'N First Church of Christ, Scientist First Church of Christ, Scientist, Highland Parking 881 Hazel ave- nue, a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scien- tia't, in Boston, Mass†holds service. every Sunday" morning at 10:45 and on Mredneaday evening at 8 o'clock. when testimonies of Christian Sci- ence. healings are given. Sunday School meets at 9:30 e.m., and is open to pupils under the age of twenty. During _the pastor’s nation Dr. Robert E. Pugh, Lake Forest 1556, will assume any necessary pastoral responsibilities. . Highland Park Presbyterian ‘Chui'ch Linden and Laurel Avenues Rev. Frank Pitt, Pastor Sunday: 8:46-Church schobl; 11:00 --Rev. Harold F. Branch, D.D., pus- tor of the First Presbyterian church. Chicago Heights, will preach. The Barrington camp meetirig will soon begin. Remember the dates, August 16-26. Bee another article in this issue for a more detailed tre.. count of the program.- . On Fridarof this Week the Phila- thea. class is giving an oegtiof-door supper, doin at' the lake, in central park. They invite all of the mem- bert of the Baraca class and all others who will,, to attend. All those planning to attend, are asked to make their reservations with the social committee, consisting ot Mrs. A. E. Vetter, Mrs: Wm. Guyot, Mrs. Don Bruce, and Miss C. Brand. In case that the weather is such that it will be impossible to have the supper at the lake, it then will be served in the" dining halls of the church. You are cordially invited. to make use of the reading room, 361 Central avenue, which "ta open every week day fiom nine in the morning until six in the evening and on Wednes- days until 7:30. _ The reading room is also open on Sunday afternoon, trom 2:30, to 5:30. . Next Sunday, in the absence of the irastcr,rProf. E. D. Riebel, head td the Religious Edueatiotr department of the Evangelical Theological Sem- inary of Naperville, will bring the message. He will speak both morn- ing and evening. Professor Riebel is a very outstanding man in hisr_fieJd of work. t He has been a leader in Michigan conference of .the Evangel- ical church for ‘a number of years. His abilities have won for him many high positions in the work" of the church. He is a young man, and liked by all who hear him. It will be a rare privilege for all who wor- ship at Bethany next sundar, _ . The pastor and family have been granted a two ieeeks vacation. They are spending theime at lake Wa- wasee,' Indiana. Anything needing the pastor's attention should be re- verted to the president of the trus- tee board, Mr. F. C. Noerenberg. The W.M.S. meets at the home of Mrs. M. Montgomery, 614 Vine av- enue Thursday afternoon. vaject for next Sunday’s-. lesion- sermon, 'Spirit." Bethany Evangelical Church 'Rev. H. F. liittrpptt,H'tyrtpr, Among the Local Churches Prayer and Traisis ~sei'vice Wednes- ‘day at;8:00 p. m. S. S. board meet- irWafter the prayer service. _ Sunday school at 9:30 a.m. Bible lesson on "Daniel and the Lions.†Dan. 6:1-28. The exercises are very interesting and there are classes for .all ages. The attendance keeps up well even during the vacation period. Come! Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:00 p. m. A 'finepneetintr for young peo- .ple. ‘Miss Darlene Jones will lead the meeting. Topic, "God's Goodness Revealed in Nature's Laws." Ps. 104:10-18. The S. S. picnic will be held at Sunset Park" Saturday, August 17th. The American Medical Associa- tion JtJg,r, at its recent meeting at rtland, Oregon, blamed the speed of modern life for many men- tal disorders, and one speaker stated that daily excitement "may actually produce deafness, blindness, or seri- ous gastric symptoms." Modern Rev. C. G. Unangst, Pastor . 