In. . . 3.... of Ttia-ood), Noticetovota'ofWe-IMH mud-n tro-turs-Sade/ro-ttir). can an how-.4 to "tPtrdPeerrtto-met-eons fmdmhml. .w-mMymm My! In. Peter}. Duly ma ‘Ihh-edlii “out. M‘ankW.R-n. DmasoemtieeoAmit- ,hmhmwitlthem Memett, nwdlfuchulnphy-dm! ------- Hulda Tetherwi11hoH.eard -attreehomeortS.Gremt Boy In“ on Fridly evening, Nov. 2, for the [hm of the British Empire, " ' o'clock. The proceeds will benefit the British Old Peoples Home " Riverside, [Hindu All interested friends are cordially invited. honor of m- m]. Beet York. . {m Minute In. I . Dam of l ,oteetrrtteurrustriasrht General â€a In. R. E. Wood In“! Sunday for the West Coast where] ' Fi they will spend a month. 1i" tl In, Gust unmodi- ... Hint to" Ml, surprised lend-y evening by I l, shot 'rmrttterottterrrieoderw%e-tooqt hlp celebrate her My Anniver- u:- will um. - Ir. Harry Caumum has returned In. a week's star in Colorado -tgrd Marry Clam-n entertained . -ttree of guests on Mucky for It mother, Mrs. Sophie Pore) who H! Sunday for southern Cdihmin. "' Miss Dorothy Brown of 540 Michi, pn smug, Evanston, formerly of Highland Park is entertaining at luncheon and bridge tomorrow at her _ A, number of Highland Park Mrs. John [arson was pleasantly surprised last evening by twenty guests who came in costumes in cele- brition of Hali6we'en. Bridge was played 1nd general good time had by an. In. John McDougall win be host- es‘ tomorrow afternoon, Friday, to fourteen guests It her home on N. Green Bay road. Mr. and Mrs. George Kuun and daughter. Helen Mas. were the week- end Kuestc of Mrs. Koch's parents. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Chapsaddle of Kankakee. Ill. Mrs. George Kenn and daughter, Helen May. and Helen Jean Aber- rmmby attended the football game in Harvey. Iii., Saturday, between Harv we: and Deerfield. Mrs. thry Fisher entertained efzht little girls, and boys at a Hal- towe'en party Monday at her home on s, Green Bay road. All sorts of games were played. the decorations and favors were all in keeping with the sexton. Mrs. Earl Sheahen and Mrs. Albert Lillie entertained twenty guests at I most delightful Hallowe’en party Von Saturday at the home of Mrs. Lillie on Ridzewood drive. All sorts of games View played in keeping with the, season. Mrs. N. A. Wink and daughters. Dorothy and Marion, and Mrs. J. H. Stipe motored to Beloit on Saturday and attended the Belch-Laurence football game. Paul Stipe, James Carlsen and George Schwalback attended the foot- ball game on Saturday " Beloit be- tween Belch and balance college. They were the week-end guests of Frank Stipe who attends school there. The Woman's Catholic Order of Forecters will hold its next regular monthly meeting at eight o'clock Wednesday evening. Nov. T. at the home of Mrs. J. H. Stine of S. Green Bay road. Miss Marion Witten was hostess on Saturday to sixteen guests at lunch, eon and bridge at the Columbian Golf dub in compliment to Mrs. Harold Burke of Wilmette, formerly Miss Lois Huber, and Mrs. Earl Tholin of Chicago, formerly Miss Bernice Pearl, Both honored-guests are recent brides. Mrs, Susia Schweiger of Chicago, Miss Edith Moore of Winnetka and Mrs. Harold Fossum of Glencoe were the out of town gums; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bernhe when mined about thirty guests on “lab day evening IS a farewell to their children Mr. 1nd Mrs. Fred Freak ermkson. who left Monday with their daughter, Lucille, for their home in Alhambra. cum, after having spent tlte past three months here. Cards was the feature of the evenintr's en- tertainmeot. His? Mardi Siijestrom "rter%hr.d local and Personal When Winter Comes There is nothing quite so comforting as the knowledge that the bin in your basement is filled with Consumers Guaranteed Coal or Coke. S-ttt oulvllv VA"): ALL MI: no! "o-u Ino- don. ml. _ COKE _ FUELS". PHONVI HIGHLAND PARK 3.00 Carl Ruhr and Gerard Noerenberg span! the week-end at Champaign, Ill, the guests of Hans Baht. _ Saturday, Oet. 27, Mrs. Paul