', Mr. and Mrs. "I. J. Holland and family have returned from California, aim! are now at the North Shore hotel, Evaiiston. ' _ - Mr.- and Mrs. John Kelly of 237 Prairfe avenue, Highwood are the proud parents of a son born on Wed- Mrs. Alice TUnkin"Purdy audits. E. M. Perry of Fort Atkinsoh, Wis; cousin were week-end guests at the W. W. Reichardt hdthe on South St. Johns avenue. . - Mr., Lloyd Bother who is -Suffering fiom blood poisoning ist the arm at his home ‘on Hom’ewood avenue is recovering slowly. _ _ _ riLild/takiii j"riyii)iiiilirj'i'irijiiri" Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Low and chil- dren are Occupying the Harry Parkin cottage at Pentwater, Michigan for two weeks. Prom there they will go to Ephraim, Wisconsin for a visit with, Mr. and Mrs. Carleton Vail, ELIZABETH l, 7 " "srriBER"wpR.n7lr -, TEACHER OF PIANO '. Phone.3446 Lessons GNen in Your' Home COLD' AIR FUR STORAGE Method _ - A Siaééiiiiy Residerie7," ’623 Mne Avenue . “:JOHN WAYNE RICHARDS, Headmaster _ Box R, Lake Forest, Ill. Telephone Lake Forest 230 Strictly college preparatory-definite/preparation for entrance examinations of Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Mass. Tech., etc. "T'- school is also on accredited and pre- ferred list so that admission without examinations is granted by all universities which actept "certificates--. both boarding and day /stud.eyeg," the departments for day students is'of special interest to residents of the North Shore who desire thorough college preparation for their sons, and at the same time can have them re- main at home; afternporrstudy hall Supervision, physi- cal training and athletics for day Students same as for boarders. Your _boy will be kept busy until late after- noon with class-room work, study, athletics and other activities which witrdevelop him. -.Small classes - in.. dividual attention---.) Master for every eleven boys - sanely progressive methods-Ir instance, we do not '/hear" recitations; r' V 16 North Sheridan Road Estimates Gladly Given JAZZ Lee Sims Local and, Personal WE HAVE OUR STORAGE VAULT IN OUR OWN BUILDING Reasonable Charges MOLDANER is HOMER Catalog supplied on request CLASSICAL Beginners A Specialty Me. Henry Bacon of Lincolnavenue " spending ;sevéral _weeks at Burht- side, Michigan as the guest of Ever- ett Mills. -.. _ The- "Rev: Fran "rite-uri-tsatis' ‘to leave next Sunday night for his vaca- tion in Estes Park where Mrs. Fitt and the children have been, for the last two months. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert P. Harmon and family are motoring through the south., . . t At a tea-dance given Wednesday afternoon at. Kildeer Country club, Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Luebke of 828 Hazel ttvenue', Glencpe announced the engagement of their daughter, Laura Mather Luebke, 'to Donald Russell Browning, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Browning of 1239 Cherry street, Winnetka. . /I'he Brownings were former residents of Highland Park, residing on Beach street. _ The Misses Enid Pearce, Magnet Kerr, Marjorie Kendall and Georginia Barnet left by auto for Camp Gray, Saugatuck, Michigan' on .Monday morning to. attend the Presbyterian Conference for Young People. Miss Barnet goes as delegate from the church school of the Highland Park Presbyterian church, and the others are delegates from the Young Peo- ple’s society. . Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Jerome nnd family of Cedar avenue spent the week end at Lakeside, Michigan. nesday, July 17 “we Highland Park hospital. -‘ , FURRIERS THE PRESS _ Miss Helen Robbins of Prospect avenue left Monday with friends to motor to Leland, Michi an where they Win spend several ',e,'S,t Mr. and Mrs, .L"esley C. Larson of 175 Sheridisn road, Winnetka, are the proud parents of a son on Saturday, July 20 at the Highland Park hos.,. pital. . _ . ofAReLi'giou's Education. Miss Green- law will serveps a Councilor and teach hdpderaft.] Over 300 girls at-, tend this conference each year. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Prior and chil- dren have returped from a two weeks vacation spent with the former'g par- ents at 'their cottage in Wisconsin. 