Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 2 May 1929, p. 5

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n years he has been {I avenue, occupying entral for five years, l"-f'o'r another five ne hundred years, old ; the Treasure Chest me. It is of the old The Bower' is pieced and the shimm- and isuetl on. _ stationer, ir, now lo- store'at 37 S. St. ll carry a complete . nner and....session' of il Rotary club on , the Moraine hotel several important 'ty for the year were eeting, and the club Lbout 17 Australian I boys who are tour- Ltates and have been last week. Members Q Scouts also were sentative of the Re- association guve an t time. Olendorf's [uni selling of trier- turn for thitreotorr. give' churches and , cent of gross sales med. . . _ . th has been assign- erian church, Tues- Planned to Aid uring Open- Week Ian will bevcmied from the church or in the store’on the em to act as redep- They may conduct yther plan of their' y, office and irehopl md tobacco. re t .es this opportunity Larson the greatest v location. . _ Goods Store hav, ,ow quarters in the Deerfield _ gunm- aside May 6th to 'r thsrehurehes in y Bungalow church, 8th, St. PaullrEv- lay, May 9th, the Friday, May 10tli, i' association. The 1ed from-8 a. m. to acted are'. pressidisnt, om" vice-president, 'h; treasurér, Dr. C. cretnry. Percy H. at arms, Louis Sin- ionery _ New Location . Elects . Beers, tor Year rsday, May 2, 1929 [beca1f.-Lewis Ash- Brand will act .as P.T.A.'on Friday, STORE B V LOCATION Parent-Teacher if“? 553%: wi,iisi'e,o-ni'i't,-',1,'i-t1,,1,'Jr-, 3h? ,gayph A, naming, ,Qassad.v.,Qeo:gej which Mrs Wat "ll T . Ir, .0 (: Childs, Morton Traub, and Miss Mar..) 5 "'. eon armon IS ft mr- garet Merrywéather, _ _ t malt, and 15 being conducted under! Mrs H .rvt. l Dist tai ' the auspices of the Educational com-; ‘. At i-b ,3?“ ‘d y", il,") cap am, as" c- mittee in that tilUtuifiiC-iiiiferrii)/ Es if 1 , f." 83,65 . J. Browjn, B. 7 . ehair.rmvtshiit ’ot; Mrs; Arthur R357! fi: ft,l),r,1ot,r-'l'.nrsa2,"-1nrQ.-rt-' Geo. F The other members of the commltteel Shi pout, FI W: . L , L It R . 'ii'; are Mrs. Robert R. Bokwdrth, iiisLji1r,1l',Pfi','i, Si) ill',', erg, . . 1g- t, Marc Law, Mrs. George S. Lvin'imil, , go. c nel er. . f .. ti and Mrs. Alex Willman of beirtieid".l. Mrsnlrvmg Randgll,Oist. captain, , The members of the club are re-l assisted by Mesdames A. R. Joyce, li quested to retuiai the'postals as scent Eva” Smith. J.-' E. Snob-ble, Roger ' as possible so that all arrangements} yei1, H. A. Parkin, and ‘M'55 Manon (s3r, can be completed for this part OH Sorcrose ' ". " SE this committee's work. . i Ada M.' Moore, Dist. captain, as- . l . ' , he; te-t.s.-sr," -r-iied ‘Ri'rd, Thursday, May 2, 1929 Offer Another Course in Parliamentary Law Return postal cards are being sentl The A _ . . . l . . l pril meeting of the eighth to every member of the Hi.trhurnd, District of the American Legion was Park Tomart'tr club, “mamas uni held at the Great Lakes Naval Sta-, iytr,'fin5ffl".1'f, Pf lectures {or thel tion. The Station Post acted as hosts. Fall on Citizenship and Parliamen-! The new State Adjutant "Bill" Mundt) tary Law, to be conducted by thel spoke on "Memberships, How to Get' popular leader of this years l'arliari, them and How to Hold them." mentary Law classes, Mrs. Maurice'; A h ' . . . H. Lieber of Winnetka. 1 . pot er guest of honor: was Jim This course consisting of eight; Vi lute, the State Child Welfare of- classes to i,ifi'heiii on the tirat andi fictti. who. gaye an interesting and i.?-. third Fridays of October", November,i $11259 igllthggtgtl: work of Child December and January, at 10:00 aym.