Thursday, April 4, 1929 . Handsome OVEN "COOKING SET l - "me Ilse Double Router with perforated rack. Ic-one-tslot-tthr-ore,. ' 2-Two than Stew Pot. with ring covers. 2 - Three quart Stew Pan with ring covers. Whel you are not-Icing the net, lust neat It Inside the large master and It will not occupy any more space in your kitchen than the breed box. . FREE; I, _' r,llllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.lllliriirlllllllllllllllllllll ron A _ll,llllllhllll"'lllrllill, ", 'lrllllllfllllli. _ (iCiii3'iCfi'i'i'iCi'i"' _ w". With Each†. . . T w cLNllirFrJ)liiry)tlij..ir1a' . "tii?"""""] .. qi 'irir' .. _ or RELIABLE 'e . " _ -* F _ Rid Wheel Gas" Range You Receive 'Th is __-, Clark-Jewel ' (iiiii5ll in“ _ 1ltttliitiliit; et Pt Reliable The Oven Cooking Set Consists of . V NORTH†SHORE GAS COMPANY THE .PB‘ESS A small down payinent at place, a Clark-Jewel or _!!eliahle Red Wheel Gas Range in your kitch- en. The balance may he paid in 12 equal monthly installments with your.“ bill while you enjoy the use of a modern gas range as you pay for it. \ . With the set you can cook a whole meal perfectly in the. Red Wheel heat-controlled oven- of a Clark-Jewel or Reliable. Gas Range; The oven heat controlwatehee the tanperatnre in the oven evenAthough you may he miles away from the kitchen, Cooking with a Clark-Jewel or Reliable Red Wheel Gas Range involves no worry --ne' we. Equip your kitchen NOW for uniform, convenient cooking. CONE IN TODAY-or telephone and tttek for our repre- sentative to all and give you ‘ f further details of thinamazing ', sirltlillll's 1l0fl/ Allowance on Your-Old Cook Stove .. It Measures Merl-{cal