Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 20 Dec 1928, p. 22

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PM! TWENTY an»: nu. m 2 93,2.“ amin- - of untrue s-ment. "rht "o Inch“ thick. "Inform u ith “Keillr-acvtll an! o-rits A712) paint of Again! "at! wire nah to each one hundlrd 1100- square he of paw-nan; with nanny": ”uh-[lit [all ex- pand-n jun-u amd k,rititudirsU V-ohnmd iorrtvs; " joints Includ- in: sum, burn-en {nun-cal Ind with“! culh .ml (utter with steel reinlurunx In" 12:25.5 mix. includimt turinw by lulu): um I2: pound; of ulcium an.» ride syn-d cumly aver each man yard or “warm. ammu- In)! and (lensing said nvemenl and culling said felt 50m {huh wtth the suffice of the nave- ment'. cumulus at Two Don-n sin, Cam I816!!! per - ylrd Q ITEM T 653139 lineal (M of con- creie minimal curb Ind Hul- ur: the wvllh of said curb and cutter is eighteen an inches: the beitrht of the curb Ihmte the miller line is an t6] inches. the lhickntw at Ill- ,Toturr flax In all)! ttrt India. with unna- vme ugh-Iii: felt and awn (Iranian joints. I" ("and edges rounded. . 1223-1, mia. exam! Ith the expo-ed purl-m to n depth or one-half t'ut inch sh." be of mortar. 1:2 mu. In-' cludmu (mime. pruwcling and cleaning. complete It No Dul- tars severstr-Fise Cents "OGG, per lineal foot ITEM Ar 7 can't-mm: of mono- lolhic concrete or concrete Math-V The hounms shmil be eight Isl inehes thick; the waits sis "SA Inches thick. the Insult diameter .1 (our u: feet. Tru'" mix {or the exrrurrett and coTterete blush. the minimum depth " the tor» crece b note and eisrht-tentiv. an; the minimum depth is six Ind rim-mum vi.“ fr-t and the -.... m. __.....-- “W - - m uni the uric-n, inducing I" cl-ri-u. [rabbi-u out true. Ind "- III-kt [our on inch-a in amulet, yup-ring the nub- Knde and maul " mit Amph- uavnud ”mi-h .nd I" use; and “mu; I" exca‘ltion mm- '-6r..b.me_'r"-» _-___ "__ Ind am method. comma: " No Doll-r! Sernli Grill-I (8.10) pee ettbie it!!! I: No (Zena "t'..tto' ugh ITS)! 7-7: immin- of mono- lithic can"!!! I111 mix: "bide Minn- one (I. foot eight tll ineha - br one tlt foot (our tty incite! high. Wills nu! Iota- eight In inches thick. hell kWh-ill amid“! with I Cami“ man met to grade. ind-(ling " exemswtimr, “If”. Malia! the hen“ III ml of " unplu- - m!!! mtprinh. mum u M Bulb" No Cent 1'...) cat _ m I 2 urn-I HIM of with“ mm l:2:l mix. IBe OUTSIDE air-0min!- i trim 16y Feet that "t _ by (car "t Net nine CM “the from the bottom to I Mimi-I plum In! Inch - the: the , nib shut all phl- and! he It: (6) inch. thick; the - “in of the -te h (it! _ (I) (at him-- the hit-d and: ( due pin-win. Incl III-hob W I“. . “hole at". on tr, - III has: rut-h; haul- ull “wit. “a. all. u-vhu. new“... h the bet." ind ml _ of " annual mmb‘ - um. u an Hundred PGGU “in No Ce" "r",.., nth 2"At0 The followin- m 17! hun- Ih-II be in“ III-(hid hub and I.“ uh viva MI; the - din” I. {M by rho .t-. “an blink All of on” I'll- 'ait;tdia"wttu-errorPr1rf!.:.' .il. All free eqsd. I'll“ he child with "It "iii-rica/guess,'--?-."'."'