W. Blanchard of Walker Ivenlle, enter- gained " & dinner party in honor of Mr. and Mm. Cline th Sandstrom and lsir. and Mrsluworth c. manner of (Chicago. In. Sudnmm In a l former resident of this city. ( Mrs. R. R. McCall very traction], invited the when of the North (shore Cutholic Won-aim to I We of Chicago on Nov. 3. The meetirs.itstobeheMatthe-rta erinQ, no “Wig“ Imus. Mrs. leCoIlh mangan- cngo chub. The I". J. C. Boyle of orattsrtuttrm-utiq, ma P" PM moo dun-Ice VI. and all of thick m readily InnE-inii speaker of the AW. coll ho- " 11. thorny dill hum 1 Mrs. Emma RiertmMerTick who has lbeen residing in Califomin his re- ‘tnrned to the home of her parents to Hannah: definitely. Mr. Merrick passed “my in California a. few weeks Mo. Mrs, W. H. Bennett who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Paul L. Udell for the past year and a half, leaves tomorrow for lone, Wash. En, 'route she will visit her son in Breck unridge, Minn. FIRE CAUSE SLIGHT DAMAGE IN BASEMENT Fire which started in none rim itt_the hum! of the libel Dru- Mrs. Maurice Dunn of Ridgewood ririvn. gave I very pleasant surprise “any last Saturday evening complj~ mommy to her mother Mrs. Funk Hnwe's birthday anniversary. The out of town guests were from North- brook, Glencoe and Evanston. Mrs. Howe received many lovely aim. Del, icious refreshments were served and all present reported a very pleasant evening. .week-end in Xanadu, Wit, with her Miner Miss Muzak-it. Quinn. 1 Drs. Roasitter. Nichols and Sheldon ~lnd Messrs. Marshall Johnson and Ahscar Lundgren unaided the North, 'western-illinois football game at A?harnpaitm last Salami-y . _ Mr. John L. Udell and daughter (Nadya Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Udell and daughter. Cleona and Mr. and Mr, Waiter Cope and family and Mra Wm. P. Hammond motored to Champaign Sunday to attend the Afnmball game. Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Hess of Al- bany. Wis.. were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Learning a few (by: last week. by Messrs. Harry Eichler and Norman Geyu'ner motored to Champaizn to at- . nd th" Northwestern-Illinois foot- 7/nil game. Mr, J. C. Learning spent the week- end in St. Paul, Minn, M r. John L. Udell and daughter Wednesday, Oct. 24, ten Highland Park ladies attended the State W. C. T. u, convention at Evanston which was in progress Oct, 23-26. Mr. O. C. Thayer of Hayward. Wis., was the Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Luster Olson. Fred Siliestrom spent the week-end in Champaign. attending the Illinois- 'Northwestern hpmHoming game. The Innul Phitathea Class Banquet of the Bethany Evantrelieal church will be held in the new church this evening {Thursday-L Mrs. Bettie Jae., was called to Indiana last week by the death of her sister. The Womnn's Missionary hiety of the Bethany Evangelical church will meet next “madly, Nov. 8 It 2 o'elock It the home of Mrs. Ellen Fritach, 351 North avenue. (Thursday) at the home of Mrs, "e Sign... of Orchard Lane. Mra, Hilton 'ritsuurGttTiaii,ed I few friends " luncheon on Tuesdny. Mrs. A. C; Aney will spend the I. Ar- l Five new members were added to lye Charm schoo| which meets a the T, Y. W. c, A. on Monday from 7:30 to 15.350. Thu school is conducted by HHS: Mary Page. I The morning and evening cusses in !Ylan'.sh gymrfastivs are still receiving l, new members. The elmdren's, class is {meeting on Saturdly anemoon from :one to two o'clock Miss Agnes Holst (is instruetor of all the classes. teudinGirtBe-..aeivie' prof-ct. :hmhnWI-thkm Py"tottitr-u-t1-ettwduGtattuiiGaFirirtiGtTG afldhsnchminmï¬ty.mdtï¬lhdhmhhmhm !terpr-eemrsnrGn-turor] nn'knnhvunhuhrh'l‘ "eit'o-ett-mussdiuckuk.esiiiL Shut-moi ulnlhonedn‘yilhfubdin‘ii su-i-tAt-tthurts-tire- ‘-I‘ A; _AII __ .- _ .