l “my. ter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MeLmurh- lin Ilnrmnrly Eleanor lickhartl of Vanda-Mg", Mast They "rpert to May until after Thanksgiving. Among the hostesses entertaining in hunur of Miss Katherine Shaw, whose running: is to like place Friday, October M, w†Miss Marjorie Pardee of Evanslon who pve a dinner and bridge at her home Wansday, Oct. 17. Mr. and In. E. F. llaruhurnr, 943 Spruce street, Winnetka. eater, tamed a few rue-u at dinner and bridge Thurmuy evening. Ind Friday. Mrs. John Spear 0-1 316 Forest Ivenue gau- an evening bridge. Mr. and Hrs. Howard Shaw. the bride'n parents, will give the dinner for the bridal party It their home. 991 Spruce street, next Thursday evening. Mr. McClel- Ian', "uahvr, Mrs. Frank P. McClellan M St. Louis. will be nmnng the out- or-town guests. At the lowly wedding of Miss Eliza. both “khan nnd Sturtevnn! Ninman which tuck plan last Saturday Iner- mmn ttt Christ church, autumn shades va-Outh. prulnminnnt note. The dee- "rations in the church and " the re- w Minn which G4tutreed " the home of th,, bridt"~ un-lo and aunt. Mr, and Mrs. Wnlwr Shunt. in Hubbard v, "rats, urn» autumn leaves ahd thry- 'srrraiterr,um_ and the (all shades of mama and brown were carried out in ma gown: of the bride'a attendants. The bridal (own was a Paris model " wary eatin made with u court thin :-.r.~1 trimmed with lace. Tho veil was n.’ her um! the bridal boundet was of "Ili-r-the-Sauter, sweet pea, and gardenius. _ Mrs. Perry E. Buchanan, matron of honor. and Miss Helen G. Outley of Inhabit, N. J, unit! of honor. were coward respectively in dark slink-s of brown and orange ehifron Ind vel- vet. The bridesmaids, Min Con-knee E. Green. Miss Jule P. Raunchy. Min Funny K. Young. Min Dorothy A. Barrett. and Nina Jeanette Keller, In? in (rocks of the lighter tilde! of ounce brown. Att the nttcndnnn vmn- but: of various shades of brown an and carried Irm banana“ of Mr. aryi.Mrs, Perry kahan, 206 Cumberland road. Kenilworth, have ttrd thr their guests for a few days, Mn. Mt'laukhlin and her sister, of California. M rs. MrLaughlin is on-her way "art t"Ntit her sun nnd daugh- and It. "inn-n " but man uni the when included Henry Kiwi.“ Webster. Jr., Town" K. View, m; John R. Winn-n, John Bmatur, Perry B. Badman. Roar Shun-n. Doug- )u Flood, George W. Dow-on. Jr, and ttower girls. Gre dressed in ehiion" of I pal: Apricot shade und carried baht- of bronze and yell" din-n- Samar-hut 8:" am Ilia "-. hull Anthony " -tuheu.afAaturtt.A- anathema“ I:thnh.oc(hnptnnb,lr.und unanA-unnmmumm, Chum. Mi..Aathnorudueai., m. lob-ea " In only att-ant osdturrrA-raotwi-tu.u. (mu-'5 mum-ulna.