Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 20 Dec 1928, p. 17

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mind, .1. m I good doll In: 1% 1 a punt. me than out " a. not: Tg'lufpi',"eL',h.r. by Wit- Iigln Lyon. “pub comp-alga _to PabmdhdubdAn-bb Multan-Wat mimm'hphlglthh uat-uiaetU-t. Jtuf'rs WWW 367m '7 neon-ulna- _ We‘d-o. "-eir'astairt"rmuhtrth. 'nnsterri-etir-tG-rurv- IhgTho-uls-mhubonw MWKMhIMn-vd- hoodlum. ttwitasimanorrttr- tausitvto-ruth-rhtrhtT work to do no no" convent-nay 3nd Tt-i.M-eauatttsistime of you for null Mg. hook-:hich HWY. Gift Bmi-- 911wa In: you. It is macaw, bound and contain- . very don uni pleasing um. any on the function of love in human life. Anon-r a! that Christan: books in “Even Unto Which-In" by the writer who Ms so often qnterod into the spirit of the Holy land, Henry Fraar Dyh. It. too, in clumingly gotten up and its nary is the Christmas story itself. A little more pretend“. and com- pnhuuive in "A Chi-tn“ Boek" eomtriUd by D. B. Wyndham Lewis 3nd G. C. Rankine. " is truly I de- lightful emotion, "TBeB, met. nor- iu of Christian “freely ranging the - from St. Hilary of Poitier, to Mr. Footer. any from the Satumalia of Mill'- Home to the more lady- like revellinp of poet-Ia: Ltrtdo.- all mixed up Wally like a Christmas pudding." The anthora' hope is that they have not fallen too hopeleealy short of their devout desire to exclude the banal. the haclmeyed. the (alae and the sentimental." They have not. They have created a treasure house on the contrary. of the unusual, the odd. the genuine and the sincere. something to keep on one'a shelves and enjoy. WHO WAS CASPAR HAUSER? No one could hav‘chmen I stranger , or more Illm'inz “abject for I r.e than did Jacob Wan-mum for, this “CI-w "Inner." " ”can that in the 76.? um them wallet-d into timber: In untomh "me, druid " I peanut. . boy mainly Ibonl. w, but no undeveloped mentally uni-ecu” week only I few brok-‘ en words. When he could nut. mnhei, himself. were murdered. Who - him . piece of piper Ind on it he painfully formed the letter- “Cup" M-." This, then. he “I eatted. A. time Went on it been“ clan that an. boy VII no ordlury defective. tmtapersonofaerrtetnietdaasd Ill- penu-ltivo sensibilities do bee-De of I lifelong imprisonment in In III- dergronnd dungeon -- so much could be nth-red from Cusp-I'- maria nen 0170M countrie- b-aln- inur- " VII All Impaler. irterutq, for it would be him to m (m: outset Inch mmhmmm;m point-“Mull“ All “anal-mud“.- tIl-Ilu'om Pub-bub: www.mummm s-ur-rye" G.mreqdgh-. lamina-Illicit...- ”mm-all."- Inch-II. W‘Wm Esther Gould 's Book Corner lunch-“hull.” Mttret5-M-r-d-ae mmuummww-ommm . WWW I ',,,,,,.ffrl'l'ffdt"a JGGet.6rt-'..erlttattd?teh4_rtt0"y""'tte, t 1m: 1tthttUrgut'2 tum-bingo”--- TORE “but“ mun-d! mm: ”all“ “may“ “mi-hm . -tt.tgtt-t-Ar--r-a-Mt . ‘lfl‘fi‘mfihfififlflfl- alWAmm-WMWI humilhmnuhmmum L: halves-‘1: J!" AP, -_-, 1eAtftttiittt 1*!“me . magnum-wanna“ " B, In. M I. “but HOII anOI DI". NORTH BIO“ an mum lucid-d!- ”inlaid-M ttnM-rsh- Him”: 1M” immacu- Sen-Hunt 1mm: ummr ttreuotrarakr lb,“ 1M6” I‘m Things tit Cook Liverittht gas tHiritruiiG a?!" tite it EduauaLGrahe--o m ahistwh.huhetPyt_ir- iairdGtii/ "is gnu any! a": va w. a; ulna uGiia 5i um of {uh-dam " mu? 't_rethiryto.tth" Wu- -nn than for " hook. unlit. of up HM non than a human "rare, m his a symbol " man uni-£104. unspoiled by tho when of the yorld uni contrasting with him an "an. of aim Wam- mnn‘s boob m ulnyl medal, he -oed.aaifthrramr_Ne- the then strongly. on. book in no exception. It is I tun-manly in- ure-ting pint. of work. “Jean the Son of Man” by Kah- lil Gibraat. Alfred A. Knopf The labia-t above all others which will mver grow old in this one “Jenn Hawaiian.” mstureinthin book by mu: Gihnn we lave for the ttmt “In J; My cannula. no my tho publhhm. the writing of u countryman of Jeans, on that sub- joct. Kahlil. a Syrhn already well known for his other works, principl- tr “The Prophet," is peeuliarir well "and to write on this unwed. by rmon of his birth, his knowledge, and by the fact hat he in I poet and In artist. He has written in simple Biblial prone a beautiful book, illustrated by his own very tine drawings. It in I book diMeult to review for it Aroma emotions rather than ids”. The id.” m old, perhaps that in it, but the emotion he brings to them in nenf. He tells the "org of .1qu through the eye. and lips of my of his eon- temporaries, and fortunately, line. it does not violate out some of the inviohtencu of Jean. the Inn of myltery. . In.” , (latitudinal lawn-milieu Bntyolh unlit-caesium! ndd%eaqo-r,b-tttwthee9r. Pttt.ttmrtt-whitstrorueh -b-M.dthrmannhhe%eq m in“ mixture. M fold In Bmrr. ”gammynmh manta“. . 