I $ FOR DOLLAR DAY 3 Regardless of Former Values 10 North Sheridan Road _ Phone Highland Park 463 Surfs u-..--.--.-.' Costume Jewelry ......._.‘$1' COLD AIR FUR STORAGE LORETTA SHOP 16 North Sheridan Road Estimates Gladly Given WE HAVE OUR STORAGE VAULT IN .0U_R. OWN BUILDING Renewable Charges The entire balance of the season's stock will be placedon our Jsargaln counters to make way for Fall merchandise, at FOR ONE DOLLAR . Many Hats, formerly valued up to $12.50 1522 SHERMAN AVENUE - EVANST ON, ILL. Dresses formerly' up to $39.50 MOLDANER G: HOMER $10 and $15 WALNUT C. D. MACPHERSON CHEST Gloves .---._. Flowers __.". FURRIERS is now on sale at our 1522 Sherman Avenue Store-ie-Civil Wars-The Eirly Sixties-L-General Grant Days. . Bonnet Chest ' _ ' Chest of Drawers . . _ Bureaus with Swivel Mirrors . v, Oval Picture Frames L N , 'Many Other Interesting Pieces ' DISCOUNT SALE FOR AUGUST ANTIQUE WALNUT , FURNITURE -~ THE PRESS ,.$l ..$l An Unusual Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth [acute and family who have been living in Glen- coe for therpast few months, moved to Chicago y%rterday, where they will make their future home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Salyards of S. St. Johns avenue, .and Mr. and Mrs. George L..Vetter, qf Lincoln avenue, left-Sunday on a motor trip around Lake Michigan. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson and daughter of Cleveland, Ohio, who have been visiting their parents, Mr.. and Mrs. T.. C. Williams have returned to their home in Cleveland. _ _. -- ' _ ' _ Mrs. Roy Zimmer and daughter are spending this week ;.in Stoughton, Wisconsin, visiting relatives. Mr. Oscar Lundgren left Monday for northern Michigan,' where he will spend two weeks at his cottage there. Mr. Gerard S. Noerenbtrtr left Monday mor,nintrdorra two weeks' eruisepn the Great Lakes.; _ Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bock and tim- ily and Mrs. Frank Bock and son Richard motored to, the Dells of Wis- consin, over the weékwnd. . Mrs. W. B. Zimmer' of Glencoe av- enue, is entertaining the members of her, bridge club thit 1sven'iryt, f " Mrs. L. F. Hoppe of the Gourley apartments left last evening for Des Moines, Iowa, where she will spend two weeks visiting her mother, Mrs. Smith. - We Call for and Deliver Phone Highland Park 54 CLEANING C GLAZING -and REPAIRING AT' SPRING Und SUMMER PRICES on YOUR FURS Local and Personal Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Wiles m..- bored to Ft. Atkinsron,s.Wiaedmritt, Sur., day, where they visited their broth 1' John Booth who was seriously 'in. jured a-week ago Monday when h, fell three stories in a hew building. He suffered a broken â€nose and tieiu eral cuts and brakes. He Win brought home from the hospital on Sunday. V f A__ Mo. Charles Meinhard is entur- taining " luncheon today for Mrs. W. Gerhart of Florida who is apex»:- ing several week: here; A _ Mrs. L. Workman of 312 North St. John avenue writes from Excelsior Springs, MEL, where she has been n- ceiving treatment at the McCleary Sanitarium that she has been dismis- sed and, will return to her home here in' a few days. _7 k ' . Mr. Adtrusel-Christian Andgrson died Monday morning, August 5th, at the 'hbme of. his step-daughter, Mrs. In 1867, he married Albertina Jim. sen, of Drammen, who died in 1906. His second marriage' was to Mr}. Martha Riddle in 1907. One son was. Janra.,to,., thigptr1istrupsa-r, gambit; Andersap died in 1924. oMr'.-8nder- son has' been a resident/trf . Highland Park Shae 1922. . T . l ru,-t. _ . ' He leaves to? mourn him, his adn". Oscar, Jr., a" sister, 'Mrs. Emerte Crausim, of Berkley, 'California,'and his step children, Mr. J. J. Riddle, Mrs: S. G. Wellbeloved, and Mrs. K. J. Carlson. A. C. Anderson Dies at Daughter's Home Mr. Andersen was born in Christ- iana, Norway, March 2, 1847. m. came to America with,his..parents in 1865,.settling in Vermont and later coming to’Chicago, ", ~' _ Funeral services were held at Me moriarChapel, Wednesday, August 7, at 2:00 o'eldek. Rev. Doble offieiat- ing. _ _ DOLLAR DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY _ . Watch the merehant's windows and read the "ads"% this weiyk's.Prest for. Dollar Day bargains Friday and Saturday. . .. _ _ H. J.1 Carlson, 10i6 Roslyn lane, Highland’ Park. 4 ' ..,_, A Plunge Highland Park 1478 338 Central Ave. Highland Park Brittany Rd., Highland Park All improvements in and' paid: concrete road, surface and sani- tary drainage, water, gas, elec- tricity, telephone, mail delivery. Quiet, restricted. Beautifully wood.. ed and overlooks Bob-o-pink- golf course. Near transportation and schools. Directions: leave Green Bay road opposite Lincoln avenue school, go west 1 block on Bob-o- Link road, then south 1 block on Crofton avenue, then west on Brit- tany road. Apply to Amen W. Ross, 1'? Brittany road. MISS ANNA WILLAS GRADUATE MASSEUSE -ulrcrts, Lots or Homes Thursday, August tr, 1939 Dr."s ref. Although "ttard 1 Luck 1,merged viet time were tl Although a displayed bl J ames' boys ting and go on the big ex SAINT J Des There wer home team, following Q _ Mike _ Mal times--etedil and a black exciting . do.) pitched balk t'Gahby'" run, and I: caught the' thinking of he made in "aiir"rRt one run. and the '0renish" cap, .Repair in, spite of t Maloney rem the finish. The heat-V) maxim: "Deer'? Stip'I triple; . two. efosely ' {out seednd. basin ered three t lirre. of seco: of "Dick" Harder-and third sacker. The pitéh vided betwe Ariana allm in five innin lowed only: While Ariat strike outs, five. Not a 'rhursdpn _ McLaughl honors in le McLaughlin . The St." J their tenth Thursday, "A the Winnei The game w in connectic day of that The local, the next brings: to 1 “Chicago < August 11, a wonderful ports the f: store. Rem 3 p. m. Go little encouu ball Came. . S_t. James ers, Sunday, The Mari of o., will at Viking, August 11. invited. The. new: on startlin turn they overdue nut day. lay