Mrr W R. Ruftner with her two dauehtrrrs. Mariam: nnd Vir'ini- In in the on! where they vuitrd In. Mmr'u sister. Mrs. Howard. of Dough: Manor. New York. After I ma] any! st-y there Him Vir- ginia left for ftrierrlifr. Honor who! Ind Mrs Rofrner Ind Marianna vis- ihd West Point, lhl Miriam!- tteo -teeed her mom! Ind In“ war " “In Hum school. Mr. Ind Mrs. JIM L. Martin of M I'M“)! in in "at Swings. ;w for . month. Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph J. Naked of Sheridan road. Glencoe announce the tirth of a son on Sunday. Oct. "t at the Highland Park hospital. The marrake uf Miss Elsie Marie Lennon]. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony G. Lenciuni. of ION S. Green Bay road to John Carroll RiSdon of this city xvii! take place Wednesday morning. Ost. 24. at nine o'clock in the lmmacuiate Conception church. with the Rev. Dr. J. D. O'Neil otticiat- ing. Miss )lafalda Lencioni will be her sister's maid of honor. while Miss Ann Balak of Winnetka and Miss Alma Lazzeroni of Lake Geneva will be bridesmaids. Mr. Rudolph Darling win act as best man and Messrs. George Lazzeroni of Lake Geneva and Paul Thompson will be tubers. _ Mr. and Mrs, Wiliiam Chalmers of County Line road are receiving con- trratu'.ations on the birth of a dauzh- ter on Sunday. Oct“? at the Highhnd Park hospital. Mr. nfe. Thomas spent the week- end with his family of Forest ave- Mr, Warren Baker of Burlington. Iowa, was the weekend guts: of Nisc Anne Cawley. _ Mrs. E. Lehmkuhl of North avenue (nta‘rtaim-ui Ttcr card club on Friday evening at her home. _ A Mrs, George Campbell left Monday for Waukesha, Wis. after having spent ten days with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Mills of N. St. Johns nvenue. Mrs. Edward Smith of Linden ave- nue returned Tuesday from 1 two months shy in the east. Hrs. Smith's mother, Mrs George M. Win- Ilow returned with her for In in- dedinite stay. Mrs. Isabella Caswell Cole is spend- ing a month with her uaughter. Mrs. W. w. Reinhard: before leaving for St. Petersburg. Honda, where Vshe WAKE >n~nvi the wmter. Mr. and 1lrs, vallar Bullard. Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Vail. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Tail, Mr. and Mr,. Irving Ran- dall, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Bard and Mr. and Mrs, Rawleigh Warmer of Evanston “nth Mr. and Mr. Donald Buyntrm :er harm}: Friday to motor to Au Tum. Mich., where they will spend two weeks. yrr. an) Mrs. S. l’. Johnston of Mr. am! Mrs. Juwph Sum. Jr., are tnjnymg a mutor tnp through the In. Francis N. Bard of Emdnle road [Ive the second of I aria of four luncheons on Wedntsday after- non at her home. Mr. and Dirt Genet De Vroeg of Ella Tree road. Luke Forest are the proud prents of g stbyy on pm, by. (m n at the Highland Park inc-pita]. _ - _ - “HI tcrcurday George Child, ot North Sheridan road is spending the winter in Holly- wood with his .rartdparents. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Stacie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur GoodwiIlie. who haw orrupied the Judi house during thrs mmmvr have "turned to Chime far the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brace of bloom street have returned from a two weeks motor trip through north- eru “Hwy-min. Mn and Mrs. Frank Surenson of Northbrook, 111.. are 'receiving cun- gramlatlom on the birth of a daugh- hr on Tuesday, “CL ?. at the High- land Park hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Emerson of B. Lindon avrnuo have returned from I three weeks trip in the out. Air, and Mrs. John Sheik spent the “wk-rm m Km! and Sheboygan, " n _ In“: they attended the funeral of l u. Shclk‘s grandmother. uni, AND PERSONAL NEWS h. M. A. Mihills has Mann-d I n mmmor'n day at N-Ion. Kirk b m located It MrCerrtb's for winter. Winter is nut far on. Colder weather is com: ing. That is one of the surest things we know. Better play safe and phone us your order for your coal or coke now while delivery conditions are gum! and you can be sun- of prompt service. Our fuel is fully guaranteed-it must satisfy or we re- m we it and refund your money. 