C, singer, will fayorui With asolo.,,:The flpwer" committed Kee-si to it that the church is fragrant every Sunday with . bééutiful blobms. . . _The Tri-Mu Club-class held its reg- ular social and business meeting at The“ Viiiriiiriiiiitii' 11115 WEEK W -eaiiiiiaiy evening. This class and the corre- sponding class for girls, both of high school age, now number over fifty young people and have well attended sessions every Sunday notwithstand- ing the hot weather. we Fridhy, August 2: 2:00 arm'. Theaadiet, Aid. - Sunday, July 28: 9:45 tcrm-lun.. day school; 11:00 a. m.-L-worship in Swedish; 8:00 p. m.--1htion service at the Swedish Methodist church. Histlorood Lutheran Oakridge' and High Street . Rev. G. A. O. Engstrom, Pastor Friday, July 26 at 7:00 p. m.--The Luther League will tnéet at church for an Outing to the lakes. Tuesday, July. 30: 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting. The Annual Picnic/held at Sunset Park last Saturday was a great suc- cess and the committee in charge left nothirtundone to contribute to this. There were alf sorts of races and stunts with dind Erizes for winners, Tore ice cream and "ppp" and cracker jack than could be eaten, and all free with the result that every boy and girl. aetualty hadall theycould eat and drink of thege refreshments. The attendance was very good and the day ideal. _ . _ c _ r The Ladies' Aid holds an all day meeting with Mrs. "Trout this week Friday at her 'summer cottage at Tower. Lake. All our worperrdesir-, ing to attend are asked to meet-at' the _Laegeler Drug store Friday at 11:00 a.m. when autos.will be there to take them. Highland Park Methodist Church North Avenue at Laurette. Place. Rew. Frank D. Hopkins, Minister -- Those failing to attend church these beautiful Sunday mornings are miss- ing some very helpful services. Even if it happens to be a very warm day," the. church is not unduly hot and an abundance of 'palm leaf fans enables all to keep cool. The service is some- what shortened these summer, days You are cordially invited to make use of the reading room, 361 Central avenue, which is. open every week day from nine in the morning until six in -the evening and on Wednes- days until 7:30. The reading room is also open on Sunday afternoon from ib.-8tr-tar-5.--3tr.- w"" e -V - - . First Church of Christ, tkientiatt Highland Park, Ill., 381 Hazel ave- nue, a branch of "The Mother Church, The First Church .of 'Christ, Scien- tist/ in Boston, Mass., holds ’servicea every Sunday morning atn0:46 and on Wednesday evening at , o'eloek, when testimonies of Christian ‘Sci- ence healings are given. Sunday School meets at 9:30 a.m., and is open to pupils under the age of twenty. Subject for next stmday'is lesson- sermon "Truth.", 12 Fiat Church of Christ, Scientist Among the Local Churches ErTmr'tmmr _ Sunday ttttNS 9:/30 a.m. A mother brought er little girl to the church at nine o'elockson last Sunday saying that the child had begged her from six o'clock on to fake her to the Bible school. Of course We gave her " royal welcome. The school Interesting items. concerning the progress of our work will be pre- sented. at the morning service. It is quite likely that, in addition to the sermon by the pastor, a new “voice will be heard in .the evening service: You should hear it. . We are looking forward toSunda'y and we believe it will he a good day at the church. , The pastor will preach on the fol- lowing subjects: 10:45 a. m. "Christ.. ian Fellow'ship." "If we walk in the 1firfit'irsrartrTi Tithe light, We have teltowshrp one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ-cleanseth us from all Bin." 1 John 1:7. 7:45 p. m. "BrPaths." There is a way that seemeth right to a man, ‘but the end thereof are the whys of death." Prov. 16:25. A First United Evangelical Church, Rev.' C. G. Unangst, Pastor _ - 25 S. Greenbay Road, . Phone Highland Park 1731 . ‘There was much blessing in the services on last Sunday. Three united with the church on confession of faith and four were baptized. _ “" . a; - Fe-rw.. - - _ r â€â€˜5‘ Fai - ur. ,--uc.aci-F-=re"aer-Fcet - “Prim iplemmmmjmam irplace in the house of the king.' There, meats that jhaqu‘eert offered to idols Would be served.. These the Jew â€must refusefor conscience sake and Daniel does this very thing. He asks that he and his friends may follow a vegetarian diet and drink only water during the coming ten days., of preparation. They know that they will be' physically better than those who would eat foods that would not be body-build- ing. When. the test came it took only'a glance to show that the appearance of those who followed the simpler diet was superior. Then came the mental examination. In this they stood "ten times better" tharrall the lads. of Babylonia whom Aspenaz brought for- ward. Thus Daniel was well started on the road that led in time to the prime ministry. of the country to which he had been carried-as acaptive. I.