it') ", _ T ï¬ghl’nq "ji"iz"i'leletrtifiohy)' 18 'l'"""""""."")""';';"""""')"""') COMPARE the do Event! tMt I. well u the " price " -ider9 a automo- bs. vnlnv' Chevro. Iu'mieiivéted price. Includ: only tea-on. r.t charge- Gor do- M .54 “and“. tiiiFer, ....OYD $32..,.f545 'l,'tdfejie,'s72s Id ' rtyarc ' JChm-in..r‘ 'h Tia than. 1595 120 North First" Streét 1t,'.c...fdM “match. WM. RlUEllfIL & CO. fliitlli, ‘ . _ ' 'IL. Lrfr 5:063;ng ' 25 3:23 3595 3675 3695 G95 - a Six in the price range o The great new six-cylinder valve-in-head engine responds to the accelerator with an eager- ness that is literally amazing. 'Touring speeds are negotiated with stich smooth, silent, effori. less easethat you almost forget there's a motor under the hood. And when the throttle is opened wide on the highwar--the pace is faster than the most Among all the delightful per- formance characteristics of _ the' Outstanding Chevrolet-c-ri- is creating more widespread enthusiasm than its thrilling speed and flashing acceleration! THE~PRESS experienced driver would care. to maintain.' J ' Back of this exceptional per- formance is a brilliant array of engineering advancements-- tytpitied 'by a' 1iighdtimpres. sion, nondetonating cylinder head . . , automatic acceleration pump . . t hot-spot manifold . . . semi-automatic- spark control . . . and a heavier crankshaft, statically and dynamically balanced. ’ _ Come in and drive this car. Learn for yourself, at the wheel, that no other cat can approach it in the price range of the four.' Jtr Wad 'u-mo Phone 1110 Thursday, June ST, 19Po $19. 27. i Shi $10. $10. Hig': dri wif, lot' W h Ga' blo wo " Sh fiel he su di