1} Mrs. S. l’. Johnston of drive entertained at dinner by bridge at their home on xxx-Hing. E Mrs. Ju~eph 5mm. Jr., are Bug Your Coal on Approval! COAL _ coxe'. FEELon. PHONE N'GNLANO PARK, 2800 Cit-I'll! IAIDs ALL DYE. ThqE NOKYN QHOIE Play Safe! Mrs, Jnhn Tether erttrruined a! dim." Sunday frrr her brother and his wife. Mr, Ind Mrs. F. Spun". of _ "Und, The†in» twenty - me Mi, Mabiv (Zrirhr of Nap The bride “h-ri‘ a yawn of gonna-tn- trimmed in chiffon bi-sc-ns. inâ€. Mr Mrs. John Bnrtel of Mt, Olin. "1., viritrd her Mm, Mr. W. H. Bartel a"? the week 9nd. sister. Mrs. Zahrl. The matron hf hum-r. IVY. 741va “um blue apar- zt-ttv- err-pe- and carried pink mm: and Miss; Lris Larom as maid "f hunnr was attired in pink gonna-(:0 and carried pink roses, The ribbon bran-n, the “Laws Thelma Larson. Vernrle Me-lie, Imorthy May. For, :3" Griffiths. Ivy Lawn and Mrs. Russell Bartz wore frocks hf pink and blue zoanE-(u- and carried bum quets of pink FUSES. The flower airb. Dr-rothy Kutzer and Mary Eliz- abeth Larson. also Wore pink and blue ReorRette crepe dresses. Donald Lilia acted as ring bearer. Harry Fu!ler of Chicago served as best man. A n-cv-minn followed the ceremony after which Mr. and Mrs. Bierwirth tert on a honeymoon trip. They will residt in Chicago upon their return. Miss Rose Telano of St. Isl-y’- hospital. Spring Valley, m., visited her sister Mrs. Curie, Fiori over the weekend. Mrs. N. J, Rook of Contwmk, N. H.. ir visiting relatives here for I fr. “is. "on“. Edward WWII-ms. wmum Druid, Rifhhrd O'Brien: Ind Ladie- Allon ttttrod-d the University of Wi.conain football game in Mndimn. Saturday. Representing the local Wormsrt's Christiabn Union, eleven ladies at- tended the county convention on Tuesday. Oct. 9. Encourazinz re- ports by ormmittces and heads of de- partments were Riven. Mrs. Mair)! l'nurson rave an address an "\err en's Business as Citizens." and Miss Franrcs E. Spunner spoke on "Chris. tian Citizenship." t Miss Elizabeth Wells Robertson will entertain the members of the early Art Seminary and the members of the art committee of the Univer- sity Guild of Evanston at tea on Fri- day. Oct. 12. Miss Martha Ruck entertained a few friends at luncheon last Thurs- day at the home of Mrs. Fred Bon- In. A, F. Byfield will Mum to, day from Marshalltown. 1a., where she visited her parents. The Rev. Funk D. Hopkins. the new pastor of Grace Methodist Epis- cop-1 church will preach there next Sundny. Dr. and Mrs. George Ckrber of 0k- Iahoma City and Mrs. F. Bailey of Knowing were the nest: of Mr. John Chriztmart In: Thursday. Mrs. Ed. Golden and Mrs. Lruir Marks entertained at lunch-on and hridn, October 4 for Mrs. Fred Frederickson (Marmorite Berubet of Falifornia who is the guest of her parents. Mr, and Mrs. L. N. Bomb». ,_ 7 -"'"".m. _....‘. . w. Gordon: curnw‘p'vndlm: sNcretary Mrs, .r G. Fuldcr: treasurer, Mrs. t' Mr. uni MrsfHarry She-hen en- tertained . few friends " bridge Saturday evening. Miss Margaret Firkin entertained “bridge on Saturday. Oct. 8. V At the recent annual business meet- ing "f the Wuman's Christian Tun- m-rann- l'ninn the full-wring "Numb were ducted: President, Mrs. K, f Hall: vice president, Mes, J. Chris:, man; nod-lime secretary. Mrs. T. BE" 1‘ . Mr Mr, and Mrs, Henry Mason of Cen- tral avenue are rnjuying a trip in the ‘34. Wh0e there they will visit thccr son. Barrett, at New Haven. 