Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 18 Jul 1929, p. 45

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nrnishod. urre 230 20pu Central mac in iRhlan-t w" Hoff- 61 or 20 a if de, Crrt_itsh.ed. ighwood It, light d. For Men Bay 20pd or light ld 304-11. Moraine 20951 In for m for Name. trans- 20 Mime. 4 f : eall Roman, Phone d kit- 1nttdtw sleeping ; [align ' _ & St. 19 aeaxisAwi,r-. -r-i, _=.- itr-is=o'eegarM9E ratartiiuhii-aiasiiirc at ' 20pd. _ . treat: box springr repaired: new work. -------- _ ' "made to meature.. J. M. 1Lutssett.". Tel. 'al ave- - - 7 Like Forest 907. -- _ . nltf 'al ave- Ft 20 home ; 'ferrcd. 5102“ of s-itViittiie. f m "was when. In cot- .lewel lyn . 20 me 2640. 2hrd bunga- Ise, all rr tlat rement I: 1% st .331 " for mums. l, 1929 ttmcrnt trtation Tel. H for . 2 P. Mt.' rtleman . . 20 plumb l ftoor. 20tf 19pd 1906 Ihrd room. 20pd WENT l or 3375. 20nd 20pd rate. 1299. 1840 20 l9pd 19pd 21H. tur. 20 20 l7 Thursday..Ju1y lit, 1929 waUAus' OFFERS: -- . ut Rgvinis: modern G-room bungalow: tine wooded lot; can of tnclu: “use: $g0. .. 20 SITUATION WANTEF-colored maid will” general housework: 2 years in HitrttUnd Park: references. Tel. H. P.. M. " SITUATION WANTED-woman wishes voci- tion as maid or second cook: references. Tel. H. P. 3837. _ _ 20 srTHATr0N.WAN'rWr--Nni1r washing: by .experieneed laundrmsr will call for and deliver. Tel, Highwuod 2635. 20-21pd SITUATION WANTED- Lady fiWEW‘"WK§fiDâ€"Co~“~’fim3" G"iitrr"G'i'C CARPENTER _W0RK by day or contact; work neatly done. Call August Anderson. Tel.' H. P. 2938. . 8-41)de SITUATION. WANTED-the .rod 3 "ew SITUATION WANTED- Experienced 'stenog.. mpher- desire part time work. Phone H. P. 1553 mornings. 20 SITUATION WANTED-Family washings to SITUATION WANTED-colored-pie: ex- perienced: Kenilworth references: cook and second work: houseman-ehaureor; together _"r, vulva: Tel. Kr'nwod 1fh11,_Nititep, Ward, 4903 Vincmnes avenue, Chicago. SITUATION WANTED By 16-vettold ored girl as mother's helper. Tel. H. 349. SITUATION WANTED -washine to do PiANtrTUNrtttr-Au work guaranteed: esti- mate: free; charge: reasonable. ' H. F. Eahnke. Tel. H. J'. 2048. _ lit! DREssMAKiNG and PLAIN SEWINGK Call Mrs. Smith at Highwood 2790.- 1547de HELP WANTED-competent Protestant maid fur general work; references required. LADIES OR. GENTLEMEN who would like their laundry or mnk garments laun.dered, " "End call'H. P. 1219.‘ 20.2mm HELP WANTED. White mid fbt general housework. Tel. Gleneoe 1231. 20 WANTED -- Woman for general house-work ", wood cook: reNrmtees. 116 Michigan ave- nue. lehwood. Tet. H. P. 2106. 20 WANTED Cook 'tttet-Veany-trl, white: must furnish refrrenm; apply in person. 539 Forest avenue. Highland Put-k. _ M WANTED" Pleasant. white, Protestant Kirl or womnn for housework in lovely home; all modern conveniences; 'own room. and hath. Tel. H. P. 2628. _ . 20 WANTED Experienced lumen! housework maid: 26nd took: A4 refer-mm; inn-ll funny: good home and wm_ Tel. R. P. ”a”. . ' M WANTED. Fapwienced min-ma. _ Apply College Inn. Ilium-m! Park. ' . wAtrrErs,aiumrrracaittste. i an}: ' ml: refertm.eb, ,Tel. M. P. 1862. . 20 K will drive children to beach noon by appointment; also the- hour. Tel. H. P. 1553. Tel. H. P. 103. 7 20pd perimced: fond' of. children; experienced do at'hnme; will call for and deliver. Phtme my. 2224. 20pd hours' work caring for thitdren or light housework daily: no Sunday work: morh- ing preferred. Call Mrs. Rose, 625 laurel avenue. H. P. 756-W. .. lltfpd home: 'witt can for and deliver. Tel. R 2320." _ SITUATION WANTED HELP WANTED Classified Want Ads P. 1608 with Packiu’d for the after- will drive by 20pd col- 20 20 at M. 20 HELP WANTEDTCm use hm Iood. reliable men to sell Hudson-luau an and trucks: experience not neeuury, lut’ mun lave rdgwncu u to eharaeter. A. W. Pena. 29 South Second street. A " WAN'rWN- ttands an: on that an a; carpenm work, plumbinx Ind eeegtmst Nod. 418 Gleam Ivonne. Tel. lap to HELP WANTED Short hour dink “he: . 