‘ . ----------- '__‘___ is open. toUny resident of Highland”; _ Park, Ravinia or .Deerfield, provid-l ing, that the number of entrants is; LOCAL. ARDEN SHGB’E. not too great. A-nominal charge for) m the course will be made. j, DRIVE C0 This is a rare opportunity for) those who can Avail themselves oti, it, to' become acquainted with the hap- penings of the world, the rights and obligations of women as citizens, and the knowledge of Ptirliamentarylaw,) so essént'yal to those who take-prom- inent parts in ‘club’ work, and to ob-l tain ‘all of this information in a most! attractive way., ForrMrs. Lfeber is} that unusual coinbination----a woman; of charming personality and high it»! tellectual attainments, With the git} of. imparting information in a way that makes it's delight to hear.. Arden Shore Reunioh orrAfternoon of May 5 nAt Arden Shore camp" on thii af- ternoon of May 5 there Will be are: union of Arderrshore boys with for- mer teachers and friends. _ Boys between ages 14 and 17 years are sent there by the board of edu- cation. They have beén denied work- ing certificates as, they were under weight. After being, at Arden Shore' for some months they become strong physically and mentally and acquiré normal weight. - " _ After graduating, a suitabliijotr is sought for the boys. Arden Shore has a graduate list of -400 boys who hold health certificate displomas. Anyone who is interest- ed in this work at the camp will be very welcome on this home coming day. the first.SuntUy in Mar. A new department' has been added to the Crane Variety store for the fitr. ishing of photogrpphs. Complete new and mp-to-the minute equipment has be?" installed for developing and printing and satisfactory 'lervige is assured amateur photo fans in this Variety Store Adds Photo Finishing Dept. line. 1 Another guest of honor was Jim iWhite, the State Child Welfare of- f ficer' who, gave an interesting and in- ispiring talk" on the Work of Child 1 Welfarejn the state. _ 5 Highland -Park Women Wh 1 Will Aid in Soliciting Funds i For This Work _ 8th District Meeting of American Legion Ullllllv 1' . AVAuL I‘Lllul\ . “x VII->0 Mee" VV,,, manfand the forlosiing women. will canvass. this" community next week; 1 Ada M: Moore, Dist. captain, 35-1” 1sisted by Mesdames' Leonard "Bird,1. 1690. E. Bliss. wm."Barker, JV.. G.'0 i Cowan. R, H. Herbst. George Moore, 1 Clifford F. Templeton. , I i, Mrs. D. ‘M. Blasier, Dist. captain. 1 asssisted by MrsuErnest J. Toheresl I 1 Mrs. Jpteph Card, Dist. 'captain, i assisted by Mesdames L. C. Ghtewood, (Edmund D. Brigham, Jay Glidden, l _ Warren Danley, and Miss RuthCard. 1 r 1 Miss Faxon. Dist, captain- assisted . 15y “Mrs. Chis. Buell. Mrs. George I Stevens. Miss Sue Hayes and Miss l 1 Claire Beneke, " " ,.Mrs. Carleton Scribner, Deerfield) I 1 chairman. assisted by Mesdam’es1 l i‘Arthur .Harmon, John. M. Heaf1eld,l l, George _Kamoir, 'Robt. L. Johnson, Ed 1-' 1 Piper, Roy Williams. _ ; :':, - What Camp ls _ i, " , Arden Shore camp is located in/ -1 twenty-two acres of Woodland on the1 _ shore of Lake Michigan, near Lake' tlB1ufr.rll. f -t t"eT -, " Thi, annual Arden Shore driv.e i? from May 4 lo ll... The Highlanal Paik eonimittee under Mrs. George A. Mason, as chairman, with'Mrs. John F. Mackenzie; acting eo-ch/sir- MrsAHerry Glidden. Dist. captain, assisted by Mesdames Jerome Bowes, Ralph A, JTiird,fDurs, C,a,spa_tLyt,9ep1rg_e Childs, Morton Traub, and Miss Mar- garet Merryweather, _ Mrs. Harry-Paul, Dist. captain, a_s- sisted by Mesdainés W.‘J. Brown, B.' B. Colestock, Wm. Hammont,2Gtio. fr.' Wiiiirf,, Wi‘R; -SaIrt,-Mrsr-i-Hh It is'a winter camp school for un- derhourished boys and summer nutri.. tion camp for under ndurithed girls. Country outing for grandmothers. mothers and children. In this cam 8125 puts a boy thru the winter, camp and helps make him a self-supporting citizen. $55 keeps a Mother and baby at camp all suin- mer; $30 keeszme child " camp a" summer;- $12 keeps mother and biby a} camp tivo yeeks: $7.50 keeps two children at cglmp one week: THE PRESS ad» 999311; ff] I Miss Mar-{ captain, a_s- l Brown, B.' unont, 'tko. H. S. Spring Concert Tomorrow Night The annual spring concert of the Deerfield-Shields high school will be held tomorrow night, Fridny. in the school auditorium at 8:15 pan. The orthestra, under the direction of Gerard J. Dinkeloo, will open the prmrrtunseayith two numbers. _.This will be followed by the Girls' Glee club in the. presentation of' a grbup of Indian songs and dances. l Indian Low _ Call . T T ,, . I-‘rlml Violin. Oswald Saielli: l'ian'o. Ada Thoma By the Waters of Minnetonka ' ...Lie'unnce Pale Moon T . .“ T {21011111 An Indian Dam . . T . ", _ - The Girls Glee. dub my} Miss Keller's V ' _ V Dancimz Group ' , 'III N» . I Clcopatm (Opera Burlesque of College Life) ' “I _ EY-tal..