“ . ' . . . . ' THE STORY OF DANIEL . _ Daniel 1:1-4, 19, 20; 2:17.24 _ . T . Rev. Samuel D. Price, D.D. _ -t, M' This book which will be. studied for three weeks is rich"in thrills. Youth is particularly fascinated in reading these accounts which help to emphasize the fact that truth is stranger than.fietion. ' Plan to read all. twelve chapters in these three weeks. Portion) especially indicated for study this time by the Lessons Committee are In-rel; flc:1iir18iHs19s 'P4Wi8i,15-18.s 9:20:23;w12,;9.. -. s--'-c-r---- --. F- _,"._., ' "Iattertiatiottal Sunday School Lesson for July 28 you: THEE PRESS Wednesday: 7:16--Girls' Choir re- hearsal in the parish house; 'too-- The Preparatory service will be held in the parish house. During the pas- tor's absence Dr. Pugh, Lake Forest 1556, will conduct any pastoral duties necessary.. _ _ , "e 1stitrrerarrrLindewAvermes _-- ' Rev. Frank Fitt, Minister Friday: 4:00--The Camp Fire girls will meet in the camp fire room at 176 Laurel avenue; 7:30--The clos- ing program of the Vacation Church school will be held in the parish house. .The Ttarents and friends 'are invited to attend this. service. _ Sunday: 9:15---Girls' Choir rehear- sal in the church; '9:..4r--- Church school; 11r00---Morning worship. The pastor will preach mm}: sermon in the series on the Life of Christ. The topic is "Christ as Savieur." brimrtrhapiry experiences to :all who attend. "The Story of Ddniel," is the subject of the lesson for Sunday. Dan. 1:1-21, Visit our school if you are not attending elsawhere. . Ethel HariRihs. will lead the Christ- ian Endeavor meeting at 7:00 p. m. Topic, "The Church and National Life.", Matt- 13:3r-3r-33; Lk. 4:18, 19. . Highland Park Presbyterian Churkh Song, praise and prayer service on Wednesday evening at eight o'elock. Additional church notices on back page The Wednesday evening jet-vices are becoming very popular, especially with the young people, for which we are happy. 2lkxtAundtw morning the pastor will speak on the subject "Tightening the Ropes." In the evening on "Play- ing square with others." Miss Esther Drake and MisrMary Guyot will represent Bethany at the Religious Education training camp. at the sime place, next week. - Bethany Evangelical Church e" Rev. H. F. siernysriPtystor Mrs. F. C. Noerenberi, Mrs. Wm. Guyot, and Mrs. Geo.- Titinan are ata tending. the State Woman’s Mission- ary einvention of the Evangelical church, which is being held at Naper- ville, Illinois, during this week. .' Our o'ut,door service, held lasit Sun- day evening Tor the laying of the eihu her stone, was successful considering the usual handicaps to be found at such an event: there Was but little annoyance as the Highwood police diverted the traffie from our corner during the period of the service. Rev. Pearson gave a most appropriate and ir.rsitirimranessaartrthe weather was fine) _We regret that'Rev. Swan, our district superintendent, could not be with us at the. time. He was con- fined to his bed with an infected, foot. He' will be with us on Tuesday eve- ning, July 30, at 8 o'elock, when our fourth quarterly conference will be held in the church. . . ' ‘SundaynJulyZB; -, _ . _ l 10:30 a. m. Sunday school.", - . 6:00 p. m. EpWorth league mis- sionary service. Miss Amanda Carl.. The two congregations will gather in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning, Aug. 4. The Rev. Joseph Taylor wilt preach the sermon. Troop 52 will gather-on Friday: eve- ning jogthe iastVscout meeting until September. 9A11~scouts are asked to be present and to prepare. their own out-door meal. Opportunity will be given to. pass any tests at this time. 9:00 p. m." WUnibn' service in Swedish. Rev. Engstrom, pastor of the Swedish Lutheran church, will preach his farewell sermon. Every- one iseinvited to attend. Bring your friends. . Deerfield Presbyterian Church . Mark J. Andrews, pastor 9:30 V Church school. 10:45 A Union service in the St. Paul's church, the pastor of the Pres- byterian church is the preacher. Members and friends of both congre- gations are asked to be present and completely fill the church. The Swedish Methodist Church Highwood avenue and Everts place William W. Nelson, pastor Thanks to the god work of our Cay- penter gang, our church is now dis- playing a new.roof of silver-stained shingles. Evey'y part of" the roof _has been re-shinttled except 'the tower, which will receive its new coat of grey in the-naar-future. The brick- veneer work is also progressing rap- idly. _ _ . of W inpetka will speak, Thursday, July 25, 1929 -7» _ --lrks.-9fartlr, ~’ 11.1323 Reports wen county official George Stried, Attorney A. , visited the ope and had order manent chain: Smith stated A to make sure 1 With more , ing permits in Walter Nibbelil mer's bandit}; The lightweigh the Iitleholder, Mrs. Henry road, ner Lew waspainfu1ly i a loaded hay-r working turnet overboard. . been liiringat avenue, Liber months, died of 91 'years, he ed to old age. lurated her 92r Thursday, J uly BRIEF NE FROM Interesting _ This Part