101nm Highland FIJI 'che. 515 Ceettral Ivenus. _ "rd HELP whNTEo--gmuur woman for general (Alice help. Apply» room 5, " N. Sheridan road, Hlgtthimd Park.' . " Lotrr--'Thurmuv. July 11: small blue white purse: west Centrgl pwintse dr Gram Bay road: between w. Central and Park; con- .ulininz $9 and change; reward. F. P. Haw- kins. 389 Laurel avenue. Tel. R. P. 199. FOUND Purse, containing ticket and money Phone H. P. 385. Mod L9ST--ihnatl black doe, Skipper Kee: reward WANT?!) 'm VBUYâ€"_Anrtiquel, bid KANTED "IX9 1.tEitE.1'rc-_F'_tstt Aiisiwstgto_s, WANTED "ro RENT-small bungaldw with basement in Highlgnd Park or Highwood: two years’ lease desirable. _Write to Mrs. . E, R.-ti21 Orltms street, Chic-80. Illinois. WANTED TO TtENT- For'yenr or more be. ginning September 1; 7 or S-room. thor- -ratrhly modern house with two baths; in C Hmland Park-or Ravinia: near transporta- tion. Phone H. P. 379. 20od $1.007 ONE DoLLAW--81.00 Absolute satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded: very finmst work obtainable, re- endless of' price; prompt service; garments remailed to customers in special boxes and in f1rst-elrst, condition within 86 hours after being received by us: we do I strictly mail order business and the tremendous volume handled makes our extraordinarily low price possible; just one trial will make you our customer for life; orders acceptal from my- where,in, the United States: send no money, pay postman when garment returns. WILL take a few people to board by the week in private home. 636 W. Central avenue. Return to Dr. Frank," Itfitark bier or id. H. P. 106. ' . _ 20 isii/Giiiio.' “Mir? {Sift}??? m“, 3.7;: glass, etc. Mrs. Dicke, 808 Washing street. Evanston, Illinois. Tel. University "fl FV _ -- "e a: JL;, mgr??? f - foams." screen.- . new}... Strung-3,. a ’E. Delaware place. T91. Sup. 1055 eirenirua. T - _ _ 20nd --- "WANTED-TO BUY College Preparatory . A College Review . Appointments for Summer May Now Be Arranw-d _ WANTED TO RENT EX PERT CLEANING» PRESSING to purchase I lot for that "dream home" " the mark-bl! low price of only 823 per front foot. Imu- ine a beautifully restrict“! home- sight in Glenview. " minute from the loop, for “,2“; A In.“ amount down gnd my monthly mymenu when you I but"!!! honkalte. Cntl or "it!" "Glen." Kirkland Park Prev, Highland Park'}--for details. "W . SEND IN THAT ORDER 'NDAY THE DOLLAR, CLEANING CO.. LATIN _ HISTORY ENGLISH LOST» and FOUND Dresses, Coins. Ensemble Suits Men's Buitar _ Deerfield-Shields ‘mgh "Sthio1 Phone H. P. 1927 AN OPPORTUNITY or A . LIFETIME: MISCELLANEOUS 1921 W. Grand blvd.. SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS. LEF1TCA._atrrYNo_LDs. TE! P8I88 Former Mayor Suggests Subway Under St. Johns Former Mayor F. P. Hawkins has sent the Press the following copy of a letter which he recently sent Mayor Benjamin F. Lewis regsrding a sub- way extension beneath St. Johns av- enue tofthe Northwestern station. Undoubtedly his suggestion will be given serious consideration by the city authorities in due time. Mr. Hawkins' letter .to the Press and the copy (if the one sent Mayor Lewis follow: . . V Highland Park Press Gentlemen: I'gnclose a copy of a letter I-took the liberty to write to our mayor, simply for your information. The crossing at the station is very danger- nus and some one is going £03321. killed there. ' To the Honorable B. F. Lewis, Mayor City of Highland Park. Dear Sir: -h"indly permit me to call your at- tention to an idea for the safety and convenience of your fellow ‘citizens imiretting: to and from the station of the Chicago Northwestern Railrdad c-simply this-That the present foot viaduct from the west side to the Eisist ‘entrance' on. St. Johns, yrenue Mfrttiiii' 1titre""8rttt.traitii avenue? of suff'teient widthto accommodate all our citizens wishing" to like or leave the station. The present condition at train time is exceedingly humiliating and dangerous for us all. ' This extension will not be very ex- pensive and Will save the lives of our fellow citizens. The present vehic- ular Viaduct could alto be extended to an entrance on the south side' of Laurel' avenue later. . _ - ---- 11:00 Summer Christmas tree. Miss Elsie Pollock of Dorland Bell institiite will speak. 