It the body yTt the two Merle Ar. Park boy, rhich Preti 'iding. ' ne Nam a ttndee" ioad Pfuigston war. Paul :ioni,7High- e cuts and o of High- at. Along ked up by ie Chicago from the C. Gert. C. forth Shore tout a hun- r interested ty to the work is be- ately many ess__; rive“ by the e mam? waino' hate la'rely tA.. me the com- . success' of f town but coking ftriru r to better I as to en-. ' presence.' 1:30 '0. m. t the' C. M: s hag been :tiori of the Van entire events has b, Wheeling been under E. LarSdn. ' 43) )m In jur- .llision; vering are will be camp. At the formal the evening P old boy 1 o'clock Wheeling stained o in [day morn- ha. Dundee. , D.A.R. of Sump Grant mal Guard. l) p. m. and dinner and lsday, Aug. 'eat Lakes, ttater. ion of, the t 8; 1929 Command- lorps’ area. and Mrs. reception Today Seven Operas and Two Concerts Scheduled for Presentation During Next Week W. C. T. U. Pieatic9t North Chicago Aug. 14 ENTER gN WEEK RAVINIA SEASON The _annual pienie of the Lake county W. C. T. U. will be held at Foss park,2lorth Chicagd, August 14, all day. A special program will be given. Each tmion having a part, but the moist important part will be a" silver medal' contest given by the Y. P. A. of 2ion, Illinois. Trmspor- tation' facilities are good, the North Shore line being only one block from the ttark.' "All members are urged to. attend,. as this also will take the, place of the regular August meeting. NI planning to attend please notify Mrs. J. L. Vetter or Mrs. Stanley by phone or Mrs. J. D. Carte'r by post-card. _ Mr. Frederick Mayer Bell of Ham- ilton, Montana, son of Mrs. Oscar, S. Bell of this city, passed away August 2. Services, which were‘pri- watch were held Mbnday in Kelly’s Undertaking establishment parlors. Interment was in North Shore ceme- tery. . ‘ _ " Otto F. Fisher Off for Vacation in Wisconsin Frederick M. Bell Former Resident Dies Otto 1ihrher,ortiqidmtt of the Erm: ine Cleaners,' Inc.,'and' president of the Highwéod Chamber of Commerce. left Tuesday for. a pnonthht vacation at Pelican Lake. Wisconsin, He made the trip by motor. Thursday, Anmt -g, 1929 r7ri)?v"' " , ti' x. ' E A V ' A" L Fi',?, 2Lte * .. 9* y'. w 'iiiMS Berthil Berg, 9. student of the Dodge. school radio department, for- ‘merly a, student of Deerfield-Shields high schooi, broke the local records in swimming in Valparaiso, when he trwar-otrtr-li1lirtt lake, inexactlym minutes. Berg is recognized among local Swimmers-as being the fastest sprint swimmenin Valparaiso. . _ The Welcome signs erected " the five entrances of Highwood by the chamber of commerce of the town are a distinet%4itit?n to the city and the commerce body is to' be congratulated upon them. They are antique stained _in dark brown' end erected on sub- stantial poles, and replace the large signs previously put up. They were ereetedoea cost of $25 each. Highwood Chamber of Commerce Erects Signs Break Swimming _ Record in Valparaiso Co-operating with the city adminis- tration, the chamber of commerce is sending. out a questiorin'aire soon. to residents of the village to test_t11_e sentiment tor a modern lighting sys- tem for the town. . The Rgvinia Garden club will have a picnic lunch Friday, August 9,_at thir hpmewrmm VarDcurw sen_ ori Sanders mad, west of Deer- field at 12:30 p. m. Mrs. Bert C. Davis will m ive , talk on "Converting Barn aid $asture Into-House and Garden." _ Rhinia’ Garden Club V . T Pienie in Deerfield. The annual convention of the Lake Codnty Council, American Legion, will be held Sunday, August 11, at Lake Forest. The meeting will be held. at two o'eloek in the' Legion' headquarters. P.ost commanders and regularly V elected delegates to the County Council will be chosen. . It is hoped that every-delegate Will attend from every post and as many legionnaires as possible. Lake County Council , _ Meists in Lake Forest Highwood Plans Fete for September 14th ' The Hiehwood f chamber of com- merce is sponsoring an entertainment and street dance' to be~‘held in that city Saturday evening, September 14. This is designed to take the place of the annual carnival: They will give aWayat the end of the day a 1930 Nash six sedamof the 420 series,_with' royal equipment, of six..wire wheels and other features. The Misses "Peggy" Colestock and Gladys Udell. are leaving Saturday fpr Mirror Lake,.Wiaeomsin, where they will tsirend two weeks with the letters parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. L. Udell, who have taken a cottage there for the summer. DOLLAR DAYS FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY _ Watch the michant’s windows and read the “ads†in this week’s Press for Dollar' Day batching Frid'aand Saturday. ' THE PRESS Paul H. Phelps, Is ' In the absence of Dr. Dan Simons, president of the Highland, Park Ro- tary club, SM St..Peter conducted the meeting Monday at the Moraine hotel. The speaker was Paul H. Phelps. and his subject was "Development of the West Side of Highland Park." ' Several members were absent with- out an excuse? Better' think up a good one or have your purse handy. Some of the members, (including the president)' attended the Rotary con- ference in Chicago. They will be pre- pared to give a fine report at the next meeting. The