toe lhq coming rear we" discussed. A im'e spirit of fellowship and friendli- nest prevailed. Mea. John M. Wank“, 851 North Sheridan road, Highland Put, will hr hostess at I tea on Wednesday, “n. 10 from three to tive o’clock, for the benetit of the Church Home for tseed Persons. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tillman are "ntertainintr twemy cunts " a fam. sly dinner tomorrow evening: the oc- cusion is in celebration of their 12th " aiding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William Kopp of ttral luncoln avenue had as their - far the past two weeks their run. Theodore L. Kopp and wife and mm“ son, Buddy of Santa Ron. I alif.. also J. Kopp of Detroit, Mich.. made: their sons and daughter: from Chicago and their son. Martin Fl. Kopp and family of this city. Dur- ny: their stay here a family reunion has held. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore L. Kopp if: for California on Thursday eve- ning, Sept. M. Mrs. Arch Abercromby entertnin- ml at two tables of bridge at her honu. 'ttt Lincoln avenue last Friday eve- mmz. Mrs. Alex Smith of Glvncue, tor-', :m-rly Miss Elsie Witten " this city I is lll in the Highland Park hospital, and is reported to be getting alork tsteely. i Mr. Sun-n K. 0.xlcrgaard is visit-t An): Mrs, Uslcrgaurd's parents. Mr., and Mrs. J. Stipo of Fiuuth Gnu“ Hay road. Mr. U>1erguard has I’m-r! x'nnmctcd with the New York Lite: lusurnncv (h, in Nivrnun, Una. in!“ we past tive sve"ar'r and has bru‘ transferred from. the trtearon brunch, in Chicago, Mrs. (Isu-rxaard and; children will arrive in the non: fu, tare. . . I Rrbert Drum] and Thomas Pt.ter; are enjoying a tishute trip at Rx"; Lake, Wis., this Week. Miss Anne Kelly of Winnetka and Mr. Edward Grocnwald idatids, (L; Hart Schaffner & Marx Top Coats Meet the severest wear and weather tests up“: ill toe tht "at. two autou-sduas. Mr. and In. Hilton Till-n- and {unity and Mr. and In. Down: Grout of Chicago spent. Sunny in Elgin. Mrs. Edward Helm of Pink, Wit, spent I few days of this week with her sister. In. Edward M. Conrad of Laurel avenue. Mr. and Mrs. John Abbott of N. Second street announce the birth of I non Wednesday in Grant hospital, Chicago. In. Abbott was formerly “in Irene Fisher of Clem. A very pretty little home weddinsrl took piace on Wednesday at Devan; o'clock at the home of Mr, and In. Charles Rudolph of County Line au) when their doughter. Helen Rose, VII [ married to George Martin Daily, aonl of Mrs. Talbert Daily of SltP.ee.1 avenue. The Rev. William Suhr per-; formed the ceremony with only the) two intimate families present. Thr, bride were a pretty troek of pink chifrett and carried l bouquet on Cede! Brunner rows. while on“ bridesmaid, Miss Bernice Rudolph of Clem. a cousin wore yellow (cor- ttette and carried u bouquet of yellow‘ fusesl The groom was "tended by Mr. Raymond Rudolph. . brother of (the bride as best mu. After the ceremony a very delicious dinner was A.“ In. Hot“ Morn. who In his: Becker Auto Service Tires and Tubes M POWER... Bad†Balfm'e: . When you want things for the health and com- fort of your baby, this is the place. We haw all the essentials, such as: Particular care is given in selecting these prod- ucts as we want to offer you only the best, You may he sure of "quality first" when patronizing our baby department. . PHARMACISTS V 388 Central Avenue 389 Bilge! Wink-s Avenue Phone 2600 Phone 2300 EARL W. GSELL & CO. COME HERE! May We Change the Oil and Lubricate Your ' Baby Foods Talcums Water Bottles Absorbent Cotton Laxatives Nipples LET US DELIVER YOU SICK NEEDS 15 North s. bu. Ave. Hif%d Park Di-a-AQ-ur-it Phone 31 g Mr. and In. Wi m a Balm (whohaxrebeestona rthmoehthe 'eaat for the put whiny: will u- ' turnjo their home or. A rut - l this week. w ' Miss Venn. Comny " [iv/mm. ‘entertained a number of [viendl of iMiss Anne Witten on Sturday " ternoon in the form of t unam- (shower. Miss Witten's â€mag: to ’Harold Martin. son of hr. um! Mrs. ’Sam Martin will tale “It. next l momh. u an - not pad“ -. hick Inmhmw N _itwowei-i-tM., to upatt. Win. AM 0“ " I! In. Daily will b. " - to , may (rind. " " at wood emu, Highland M Kr Mrs. Lei! Nora-- and from f can. at 1641 tk Grow Bar Mill ir own hon-cum street in week. - There be I dance at the m- club on m' day night tor Em and their Mew Mr. Inn . Arthur Grant He- Phenon m the Martin- hotel for Mr. Inn . Arthur Grant He- Phenon m the Martin- hotel for a in! mom pm: to Mint for Calilnnlin . they will W the winter. They e rented lithium to Mr. And-Mrakvwotur of Evan- Mr. and Mes, . R. Cow Ind family Ind Fr ick Golan, It, were the gunk on ' uni.†ot Mr. and Mn. Elmer n' of WM. HUMDA‘i.'m€-' - _ Thermometers Soaps Rubber Pants Gauze Cod Liver Oil Nursing Bottles