“ "lionrhwth-ieo,mvttietor-d much. 11qu Guyannovlu It‘ll-mm f “hubs-Ilka or w2'ttg,'t includculincu about rre Ir, Mug Zinnia Irwin and In. on Septenber W, " which but than. mu new. Anthony And In. G. M. Lamphnr, we" benzene. And I kitchen .nbower which In given by her sister-in-law, Mm. Robert M. Arr. thony, u her home in Gloncoe on October 16. Mr. and In Anthony. the bride's parents, Cave the bridnl dinner at their home lust Thursday owning. Infill-II lid â€an3an- in; and: We“ on . nut in New lulu Id upon their mm val uh their hone in NM when thitbmkmndneon- Attdr a wedding trip through tho Eu! the young couple will reside in Hubbard Woods. ndtn Inc-m the bride of Gould Hanan. non of In. E. B. Horton o! Wiimeue. " one of the and bond- ful of a. an wedding. [at Walnut- dly min. at 8:†o’clock. Rev. R. A-hlcy 0am and the mic- at the Candi-m nit." in Chm on“: which In dyeqeif val I ugh-l9- variexr-rtr-dhttVeoe_. ThetrrH.im-de$i. cw try]. at In" who: with tuattb.d$te.ttdt-teftMaurtwtt* gunk. Thrown-archdi- S.tergt'tt'A'tttt'ttt min the vol! .tth. I... all-cg. 'ht-fe-alta- of whit- W. At a. and! "caption which (would “ch Maudthbrida'l tub-.80“ he... yd!" lam of m an. coda-b. North Shore News Arum ftrorw and: Emily Walnut. Norman Rims, of Dr. Charles Bailey Bllke of Wil- mette served as best mun. while his link :09 Tommy. acted as ring bearer. Tcllow chryannthemums Ind nu- umm leaves were "ranged aboat the home M Mr. and Mrs. Alex N. McCul- lum, 388 Sheridan road, Glencoe, last Saturday "verrirut, for the marriége " their alziughlrr. Jean. to Wallace WeMry Mrllwain of Highland Park. About ninety quests assembled for the wedding ceremony. which was n ad at 3:30 o'clock by the Rev. Dome In» If. Cornell of Glencoe, and for the lt~“l‘|lll()n follnwink. V The bride was guwm-d in tteUt color trarsparent velvet with anklclcngth -kirt trimmed with deep tiers of tfesh odor tuih. and with bodice embroid- .red in mun-l shades. She wore a close fitting. ttesh color can ln which a long tullu veil was atmchod. and , atrial I bouquet of flesh color sweet reels and Isles-or-the-valley. Th. {our bridal-Aids. Ik- bub. Shannan. It“ Pallia- Wolf, In. John A. may.» a! We. and Ilia Vapor GM of Em nit won gown- hlhioud of eh-the mun yellow chilon and: with boll!- f-nt skirt: that in trout. and very long in but. The m minded i5ower_ on would"! of the dress“ were matched by the [run satin slip- per: which they were Ind the color- ing of their drum was found in the bouquets of yellow mm and lavender sweet pea which tur carried. _ Miss Lui4 McCallum. her sister's only attendant, In Had in a boar- tant {own of apple green chiffon fash- ioned with uneven hemline ‘nnd trim- med with rural and lavender velvet ribbon. She curried buttcrtty runs and tavondcr sweet pens. Out-of-town menu at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Bouhnrd of Woodstock. "L, Ind Mrs. John Geedy of Irsditumpolis, the bridegroom's sis, Kenneth Horton and hi; brother " beat man and the usher- vero Wil- linm W. Miller, John A. Thompson, C. Winslow Tuba. Clark: Milton Metric. Craig C. Velie, And Hisward M. Sharp. Mrs. Hibbard Casselberry. 870 Sher- nn road, who has returned from the South, will give a dinner dance It the Petrushkn club Friday evening, (iv-tuber 26, in honor of her sister. Mus Harriett Loonard. daughter of Juhrt R. Lyman] of tiCrt Bryant IVE- nu". who is a debutante this season. The )ltllwajns have departed on ' motor trip to Canada and the East. They will be at home after November te. It tte Sew.rd street, Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eekhart, 206 Cumberland road, Kenilvarth, have had as their ttttesta for a few dam Mrs. Mruttaltlirt and her sister, bf California. Mrs. McLaughlin is on her way vast to visit her son and daugh- ter. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McLaughlin Ifurmcrly Eleanor Eckhart) of Cam- Midge, Mus They expect to any until after Thanksgiving. yd an“ n IM'VCI boiiet arret. hmdhu,lnhdq Immsmdbu-hlk 'tverroMeHthemt-t-trkme “tum-uh. Busby-um wad-bank‘Gunnt-n. ". maid of 50",th Whih.wm;wmuheohrdm mhuuwmmnm irtfmtrttete_iawureMdstirr- Highland Park, m. In N. Sea“ 8t. TU. H. P. 457 a N. "st St. KW Put 6fi0.8.almnlBhaI “m1" m“ Fat I!†J. SMITH nmwmsmu "ALF. " _ cameo-W tl A. MENONI Carpal“ in! NH- Bhrpninx Tool- TELEPHONE 410 unlit-Ind Fund! Lick SPIN-I; who" 'uf-t I weak. In. Oliver lom Knob. as Green Bay mad, WW kn U night. for the Bart, than at. will 1% An organization was effected, the purpose of which is to sponsor the farming of these additional troops und to act as an advisory board after th"y have ham formed. The following omeers were elected: J. s. Hyatt gen- eral chairman. L. J. Wertzler vice- chairman, W. E. Hardin, secretary. Jump: H, Swan. chairman of the Crmrt " Honor and Paul G. Ray, or- ganizaxinu chairman. tor-evcnlwh. “who'll friend: in Gimmick. Calm. in In!" ton, New York City, ad vm Ibo vi-it her daughter. Em who 5 n Walla-Icy eolie, Ind but non luck. who in unending Hill who! at m- A movement which han been under consideration for tone time put. to promote a Inger Ind more diveraithed Boy Scout pron-uh among the youth of Libertyville Wnq brought to I head " a recent meeting held in the Lib- ertyville village hail and which was attended by a number of prominent (Mum who are willing to give their time and effort to further the move- ment. Pretty man in order to get elected tn anything. a canvlitlabe will have to {maul-n to abolish all taxes, and have the gm'rrnmvnt declare a div- idend " every voter. "IteiEiiirrayyae,ys.eesl 1tytthPfcefPe,he_1ef tt.tmtrtf.lrttlt-fh_e4?rtori Chuk- uddu.fNs than“ 'ot-tWea-d-rbi-tF LIBERTYVILLE 300818 BOY SCOUT PROJECT Walter Mepeek, of Highland Put-k, head scout executive of the North Shore Area council which included Libertyville, was present and gave an interesting talk on the purposes and aim of the Boy Scouts. Mr. McPeek uutlined the program to be followed in the enlargement of the locll se.otrt artivilies. THE SWEDISH Atty METAL Co, In, Gun. W, Manon, hi B. repr-uvr “A! Chiauo Ave,. Hum-Md Plvl Mo Bail-ad rut "" ‘uow. AND A ERIN); CAN on LUNCH . IN HIS OWN l r23“ Jf'ir'Gi"iagE" ' Att. ER C I Pfx1Jh"gtf'/, I itroes HA'S WASâ€; Windes & Marsh Pore-out don; the North Shore MOVING T mmrmmmrmmou Phones Highland Park 650 Winnetka 222 --"----T'H= 00' IV“! AND CLEAN LAUNDRY HAIR Ell HAPPY ALSO Illinois Competent Surveyors Municipal Engineers WAREHOUSES HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE B. P. 181482 A RT METAL WORK STORAGE PACKING of SHIPPING ill RAPP BROS. I RIB PORK ROAST use new i PORK LOIN ROAST new I BASY BREAD FRESH LITTLE PIG RAN FRESH SPARERIBS FANCY SPRING, DUCKS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . . FANCY STEWING HENS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . . . F" AN CY ROASTING CHICKENS, strictly fine,. the pound FANCY FRYERS, fresh dressed, the pound . . . ' . . . _ . . . BEST RIB ROAST BEEF, (6th-7th rib) the pound PRIME RIBS BEEF" ROAST, the pound . . . . .'