. mull-w, “'00th! " lrmhllll. Aerr5oe, MRI. “mm. bellman. I"see. CEM 6--19 main-k. " monu- tithie toner!!! or ermerete bucks, The banana ghlll be eight Is' ind-cl thick: the “III nix ISI inch thieh; the inside dlhmoler iq hmr III feet. [22:4 mix for the concrete bhki: the mixi- mum depth " tittern and seven (II?) feet; the minimum depth in tive and thmumhs t.T,3t feet no! tbe “We death it ten Ind nimxenxh no.9» feet, uh mil-huh provided with a manhole W. m 10 _ and ladder mm:- mcludinu nll an muting. she-tint. bracing, warning. melanin: with earth, 1hrnhime the ham“ ind rem-l of nil curving (lav-ted mam- hh: nan-nine u Eighty non-n ”in an! ”an. uh! will]. con- mim- m hid-huh». etch-hula. ench- hh III” uni "an”. lnd mil-"ll cl all - "anvil nun-WEE. IT'- . ”.700 - fun of It! I‘D M tUr tho droha. II“ n n m d-th of fol! In -iai-thrtoror_threnr: - up“ It Ho Mil m ---- .. _. L.‘ . tax.“ It.” '0‘: pm ”I - m H W ttte lath-l - a m --tr bid ”with It I. on... snow-"w Ceotm (‘15) pr Incl III-t . fr- tt--8.6" Incl m a at»: sang-1|.- Ite.dP2'.'.t. Laro - -...r.e_ -. WNW. -- _ '""'_ Cent {DJOI I" “ml to“ ' 5.7“.” "t up: _ I.) d any n... -r_--eeeeew. ___ - mam - peru. m. ' 31,556.50 , 42.39130 I9.31N..!3 17,310.00 525410 l, 1.521100 it”!!! 320.00 um - db .i.. “In. LAID UND- m DAV/“m; m- n..- m \vdvo Ith “I than “I nil (O) H; m - “It nod db tum tt.” In: - - " - and. cl .0 M: hid o-trt. a MM - Five - tttab) pit ll-II Inuit "an lb...“ lil‘I '... " 33th. (ll) lid tik - dumb; nut- mum M - uni arm 513.51 fan. insinu- m - co Net, Iver-Kc m nil. and henna. ‘15l'f? Ido- thr Illa-had and. o! the away“; laid with: II On. Dolhl N0 Cent. "om per Haul an ITEM " ‘32 ' "et of tick. Ali! huh tite pipe “as LAID UNDER THE PAVIIINT; Te- Iva-me m In "" we both I"." he! baht the tu" .hed - of the “mt: Ind mph" n One Delhi- Fifty Cent. 01.5.) per “an! (out “in“ Tho (Min-tin. eleven iklml m" tre Vitri~ tesNt. ulHl-lad huh Ind Initol, DOUBLE STEM” tibe lip. drlin‘; the fluid- d|lmter u indie-1nd h the ' and It. tow, All a! laid - DMD h bill In) A - A . ... .MA --." iointo nun wlnu in mm... w ..- - -- fl" nh-ll be chad with tilt d“: the depth a! said drdlu rd. to the (landing. inch-d- uh: I" Innehlnu. shoring. bracing, puny- um. tmektukizur with uni. III-hilt nnd “prawn-lint said Metal! and CDHIIQCLIHII w Inlet but”, snub-um, numb-1m mn- huh and my»... Ind "moral of III In!» plan (”and III-Wink. ITEM IG- 8.172 - Net of "tees tls) inch m. vine duh-z -xi- mum devth twelve Ind - tenthn JY/ Net; mini-um depth II I“ lat; - depth an: Ind " 48.8) feet WEEK-'11: Ta out Net ot Slum: div inch "ie-tie-id.-.'"? 4n aver-IQ depth " men uni tive-touts t7.6t Net blow the tinished - " a, paw-em: laid ample" " Tim Dolhn No Cents 151.00» per lineal root ITEM " 161W. line-l feet " eigh- wen 41!: inch tile pine drains; mlxlluum depth um um mum-1m depth mama us; feet, minimum depth as: I" feet; mean deeth nine ID) feet brlow the ti"iashed grub of the Dunner-l: laid complete II me “all.” Seseotr-Five Cum (L15. per lineal tool _ ITEM " [701 linul "et of eigh- urn 11‘; in! me Pipe dnim. LET-.mmm_ ERIC. 1m “an“... deRth nine (a) LAID UNDER THE PAVE- MENT; minimum depth eleven and tive-tHr, “1.5) (eel: mini-‘ mum depth six and Gwen!!!)