- tbred, u well arasiriaJ".fir TC Inn of the work " this “In“. _ Min helm Mt, national Seld worker of Girl Scout. "e.. will (in It Lat: Pom-t. m, (in "member It, " and " I can. of have: and churn and the can: is bun to all. ltisphnmdupoc‘nnytoutun needs of pro-waive Girl Send ' on. member- of Girl 8am mils, or troop cot-um... and than in» W in Girl Mug " I civic moi-ct Min M is I national We! add has I eurmhte â€nudity. and GIRL SWU'IS FIELD training in the The first class of a Cour-e in Be, zinners‘ French conducted by Mlle. “dent Kestreisz met Thursday noon. she class which meets each Thursday from twelve to one p. m. 'rm' open to new membexs. The Mothers' club will meet Tues- day evening. Nov. 6 for its regular meeting. A musical program is be, ing prepared by In. Louis Schemmel and Mrs. Frank J. Horn. A demons- tration will be given by the Chicago Brst aid. Nov. 12, "all Mala-kc For. errt'mdueatBemOAre The Live Y'er Girl Reserves will entertain at a Spook party on Friday evening. Nov. 2 at the Y. W, C. A. [mutations are being issued to var- ious groups of high school girls who will be guest: of the club. Florence Cinder. president of the Live Y'ers w.ll be in charge of the entertainment and Edna Schnieder is chairman of the refreshment committee. North Share in: Maximum Giri,. first aid tum under the din-cum of David F. Whiteluw. Jr., dimetor of The Lookout Girl Reserves were ontvrtained Wednesday night I} a masquerade Hallowe'en party in the play room. Solo dances. Hal1owe'eet stories and games were the amine ment for the evening. Each brought a guest. The committee in charge were Constance, Yam. Elsie Nelson, Marian Fritseh and l‘axhorme Huy- ward, The Friendship club entertained .thirty young women at the annual Hallowe’en party Thursday night. The guests came in costume and Miss Lulu Ditmer was awarded the prize for the best costume. A program of readings and music was given by Nellie Brennan. Evelyn Sou-i. Lulu Ditmer and Miss MeQuillen. For- tunes were told by Ilia: Augusta Streifer disguised in my mstnlne. Refreshments were served at long ta- bles decorated in Hallowe'en colors {and favors. The committee in charge “it the affair was composed of the (Misses Minnie Klettke, Esther Soumi 1 nd Ada Selk. l The B. Y.'s club gave a Hallowe‘en Lma=quernde party for members and I',',',',:"", on Tuesday evening. The play room was decorated with corn istalks. pumpkins and ghosts. For- ‘tunes. bobbing for apples. and tra- ditional Hallowe'en games were the ‘entertainment of the evening. The prize for the most comical (octane was given to Katherine Garland and the award for the most original eos- tume went to Emily Brynne. The .11 :angements tor the party I'm in charge of Charlotte Stem, chairman. Manon Urtrert, Marian Hecketsweil- r and Betty 1tirert, The Girl Reserve Cute: were enter- tained Saturday afternoon at a mu- querade party in the play room of the association, Prizes were given for games. Winifred Coleman being the must surcessful in the events. Tomorrow (Friday. Nov. n a. Queue Plays" will m at tho Alcyon than a brand as. and: W “Second Childhood.‘ I“. in ap1arwhiettuasstotaarete-to Chimo and is replete in um I:- non and tide-uplitun‘ huh] situa- tion. Jos. Driscoll, lectured - of the Graeme Players, will play the leading role in this comedy of a doctor who seeks to prove the “been a! In “elixir of youth." The feature pietam tor the evening wilt be a. bum- Metro Goldwyn success “Sally Inn- and Mary" which sun Juan Craw- ford, Sally O'Neil. mad Comm Bennett in the title roles. Br all 'means don't fail to see this amp- tioml olfering at tht Alcyou for to, morrow night, Feat Ptetre3r_B.'Sdltr, 1R'lh'il"ll2,N%2'd'l " Ardrr, Girl '"'.ieve. and even they cannot com- ;h-hond how she could have carried nut what she rllims to hrve done dwpi‘e any =elf-hypnosis or Inbred "audition whieh might be doe to mell- ‘ul rortditirm. However. she insisted Aha! she felt no pain and told the )dortors that she pitcd first one foot ly. another in the fire of the base, ; ment furnace and then her hands and lher head, If she lives the physicians. ‘vsay both hands and probably one foot )will have to be amputated. l-amdtNeid.._Uhrhemt, You IW.M’N'M. Nov. 11,“. “meant-and tromT:Mto.t0.p.m. Mimi: mMmm-udthnncb- urin‘woudphntouu-d-llu :(‘ssmupouihh line to this. ab Row she entered the basement in still more or loan uncertain. Reg-rd- in: this her own story is tune. She went in I door. she aid. and the. who heard he! linemen! feet M perhaps she Ind only they idea of how the guinea tum She had heel: u the police nation on 'teevim" mains. it was as96.tttrd, to cen- “It with High: Olen - w. Rimbaud. who the in I he†at "u-er, - -hfrte Ind u- 'rm-rms a the Week-gun Y.W.C.A.