ill, ECONOMY mm IN, T 'i. INilIiNi1IELIrtLECN)N He represented Conan Pirie Scott & Company in Kansas City as man- ager of their local tpMee for 10 years, at the end of which time they brought him to Chicago, where he lugs been associated with a member of the .firttt as sales mandger for the last " years.- He lived in Evanston three years, Winnetlu two yarn, and movie to Detrticidtve years ago. l - /' 'hetttie trervree [ _ He has served on the Deertieid ‘vil-‘ Inge hoard of trustees Nur years, mid“ Continued on} following page i l Who Candidates Are and otali- fieafions Outlined; Support-, _ ers Boost P Mr, Geary has had only two other positions. He was with Burnham- Hanna and. Munger Wholesale Dry Goods houssin Kansas City for 12 years,Und he has been with Carson Pirie Scott and Company for 20 years. He graduated from the Kansas City high rschool rat the age of, 16, and Worked in i retail grocery store for one year and as a steam titter bnb year. _ ' _ - ' village president on the Economy ticket wMr4rorn and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. His father and. mother and Mrs. Geary's father and mother were two of the "oldest- families in Kansas City. Mr. 'Geary’s father lived there 60 years and was the first village clerk in Kansas City. " V The. dandidaCes on. the People's Eeottartty ticket are of a high type of business men and their supporters in Deerfield are’ ttratified-at [living such met; interested, in, and willing to, take te of their; village govern- ment wit a' view arid to managing it on trhe business principles. The following regarding the Peer. ple’s Economy thud: in the village of Deertietd is furnished 'by‘atheir friends and supporters -with requegt that it be printed: Pe C .. _ Appliutbn foe entry u see: and ei?" nutter its- bonding. William 1W. Gem 'caédidite for . ' THE e. DE‘ERFIELD PRESS William W. Geary The Deerfield Fire Department wag Tufted out four times in the past week. The reason for than can: Vere grass fires. A-request has been made that all citizens of DeerfUid "titkireatttion ‘wheh burning leaves and rubbish espedully on , windy Int. Mrs. Anna Ktuntsehutte, district tit uty ofLake county was elected as el- egate to the supreme convention which will ht held in Minneapolis. [Enthusiastic Report ;“"'f'rom" R. N. A; Con _ All of the neighboring camps were represented. Mrs. Ada, Jurhend was delegate from Deerfield. Her report at our' Tage regular h'i%tine was very interesting, Deerfield Fire Dep't Answers Many Calls i The Lake county delegates to the State convention, Royal Neighbors of America held at Decatur, March .19, 20 and 21 returned home full. of en- thusiasm for the organization and for the splendid welcome given the vis- itors by the chairmen of the various committees, The comfort of all at- tending was looked after and that was no, small task considering there were 3000 strangers to care for.. t All the supreme offieerg-ot the pr- ganization were present. The mayor of theeity of Decatur gave the ad» dress of welcome, this was followed by music and an interesting program preliminary to the business session of f tho convention. ’ Preceding the sérmon, the theme of which was "What shalrwe believe about immortality ?" 'Mrs." Bert Krog- Mad .sahg'ias a_,sel_;g1;M_i§§‘Frénc C"" Allisten’s rrhe Ldril is my iilfl'l2'l, my salvation" with. rich tone and bleasing manner. The congregational singing of some'of the greatest Easter hymns of the Christian church'was -tre,art.r-mirf triumphant, attesting to! th'e fact that the congregation "ar, caught the victorious spirit of tbs mtire-servieer------, "- _ WM --e oCwhieh hymn was sung by the choir from the choir room. The perfect quiet .of the congregation zine evi- denee that this novel effect was great- ly appreciated; During the service the choir also sang Caleb Simper's anthem "Hallelujah! Chriit is Risen," akith volume amrtine effect. . "I know that my Redeemer, liveth" (Handel),, played by Miss Frances Biederstadt, pianist of the church.- was a fitting prelude to Lowry’s “Low in the grave He lay," the tfrat stanza in spite o.f the cold rain the Easter service at the Deerfield Presbyterian church, was well attended., The pul- pit of the church was banked with palms, ferns, lilies 'and cut' Bowers, which had been tastily arranged by Mesdames Piper and Hoyle. This set- ting helped greatly to dispel the dis- appointment and gloom of the many who had Counted on an Easter day of sunshine and warmth. . l Large Attendanie at - - Service EtttrterSundaar 5 1taamrm, (nruggptg, Ann. lpn, Mary McGuire, Adalaide Me.. gGuire, Shirley Blaine, Forrest Hngie, i, Otto 8iffert, Erich 8ilfert, 399 Mit.. trovi, Charlotte di'rederieka, Jeane Biirmstte,'"%tty Clause, Jackie