31H. Hairy Bacon of Lincoln ave- True and Mrs. Barnes of Evanston are r: a thrte wevks mumr trip in the Me and Mrs. George Lytton and daughter. Mrs. Bvnvtio of Hazel ave- nue. have moved Into Chicago for the "inter and are now located at the A m trsssador E. _.nd a In†A veil caught‘with brain†The nil was worn by hvr Bierwirth nf Chieazo, . Wits road fly the Rev. while Miss Darien., the wedding mart-PL A sum: by Mia: Jonvs and hr of Xupt-rvillv. a yawn of white - _ J A “I MIND-lulu HIGH-AID Puma m tH? l" vet 1 Five nations -_-- the United stat-, ' England, Franck Canada. and llv-L ‘icu - were represented in Just Frr ‘day’s assembly at TFevrfiel.rrshiHriy mm. school. when natives nf (1-in-0 1iantries spoke to the nudrnh ot' 'r,Det4dr'ihields, Germany was :ilm I to have been represented but the stu- Jdent was unable to come. C The first speaker was Efrain mm Gmsado, a Mexican, Follow-mg hi- I talk. a Frenchman. Rene Ponteir. said a few words. Ponteir is an honor stu- dent in Paris and is planning (an bo- come . lawyer. William Fox from London. Ontario, Cantata, spoke on "The Future of Canada." "The Enz- lilh Governments] System†was the subject of Dudley Rein Barker, rep- rmntinc England. The last speaker, James More, from Summerset, Ken- tucky, told "The Story of the Amer- iota Constitution." Mr. and Mrs. George H. Koon en- tertained at dinner and bridge Fri- day evening at Briergate Gulf club, Mr, um! Mrs. Witliam Gayot and (son: Charles, and Mrs. Roy Zimmer (motored to Naeperville, Ill., last Sun- ', day. Brit-nun Gulf club wit! bc h,.hl Sat urday. Oct. 20. Mr. and Alrs, J. M. Hrst-Pz ot" Chi ray“. formerly " Highland Park, aw nnumn 'ho nmrrxum- of thr r (hush Irr. H5izabeth Anne. to F. A. f'rnn}; h:te of Kraoxviile. Iowa. hn Saturday Chief Rodin of the tire depttrt- ment reports that the inspection of the school: and bmriness diatrirt made durhtie We pm! unwell by members of his department has been enmplrt- ed, Ind ronditiorm - found (m orally _ He and hiq men are "ll "tirtird with the improvement Ihown in thit "sped and believe that the tite mum hu- been 'eretttly re. dared in thim city as the result of thr, annual observant» of Fire Prawn. lion week, The utility comp-nio- and hardvnrv stores ro-operated in thi; "Mow-mp this I'm-II b30stppropriate 'ur.or.tioat of their windows, _ 0-1. IT, at "My Anurrts "minty. I'.',';, cngn. Tht. bride was alt-min! by Mrs. Joreph Sin-v as matron oi hun- or. while Mr. Joseph Stu-o served Mr. and Mrs. Coombs ot Stwridan avenuu. have returned frum a trip to Wiscrm,in. the grown as brst mart, After a brmf huneynumn the yuung cuupie Will rmido in thr. Witty apartments .n Ravinia. . The Worth While circle gave a "curprice housewarmine last cumin-,5 fur Mice; Charlotte Brand of Du-r field. U Miss Graee Krriterman entertained hrr bridee club Tuesday evening. On Wednesday, Mn. Fred Burlex uf Chicrur, rnterlulmd at a kiuhen shrager in cumplmwnt to Miss Hr: mac Pearl. whose nmrrinzl- Wits nu cetttly announced. Another affair was ttiven on Thursday when twenty-tivr- friends of Mrs, Pearl from I"inr.1;:n Came to spend the day and tertdvrcd Bernice a misceliam-uu: shun-x. Mrs, J. D, Powell of South West City, Lin. and Robert Wormack uf Kansas City are the guests of Mrs. A, Cenova. The oldest spank" was nineteen and the muses! seventeen. They were chosen from their entire coun- tries by a series of routesâ€. On on!» ber 13, they will take part in thr. lttterontiomu Oratorio-I contest in Washington. Mr. and Mrs. William Pearl uf TH south Sheridan road, announce the marriage of their daughter, Ber- nice Violet. to Karl Thulin. son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Tholin of Down- ers Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Tholm are residing at 3:22 Foster avenue, Au- burn Park. Chicago. Mrs. William F. Heere entertained Sunday for her sister, Miss Charlotte Pope of Bath, England. REPRESENTATIVES OF' FIVE NATIONS SPEAK Chief Hoskin Says Czrmlitioem General Found Good; Art. nual Observance Interesting Program at H School Assembly Friday; Features FIRE INSPECTION IS COMPLETED IN CITY While putting I stave nu a barrel last Saturday a piece of iron flew' up and hit John Rudolphi u: the eye, cutting the eycbaiL Ila was taken to a Chicago hospital, but " is thoadht that he wilt lose the sight of the eye. Winifred Currey was hostess ye» u-rday afternoon tu seventeen little girls. The occasion colvbratud ho. rlvwnth birthday. Mrs. A. c. Allen is still rePsrrte:t seriously