tt? it;Stl 'iii Mr. and Mrs. Anton Willi of 225 S. St Johntr lavenue announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, August 7, at the Highland Park hos- pital. q . Boriehardt Beauty Shop JL-assets. Are you caring for it properly? You are NOT if your mirror rfveels blackheads or any other skin tiistitruryrienti. Consultga beauty specialist to learn what treatment your skin requires; And above all, have your face thoroughly cleansed by a facial. , 10 YOUR complexion is your greatest beauty . aRSPtR, A rt: vnn "oi.,'-. (A- " “mnnnu‘ .. q Revelation of a MirrOr TYDOL GASOLINE/ 'â€"_y1~;E1‘)0L MOTOR OILS Wait for our September Fur Sale! " North Sheridan Road " North Sheridan Road FUEL Service and Quality PUEL O I L ? Abselutely Assured ' O I L ? P_e.l.tyt.r_gt1rpqjlPmiDmnrs Comma? Local and Personal Arch Preservtsr And Queen Quality siioC/ioir.wia/n. Florsheim: for Men ... Sturdy, Comfortable Shoes for Children Arch Presierver , Shoes _ " S09 _ Phorui brim] . H. P. Avc. EEC' 456 a few at $9.85 OUR ENTIRE, STOCK 20% Discount ." . MOLDANER G: HUMER PHONE LJBERTYVILLE 909 Lake Couilty DistritAtirrs of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Lewis, and fam- ily id South Linden avenue nre on a weeks motor trip. _ . ' Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Grace of Railway uvenue, Highwod announce this birth of a son, August 12 at the Highland Park hospital. Phone Highzaid Park oai a few at $9.85 Florsheim '3 . Shoes 5 . $8.85 FURRIERS town -- and sire wish to iriirii. then-111:; opportunity to tsécure their furs at the remarkable reductions We are going to offer. The reason we are holding this- sale in September instead of Augusiris that so many of our patrons are now out of town-and WP. wish fn (ring flaom 41nn THE PRESS. Mr. John Suite and Mr. Roger Tay- lor who are motoring through -tlt? wdit are now at Glacier National Park. They are expected home. the latter part of next week. Castle Park, Michigan w%iris'hiTiiii spent the past two weeks as the guest of Miss Barbara Emerson. . - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Biirger of 1828 Rice street; Ravinia are the proud parents of a son’born on Wednesday, August 7 at the Highland Park hos- pital. Kathryn Keller gave a party Mom. day afternoon to a number of her friends at her home celebrating her ninth birthday. ' - . . Katharine 1rohnsion of, Wavtrly drive is expectigq "home Friday from A daughter was born to Mr, and Mrs. P.aul, Pekar of 542 ’Waukegan avenue Irn Monday, August 12 at the Highland Park hospital. _ . _Mr..and Mrs. Dudley CraftsrWat- son and daughter, Migs Augusta, .of Ravinia are expected heme" today, Thursday, from an extended trip through Europe. Mr: Watson has been abroad "since April 2]6th. The middle of 'June he was joined by his daughter and on July 6, Mrs. Watson joined them" in Brussells. . _ . Sefton Wakefield who israttending the Airtech Training school in San Diego,' California now has s‘ucdess- fullrpassed his examinations for Pri-. vate Pilot and for Commercial Pilot. The girls of Mrs.' Fred Botker's Sunday school class of the First Uni.. ted Evangelical church met at the home of Mrs. Scott, W. Deerfield avenue Monday evening for their reg- ulgr monthly meeting. Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly of Hazel avenue annbunce the birth of is sion on Sunday, August 11, at the Highland Park hospital. A _ Miss. Eleanoergan at --Pasadena, California who has beetrvisitintr here. has gone to Charlevoix, Michigan to visit her mother, Mrs. Mina Bintrha,m for a month. Mr. and Mrs. Shelby T. Dexter and family of South Sheridan road left Saturday for Lake Mills, Wisconsin, where they will spend a month. Mr. Dexter returned this week but will join them later. . Mr. Hugh Seyfarth of S. Sheridan road and Mr. George Hutchinson of S.‘ Linden avenue returned Sunday via motor from Minocqua, Wisconsin where they visited _ Robert Seyfarth who'is a councilor at Camp Mince- qua. flfone Highland Park St _ Miss Betty Lee Rich of New York city will arrive Friday to spend a week with Miss Louise Rpftner of Dean avenue. The following week Miss Rich will be the guest of Miss Peggy Glidden of Montgomery road. Mr. and Mrs. C. Rosana have re, turned from a ten days. motor trip to AckleypIowa. While there they vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Young. ' . . Mrs. 'John Artis of 373 Bloom street announces the _.trprrroaehirtg marriage of her daughter Margaret to Mr. Ottquut of Highland Park. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride on Tuesday ev- ening with Dr.'Hopkins omeiating. Mr. and Mrs. Avery Rudolph tho.. tored out to Schwery’s cottage at Camp Lake, last Friday over the week-end taking Mr. "tnd Mrs. Fred Rudolph. This week-end they will take‘Mr.. and Mrs. LE. Pierson. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Jevleeka'ot 738 W. Central avenue are fake proud parents of}; son born on. Friday, Aus' gust 9, at the Highland Park hospital. Please give lowest price, brice bn terms, terms, or if a trade will be considered, in your letter. ’ Mr .and Mrs. D. S. Bruce and fam. ily of South Second street left Catur- day morning for Montreal to be gone two wisekss., They will visit Toronto and other parts of Canada. Must have all improvements in; at least 50 feet _ wide; restrictions moderate. Mrs. Boyne ’Aiiderson entertained at dinner Saturday evening at Ex.. moordor her house guest, Mrs. Lil.". lian Peck of LouiaviliKentuehw Mr. and Ara. Archie Cook of Pleas: ant street, Ravinia are receiving con- gratulations on the birth of a daugh. ter. on Monday, August 12 at the Highland Pad: hospital. WANTED _ V A Lot in Deerfield ADDRESS _ Box 457 Press O"lee _ The Misses Jackie ind ‘Josie Bum of Laurel avenue have returned from a week spept at. lake.}'illa, Illianis. . GRADUATE MASSEUSE~ Dr.'s ref. PhoneIisthrand Park 1478 338 Central Ave. Highland. Park MISS ANNA WIL'LAS Phone 3446 v‘ _ Lessons Given in Your Home Telephone Highland Park 2727 JUNE 22 TO SEPTEMBER 2 Box one. 0.. mo A. H. Until " P. M. Dull: “a Sunday Ravinia Opera andConcerts Residenee,.623 Viiiis Avenue ELIZABETH _ SILBER WORTH TEACHER OF PIANO JAZZ Lee Sims Mtthod Seventeenth Salon Thursday, August 15 CLASSICAL Beginners A Specialty 5 1929 Mr. E. B California, w Mrs. George enue on Tue . John Wath Grand Rapid guests next , Martha Jane den avenue. Mrs. Arthr and her chi! have returne1 at the. sumn father, on‘L "Th'e Misse Edith Mueim ern states m of Toledo. I adelphia. C' New York , Miss Ther Highland P days having oration. '- ' Mr; and' J) children ‘are Butternut L: sin. ’ ' way star, Ohio, d Mrs. N. J apartments day for Oturh burial of he Kent, tt: d iroruia ast ninety eight Mrs. Frat Ohio, was tt and Mrs. E wood drive. Tr sday, A cm COMM E' BA r of Mom Local COR. P CI NO ES ls