. . . BEST HAMBURGER STEAK, the pound . . . . . . . ' PORTER HOUSE STEAK, the pound . . . . . . . . . . BE'STP0TR0AST,thepound.-..,....., BliST_R9UNpFrEAK,thepound '...T._...-...t..q...., Lamb Breast. m ............10c Fresh Plate Beef, m .. Pickled Beef Tongues, th . _ . .32c Fresh Beef Tongues, tty HERKIMER COUNTY WHITE AMERICAN CHEESE, the pound 49c BEt3TCREAMERYBUqTER,thepound ""8'"""""'""'""" 49e NEWAPPLES,6m m...-.....................-....,..' JERSEY SWEET POTATOES,2poundsfor ......r....e.e.e.. 25e YAMS(SweetPotatoes)4l‘bfor..........................‘... 25e JONATHAN APPLES,the bushel '_"..".....-............. $2.89 FANCYCOOKING APPLES,the bushel.:..........~.........$1.89 forstew) the pound e......".....'".....,..................".... 15c SHOULDER ROAST MILK-FED.YEAL (5-H) cuts) the pound 19%c Rib Veal Chops, m . . . . . . . . .35c Boheless Roll’d Veal Roast, m 35c Loin Veal Chops, m . . . "f . . . .42c Boneless Veal Stew, m _ . . . . .35t VEAL STEAK, m ..........55c I31JhTIfl1ST, boneless, the poimij SHORT LEG MILK-FED VEAL, (6 to 8 lb), the pound . . _ . . RUMP MILK-FED VEAL, (5 to 7ttr) the pound . . . . . . . . . . .. BEEAST MILK-FED_VEAL (with pocket for roast or cut up FRESH PERCH, m -.. FRESH WHITE FISH, I FRESH TROUT, m . . _ . FRESH HALIBUT, m . FRESH HERRING, m . FRESH SHRIMP, m . . _ FANCY NEW POTATOES Friday only, the peek LEG SPRING LAMB ENGLISH MUFFINS (14.335945 pm H; 'd . . . .1_5_c pig! QéBBOTS, 7 bunch}; CUCUMBERS, large, 2 for. . .25cNEW BEETS. 7 bunches for 25e HEAD LmTUCE, 2 heads..35cWHITE TURNIPS.2 lb ....25c GREEN BEANS,2qts. for...25c STRICl‘LY F'RESHrilGGgdz3ge BRY0NT0NS,6ttstor ......25cSELECl'EDLARGEEGGSd145c SPINACH,peck ............33cPARSNIPS,4 ttt .........,.25c CELERY,thebunch ........25eCARRtyN,6tty s...........26e YELLOW, TURNIPS, 6 lb...25c HUBBARD SQUASH, 6 ttt..26e Plain Rolls, Parker [Rinse Rolls. Butter Rolls, Coffee Cakes, Doughnuts, Cupcnkes, and Cakes 24N.FIRSTST. HIGHLAND PA.“ Tm HIGHLANDPAIK- Mi: 23c _.' the pound BAKERY GOODS 191c FOWLS Three slice. of Busy Bread a day help-7mm your weight in nature: way. $1.00 ORANGES 21c 33e 30 t' 35c 18c 33c BEEF 3 doz. for VEAL 5,2poundsfor..................25c "rr..............................; Ishel '_"..'".....--............ $2.89 FISH PORK CHOPS Large Cuts PORK CROPS FRESH MACKEREL, m . . . .35c FRESH PIKE, m .........35c FRESH SALMON, m . . . . . . .35c FRESH FILETS. th .........29c SMOKED WHITEFISH. m. .35e GORTON’S CODFISH. Ibbox 38c SMOKED FILLETS, m . . . . .29c Center Cut: the pound the dozen SEEDLESS GRAPES . the basket PM}. - .....35e th..35e 29c . . 59e 39%e . .32e ..29c 35c 45c 39c Me 45e 18c 32c