Vic 27e .....39c 45c 60c Me 'i 36e 43c 29c Ste bye Me _45e .._.l9c 4 l/zc ' Me I. Me [e lb. Me A y, c “It I, 1929 ..36e. LEEF IJSE Thursday. huruta, 1929 Miss Myra Thomés left Saturday 'for Cleveland, Ohio, where spending this wtek, visit_ing friends. club. Mrs. p. F". Kelly "etitertained " luncheon yesterday. at the Exmoor TG. A. C. Allen spent a couple of days thlsvweek in .Kenosha, Wis., vis.. iting relating: . Mr. and Mrs. E. Doland were pleasantly surprised Saturday eve- ning, by the members of the-Good Will .club who came to help them celebrate their birthdays. Buneo was the evening's diversion and the We winners were _Mrs.' Peterson, Mry, R. Demgen, Mrs. J. Repholz, Mr. P. Delhaye, Mrs. J., Repholz' and Mr. E. Doland. Delicious refresh- ments were served during the eve- ning. _ Mr., and Mrs. Otto Petz and son, Egygie, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Zim- mer am daughter) Betty; motored 'to Lake Geneva Sunday to' spend the day. I . er5. Minnie Gerkirn)as returned from oconpmowtitr, Wis., where she spent the’pagt twottntrys. t gnarl“. 'Est-w-é/rr-s of Bronxville, N. Y, .Mrs. Alice Turriff and daughter, Mary Beverly, .spent Friday in Oak Park as the guest ‘of ers. George McHugh. .. . . _ . ",,.. - ‘st. Hi'red' Gieser entertained at luncheon' last Thursday f9r Mrs. Will ham, Gerhardt of Florida who' is- vii-' mag _relatfvey here for the HeyTPf'F Mrs. Rdyihond Flinn had as..hci' Local and Personal SURELY you'll Want FLORSHEIM SHOES can extra pdir while all styles aryl leath- ers are reduced fo 599 Central Avenue Phone Highland Park 456 ALE -rT'.-3r.-eM5SUrmr .85 . Miss Edna .Hupprich of Alpena, Mich., ir spending the summer in Highland Park. - ius. John Peters will enter'tain the members-of her tive hundred club to- day (Thursday.) . . Mrs. W. E. Salyards and daughter, Willie, irphnt Tuesday in Chicago. Miss Gladys 'Bartel of Fond du Lac, Wis., has" been visiting her cousin, Miss Ethel Ohrmund, this week. . _ Mr.. Arthur Herdklotz and family of Wopdstock is spending this week with his mother, Mrs. M. Herdklotz of Green Bay road. 't _ Miss Irene Fallon of N. St. Johns avenue, entertained as her weekiehd ttdest Miss Evelyn Wellnitx of Chi- cago. - . Frm.- Bi 0W (pt aH’s milk ' ar rrirriotht(did, (i/yt.) me? THE MILK OF SUPERIOR FLAVOR MANY a present-day mother was T “raised on Bowrnan'siMilk" as the saying goes. And tbday their children are enjoying the same rich- ness, freshness and purity which has made _Bo'wrnan's Milk famous for Today, as in the long years past, Bowman's Milk is the outstanding f a v o F i t'e of those discriminating mothers who insist on the best. It is a milk that is full-rich in cream; 'as, sweet, as fresh and'as delicious as whentakeh from thecow. . quality. Due to our extra care in bringing it from farm to your doorstep, you- will find Bowman's Milk to be extra-good ---a milk that is unmistakably super- ior in flavor. Try it and see. Phone our nearest distributing station or "order from the courteous Bowman milkman who passes your door. THE PRESS _. _ MILK DAIRY COMPANY ' Mary Pay is visiting her aunt tad uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Clavey in Northbrook this Week. . Mrs. Martha Bremner of Kewmoe, 111., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Huebner lgst week.. Mr. and Mrs. E. W.'Sixndell have returned from' ffte weeks spent in the Smokey' Mountains, Tenn. The Orchid Sewing club has notl been meeting during the summer as" many of its members are enjoying vaeaticns away from Highland Park. At present the club president, Miss Constance M. Yena is vacationing in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, while the Bee- retary and treasurer, Miss Irene Fal- len and Miss Doris 'Hansen are en- joying themselves in Highland Park's lovely weather. " 1186 Mrs. W. R. Maguire, formerly Miss Catherine Recktenwald Ist this city, sailed for Hcnolulu, July 6," to join her husband, where they will make their home for two years. _ Mr. nod Mrs. E. C. 0hrmund and Er. nnd Mrs. John Brandt were the week-end guests of Mr. Ohrmund’s brother, Mr. Otto Ohrmund, of Jun- eau. _Wissecntsitt. Marion and Mart Moon spent the weekUnd in Wdodstock, Illinois, visit- init their uncle Mr. Arthur Herdkolta. . Ladies D , August 9 Friday, flCly 9, will be Ladies Day at the Northmpor Country club. Luncheon will be _ sewed at one o'eloiek, followed by bridge and Mah- Jongg at two o'elpck. . 29