25 S. Greenbay Read The Itev, James Ostema, the new, field secrétary of the Illinois State Christian 1i'undsimenta1s association, will preach 0n next Sunday at 10:45 a. p. gnd 7:45 Ir. m.' He preaches the troiperwell. Hear him. ", "_-_- First United Evangelical Church Religion offered the one sure ground of attack, for these evil men were certain what Daniel would always do in his relationship. with God. . Withpapie1's,depitndattle habits in mind it w'as agreed at the caucus to appeal to thekinir's pride and propose that a decree be promulgated forbidding anyone to pray during thirty days except as Darius was the object of their approach. The penalty for disobedience was to Jre cast into the den of lions. _ Sypers were watching Daniel who hatrthe known habit of praying to Jehovah at leastthree. times a day; He would open the Windows in the direction of Jerusalem,' 500 miles away as the airplane now flies, and kneel devoutly in his approach to the Throne_of Jehovah. The next prayer time came, he just prayed "as he did _aforetime." God was continuously gracious ta him and he naturally "Gairtf thanks beforehis God."" Prayer was an essential part of his life and not a spasm when in fear because of some special need. Then the Plotters forced-the king toorder Daniel to the den of lions. _ Daniel was the coolest in the crowd. He, feared to, dishonor God far more than to face the lions. Here was but another place. for prayer. He entrusted himself to his Father, then said, "Amen," and was ready for sleep.' He may have. used a lion's shaggy skin for a soft pillow. Meanwhile the angel watched through the night between these- creatures of the. Most High. Read chapter‘6 in full for all the familiar details. _ -. . . DANIEL AMOUNG THE LIONS P . _ _ Daniel 6:10, 11, 16-23 V _ _ RouSaLmuel D. We, Dip; F- T Stories from Darjielfs life have a fascination tor children and'con- tinue to give great teaching lessons also to those of older years. As a ttt of romance the Bible reveals the truth that is stranger than ction. _ T _ . iibie. Joseph became prime ‘minister in Egypt because of his innate worth and the same is true of Daniel in Babylon. As the hadbeen a marked man under the Chaldean rule, so he was preferred by Darius the Mede who_heeame the conqueror. The governmental organiza- tion consisted of 120 "traps with three presidents. Daniel was the leading president. The fact that he was a Jew led to much jealousy by,the .othe-ottiuahr-tmi, they planned to, do awar-srith him if pos- w vm-" â€UV-W r",7i,",lC2"i,"a"l' Sunday Schoél Lesson for August ff THE PRESS _ A. cordial ,aeonie is extendéd 1.0. one. and all to worship with as. ‘ . Sunday morning at 11t00.o'eloe& “Uncle John" Meredith of radio sta- tion W.M.B.I., Chicago,‘ will ‘presch. Tell your friends about this service. Many have hetmr"Uttele John" over the radio and will be delighted for this opportunity to both see and hear him. _ Sunday evening at 8:00 o'eloek Rev. A. J. Ryan, presiding elder of the Chicago District will preach the Word and conduct the communion service. Evangelical Bungalow Church V Rev. A. P. Johnson, Minister . 9:45 a.m.---Sunday school; 11:00 a. m. - Workhip and sermon; '7..00 p. m.-'-Chriiitian Endeavor; 8:00 h. m. --Holy Communion agtrviee. ""Lel: your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is at hand. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known. to God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understand, ing, shall keep. your hearts and minds, through Christ Jesus." Philippians educational methods are also deplored in that they, were conducive to ill health and also made accuréte think- ing impossible. . . 