Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 18 Oct 1928, p. 7

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The navy has ttttr-ttve dilerém trades and many opportunities for young men are "ered young men be. "wen the In: at " to M. Anyone irtrretrted should eormmmieate with Mr. Theodore W. Davis, U.S.N.. of the vay Recruiting Station. 608 s. Durban street, Chic-3.3, m, who In: mutational In lining Jacob “on“ m (h navy. Any Mom- "tttret m will D. My W‘ M Mr. Dub. 1 Jacob Herman has passed the nec- essary examination for the twution uhnnl It Great Lakes, where he will berm hilt nadir: upon his return from have. ' “that In. . J. “In: residing u 121 Green by land consented for the .nlirtment of his son but Jury, realizing the adv-nus" that the navy had to offer in trade. and ncbnoh of dim-rent kind. “Jami; Wine: Henna. U. s. Navy, has returned home from the training nation " Gm: Lulu, tll., after eight “at of instruction. The Mania. Boone and Baia "Till;- ney "my Hill, I own swim... I: counsel foe Brown. _ John Brown. Dominick Bundle, Harold Martin and George Boone, share, with the murder of William ttrch, Jr., in tarmer, who lived near Milburn. are to be placed on trial. l'laum- lurk alias Claude Iuehamp, (u! Week plcaulrd [rainy to the warn of participating in the murder of Rock, A confession made hy Curt: ttt the time of his arm: impli- cattd Brown, Breathe, Martin and Boone m this murder. State's Attorney A. V. Smith will be in charge of prosecution Ind witti be aided by Anaisstant State's Attor- ney Sidney H. Block. Attorney Geortte W. Field , “pram-ting HIGHLAND PARK YOUTH IS AT HOME ON LEAVE “rum Judm- Eduard: Monday di, l‘u'lw! '.crh,-ritr Lauri-nu- A. "ouittfe tr, ~1mmun Art VPtilrt'rttr't. In addition l-l 'he rorular [mud fur Monday. ttct. 22, when the rrlmmal call is to start in Cireuit court. To SI'JHIOS SPECIAL TENIRE OF" Jt'RYMEN 'h- Ar." anr inch _ hrrot arvi Wai , a um: V tun? unplug“! In the hauls-A kuhru: unlurnnmzi " thr 'yt/..ttrll Park Muh- tank Sh- wars 22 yuan 4.qu tires. who tl SIRS. TNmMts' BOVVDEN PASSES AWAY tu'0OE.NI.Y l North Shore Trust Company M. II r= " THURSDAY. 9003“ It, I” 'gt. I n u-H “n uu- I" ”.mmht t, In :wri- "ttr in‘ he Was _ A,'tati M rcia- who reported her {rt-ling better mull. tihs. "tcd 'itrhlerily Mon- wht. nun}: [urn-Eu pf MD. Thomas um: tfr-att Gt,.nn, _ deeply f vuly th “wk. Gr hurt: "f r Lianne uh" she haven ' umlhn’ any? ll in: "M Park bud-n “ t ttte H ters hosp:'ctl. I a Ir"t had he. with th, ctmatt n- tvt, thoussirt w 'lr husband and Thom w a urn-Elm“- " to mourn her tathcr, Mr, and "t A.hen Ulvnn 14 Gl, nu. ".' he held this " front .‘rntlk m wnh hulml First Mortgages )‘u-r o! Other bonds very attractive for investment of idle funds. Read Estate Bonds mall and I iil'iiii'fi1 wanna ' my used to tell about the politi- cinnl hutténholing the voters, but they pm their hands in’bur pockets now. Property The ministers are aupponed to all an their parishioners, but they would have to jump into many automobiles to do that now. They have talked about reviving the ohl time tnrrhlight processions, Lin they would not gr) in these days when the boys nre unable to walk, much less to curry a torch; 111mm u! ttift to .‘ mandn r Mdimvugh able roqumxr. %iFiiiU%iiraTa7i7a%"riG "_-r-tres-. D. Y.- m h Mn.- G. H.W.MM may... The kids urr Prvparing In commit qlv'rml vlrprvdulxuns on the prcmlws of the propk- who "re opposed to llaiiuwrrn celebrations. [nu-I- M*_G-o§ Milwaukee titltr'rij--s,i-,i,, From Highland Park '1 he m' I', 'hart; w ‘1']. A. v, Lake ('ulxtl ' ”an mu: h-n {v-Iim f'nnmn, g: 'P--!!'