'm, Miss Gladys Greenlaw wilrleave the middle of next week for Lake Genexgg where she will attend the Older. Girls' Conference under 'the- Mrs. E. R._Phelps of Prospect av- enue and Mrs. J. A. Robbins of Lau- rel avenue returned Monday from Camp Kohahna, near Glen" "Raven, Michigan where they motored last week to visit with the former's daugh- ter,'Betty. Mr. Phelps went up Sat- urday by boat and returned with them. Mrs. C. Winston of Marblehead, Masachusetts, formerly of Highland Park spent" several days with Mrs. H. M. Bacon and Miss Moss of Line eolh avenue. -- - _ 'y. e v Mr. and Mrs. Martin Bergeson' of Birch street, Winnetka, are receiving congrifulations on the birth of a'son on Wednesday, July 17, at the High-" .land Park hospital. . UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT , ".'" Central . _ Auto Body & Fender ' Works 1'2 YEARS IN THIS WORK 20 North second Street T Mrs. Emil E.' Uhler of 55 Deerfield place is sailing today, Thursday, from New., York on the Steamer Bremen for ah extended trip abroad. MticPherson (Bud) Thomas. of South Linden avenue and John (Bucky) Carr " Lincoln avenue are at, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin picking chérries during the cherry. season. " Mr. and En. H. If Prior spent a few days in Highllnd PMr' from their summer cottage near Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin; . They returned yesterday. Phone Highland Park 54 We Call for and Deliver . CLEANING .. GLAZING and REPAIRING AT SPRING" and SUMMER' PRICES 'ls,, YOUR was Mrs, Lyman Murphy, has returned from North Dakota, where she visited relatives for two weeks. ., q The Ju_rtior, Depariment of the Bethany Evangelical Sunday school enjoyed a picnic at the beach Monday. Mrs. Frank J. Coghill _left yester- day fer Crystal Lake, Illinois, where she will spend several weeks. Mrs. John Manley has as her guests her mother and sister, Mrs. ahivies and Miss Charlotte, of St. Louis, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erhart are' leaving the latter part of this week for- North Manitou Islpatd,.Michigan, to spend a few weeks. .. Mr; and-.Mré. ty C. Kenyon who .me, Ile-ttl-thr/ups/Isis-iii-r-,-, 1qifil 'r9tluta".--'ttrtd-Facsiimsrr"oirc- bisyHot"tlte past fang w%s%s left..this I morning for their ho'me in Oklahoma. " The Misses Mary Guyot and Esther Drake will attend the E.L.C.E. and SS. convention in Naperville, next week. c-, _ _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenslade and Mrs. M. Snyder will leave Friday for Fargo, N. D., where they"wfll spend a week; - __ . Mr. W. P. Hammond retained ,Sun- day from Ft. Francis, Ontario, where he spent two weeks. _ -Mr.,‘and'Mrs.' E. C. 0hrmund and daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howe spent the week-end in _Qshkosh, Wis., Visiting Mrs. Ohrmund's relatives, Mr. and Mrs; M. C. Bartel. . '. Mrs. John Manley entertained Tues- day at ti bridge luncheon for her guests, Mrs.. Davies and Miss ,Char- latte of St. Louis, "Mo. . _ . H Mrs, Margaret--Sheahen and Mrs. Murveye of Fahd du Lac, Wis., and Mrs. Frank Matthews and sdn Ed- ward of Trenton, N. J. are the guests ‘of Mr. John Shethen this week. Mrs. Lyman Murph'y will entertain the members of her bridge club this evening( Thursday). ' _ Mrs. _ Irving Sehur will entertain twelve at a ‘luncheon and bridge next Wednesday. - " 7 . _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Hugo-Schneider and family spent Sunday at Interlocken and L.ake Getrewr, Wisconsin. - .Mrs. W.' P. Hamm pd and ddugh- ter Dorothy rl/li-ie/li':';')';",?]',' from Warsaw, 111., where they visited Mr. HamInood's old home. . _ MILL-Abbie Rustin is visiting" her daughter, Mrs. Wilbur Brotherton, in Bowman, Mont., for several weeks. Mrs. George Titman, Mrs. William Guyot and Mrs. F. C. Noerenberg will spend.the balance of-this week attend- ing the Illinois Branch of. the W. M. S. 4ronvention "in Naperville. T Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hart of Glen- view avenue, are leaving Friday for a vacation in the east. - - . Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Miller of S. St. Johns avenue, _are- receiving congrat- ulations on the birth" of. a'son,.born Saturday aCthe Evanston hospital. William H. Hammond who spent the past two months in Yucatan, Villa Hermosa,-Mexico returned last itiek and spent the week in Warsaw, Ill. Doutrliiir Brigham, who accompanied him to Mexico returned home last week also. . Miss Helen MeNiehols entertained her bridge club Tuesday evening. MrsQC. A. Smith of Belle avenue has‘as her guest, her niece, Mrs. E. F, Stet: and little diuurhtisr, Alice Virginia of Brantford, Ontario. Mrs. Steh was formerly Anna Freese. Thursday,- July M, 1929 -weys-aervsyl A was presented Ted Lent Jasoph Cabal weeks at the kviawan on S Attention b bell Chapter I regular meeti Hay evening, be the first month's vaca' Mrs. W. ‘E Beryl and M will spend tr Wisconsin. even-mg was and the priz Francis, Mrs. R. Winter, Me-. Feed I prised Saturd bers of the l was the feat prize winners J. Repholz, 1 Delhaye, Mrs Kallamen. “Mr. J. De was given it day evening friends who Thursday, Jul o w Miss Cora Local 10 Nor NO (, his bit