- v65» feet; Aver-81’ do". nine an ion below the Gui-lied - "I the Invariant. hid complete " Two Dull-n 'I'wuny-Five Cams 4.1.15” per line-I [not ITEM '20 [ANS line-l he: of unn- ty m.ui' inch Kile pipe araista; maximum drum ten not). feet; mimum depth eight In tw tertths 1‘3.)- feet: “a": (hug nine I'3I feet below the littished x'r'l lo " rhe ttm-nt, hill cam- vi-te no. Tevo Dull-n Ten Com.- -i;',10: p" lune-l foot ITEM "el T5 lineal (act of (in!!! any i"re, tCe ripe (Ir-ink LAID and“ mud d'It-unh 1B.tH feet below the new - of the -eot; hid col-plug " On: Doll-r forty Cat- !!LII) pa ii/Gi foot ITEM " _ 377 lineal feet of tweetW- two t22' Inch tile pipe dnim: maximum depth eight Ind _ tenths IF.3\ feet . minimum mm": iiiirruijiiiiikr" ., down ..qrven and IWO maul. ILL! feet; au-rmer depth seven and tight tenths GA: feet below the 'inaherl srrade " the vivml. Paid complete al Two Doll-r- Hl'ly Cents $250; per line-l I'm-t ITEM L'"; " lineal (at! " twenty. ".'" 'su'l inrh we on» drawn. I All) E'NDER THE PAVE- MENT at in IVQTIIIP depth " nun um! eti-terathrs ”A, feet below the tinished Rude " the pavement. hid complete It Three Dullan Twen’zy-rivo Cents "cs:" y.. .... ___ _ ITFM 'dt Ttt lineal (at of It'll!!- brar ‘1’: inch tile pipe drains; maximum demh eleven Ind RV!!! wnlhs I IIC, y feet; minimum depth wm n41 omtvnth (In feet; averake depth ten Illa om bulbs All-.3» bet below the ths- ishtd grade " the pavement, hid annular at Three Doll-rs No Cent! "390) per line-l fool ITEM 25 275 “”1 In]. of twenty- scvon It?! innh tue I‘D! Ill-inn laid II. In Iver-K! depth or eight lid twiterrths l“.2l Net below the "Utted - of the “vs ment. hid complete It Fault DM- USHER The rsiveyrmE u u: l‘ErlRP depth " nine an {at helnw the “'2th stride or tbe trrnvarmertt. but] nunvlvtc at Three mum. No Cum .334»- per la r» Foot ITEM tiruml foot ITEM 26 76 Imp-I feet " tr-ttr- uven I27: inch uv pine drains _ LAID UNDER THE PAVE- MENT at III Iver-are drum of einhl and six-tenth- ttt.6t lad belt). the 'Illilhtd [ride of the mumml, hid eorrtpbete a! Five Doll-n No Cent- I’EJIOI per lineal fool 180790 The Vollnwinl Wwe l5) item 'mo be re unforced, eonerete viva. The concrete l:2:l mix: reinforced with Ital the ”In Joint! to be commuted or non-r 1:2 mix. The inside diameter In inditltd to be the Ii" ,tatted bellnl. The depth "I" to the tbw- llne. Euclid!” " (rev-thing. shrill. Ila:- inl. mull-l. luanIlnI. mum-g, lab- in. Ind eo-tir"' the helm", Miner-m- to manhola Ind removal " o "1qu u- cavltld mauri-ln, ITEM 2T-"0 ' feet of wt:- Ialr f2“ ink menu .it. h“ in the ditch in DeerSeH M [mun THE "mm “of ITEK 2k 6.. - I“ of unm- nim all Ind m Inn. ill a In - depth cl an: I“ thr-thm HIM fut Ink. the Inf-bod - of the "OWL ITEM so 17' lineal feet of forty- c-icm uh huh ent-" It." laid It um am down of - and twtomh- ”I.” In ' tht “with“ - " the unvo- mnt Pm, tub trre " Ink! air hid in Int-Ml unda- "Ibo-d truth in MIA Am. The mum of the “lb of all! - an" he IV? 15! Int”. hi! any!!!» It Two!" [bu-n Nu Cent (£11VOI| pr! 'h,-, bile. lid Vii-"Filth“ bah-1 I.” cupid: n rig !ue I. tbe ”rhino-I of the “lb of In“ pipe .hnn br hm m4 «was my tun hubs; hid amphe- " Ttwht polurt' No (but "tt."t IQ; iira, foot lam 3... "i.Aiiiibi. Tris" 'ia - the an“ Ind- d (no pun-- m‘. mr, gin-92o! P" 'tl.....--.."-'-'""',"".'