. 'l'u "p-ak u hun LEGION “\NQI'HT HERE 'iUCCEtisrtt. AFFAIR Gin-n Tuesday Night at Green Teapot in Mortor of Past Didn't-t Commander and around Highland Park v‘. bm I'H'Jll“! [he Jr-tri-t during _ _ . F of "o-. which hr ru" ntiy I .‘nm: to g" to Washisurton, D. c. qu- ‘13; n1 cn-vi'vnl dium'r, during .hnlt Jun-1c “'24 {urn-hm! by the , " 5.4km .rva sr'ttt, " pruzram of [waking wrt-, "w Gaturu. with at. t" kn,” hull uf [heath-M. " -- mun rrtrirr of thrs iDiehth [l , .,~Vm,: its lu:|»tllmsh-r. the :n'ir. ' hf vooeetse was by ”um. Wmulnra, ritsts wt commander. u'v. A. V, r's,th. ytate's :Atlurmy of ake yummy. 'tpoke n" “The Luci rv.- ttlr' n;.l his Patriotic Indy." and "n full-“n , an :uldnws by Harold unmzv. ur:.) rlu-f de train. Illinois “at: 1m! I'lvxthl." A notable hum In: the presen- circivi, lv.MdM- . 0.30.3. ALNnIo-IAU‘. . . in”... " M . . “can“ AMI-Oath. mutton-n, secured by and in ttift to l'act “kirk-E Com mummy) ul lam. thv *0. on A“ 7133': wb, mad, iATLiva‘ ottrisr'sr Turning 'tut _ l'.1::.':fu! t nlur'uxg M1 " "Nr-r-ro - unnu- "N I." In: Ith- than, 0...... "eq-ou. ' with 0 mt R. I. Inn-v 2:10 launc- Sun. Wed, and Frt I Now lull-bk hr Mu that " new AM "e. Children 2Se DE LUKE THEATRE Review as: Cage-l7 I‘wrru dy, "Bub hum Nowhere" all" Nanny Silunhy "MADrcMrttteELLE FRO]! All“ EN Tl HRES' Fruhy In“ Int-rpm "all till Bee In C). hum of nun-HM. " than um“: In} aa, Met-v- Th all M " Walt-hut" Arr-u w V! Thur" . (Irish-J ‘Tenihlr Purple" No. 9 “King of Kings” JOHN STEWART _ ESTELLE BRADY fully BARTLETT THEATRE - mums - DDIWNIY [AXIS BEN BAIT!) Sum. Mom. Tun... Wed. T 'I'lLIPIONI .3: Bulb - ' I... - C :1. u.-. In“... and" I“ link; I an I... HIGIIW'OUD. ILL. Ind. "ml-inn 7 94-. Sum]. I tsrlvms. In an artich- in IamKuZuu-. he :uys "'nw unwu-r Io the new competi- Amn any Ire the new co-operation, 11 "lart " and trude. asoociatiotcs. Mer- , 2 - .n'n supposed lo make a business .v.‘ tt "t'_icitrut, and sometimes they 'io. Hut u Lusinv» can] make itself mm. etticient Without a merger. A 'rwi. ".1"sre iullnn k'ill'lhul Mdve all the 11- rnumry \H'hc taken unaware, mum prosper if it shuwed strength In; ulrcr if it were humbled and‘ 4-21."!1 "y {hr titue we had reuhedl‘ J xv Ys,rk. I had u-nverted Gompers‘ mvlium nf an induitry-it cannot‘ 2': CH', indlhu‘)‘ by its lmotsharps. l, x: mul hr rioting his competitors. A h vnerut,lu, of u trade associatioul l s 1w: h:< rimn to improving his own! u.‘.lll‘3 . may tradc association in ": mummy unuld be a rurross! 1 Hots to th, It _ l; an 15* Ifueinm»: man dumped try-I IL! in match Ins vompetitors' tactics} r btuat.ucr than at their own gun-r” Pun th-ml Irade Commission could 't . A? I tt a lam: vruv.tion and Veauti-l ully Numinuu'd crtdes, of ethics could; Trust Company Official Believes lie-t Way to Meet Opponents in Business to Attend to Own Problems SAYS MIND OWN BUSINESS U. H. ('hunsy. vice-pregident of Ararourau Exchange Irving Trust mummy, of New York, believes that '.|~ Mal may fur business men to sie'. may Gems " competition is to hm trying In cut thuir competitors' 0mm; .uui u, give more attention " Im- t unun of their own business] SCORES CUP-THROAT w h "tt "0!! Down [Mm JEAN]! MACPKegttgottr " hem before In motiev nth-I'd) " this than: " J", ' 1d"- fr Chrt , RAIIJIR‘S b'hYKH.TttctttT TE! HIGHLAND PARK PBESBEVHIGHLAND PARK, ILLINOIS "ER 1 \HI)IIU.\RD [OVER‘ w um! l‘nmmiy LA" WRIST. ILL. "BASIONA" llOlJlllES DEL R10 WARNER BAXTLR noun MI - "Galvin: Flu-er" Fukxnf _ (mm "FLEET WINGS" ine 7 n.