ill at her home un Gluum“ avenue. _ Min Sylvia Trout and Mr. Oaenr C. Anderson spent Sunday with Cadet Robert Lurks, Jr., at St, John's Military academy, Detatieid, Mrs. Arthur Booth was called tr, Little Falls. Minn, la". week by th,, death of her sister, Miss Ada Lund, meicr. She returned home last ew- ning. Mr. and In. Smith and dauBh- ter, Jean of N. Second street, left tuturday tor Detroit, lick, where they expect to make their future "wa, un Saturday. unis "wbtv, ' " 16ttr alt-min! by "t th, 1 ALCYON â€EARS m PRESENT â€THE PATSY" The Community Gardn- tlnu of the Highland Put Woman clnb has ex- tended I kind hreitatirm to the duh Inwmhnrs to be their mu at their regular meeting on Wpdmday. Ort. 17. 10:30. The "hee' to be pUntirw Th Hm Place Evvrumr school wall o,r,dact tras,rs m English and Cai, = 42-h p zlmun thl- yrar for all those who “Ash to learn Englxsh. improve thrir LnuIi-h. m Judy for the mum:- mmiurn for Citirertcbip. Clas PH will N. held an Tuesday and 'l'-ursr.ay awning» at ~20" â€Hock at Eh" Pla-e when]. The charm. will be the Mum at' last pm: Tho first (law was held Tues- 'lc.-,- mil-nag, October S. In honor of Past [MK-(rid Com, mum!" McGeozh " the American Lavina, a farewell banquet will he triven by the district LPKinnnaircs at the Green Tea Pot. Highland Park. Tuesday evening, Oct. 16. at eiuhl n'clnrk. All members of the Legion and their ladies are eligible I! guests. and reservation should be made " orree,"either with the post adjnunt nr the Eighth District banquet com- mittee composed of Charles C Kap- ~rhull. Deerfield; Robert Gullick, of Wnukgln. and Harry Edwards of Great his. The Highluud Pure Garden Study rluh will meet at the home of Mrs. E. T l Murfey. 845 S. St. John: I'- rnuo on Wpdnmdly. Ort. l7. ll 2 “Work. Mrs. Drintta Khber will srprsak on {In planting and panting thr rank-n to hed. llneye on Moday ttleaded not guilty wl'un ararigned before Circart Judge (lake t'. Fidwards, Ile is alleged to haw treatvd Marian Bremen young Highland Park girl for tondlilis. wh ls aftrr hrr dual}! discovery was made by “Inner John L. Taylor that .lwh’lvna had caused death. Boeye was nut located until several weeks " ' 'h-- huh-â€1w " the warrant for 117: strum Alli-Hwy Walter Givler is rt-r‘r me' him All eontritmtiom my be delivered at the mm my time on The-day, on 16. The committee is very de. urnut of the eo-operation of all dub members And friends. This is the first mmmate tttHe ever held in Ra. vmun‘ "rip make it I successful lnd profitable one. EVENING CLASSES AT ELM PLACE OPEN Sunday" Oct. H. the Riviera Soccer Tc--.-~.1 wtll, :mct the Liberty A. C. in (hr third Ramp of the Chicago league h:vrttrrrorrship. Dump“: the fact that the Liberty _ known as one of the strong Chicago L-wn. local hooters hope to come ‘hruuzh with another victory. Don't. fore 't to he there. The game is culled Wednesday and Thursday. Duos" l7 and la the Phiinetthrmtie con-um- tee of the Woman'e Civic club of RA- vinia will hold ' rummage sale in the new building just an. of the Post Omee. Donations of clothing, household goodl, Inmiture and kit.. "ten utensils will be gladly received. SUITE]? GAME Sl'NDAY AT Sl'NSET PARK RUMMAGE SALE IN RAVINIA NEXT WEEK Stnlt's Attorney A. V. Smith on Monday announced that following the trial of Claude Clark. John Brown. hominu-k Bum-Me. and Harold sur, tm fur the Beck murder. John J. Boeye, chiropractor of Northbrook and Evamtnn, charged with treat- :nvnt " human ailmcrtrs without a licenqa will he plan-d on trial. The Bvck murder trial is to start on Mon- day. October Le.. H. P. GARDEN STUDY CLUB MEETS OCT. " DISTRH T BANQUET OF LEGION HERE OCT. 16 rt'lll' '. an an Amrrman stage. It is the play "Charley's Aunt" and Jos. In NH“ will do the famous comedy iru.twrconation. [Jun't miss this by any Invans. Tomorrow night (Friday Oct. 12) the Graeme Piayms will present at the Alcyon Theatre the gran comedy drama "The Palsy." This is the play which Claibourne Fuller gave long runs un Branden)- and in Chicago