-" ”dun-(1)”.- Jinn-l ruin "sl; 'EJG'TEIIJE in} Ill-val 11 as In! Net at In,» v51) mu, -ete up In“! fuel; 4118.1. 2.900. .. "T." I,‘40.v~0 mama 2.196760 ”we 12015 2.141.” LIWJm 225.00 I 1.705,“ no.» 9,!!! on Diteh in MB Ave-u shall be “with; "iiiiiiCt7rcrtFrjuuTttetetu2:pdtp TKBTLI TYP» 'm (”tr-ll m " said ifriaeL--s"eqt.hteHr It: or “in Daniel! Amu- 5 .utras- ar (an and an over-ll width 1: mini III-u' aid Bruin-(e dua- in on - m‘ _ A - A-) nLMh 1 IIOI] (a! Ind newl- nod “W 175.! (new. 3-H We shall “it I! the Kalb-lint nix» my bin-I. vita - lull: demersbed in the "eeitteataue We " mm l'l'El u M cireuinr "inbred -rete piles "Pte po. at «mun. - __,_.V_~ - eNtanl' " In mun]! km of thir- _ - - A, -_e__--- ..--.-, mu. -.., w... _---- __ eum tNt int. round derormqd steel barn; couple“ in Mac: ll One Hundrd Doll-n No Cent. 181-41001 per as): ml: ”an " [as cubic um of m Inferred cur-cm: nub with in» mnl curb. any-law (“I feet "putt mum-one 131; In". wide " back to luck " curb. rail-wed with lwcntyaewn [mud 027.000. pound: or "tre-ter IS" inch round. drlorml Intel In". The mm um “2:11., mix aunt the expand surface " the innit-l curb In I skull OI our“ tbo inch which mu be of non-Ir of l,.' min. The (hiding. of I.” lhb skull be " the will! lint ni-r‘nen ti9t inchn Inn! at the [ Inner hm than And one-hull l 4161,; inehes. indudill. curing. ( pruned“ Ind denial; con- l may in vine u Thirtr-b'isNe Dol- ' nu Nu fem.- $35.00: per eabsc yard ITEM " 66m cubbe yard: of re inforced tuner“: t:gia mix tor [Wu .2! lhh‘ lune 'tr under the non); Pub-my nod one an un- der the nonu- Purim-u! Eu}: all!) Inky-{bur CM; feet low and ten um Net Ind cum to; inches wide and fitteen and unc- h-lf 1155.. incl-a [hick The IF inform-(n! tor land I“ 12] I'll- il -toett "Inn-and HT.- oom pound- of "Ira-41mm ' inch round deformed steel bars ' cnmvkle in place It Thirty- Five Doll-n- M Cents 635.00! M at” not. - n ulnwmd‘" (I) I“ - the any: " a. (MI-l- mMi-a_guxno¢9on_h ttttt I..-' .._ -ee ,,,,,, v" u we: level; the - tweott tive “in [at man In" . di- am!“ " (mum uh inch- nnd the din-neur of the louver Iv. Is) ttrt shall but duv- ho- uid (0-1!an 116t inns up eight 0-. inche- n the human " “in! Vila. Each up: col-aim £135 cubic ylrb of eonerwtt l:2:5h mix "inland with three hun~ dred In] use; pound- of tlet prr cubic yln‘l ITEM 87 80.7 cubic - M m Inlmtl’d -eu' has», nix tor two tSt slab: one str under the nurlh madman“: Ind one u; under the mulh mini-Lin. hell slash may-tour I6“ feet has and me tlt Feet wide uni nt- [um um aue-tsarr nun“ inns thirk The "utrrrrreemeot for aid two e, dub e. nine (Emu-Ind $.00!" {numb of "trr-sr- 4.: inrh round dolor-Md steel ban. complete in pure ll Thirty- Fuse Dollars No Cenu 1535.00) ru momma run um um PARK. I}: an": yum mm T.. " cubic TIE“ 3- " ("bit Fa1rds " rein- lurcnl _ merete 1:23", ml: har n. 112A yeybu- n... wldth " aid gm!"