22 As G; ROOSEVELT N EW ORLEANS Pride of the South"? it" J-CC-'" rthi, -C." Fay. Prop. _ - -- ‘7 t 7" Centnl Avenue Highland Park. ML we shqrper any size hand mower or power mower; prices reasonable", .vibrk guaran- teed. ' _ .. a . Work culled for tad delivered THE LAWN MOWER SHOP Lawn Mowers Sharpened 3090 Visit interesting New Orleans-the "Paris of America" - - the city "care fqrgot". _' _. r . Make the Ranscvclt'your head- ttuartcrr.. Seasoned travyllerg who have lived the world over will tell you of it's lwm-ntyaml comfort and its friendliness. They look forward to the genial hospitalitv they know is the rule-at the Roosevelt. We suggest you ttlegraph for reservations "Right in the Heart of Things" Too ROOMS WITH BATH THE PRESS Practically every part of. the co. coanut 'treo has impoiiitnt: economic uses, including the nuCi. th?, oil, the shells, the wood, the leaves and the fiber. The.wocd and tho shells _ been employed for various artistim as well as utilitarian purposes“ Ex-l amples of many of tho tb:'it/.t.riat,i, artistic products are inelpdedsi Tt 'irrt economic Wtany tumoetirns at Fioltl: Museum of Natural History. I land Park D $2250, ‘lot M, Krem) and Dates J'ark akin, to Highland lark.- _ . R. L. Foote and “ff to Mrs. Bridge WD $10,lct 200r George F'.. Nixon & Cu's-Highlprid ParlcGardenp, sec 28, Deerfield.. . - w, - H. N,Gamlin and wf to WKBur- gess and wf jt tens WD $10.00:10t 10, Washington Hefights, in Lake For- est. T . .' . _ C. B. Day ,and. hush to L., H. Board WD $10,no.t 23,_Arthur Dunifs see addn ta Ravinia Fgrest, in Highland Park. _ State Bank of Chicago to A. R. Goodman and V. L. Goodman jt tens D $10,. lot, :31, Arthur Dunas Ravinio Torrace, sec, M. Deerfield. . . W. Denzel and wf to H. E. Holt and wf jt tens WD $4500 S 50 ft of lct 15. So. Highland addn to High- Stearns F; H. Bartlétt to Q-Wolfgarth and 'wt-it. tens D $10, pWsVl my} 5, blk 15, Bartlettsr Lake View Ests, secs 5am! 6, Shiehfs7. A. C Jewett and bush to E. M. Jewett QCD $10, pt of SE qf cf sec 29 .Deerfield. _ _ _ Union' Bank' of Chiézigo :to “A. J McCarthy, D. $10.00; lot 11, blk 16 Lake quest Heights, _sec, 8/ Deerfield NV. Aitken aid wr Co Jc' Iy.-yrcrjer, mgtt 9nd'_xyf je tens WD $102097ptgof N"htiltdf SEAT of SW‘qr of see 20, Dtertiiild. _ _ V _ _ ..FH Bartlett to E. J. Tenth. D $10,.1ct 8,’bl’k 40, Bartletts Shore Crest Ests, sees 7. and 8, Shields.' 18, blk, 3, Deerfield Park Land and Impvt Assn sub see 29, Dcerfiield, . C.- T. ' T. Co. to F. Miatyas"D $6750.00, lot 231, Krenn And Dates Highland Park addn trrmighlani1 D $10. SEly half of lot 53, and all 61110: M, _Gordaian.s, N.' Show Golf Links. sec Tl, Deerfield. State Bank of Chicago to A. R. Goodman and V. L. Goodman jt tens D $10,. lot, :21. Arthur Dumas Ravinio 11, S Park. S. Campbell to J. C. Leeds'WD lot fr, blk 4 and lot 41, blk 6, B igar Bros. Sunset TerrauT,-sce Deerfield. _ and sec 29, Deerfield. ' . . V . 0. H. Carlson ind wf to w. H. Noble WD $10, lot CO and N half of lot'59,_J., S. Tov)ands sub, see 31, Deerfield. ' ' . ttleone WD $10, pt of>.lot 31,. meh-. wood, sec 15, Deerfield: _ I - I, Hrsevens .anicwCto P. H, Stev- ens WD. $10, lct " Ravinia Dells, see 36, Dverfield. . .-', Lake W D J. P. Met'zler and wf to JV. Kick JD 810, lot, 23, blk 42. tl addn to skerBlufr.-" _ _ V . vr. BrWatsdn and wt to V. Mon- leone WD $10, pt oflrt 31». High- F. H. (Quinlan to L.’ T. McGinnis ET=WTJf _tiitirhr.rTrlrTnriirTrFt , So. Highland addnoo Highland T. & (r, Cc. to .F. y. Lemke wf-jt tens D $10,101: 12, blk 13, Real Estate Transfers Williams and bush to P. E. IS and M. Stearns WD $10, int o ly to to L. W . 15. tti. Buchanan Krenn and Dates Leeds'WD $10, l, blk 6, Bran- Jreenwqod 3, and all here Golf ", Visit Our Nursery Some real vnha_ in “in"! Inching. trom Six Dollan Ind " . . 449 Lincoln Ave., Highland Park $3.9:- rxw~=anmmg :v_:;::.;..-_; 13:2,: Miss Elizabeth Breitenstein will ac- cept pupils in French and Spanish for the Summer season; will we pare sullen}; to_ meet various neertiitir,' in. Tet.m.P. 3191 between 6 and 7 pm. 49 Prairie Ave., Highwood, Ill. Telephone Hyhllnngark 523 Look aroumrattdaeq the tlem, healthy, hardy fruit and ore- mental trees. the beautiful shrubs, vines, tiowtrs and other growing things. You’ll enjoy every minute of your visit. . L You’ll see much to inier.. ‘est you and perhaps you .will find a suggestion u to just the very thimm you need to make your ground. more beau- tiful and fruitful. PLAN a trip to mir nursery Vnn’Jl nan mum'- In 1-"... FRENCH AND SPANISH LANDSCAPE GARDENING Charles Fiore Nurseries All kinds' of roof mending Especially flat roofs. SEWING MACHINES W. L. HARRISON This a Cordial Invitation td SOLD AND REPAIRED school requirements. ROOF DOCTOR A. H. MUHLKE --Arf."f AGENCY C' 1. _‘Tel. Deerfield M3 Specialists in Thirsday. July 18. 1929 handily, July Grading La, Perennicls - 20% DISCO BROUGHT RELIAI & DRY CL] 618 N. Green Wind 51 4 Laurel Telephone ' 5 "Elitd Slip Covers, Highla Illinois Se North Rot -32 S. LANDSGLA 916 L Highlan J UM HIGH] CON/ THOR APEX Highlam 291 Windo En Tel Att' and