Efl __" - of the a HEVEOLETfï¬fx 120 North First Street Cirhiro' ?ileiv' Models The Roadster, $525; The Phaeton,$525; The Coupe-.3599; The Coich, $595; The span Coupe, 3645; The Sedan, 5575; The Imperial Sedan, $69r,The Sedan Delivery, ' 595;The Light Delivery Chassis, $100; The l V2Ton Chassis, ' 54 5; The 1% TGi, Chassisih'th Cab, 3650. All prices f. o. b. factorr/Ftiitt, Mich. COMPARE the delivered price as well as the list price in considering automolaile values. Chevrolet's delivered prices include only reasonable charges for delivery and financing. Broadening the appeal of p"line of, cars which has already won ovtr950,oo0hiytrs.sincejanuary lst, Chevrolet presents two dis. tinguished new enclosed models of the ChevroletSix---the Imperial Sedan and the Sport Coupe. With beautiful new Bodies by Fisher available in a variety of . striking color combinations and with nu. merous advanced convenience fea- tures-cthesé new‘models prOVide, iii abundant measure, those ths ments of distinction ordinarily associated with more eatpensiye automobiles. - _ - ' When you examlntt the neii, Im. perial Sedan MEI Sport Coupe, 0% Umpeiia/ Jedan ttzrtrnsru"utcurt; (ir f WM. RUEHL & CO. I! “no.“ 'lee""" THE PRESS Come-in today. Leary? for yourself the new- standards of quality" and luxury that Chevrolet has' made available in six~eylinder car's...L af prices within the_reai:h of alll youwill be impressed, by their individuality and completeness. But you cannot fully realize what an achievement they represent until you gerbehind the wheel and: drive! For. here are alrthe qualities of six-cyiiiuler smooth.. ness, power and acceleration which Chevrolet alone provides in tbeprice range of the far-r-cord. bined with economy of better than twenty miles to the gallon of gaioiiher T _ - Phone 1110 Thursday; August 8, 19tl JE hn It. " place} Mr. ttt Farlane, 82 Weymouth I street, who p' BUDGET cea _ The "Lake Cedar Lake, Seenah-Nw keo, Pistakec clubs ire a which riartie competition. Dr. Otto tind Lake G three isfiieial ‘Sub-debs i boys in oilsk Lake Yacht l included M young daugh 747 Sherida modore' of 1 Dunham", Be ter-of the.) Forest avenn daughter of ' EvarEttm; J: Cody, J r vith his fa nd Chanttll Enjoy. Your Corner Ravim _ ar Heading th .5 who wen' y club to a m regatta l wen Lake; 4 hn D. Ca, CA RPEN 153 N: B, may. CHA BE Spaghetti- Service Screens MOVI HOUS PHON Real An Celtic His