2243 The Conic“ M "with; -iiiitrti,GiGTU, gr Elll‘bkh If they deem it but for the Publi All prowl-ah or bids, Inn-rho amp-nit“! by a eertttUd check plnble to the Mayor of the (my of Hfihund Park. for a sum of ml lieu than'ten on can (10%) of the am†origin proposal.' No prowl] or bid will be eonMbrred ur ue.. “gamma! by chegk trerrtn tttodd" - Br' order of 'the Council of the" on, of Highland Park. . ' The awful bidder for the construction of said improvement will be reunited to club r 'nto bondJn the sum equal to the amount of their bid with auntie. to be approval by the Mayor When entering into the contract for thCtonstruethrtt alga†lmprmmeut. 7 Said bids will be received hi the Council “in oftiee in the City mm. Hizhknd Park. Illinois. until T:80 o'clock Ell. on the 19th day of August. 1929, at which time and.plarn their will he, publicly. opened and read. The "eetttiatgomf rm her -fuA,idiGi It the allies of the City Clerk in the City Hill of a†City. ., , NOTICE _ Notice is hereby given thart sealed bids will be received for the construction of a con- crete cement “dew-1k Ave (S) feet in widih to ttuid on (beneath side of Walker Aveu nm, in front of Lot 8, Block 48,yin a whnie in accord-nee with the ordinnnee therefor. The ebnunctor will be paid G non-interest rearing nidewnlk- val-nuts u modded rr ttW. . _ Some people think it perfectly all right to _forget about God during vacation time - forget to worship God. forget God's eonumindments in their conduct. The result is that at the end of each vacation they feel less enthusiastic about God, and by and by they forget about God alto- ttether. A Word of warning: No- where in the Bible has God said that He will excuée you from your duties to Him on the ground that' this is iraeuiotruime.' But, he, has.., said: _ "Seek ye "first the kingdom of God V and His. righteousness} and all these things shall be added unto you." _ ___-_ ' "rtreiii"isaiiiarnWeTfRiirrirrTEiiFeTC" Highwood, Avenue and Everts Place Rev. W. W. 2lelson, J'astor Saturday, August 10: T:00 Fm.--. Sundarsehool picnic at Sunset-Park in Highland Park; .8:30 p. m.--hY-, worth League business, meeting at church. . _ ' Sunday, August 11: 19:30 a.me-- Sunday school; 6200 p.an.---Epworth Léague meeting; 7:45 p. m. .---. Ev- ening service in Swedish. ‘V Trinity. Episgopal Church Rev. Christoph Keller, Rector - Laurel Avenue -e Sunday; August 11th, Eleventh Sunday after Trinity; 7:30 a. m. __. Holy Communion; 11:00 a. m.--Morrr ing prayer and sermon. Perhaps the reason why some folks.; 'danee' so vigorously, is that it takes a good deal of effort to get their big feet out of the way. * Redeemer Lutheran Church . West Central and McGovern 11th.Sunday After Trinity German service, 10:30. Eninsh service, 11:00. The Luther. Leagde will haw a meetirtrtllis evening (Thursday) at the church. . Expreéses Appreciation Mrs. AMaleer L. Vance, dirator pf the Highland Park-Musie club choral, wishes to express her deep gratitude and appreciation tithe.mernber, of the choral who sent her, through Mrs. W, A. Alexander, in surprise trift' of a beautiful silirer, buffet set." "r rTharssda'r, Aurllst , Pes V. C. -IUSIIR. City Cter , _ Mr] John T in ill health f critical _ebndit Grand avenue. Bert ' The August ing circle of t ital church M and the Septe held at the-box Mr. and Mr netka were g C harenee Van Nr, and M, T:iafrirr "Wf planning to m in veri-iiitar Willman rwen Deerfield: -Mmes. R. E derson wdrir' party'at the' Wednesday " attended. '"Mr. and Mr: and daughter expecting to " very near futu family were Deerfield. The Indepe1 be entertained Elmer Schmid Tuesday, Aug Mrs. C. T. guest on We Miss 'Mi‘ldred cage. Billy Otend and Mrs. Ha: avenue is ill Mr." Richard week, with Mr at Rutherford Mr. and Mt two dapghters who have spe: land arrived i end are expec on route to th Mrs. G. W Janet Bperit l: with Mrs. Mal Miller. _ _ Mr. and Jr moved into M: ment on Deer Mrs. F. W. her home on l Deerfield t in pageant -t, Brook day, 1 Present "Ok Mr. and M: Edison Park meat bf their to Mr. A.. R. 1 Mr. and MI their guests i, Jones and tn Peter's father Thursday, Att whool in the " the pat-ad f ' De Lincoln Sen day