Chicago area, and _Onwentsia club in particular,,will‘ be' the polo capital of the universe next week, August 12 to 18. For the fields at Lake Forest wilrbe., the scene of a national title' event, known as the inter-circuit tournament, enlisting this teams that' haire emerged' "vie.. torious in their respective circuits, nine‘jn "nutitber, into which the coun- trrtsrdivided. .7 "'j. T, 'c""" a» t. ONWENTSIA SCENE 0F POLO TOURNEY Inter-Circuit_ Tournament Here August 12-18: National _ /llitle at Stake _ _ m _ is a peculiar (coincidence thi this polo, classic is being landed' fo 1 the ftrs't' time in the.Chieagd secto for it really had its origin at Onwent; sia some years. ago when the first midwest tournament Wis held., After several of these annual events were played, with the sectional winners meeting for national ‘supremacy. Another Championship Match _ Nor _will the national phase of championship polo competition end with the finals of the intereiredit tournaments. Immediately after, its conclusion will come the twelve-troftl championship, another feather in Chi- eago's polo cap. This tournament will be held at Oak Brook, York road, one mile south of Roosevelt road, dur- ing" the week of August 19 to M. Both the inter-circuit and twelve- goal championship are limited to com- binations of players whose aggregate goal rating does not exceed twelve. But there is. this distinction between the two tournaments. The inter-dir- cuit is a team ' affair,' while the twelve-goal is open to any twelve- goal group of po1oists,,retrttr.d1ests of team affiliation. “ These two national championship tourneys are under auspices of the U. S. Polo assoeiatiim; and in addi- tion, to followers of this thrilling sport locally and from all other sec- tions of the' country, they' will be at- tended by oftteiala of the association. The all-Chicago committee in charge of the matches consists of Earle H. Reynolds, chairman;' Colonel R. R. McCormick and Paul Butler. Prepare for Large Crowds 'Elaborate preparations are going forward to care for the record crowds that will view the matches. Onwent- sia is ready tooteeotnmodate B,000 spectators what with the building of a new grandstand in place of the old pavilion and providing additional seats " well as greatly augmented (Continued on Page 47) Speiikiir at Rotary PLAYGROUNDS BUSY IN FINAL EVENTS Track and Field Meets Tomor- row at Sunset Park; Excur- sion Day August_15 All children who are registered at Sunset and "tavinia playgrounds are invited to attend the annual track and field meet. This meet is open to all boys and, girls between the ages of 8 and‘16'a'nd will begin at 10:30 a.m_. tomorrow, Aug. 8, with a baseball game between Sunset Stars and 'Ravinia Cubs. Children are to bring their lunches if they wish and also to ask their parents to attend. The triekuuid field events will begin at 1:30 p. m. Names of those" who wish to enter any event must give their name to Mr. Frederick not later than five minutes before the event starts. There will beuive prizes given and each prize will be given to .those five (boys or girls) with my highest number of --poirttsr-'--akr firsit place a large silver cup will be given, to second said third snia‘ller cups and to fourth and fifth medals will be awarded by.the East Park Board. Points will be trivenaweor'd- ing to the winner in" each event.. as follows: Ist winner ---"five Apoints, 2.mrwinner---t.hree points and 3rd win- ner-L-I point. _ r" ' _ , T _ . Events: V _ _ _ "'}M9.m: V _ C"" - ___,", , r ' 30 yard dash for.ttoarr--A and 9 years of use. 30 "rd dash for giru--8 and. 9 year: of age. 40 yard daah.for borr--10 and ll, years of "l'i, yard'dash for tr'tru--10,and 11 years of age. '.. _ - l " age. of â€753m: dash toi ttobs-it and " years of atrex T i . _ _ 60 yard dag!) for trirhr--14 and drove. JOO ysrd duh for bogs--16 and [Mt 2:15 p.m. 2. Relays: _" 30 yud relay for bors-8. 9, My, " 3 oT use. - - _ . 30 Fard relay for trirhr---8, 9, IO, 11 , of age. " - Ao Yard rainy for-r-bor, 12 and Above. 50 yard relay for 'trirhr--12 and above.- 2:45 p. m. 8. Thme Legged Rage: (Cl your own' partner: _ . _ so yards rage for bors--8, 9, '10 yea age. " yard mree.for triru--g, 9, Mt, I of. age. V ;- ' (Continued on vage .37) Highwood Woman Sues for Julr4th Accident Mrs. Assu'nta Molendi, of High. wood, last week-started suit in' eir- cuit court for “her little son, Leno, against Saute Bernardi for $10,000 on the charge that Bermsrdi gold hier boy a cartridge for a Fourth of July celebration that exploded and iniur2 ed him. In last week's issue of the Press itprat, stated that Mr. J. A.' Blom- dahl had sold out his shoe business' in Winnetka and was moving back to Highland Park. Mr. Biomdahl sold his home there and is moving back here to make. his home. . Attorney J. A. Miller, who started the suit, declared that Leno purchas- ed the cartridge July 3 and when he had it in his hand the it exploded and painfully injured the hand. He was under the care of a rhyslcien for several. days. V the éxplosive, the attbrney stated, was the ordinary blink cartridge. " yard dash for trirltr--12 and =13 Years duh tor" boys-412 and ~13 years pf CORRECTION 9, My, 11 years 9, IO, 11 years lt years (Choose of