0"-me “thumb: Nil-hum.1 nmmuwwhi 'rrtmrtqsntMBd-B. “Inch“ deg-mu- ' 'eu-h- IHmC-d-h Inshou-A V 'ttra-qt-r-tar-tae MEET By w. E. Woodward GENERAL GRANT “Once attain the luthor of ‘George Washington' tone: I bowling lull down the corridor of history, knocking into splin- tera the gilded icons clustered an n shrine " the far end _'- Muterfu!” New York Tele- Ftenee “wright By Sunn- Glupell Ot whith the New York 1va- ning Post says: "A Iim le, di- rect benctifully povertu? novel such as you any happen on has than three or four times a 8mm 'herqahmdBHeoeonmrt lap-mt Imp-muc- It-ttHn 3 But a wilt- ltil. Add other THE NEW TEMPLE “mum By JOHAN 30132 Ava-Hm 2Tith,T,,'tthtg,',Q Tm: CENTUILY co. Don't Miss BROOK EVANS BY A SYRIAN "tr-tae-nt-ta-rt! “(WW-“Mind! - Pghyvlg-Qewc_vhl until-Vilma. MECHANICAL nuns GROW [Win per out of all tum in Illinois In" automobiles; 18.8 two or - unto-nobilu; 11.9 per cent have truck. Putting it "tother wny, on 193,986 km you will tind on: motor at. on 80.01? you will tind morethn-aasdem26gW9rtuwi1t tind motor truth. _" Wuhan-i310...” the win department of the Illi- nois Chamber of Commerce, which han just. completed I tabulation of mechmicnl equipment on Illi ois (um. Jib brin- out bait tr.' taken from Wit! win-vies Ind n- 'nnged in cbnvenient form for the business men interested in the farm market in Illinois. Mn, Hulda", Equipped Here are some more interesting" titrures: Thirty-seven thousnnd and seventy a 1"iriiiiiriraire7. it was resting farms Ire equipped with electricity on the edge of a deep gully, where it which is 16A per cent. Of these the l had apparently remained undiscover- farmers on 22,756 farms own their“ for several years. It was slowly om, electric plants which is t0.1 per _ sinking into the clay, was already cent mi 14,3” or 6.3 per cent tteti half buried. and had it not been dis- their current from power lines. Ace- Woven-d sion it would probably have tylelle titrithntt systems Ire operated l disappeared forever. It is composed on t2,429 or 5.5 per eent of the farms chiefly of iron, nodules of iron sul- and 25,876 farms or 11.S per mnt'phide and graphite, a small percent- of them have plumbing srstems an" age of nickel. and contains a few sifted I: "complete." A total of 203' l grain: of platinum. 921 or 9.3 per cent of the farms I“ The museum's meteorite collection Illinois have septic tanks for sewage ‘ now numbers in all about 700 speci- disposal. imonsi the combined weizht of which Mechanic-11y operated w-ter sys- tems on Illinois farms we elaaaitUd as follows: electric, 12,846 or 5.7 per cent; gas engine. 21,528 or 12.2 per cent and windmills, 36,357 or 16.1 per cent. Forty-two and six tenth: of the farm homes, or 96,164 have sinks and pumps in the kitchen. Heating systems ctassirted as mod- ern In in 57,808 or 25.6 per cent of all Illinois farm homes. These are eussitied as, warm air. 44,779 or 19.8 per cent; bot water, 9,726 or 4.3 per cent and steam, 3,303 or 1.5 per cent. burning to “we Machinery The farmer for runny yet" has been criticized for the treatment he give: his mnehinery. The investiga- tion show: that 63.4 per cent. of all Illinois farms have machinery sheds and that 48. l per cent of all farms hmise all machinery while 31.2 per cent house part of the machinery. Fifty-nine Ind six tenths of all farms have Iulky plow or - plow equipment " some kind and 25.0 per cent have tractor plows. A total of 81,398 farms or 27.2 per cent nre pos- sessed of tractors while 26.4 per cent of the tractor owners are more or less equipped to do their own tractor repair work. Of all farms. 