-. SulIl-y i ", " 9.!“ Hzlinre SinL'nJ' 2:30 MARION [I‘VH‘ZS " 22. M. " ts. " " luv» if 'NPO' Co. jun mm 'c j: r:;‘ll wcck to 'urv. ..!f'. Ihh, \v.i.-: inrtrut.‘ Iv _t'gttor' nnd 'Ln t" “Julian it wouhl he in 'l Illl‘\~ if z-n-ry e-xrrutivv L.". juct mm ‘c--ufrrrnm~' _ Y".', u wcck to a c,mfer- 'uv.. ..!f'. Ihfsnd Ind-(rd -'!i-'7 '.H:ll'1|",.nrl>' to th,. [ urn-r and the “Him: boy " w" gum-z" mu! withuu'. " 51' 'his bun-K 1arrd-eao *1 nirv-Aim: pm huur to ht? tram. a-meiatiotvs' stock- ~vrry huainws man stop- n: to his salesmen and to rualcr. a pmm. making " via, prmiuring as elli- rrv-uon-ivully as possible, ‘ _ :1-~ fcar " price-fixing "sl ‘rml 'itrk' pri,pvrity scan-rink " any Brno-e "r- Jan-pl my.“ thr V“! Wilh- m ”Gut-0 In and Fri. lan( B:tttt n n mhr who Nation's Business Thurs, Frf.. Odd-l7 Haul-m- 2:7 "rink r MUS G'SHRIOM ROAD, mtillilllAMt MIK- NASH SALES iGdet. F V 7 fl - Stinky-flu Touring 1ur--t928 Jordan Ton riqx far --t922 model. V Past. foam”)?! model. Studebaker Coaeh--t92s model. Human 7 Flu. Redan--1926 model. Dndgg Tourists Car-i923 Nash Advanced Six 7 Pass. sedan-Mm' model. Nash Advanced Six Sport Rondstee--Rmstbie Beat, 1927 model. Hugh Adylnted Six Viclorin 1 own Bedt"t--t925 model. Nut: Advanced Six 2 Door Bedan--M926 model. Nah Adv-med Six 2 Door th Null Special Six 2 Door Sedln --t92.", model. _ Null Special Six 1 Door Special Bedartr-1927 Mel. Null) Sinial Six Sport Rond- "er-Rumble Beat-MVT. Nah Advanced Bin 2 Door " don't MISS out on the re- quired MILEAGE Buy, at folks who wouldn't sell n' (it unless they KNEW it would furnish the promised servite. Buy here. Jmm A.thmmlri M0102 bulging It t9edatr.--i92tr model. A MISS " AS coon As A MILE! HIGHLANQNRgRIK STATE BANK pr 1rd that autoratvr,ilcs will tu-lcd by .IlnnhnL Many yeah-urn hug; upen no.“ is talking: about hinhulf an an huur ot br'wwi- _ "kit g: ml watching Us". Me minding hi, Gire Mr the gumvg "tor, 7, Young man! You have the rank: chum-u as Now lisit-n: it is nut the $7)” that tl l'urnm and Ir an account in our bunk tod, put it in the hunk. That is what hug al T he An extremely comprehensive se- lection of winter coats. both for sports and dress wear. A coat for every occasion at prices you will find attractive. Mary Ann Frocks " PRAIRIE AVENUE “EXCLUSIVE BUT NOT .19 South St. Johns Highland Park. I it is All Winter Coats Greatly Reduced With every Purchase I thtoher ts wo will srive ltr, Now " the time to haw complete assortment of fim and perennials, all rnrnfully on Route 22, one and omrha 15th. Uh! Rulizlhlr and ' " SJ" OUR DRESS SALE, is Extended One 'tVeer)):!, the fact that the yum r Purchase of 100 shrubs during the will ttive 25 shrubs free. This offer C Our l mm It. Landscape Gardeninb 25 Sh rubs Free ___. _...... yuan-nu ll‘nt ot fine "vr'rWrt'etvs, fruit 31 ll rarnfully grown in our own n and ortrrhnlt miles west of Milw r (Taming Gladly Sent on Request Telephone Highland Park 323 Pr " I :re s si u " "ct3' NOT EXPENSIVE" mun who built -, Illinois and get un tho mud wave us do u Illulml Avenué W... h Hank " ttttil ul Chi all the _ uu-i-SWS mun‘urnul the mum-y $7.95; S . . aim Pres _?r'Pr'r:laetinsr., We have a at $15.00 (my wcek mare. unity the If.” this ti wonderful Lu~i l" 5515.338 -uit and shade-tAd, awn nursery located t Milwaukee' Avenue. nmnwoon, m. es all th., ladies (I 'ress es a month ending expires October exyvndin to inde 'f, _ _ , " tln usual sales u; 2) " wtunity my] nully PAGE say“ Nrm Ot11'

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