Myers, Caryl Frantz, Thomas Duffy, Dor- othy Weeding, Genevieve Steiner, Jean Pottis and Helen Bothnan. Following . short business session. there will be a social hour. All mem- bert of the Post nnd..ugiottatre urged Within]. C . On Wednesday evening, April " there will be a joint meeting of the Ameriean Legion Auxiliary end the Llegion Post held ut-theMuonic tem- pe. V Hold Joint Meeiing _ __ - at Masonic Temple ing An ‘the program Jyre: I‘Mafy Cashmore, June Nelson, Bobby Pi- per, Ronald Siljestrom, Paul John- -Mrs. Charles, G. fPettis will bresent her p1ipils'in a pianb recital, Mop- day evening, April 8, " the Deerfield Presbyterian Church. whose appear- PresenePupils m Recital Monday Night Th’é 'concert win tretrjrrrrorttptlr-ate gight o'eloek. Doors iiit be open " 7:30. No admission will be charged but a free-will "offering will be 'le- cepted. ‘ - Plan to qttend and bring Your friends. , _ Jt is very seldom that you will be ale‘.'to hear such talent at the '%.L.L." club of the St. Paul's Evan; ge'lical chu'rchmvill present at a con- cert Slindax evening. .1Eollpxin13x9 Some of the talents' to' be heard: Tenor soloist; Mr. Paul, Horton; Cor- ot_ar.olis_rtr-dur-N-latriercArjegip, soloist, Mr. George Iueiriiiia;' réi&:: Miss, June ChetsterMesshhsir and Miss June Felfows. ’ Concert Sunday Night " oe""-'-" atSt; Paul’s Church last Wednesday evening with a large number of. members presents Re.. ports were presented by the various organizations of the church of the work accomplished during the ‘past year and of the plans doe the new year._ The membership of thecon- gregat'ion now numbers 232 communi- cant members, 'ternddition of “dur- ing the past year. Dr. C. Johnston Davis' and Mr. J. B. Peters Were re- elected ruling elders for a term of three years. Messrs. E. J, Ginter, Ray Reeds. and J. G; Russell were elected trustees fora term of three: years. Miss Frances Bitideratadt was} re-electedpianist for one year. Afterl the meeting, which was carried on with prompt dispatch, the congrega~’ tion adjourned to the-anembly‘ hall for refreshments provided by the 0311. fieiettt Dorcas society of the churchl and a social hour was enjoyed by all. I†I I ' The 'annual'» meeting of the Deer- field -l..'rttttttterian .church was held Annual Meeting of Presbyterian Church 4, 1989 {a Bakery "ie April 6 V 1 The Dorcas Circle No. 2 will hold . bakery sale ianGu'vie’s store Sat- 'iriiirA'p"iii 6 at 2 p. In. I A special concert will be given by , the Ewungelicai Bunglow church or- jcheatra Friday evening, April 5 " tight o'eloek in the church auditorium. The. last half of the program will be a" stunt program by -meaer, of“; orchestra. _ James Horton, iri'iiiiil-iiirGi,Tiait---r "ieiatg to hiring ,part'in the-Auburn. Parkman robbery , l week‘was indicted by a federal grand. . jury in Chicago? - All" members are urged to attend the _Parent-Teaoher't, meeting at the Deerfierd-STiieids high school next Thursday evening at 8:15 pm. Dr. Meiklejohn will give a talk which will interest the students who expert to attend college. Br. Meiklejohn come', as the guest of five parent and Weaker orgattisitions, Highland Park, Raeinia, Lake Forest, Deertiiid and Highwood. uf Orchestra to Appear & . .' in Coitert Friday Urge Attendance it P. T. A. Meeting Tonight Besides Horton his three pals, Ed- Ward Mahqn, Patrick It Burke, and Vincent O'Brien, all Chicagoans, were indiéted. ' _" All but O'Briemhave been anésted Mahon was a postal employe. _ "The' car struck ttie shoulder on the hit side-of the road. and turned over several times. . »‘ _ - Indicted on Charge" l _ V N ----tv-.-__, ,.,,9LBO!?§§!!8 Mails The' two wbmen"were taken to the Elizabeth Condell aremoiur hospital in Libertrrine. ". _ , mm 'uteident-oktiirig. when the cit dr'iven by Diet; skidded across the _irav_;.m1ent 1qithfr.JrtCsitte of the, my! sin ' iurnRsko" miles north of 'Graysw lake, _ . _ I _ tenant the . be John L. Dietz, 33 years old, tt Chi- cago motorcycle policeman residing at 4143 Mapleyvood avenue in' that city; metrinstsutt death when he' was _crushed beneath the car. His wife 26 years old, suffered a fractured rib and have» bruises sheaf: the body. Miss Rhoda Hall. aged 23 Years, of 84,6 Montrose avenue, Chicago, receiv- ed severe lacerations on both legs} while her companioh, William Lang, 3736 Jansen avenue, Chicago, a lien- Une person was killed and three. of whom two are women, were' in- jured when ah automobile in which they were riding Shaded Ind then turned "over on C Rate 21, between' Grayalske and Lake Villa " mid- night. last week. . One Man Killed and 7 A _ Three Persons Hurt --"'"_.._ _..--u\., vulwsvp a IIW' of police, was bruised about Women in Hospital . Yowuz l ' tpautit.t,