99dVper cent have some sort of plow. Sixty-six and six tenths of atl mmunnngmmn MBR. Have Gifts which make housework eaéier are always appreciated by the busy home manager. We have a host of just such articles in our store. u.. Electricity ON‘IANY PARIS Appropriate Gifts for Men A In»; of 15.: hr the Yon-caters CENTRAL HARDWARE STORE Aluminum Ware Enamel Ware Elbctrical Goods dby Cutlery a, ll per can! but. iota milking whine; Power and to we.“ (min bind”: in divided this In} horn-drawn, 624 per cent; "gator its“, 18,8 pct can. of .ait 1am. Power shudder: Ind but”: It. and on 9.4 per cent of the In Other interesting (at: - Fifty and nine-hath: per cent of all the farm homes in luirtoia m now equipped with radio Ind 40.8 per cent have incubators. A large meteorites from Australia, one of the heaviest falls recorded in recent years, has just. been sequin-ed by Field Museum of Natural History, it was Announced todly by Stephen C. Simms, director of the museum. FIELD MUSEUM GETS The specimen in now being prepar- ed for exhibition, and will probably be on view curly in 1929, It is an important addition to the museum's collection of meteorites, which is the largest in the world as to number of falit,repreaenttd, hnd one of” nm-' est th aggregnte weight. More than three-fourths of ttil known meteorite falls are represented by specimens in this collection. Specimen. Found in Queensland, Australia, Being Prepared for Exhibition The new specimen, which weigh about L400 pounds, was found near Gladstone, Queensland, Australia, by a kangaroo hunter. lt was resting on the edge of a deep gully, where it had apparently remained undiscover- ed for several years. It was slowly sinking into the clay, was already The museum's meteorite collection now numbers in all about 700 speci- mens, the combined weight of which is apprcximately ten tons. The larg- est one weighs 3,336 pounds. In- cluded in the collection are two thus of meteorites from the famous local- ity at Canyon Diablo, Arizona, among them the largest known individual piece, weighing 1,013 pounds, from this fall. Both iron and stone meteo- rites are well represented in the col- lection. V SWEDISH DIRECTORY BECOMES DEMOCRATIC The new telephone directory for Sweden contains, for the Brat time among the regular listings the was of King Gustav and members of the royal household. the Tint Mint in among the "Ka." Formerly the King and his household were listed in a special section of the Swedish tele- phone directory. but the new directory has been patterned after those of New York and other American cities Ind contains mmy simplification, and elimination of duplicate names, so that the size of the volume has been reduced from 2,000 to 900 pages. These anti-fat remedies would he all right if they really could take the {It out of the annium. GIGAN'I‘IC IE’I'EORITB Emma) who!” NONI "' (:0le 3.“ N.. " d “TA-MN I'll .MaEYY" EVENING PMHANCB A cvcwsx un- - A LAUGH m1- _ you gut" CAN'T GO WRONG LEW CODY Ind AILEEN PRINGLE in the Feature Rote C0ME0Y-"LAY ON '"cDUFF" 31st wall FABLES TUES.-WED.. DEC. 25-26 CHRISTMAS DAY Cont. 2 to tt COMEDY 'Mttrrt-MMmmCgmrNTBR"rtMtoqNaN-mt$lta " muWOMAu thgtmi) 'Ira?,-;"':-';' utitrtEtj' AgmgTftrtcrtatE JEAN HERSHOLT - BELLE BENNETT - SALLY O‘NBIL GRIFFT H the SKIES” jrpjEiifiju.MAocc "El. A ND as 15.3mm Fog“ “BABY CYCLONE” "LAND “TIL SILVER FOX" "THE GATE CRASHER" “THE WARE CASE” I with GLENN TRYON Ind FATS" RUTH MILLER (IChristtttas (fi5mttittgs with BETTY BRONSON and ALBC B. FRANCIS SUNDAY & MONDAY. DECEMBER 23-21 SUNDAY cox-ruinous , 10 n THURSDAY - FRIDAY. DECEMBER 27-” COMING SATURDAY. DECEMBER " FUIV AND FRIENDSHIP or A DOG'. IOAIING ”N111 ROYAL - SATURDAY, DECEMBER " ClllwIIN‘I IA‘I'INII " no. mag-nu in FRIDAY, DECEMBER " BOB KELLER A? THE ORGAN {In IWW nub Dunn-any 6htr lmn tttisttes for a farm-g CW antral-m in arr “an“ batch of Our but!" thunk- Qua in" Sam I.- THE NIH! N"! “I‘m PM. “VIII LATE? NEWS -uGu" of - I' CARTOON nova.“

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