It i, 192 . P. 2872 d Park P. '" IRY .UNDRY ID FOR. {ante ant Thursday, Await I, 1929 NUMEROUS CHANGES IN1nlh'N FISH LAW If you are not acquainted with the! new fUh and game laws which went into eil'ect July 1, and those who are not had better beware of the warden, as enforcement 'of the new rules is strict,- The new law: were compiled by the house committee on conserva- lion of fish ind game working in har- mony with the department of cort- servation and considering rules laid down under the migratory bird treaty. Under the law the minimum size of basr10 inches, while on trout the minimum is , inches and on pick- ere1,' hike or pike perch, 12 inches. Other requirements, of the lew are: Catching of trout (except lake trout) _by.other means than hook and line prohibited. Season. April 16 to August 31, ' _ . _ _ _ Digest of Alterations in Game Statute Given; Things Prohibited blue "till. _ f . . l l 1Mihimum size for trout, 7 inches, .Minimum' Mar ., for -‘pickerel and pike, or pikevperch 12_\inches, ", e'.,' E '., Prititbit,Git'NeU V . _ . Use of gill nets orotiibited except on Like Michigan/ ., . F Hooks. on, troutjine limited to 100: ‘Reduces size. ohms}: in minnow nets from one-fourth- to oiiis-etithth inch .square. e-" l' . "r-". _ , . . TG" -rG" day limit on trout, T pike or pike perch, and_bass.‘ . pies," 'iiii'eirau'ryistr, koggle -eye and -lir,iri; date for mid id Spine from April 15 to_Arrri12trs .'. . '. "iiiiifur"tieismees "sarpire on April 30 iifstead of Apfil Iti,, 3 I ,..' 0U IIKDUC“ VJ- ‘Ar- -- -v: \ _ :Feeifor nonresident licenses raised. trpm $1 to $2.75. V A _ New hunting' tegulations'arer . Closed useagon, on wood ducks and elders until Sept. 1, 1931? - PT "Maxiniur, Gg of brants and geese reduced from eight to tong“. __ -iiiiriiing of. Ghrratory birds frgm elevated perch more than 10 feet from ground prohibited. -- _ 't . 7 1'iiu'rGFit'iisr from list "of fur Hearing animals in section regulat- ing hunting and trapping season; Use of ttreams in killing mask.. rats prohibited. Prohibit. setting: of traps within 10 feet of their hawks, ot in wttei within " feet of any shore line. ", _ . . Devices Prohibited _ _ ‘ Use of mechanical uievieeg, for frightening of animals from their holes and hiding places prohibited. Deer season. closed until 1930; perrionsr who trap required toiisit traps once eatery. 2rhourts. . Fee for ’nonresidént_ limiting li- c'ense increased from $10 to $15, I _ Mommy Uworn statement to dei. partment of conservation required of all fur buyers, wholesale and retail. Fee of 10 cents required from trap- per: for each hide of fur bearing ani- mal: and from e1rmmerefal breeders of wild game to cinch bird or animal or dozen of eggs or fraction thereof sold; _ t Radicalism .is safd 'tay mean the " fort to get at the root of thertrisrld's trxstgeLsod_t1tsrrordjssr1trstt1*l set " some“ orthem by tNintt RiFNiii roots of the “Weeds in our gardens; ' Shel-ifs Duties. Are Multiplying; May Have to Police Airplanes After being mndisetmtodirn of mo- tor boots in the county Sheriff Law- rence Doolittle recently expressed the fear that he would have to be over- we? of the eirplane industry whether he wanfed to be oratot, . Just what his powers over pilots, planes and landing flehht will be he does not know but so intends to write to Secretary " State Williim J. Stratton and learn if he has to as- sume this additional burden. The first idea that the tsheriff had that he would have to play nurse to the new method of transportation came today when he was informed that the gsherift of.Cook county was censured for failing to inv'estigate field itr Coy county. V t A motorcycle policeman, called to testify in an inquest in which a pilot and a passenger had been killed, was asked if he ever investigated the air.. poitis or planes. He had not, he ada vised the jurors, and further. told them that he did not know this was apart of his-dutyu; ' J --aterie--Doo1ittu-utatud--that-he, would' not be surprised but what he would have to add aviation to his duties as he found this: was Que when he last visited California. nte “stated-that he frequently gets calls .arotind 3 o’clock in the morning' to dash ourto some lake' to silence a motorboat, that is working overtime' much to' The diseiitnforture of those 1resorts andttaeatisiniat's seeking sleep. Two 1.irs'i?:twio,rapsy'rearfe jar, dinieres o(iiltEitbo1tjoin India are, to be seen 2iiGiif 'the wood collec- tions in the department of botany at Field Museum "of Natural History. The material thus artistically treated is..,the same extremely hard, wood much used in cart wheels and gun carriages. ' _ _ The Medical Staff THE-HIGHLAND PARK HOSPITAL THE PRESS Too much credit cannot be given to the super- excellent standards of the Medical Staff of The Highland Park Hospital. - _ Our'city is piutitylyrly for.tu.nate in‘having in JG 1GifsGfilsshterjtsiphys1ti?ps, and surgeons with reputations which place†them in the fore- most ranks 1n the profession. The Ieloise., eoroperation between these men and our Hospital Management. is an,.iRporitr,it factor iii" Vai/ahh" and Well-being of the entire cam- munity: _ . . 1 " Telephone Highland Park 1547 S. St. Johns Avenue Phone Highland Park401 9 , ' . IN RAVINIA . » Specializing in Beauty Culture MARY'S BEAUTY SHOP ANNOIrNCING THE OPENING OF - of plumbing and heating supplies- is always Obtainable here. Piping in all sizes and threads, bushings, joints, valves, and anything else you may re- quire, can be had from us at a mo- inent's notice. Be your order a small Arr large one, you may leave or "list Ullc, Jun use-J P'"'""" n: vv-v-u us with assurance of prompt deliv- ery and lowest prices. _ Modern Plumbing and Heating Estimlta Cheerfully Given Jobbing a Smith: WITI‘EN BUILDING 860 CENTRAL AVENUE. ""P ","vT'PPmetr'JC.raLcLa"'e-," Shop B. P, 1404 Res. H. P. 439-1342 FRESHVAIR 'IS VITAL _, and our two-outlet ventilétorg 'ak, designed to afford plenty of i-we, will make them in, size to iour order, 2120 be, placedi on the 4‘00! or titsew'hisre. 'Wé also make and retiair roofs, gutters, leaders, skylights, {13th, Moran Brothers Henry G. Winter A COMPLETE LINE 48 North First Street Phone 835 StT