- unruly an. "socks-: the heighl lh‘my‘dum u-v ind-en: the length " the mo :2. can" murders " menu-rm" an he: and thd leuth (I t'rem ol'wr [Eni- trs u [army -;:u- Ln Ian-HI t7t Inches. The remlmrcrm-nl for said an IE. mini-1- i. thir- ume hundred 4.10m pound. of rewen-rughths uk- inch round. dehvrmed steel In”. including I” urn-tin. Ind bmeMrtlhrm; (our pile in plate ll Thlny-Fiv: Dul- hx- Nu (‘enu IIJJVWI w eaic yard FIRM 39 610 mu." rert or nun. cm: for um .3, ashlar-um lunch will: any-Inn" as“ feet bong. ttce If): reet wide Ind the lu'rlmt overO Ihlfknl‘l of ftse and (mo-hull 'rr's' incheu. The runnelo fun said “In: Ih-ll be 13.3 mu excrvl that the ex- you“! nurluw m a jaw". of unli- hall tia' inch shall be " murky 1'. "1.: nulurad with eixhtr "0| Duluth ot eWect'rvr "tret III’I‘ fabric In (with out hundrwd um): will": Feet: but] complete II No Dull-n Furly Crnts ISOJI’I p" “an: foot ,. ITEM " ‘0 cubie ylrb nl cun- Crete 1;:le mm tor {our tn nil: taint-um. Eaeh (lupin: is one hundred mm ”.7! {.21 III new» ind three-duh!!!- “I" inehe lung. thirty I”) hula hilh und [In I2) he! wide. The timer?!» for I.“ hair "t pile cumin“ uh." be rel-fared with China": thor-d Pt". ‘3”.00' per cubic "rd ., 1TH. " -183 “ml feet of Bed, ford Stone for tmp ‘2) _ "sit.. complek in the! It T..." Doll-r- No Conn "tb") per lune-I fool ITEM " 512 Incl teet of I“ III. inch hr (Delw [In huh innit dun-loin. vitrithed -tt, [ll-rd ul- ad in Mr " II: under the sink-Illa; ctr-plan I. plum It The Dryry lo Celt ITEM d! "' - nub of n- inbred (acne- -m"- In” M! (I) he. mid. Milford with m- m a“ twu‘h [11.2) pol-d- a! mean and win h- m: u nah one nut-I (In) - Net will M tn.- - -oe high -cv.: hundred ”3,700! point of thee- cilhlh tho inch mint deter-ed Ind hurl; mph: In - " Inuly-Pivr Dull-n No Cam ITEM u "I "no“ tet " erm- - ”Mind (If. I“ - I15". mil a” mu the u- - link" tg) I ”h " O!» I." "eo inch II." he " Mr 1:! mil; whh hill-m _ inbred (acne- -m"- In” till! (I) he. “kt "Gulf-nu! with m- m a“ twu‘h [11.2) pol-d- a! mean and win h- m: u nah one nut-I (In) - Net will M tn.- - nun-lo- th .14 V- II.“ Wnl H... "id an thin k W VI. in! I'd-[mint hm. tr2.0% mb. II Min- to the at"! -- "Caravan. the out mun: tinny-Ive "BS) - - "e-re-t the brink! " no "t nnd the on in“ tw-tr-Sr- um nan-n nub -rrt, P iiEieGer" Hui: (in aid kid" to the -" “I h win'nfecd wl‘h [mud-PR hundrd duty In“) nut d "rt-hir "e'r Inch -. - Mrmnl and bars. - by M htrttq. Ibw the beet-, of nu Inn-null: Mel-dill curl-I by will! "In I“ an“ of nkI-III chloride "Irv-d "rah m nth - rsrd M trrrrteet- int Ind rhninl‘. ill cam-W I. Four Doll-n No Cant- "' “D wrdth " no mum {uh ngtd muni- munch-.ihowmv e,erort,rrt-tttr-rmtet. an Ill OHM Ind the m MhMt¢I\W¢hH:hH mm- a Ogte mn» I. Conn "ro.) our - M V Lil, "Tw'fs'h'm" !k. . i nun 5,400.00 , 532.50 -otlt 1.07! :3 - i i - - w7sae' - For BEST Resgltg Opposite N. W. PM tetattms YOUR FAVORITE ttonine THE Pryss Adwrtfj Attmetive nnd Useful Cigarettes Perfume ”well”: Candy WELCOME GIFTS for a Merry Christmas ROBERT W. FEASE Items DAIRY COMPANY will find and MILK This Innis-sparkliub-mrondeMI m Shulathhwymdlll- humClristwli-chcu. Inlays}? An Enticing Treasure House of Presents _ for the Entire Family mm. "i-ess-i-eu-ole"". mmmumbn. iiiiiuooi-ismru-ne-uhut- "a.oeumrt-rhoh-ror'r"o". A ',"ttstoa..t.ttmetie.r-t"-"""- bum-hamsN-““" Aits.t-e-e-t& ', Vollahd Books anon. a“. " - Amman. sun- trrAtmALLY BOUND AND BEAUTTFULLY re-oem-dl'.,""' Children

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