md( which Marion Davies further popu- Uriaud by a screen version. Jos. Driz- coll, leading player of the Grumel Play: rs will Immune the leading Index rule while Miss Hazel Dell Christy will play "Patsy." The feature pie- ture fur the evening will be the lam-i Ulla luramount comedy “Just Mun med." Starring Ruth Tnylor and, James Hull, l Th following week, Friday, Oct., 19, th. llruvnn- Players will present a tar 1- comedy which " probably as well known as any play ever pre-) 1 "utor'RAC'mR CASE IS IN CIRCUIT COURT . Bot-ye. Accused of Treating llivhland Park Girl Illeg- ally, Soon on Trial 'dtatst Married" to Be Future Picture Tomorrow Evening The discussion of whether women In" donned up politics [on on. We “(use to deride until we no if all! ~ido winr.--Dali" News. A lot of people are ("toning to rngister for voting. who met forget to hnve their dot] "and. "up thing certain-if the akin: 'tet my damn sown-in; also wilt have to he made 1omeer-D.IU. News. Aurérn-nu-Cnyun. N. Y.. I volition Tm‘rum new secret-rid duh which currie- with it the privilege of Ind mmymn new type-write" leading the junior promenade next‘lf! to be Idded to the column“! curing. Min Waller plan hockey and‘devlmnt of the high Ichool. The basketball. and in I member of theldei have three drum on my, staft which publishes the school ul- _ side and there in n diamring tntes and, and in a leader of the ""t writer " that the desk an be used club. .for kninx. then pushed and" ma --------- ted n a Ruhr dent. The duh on» thin; osmium the gum get l am to be of our. Miss Mnry Trix; Wnller, daughter of Mrs. Trix: Waller of Highllnd Pnrk, ha been elected president of the junior clus- at Wells college. " Aurnrn-nn-Cnyun. N. Y.. I position which Currie] with it the privilege of wading the junior promenade next wiring. Mics Waller pl-yx hockey Ind All members of Highland Put lodge Na 1362 B. P. o. E. m and to M the next regular meeting to- morrow evening at which time action will be khan in reg-rd to amend- ‘ng the constitution n Idopud by the Grand Lodge it its annual Be.- sion in Miami. " is very important that I“ members be reGeert. HEADS JUNIOR CLASS AT WELLS COLLEGE ELKS HOLD IMPORTANT MEETING TOMORROW Iiitity Becker Auto Service 388 Central Avenue Phone 2600 When you want things for the health and com. fort of your baby, this is the place. We have all the essentials, such as: Particular care is given ucts as we want to offer may be sure of "quality our baby department. EARL W. GSELL & CO. $10.75 May we change the oil Ind lubricate your cu- COME HERE! 15 North St. Johns Avenue, Highland P-rk Baby Foods Talcums Water Bottles Absorbent Cotton Laxatives Nipples The traditional long Jdri"2,% life and dependabil- ity of Exide Batteries made by The totheirqualiti. Whenyouconsider 'heiowpricesa1so,youhavea- bination that can'tbebeatforsatir tiactionandeornomr. Tires and Tubes LET US DELIVER YOU SICK NEEDS Ate alm intoites thepuE!pse 9 and up icStoeageBatteeyCo.teatify Phone 31 PHARMACISTS wrun- so that the “or (wing. then I and u a mint iare to br of oak. Plum in trpir, m though there {our trpewriters. L“ miter. I Plum in twin: ' erowded. m though there In over thirty- fovr trpewriters. The (mun-mg: new typewriter: will provide own- â€: with a latching pouch-Inna '-itr"tur,t" iroiG' and elab- any mad it. training and represents the Bureau of Education. Department of Interior, Wmhiuton. D. C. Thin meeting in open to nil tach- en and puma who no interested in progmnive training and edoentioe. NEW EQUIPMENT Fon n. & TYPTNG DEPT. On Saturday. Oct. 13, " n. m. It Pull-Hon lull. Art Institute, Chm. Doctor Marr Dnbney Davin will watt - the mice: of the Central Council of Childhood education. Doctor Davis in " expert In child DR. MARY DAVIS TO SPEAK m CHICAGO in selecting these prod- you only the best. You first" when patronizing 389 Roger Williams Avenue After “my... a now idea, the THURSDAY. across: tt, "" Cod Liver Oil Nursing Bottles Rubber Pants Thermometers hula Phone 2300 The battery