-,. "Cleopatro,1an opera burlesque on college life, by the-"Boys Glee club will, be the third number on the pro- gram. The last part of. the program will consist'of xthree selections by the band. "If C'" -_. CIR! of Cir-WW" _ -_--- Cleopatra. A modernized Envtian‘ . ' coed engagnl to William V _ . RTnrr7?rake Antony. A collate football herb.“ in hive .uwith Cleo _ _ . . ., Jan Hdlm Pemper. A campus "sheik" 'in love with Club . VT Lloyd Andersen Caesar. An ex-athlete in love with Cleo. ._r_ T - - --_---.---t- -rT-F- _.,--,---,.----",'), Tickets may be secured at the box offiee in .the auditorium the night of thi, production. (Gpircial transpor- tation facifities have been arranged for persons Boming from Deerfield, Lake.Forest, and Lake Bluff. ', 7 The progfan) is as follows: tres 'Jnlie'VNaltz " -,r _ W __ ‘1 , My Maryland ISelection) _ _ e . . Th'e Orchestra I G. J. DinkolooiIDiI-eclor) hunch A653: (rp." Quixote . Scene . _ _ Preioirue -Midnixht. on theicollege Campus Act I-sam- svenoTin daylight. Act II Same, ", 7 - a A Spanish Village. t _ f . h T Sancho Panza. 7 r 7 F All Thrmd Enduring Young Charms. -, . iFantasiar Baritone Solo . .Vinro Lenzi State Baritone Winner. 1929 . . , -Miss Salome Brand. Oeec, Overture, Princess of India _ ." Kins! HiOwood's NewBoard Takes Charge Friday The new .city administration at Highwolrd takes office Friday“ eve; ning of this, week, when the city council meetsjir.egular piersiom The old council will convene and complete unfinished business and adjourn sine. die and then the new conncil, headed by 'Mayor Raymond "Roth will take over the reins. . _ T _ The new aldermen are Charles Fi- _ore..First ward; Theodore Wmorini,- Second ward, ahd E. A. Huesbis. Third ward. Mayor: Roth already has appointed Walter Henderson chief of police and Gino Palmeri a new member-of the police force. Iver Iverson, who " ready was on the foree'has been re- tained EV: the new mayor. Hender- son, who has been an otheer on the Lake Forest police force for" Some time, took' up his new duties._this week. . Many Attenq f C. T. U. The w. C. T. U. Institute held at Deertteht last Friday was largely at- tiuided by officers, workers and dele- gatez‘z of the 'county.~ There was a lure delegatinn from the Highland Park ' union. The Band (Harry E. Bolle. Director) IV n. PW Tsh College Life) J. W; Brigham iyo2hAt,tq tel -abtiiRiFrTi' . Gill Sulfrnnek Friml N. S: THEATRE GUILD [ ' TO LOSE WOELLHAF teihnieat Director Goes to Den- _ ison U.. Ohio. After Last Play of Season sorry to announce.that at the close of "Lilies of th? Field". it will lose the' services of one of its valued managers, Richard Woellhaf, who has been with the guild" in the capacity of . technical director. ' "Mr. 1vpeilhar"1etsves to take up new duties as an instruetor in the Drama department of Denison tini- versity, Granville. Ohio, where his 'éourses will ihelpie scenic designing and construction. and play produc- mg. ' . f Review Board Members' Salaries Are Announced The North Shore Theatre guild The board of supervisors" Monday set the Salaries of the board of red view as follows: Chairman, $8.00 per day; members, $7.00: chief elerk,. $7.00; assistant chief clerk. $7.00; ex- traceleik hire, _..8.'5,f).fl., Jfies1ec1t,rttitt are the same as Iast.fear., T'-"'------ As a reminder-s-if you want gar- den plants, strong heafthtperemtials. some. annuals, it will pay you to come to the Womart's club srroundtr,id'tftn o'elock 'Wednesday, My 3).)!» the Community Garden class is planning trsale, not for the purpose of making money but for the benefit of garden lovers. _ _ The, Mary Ann Shop is marking the first anniversary of its opening in Highland Park by a notable sale of coats and dresses at attractive prices. Mrs. St. Peter is manager of the shop and under her direction this shop he: enjoyed a i-ery succeésful year; and in " celebration of the "ompietioeuttf this period 2tterintts are being made First Anniversary ",arden Class Will ii/ti/ii' life. irriich "he hatd to mm. anywhere; . . _ _, "ire Mary" Ann Shop iioid Plant Sale if you want gar- i A WN , l

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