t , Ti"" "__rr vaunlwubmi mm -_rnsned to thd Alice Home hospital by Police. mah Joseph Dunakin. A speedy op- euition failed to help him and he ditd shortly after six o’clock. _ . The body was taken to‘the Wenban Bowman's Millt.eorpbines all these health-building qualities with a most delicious taste, Due to the extra care we take in' bringing it from term to your table you Will find it is extra.. good; a. milk full-rich in cream) ftesh-,-sweet and Unmistakably super- ior in flavor. train. _ VWVV...mu Imam WINCH he wai trying to board. " Lake For- est. His skull was fractured and both-'0! his legs mutated by the final“ Frank Novak, 62 years old, of 1815 South Fifty-ninth avenue, Cicero, who worked at his brother', tailor shop in the Anderson building in .Lake Forest, was fattgl injured lgte'lut Week: is he felT un'aer the wheels, Id . a moving Northwestern train which, he wag'frying to board, " Lake 1ror- I e, A ‘quért of milk a day gives you energy and strength to resist disease. Its proteins build firm muscles and tissue. ‘Its ealciurm content 'gives strength to bones and hardness to teeth. . qt T Train Kills Tailor I at Lake Forest Depot 38 THE Afref,i.t,?,.yft to the highest 'au- thoritietranilk is the only food for which there is no effective silh- __ stitute. And from the standpoint of health it is the most economical and beneficial food you can buy. . - is lo I drilzé more milk"',; was extricatedf and gushed to l t A A I, - - " MILK 0 lyadvice DAIRY _ COMPANY MILK Pageant in the city recently. He rode In the first car in the old settlers’ section. -. Besides beng the first born he is also the son of the first couple to be married ii: Lake county. William Whigham. 92 years old, of Libertyville, the iirat white child born in Lake County had a prominent place in the parade which ‘mdrkeii the op- ening of the "Old Waukegan Days" Oldest Native Reagent Attends Waukegan Fete to " denth- 'iii, To "iiiFiriiii7"i' moving North Western train as he was attempting to board it. undertaking rooms where the inquest was held at 8t80naat Thursday and the jury retued an open verdict; merely tindiae apt up decensed came THE E3238 Overa,000 votes were cast in pre- cincts 21 and 22 in North Chicago . V- .7 --__.. - ’.v\,nu\.v-. 1 The state_' law provides that pre- cincts can be divided when the poll book ahow. more than 800. votes cast in the last election. l, Resolutions pmviding for increas- ine the number of precincts in Watr. kazan,- Shields and Deerfield town- ships, were tiied with the county board last Thursday and later ap- proved. T Supervisor Matt Diltrer reported that two more precincts are to be added in Wnukegm township. This, township now has 22 precincts. 'l I Increase Deerfield --e-. Precincts to Nine; _ Also Add 4 Others: -The American people seem mined to lpse their money in a] fipn, and" it t1tet_don'tutasei Trr-re" -tt'iiii" {Fey try, try again. ueen alscussed already by Van Patten and Mawman, They woultl like to start " soon as possible. __ - Both of them agreed, after a short conference, that the investigation would follow the lines of a thbrough study of the entire structure of fl.. nancing and maintaining a county hospital. . There was no criticism of hospital oMeiaia, it was explained., nor, Deerfield, appointed a committee of seveitsitehufiU members 70f the Lake Cottntrgeneral hospital" coin.. 'mittee, to gather data that would aid in solving the financial problem. The committee, which will make its report at the September' session of the board, is composed of Super.. visor Edward Manan,"Lake Bluff, the chairman; A. W. Vercoe, High.. land Park, chairman of the finan% committee; Thomas 'Y. Murphy of North Chicago.; Supervisor Harry .Stratton, Lake, Villa, and the" mem- bers of the hospital committee; Str. pervisor David Iran Patten, Russell; Supervisor“ C. J. Wright, Warren township; and Supervisor Henry C. W. Meyer, of Mundelein: Plans for the flrtst sessions have beeh discussed already by Van Patten and Mawman, They wealth like to start as soon as possible. -r Investigation of more equitable methods to provide hospitalization for indigent residents was authorized last week by the county board of super- visors and Chairman James o'concs Supervisors Aptsirint A ' Committee to Work Out Hospital Problem 43M g, 'i(1t1rtthttt.1ttTGiTiGaif ., . 'It:wauri'irtrFedd to"elo'se- Miees Wed, mesday aftermytrtis during the mogths of. July and thus't, although there was some sentiment in favor of clos- ing Saturday afternoons. “A etimmitttse composed of Attor- neys Diver, Fugua,_ Judge Claire '0. Edwards, John Logan prles, Philip .Populo'rum and troseplr Bishop was named to represent the bar at the state conference at Rockford June 27, 28 and 29.. The iifetmrershli, of 36’ lawyers allowed this county six "delegates., l ' W "a.'- T {Judge Edwards; 359 ‘MartinVC. Pttlitr. 313% gram ids mm I Attorney Clarence W. Diver, long a member of the Lake County Bar association, last week was elected president at the annual meeting at which Attorney Harold Hansen' was named vice president and Attorney J. E. Bairstow "eeretarrtreasgrer. Attorney Okel Fygi1a ‘was.the re- tiring president. ,_ r .Diver pledged himself to serve the bar to the limit of hip capacity. s" y Attorney oiveriiii,r - _orreadsi Bar Association at the last election. and, accordingly are to be divided. . Tlur-ressohstion Provides. that the territory from Tenth to Twelfth streets, North Chiratro,he ftritrrt.nted as precinct _20, from Twelfth to Pit- teenth street. precinct .21; Fifteenth to Eighteenth street, precinct 28; and Washington street north to Grand avenue on Lewiiavenue and all ter- ritory west, precinct 24. V Shields township is to be increased from six to seven precincts, Liberty- ville from 3 to 5 precincts, and Deer.. field from 8 to 9 precincts. their money in Specula- 'hta-doit Amused _tlMr Thur-div. June M, 1929 deter- '