7 Sunday: . _ _ r. 9:30 Girls’ ehar'rehiiiiriiO iirThii, church. . j 9:45 Church school. - 11:00 Morning worship. The pas- tor will preach on "Christ as Judge." Friday: 4:00 Camp Fire meeting in the Camp Fire room at 176 Laurel ave- nue. - f _ Monday, 9:00--The"fHth" week of the Vacation- church -school. The school continues from 9 to 11:30 each morning, but Saturday and Sunday, with special features, all of them Christian in character. If you desire to enroll your child for the last week, bring him on Monday; Wednesday: 7:00 Girls' choir rehearsal in the parish house. _. 8:00 Serviée of prayer and medi- tation in the lecture room. For the theme for'this Weekis "What are the Fruits of the Spirits." Friday, 7:30 The charm program of the Vacation church' I! to be held at the church. _ . Highland Park Presbyterian Church Laurel and Lipderr avenues Rev. Frank Pitt, Minister Phone H. P. 3849 _ lam; cttt,ly,1srasttueetritt ' T "-- _ V _ . y . '-mitfil'and Park, Ill: July I, 1929 Highland Park, July 17 Very truly yours, . g F. P. Hawkins Truly yours, , .P. P. Hawkihs SO. GREEN BAY ROAD 1: IMPROVEMENT SOON stacles so far have been surmounted, and that this much-needed and long- desired pavement will shortly be un:. der way. Green Bay road is one of the chief through highways in High- land Park, and the bad condition of the pavement south and the narrow- ness of the roadway thereon have proved a seriou.s handicap to traffie on. that thoroughfare' for a long time. It is a matter of gratifieition to "the entire eo.rnmuhitysthat the improve- ment has at last reached a stage where. its early completion may joe expected. - I' . _ Deserve Praise ' . -_ Property owners along the section of roadway to-be improved havé ral- Jied.loyally to the did of the city in getting this i m p o r. t a n t project through 'mdtdrsrrve-slireir 1shard sob this credit, and the members mf the Board of Local Ihtpfovements and other city officials Qwho have worked long and zealously to secure. thiinr- provement merit high 'praise for their efforts. . When South Green Baf road is widened and paved it will afford an- otheir. dell-paved through route . to Chicago, and with the improvement of Vernon avenue in Glencoe will greatly relieve the congestion of traf- fig" on. the principal highways through _tlispie_aappItl shore cities " _ , '2rtWjqtt""rrm'ihr"'nrttrr=sider todds-array anidmt the urgentmteessitjei of this modern age, and especially in the vicinity of a large city, and the im- Green Bay" foad through Highland Park marks a notable im- provement in this line for, the north shore. . _ In connection with the Green Bay road improvement due credit also should- be- given to the. Chamber of Commerce of, Highland Park, a com-' mittee-of which body his throughout co-operated ‘enthusiaSticall'y with the city bmeials -in helping'to get the project through to successful con- clusion. Wireless eoritmunieationje spread- ing rapidly, but no_wireless politics is yet reported. . Security Plus Yield Cullen- State ani, of Uluncoe Citizens State Bank of Gl_encoe Citizens safe Bank ot Lyeertteld .. 1ortmniqtrtsrt T I Sold in Lou ot From I I up to " Shares We Will Sell, We Will mar-- BANK STOCKS CITIZENS STATE co. (Continued) one! 39

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