‘ "Witc- the rby-ié-s “In Sh__wu fogulrlyh inn nnguo. hiatr.Shetouth._thrtmteh, eoekstr.rqérft-thrmr-dtut it in no.“ Ion-Id: but am ther 0“.“th Idiuhnen. Matti-“bind hi-ummtjnlouhalhl... nndlonhylic. Juiviuvuddh ’th-mh-M,- Found in But-ell The woman was found in the base- ment of the village hall about 7 o'eioek Tuesday morning by Christ Louis, . "reet employe. who had Cone to the basement to rmetistt the tire. He saw the blackened. form lelnin; attairvst the furnace pipes. partially erect with charred feet on the t1oor. He called the village marshal. Barney Rental-Inn. and Buy Policeman Ew gene Spaid, and Dr. Ringing", The Went-an ambulance m tailed from Lake Forest and the woman 'IS tab on to the hospital. She talked tmt refused to explain how or why she came to be in the huemenl not how she an: to be burned, wording to Squid who rode beside her. Rel.- tives from Deerfield time ind some of them unlined with her. but it van not until evening, according to the Physieinns. that she told her strange nary. Ladies Aid will In "sGrtaued in church by In. Emil Carlson. A judge permitted I divomd vio- “his! to remarry because In behaved hunseif for more than tire yam The lzul certainly does push punishment trr extreme limits! Sushi. Nov. t, 8:“ a. nu Sunday school; mm to. Com-union un- Rev, Wm. W. Nelson, pastor Sunday, Nov. 4, 10:30 1.11. Sunday whom; 6:00 p. In. Epworth Lew; 713 p. m.. special Home minim "rrvice, Rev. Mum-mi. pulor of tho Frrst Italian church of Chicago will punch in English. The public u in, nil-d. hlml0ltmIis PROBE LAKE BUM? MYSTERY ice in Swedish; 8:00 pl... Li“ " Martin Luther. Summit“: Dim Hominy Nov. Ir, 8:00 pm, the Lutheran Brotherhood will be onw- tained by Mr. Benny Loam. 388 runner avenue. Special music by the Girls' choir. Come and worship with us. Green Bay road and Homewood Ave. Rev. K. A. Roth, pastor Sunday school It 9:30 LII. . Morning worship a 10:30. Sermon by the pastor, the fourth m a gene: on Jesus. the Hope of the World. buy) the Ladies Aid will tsoid . Thwluziving dinner in church. mwmpmu~_ layman"). a} 2 phi: n. My Nptv. 6 (Guns! Adulphl Highwood Lnthmn oeide_ nag High _ St. John Evangelical Swedish Methodist M.arDutrhe6tetmt Continued from page In thihl‘y,|uv~&dty “CM 3|.me Bikini-butt“ toh-r-A-dar--- 'a,'eu'W.W2t,',tx2N whiny-lowing“ theN.eMtA.%-tithh.. _ 1‘“th rhrtHhqm_MhBh.rao- -t..Hm--_1etth.htr. “wilt". munch-patching uni-dd huh-uh‘Mhh tattN1tttggftttgtt U. 2'iat'cdfNtted an.“ Siblings-abut Inna-cm *.‘!“k-_W!I-~|'- Fue. it“ “Nail-v mwmuhm - WW.- - “'W‘i-ch-w-h. “My-“MP... PHARMACIST!!! 388 Central Avenue 389 - Willa- Am.- Becker Auto Service EARL W. GSELL & CO. Verbal Mirireeh-tuetit-dhn-rqmrear Phone 31 " North Se. John Am... nun-d Ruhr â€Exibe BATTERY G, $10.75 My; drugs and ingredients rec- ognized by the doctor as the Ali prescription m filled heeejutstntsimstroetasdwith best in the field. Bring in send an prescriptions here of service. for correct interpretation, pleasing and accurate serv- ice with other refinements “kl-t. lulu-00o 'dltg't.eartMLWa'u “Nd“-.- "_.t_rt.rtsa.d..t. Etc-Oh. “In...†puMhm-uhhu- wan-put...» Wat-“huh.†“ninth-I'mâ€- “kWh-vim by all who h" in. RI - . ta_rtt9-.eldtsv- m- u! chr- nd “wit a “all“ h Riemann: -aer-d-et-mittae 'h-tar-dat-e-trests M In! ubil- "tnh-tr. ah.-dh.rmHet...h-aHd.-t Magd‘hhmm a - d the T,t2ttideei?. hum...‘ an... “w“mmhu- an. a. a." i; “a. a. new; Alvi- n: no»... yrsww-n-u» 991?.v5-hI-lalghm- 'r-tGe-aria-Air-str-d airli- "