In the Province of Hanan, China,’ determined efforts. are being made to exterminate communism. A re- action has taken place. The atti- tude toward . the foreign missionary is now decidedly favorable. .' One mis- sionary writer that there is now‘ a readinets to listen to the preaching of the Gospel that has not been iii) passed in the past tweniv-tive yeers.‘ At a- meeting quite u number of Chi- nese Chrigtians told about the work! derful way the Lord had protected them and deligered than out of thed d a n g e r s and fierce “persecution. throiigh' which they .had to miss din-z in: the past two years. . . ' . It is reported Orr, good authority that the Protestant churches of, Ger- many have t'sassed through an ex- patience of reviviU., One writer says, ,“A defeated and humbled nation has turnedto the eternal sources of com solution and strength; young men in gr'owUttrnumbeis ha% been? a can to religious study, and efrortd' ,' Sunday schaol at 9:30 "and. Les? son, subject, "Rebuildintrsthe T Temple." Ezra 3:10-13; 6:14-16; Ptr.Hr4:1-4. You are cordihlly invited to make use of the reading rpom, MI Central .aventig," which is open every week day troh, 'nine .in the morning until six in the eyening and on Wednes- dnys until 7:30. The reading room is also open on Sunday afternoon from ttetWto 5:30. . Pfajrer meeting at eight o'eloek on Wednesday evening. " fine de- irctional service. Come! . "Now the God: of hope fill you with ttll' joy and peitee in- believing, that st may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost." Rom. 15:13. ", First United Evangelical Church Rev. C. G. Unangst, Pastor There was a deep. spiritual interest inthe services on last Sunday. Quite a number of students from Wheaten college visited the Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:00 p. m. We hope they will come again. . _ ' _ttev., Ralph Beater, of 'Hatfield, Pa, will preach at 7utp.m, He is a young man of, fine qualities. His message will be of veal interest to, all. . _ _ Rev.. I. G. Healer will lead the Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:30 Next Sunday ltt.10:45 'Lac, pastor Unanitst- will preach the fwrth Ber- mon on, the First Epistle of 'John. .Subject,’ I'The Chrirstian's Attitude Toward the World,-Particularly the Religious "World.", 1 John 2:15:28. First Chureh_of Christ, Scientist, Highland Park. 111.. 881 Hotel ave- nue, a branch of The Mother Church, The Finn Church of Christ, Scien- tist, in Boston. Main, holds 'servicee every Sunday morning at 10:46 and on Wednesday evening at. 8 o'ciock, when testimonies of Christian Bei- ence. healings ' are given. Sandi} School meets at'9:30 a.m., and is open to pupils under the age of twenty. 'Srhjeet for next Sunday's lesson- sermon “Mind? V ". . _ J MI First Church of Christ. Scientist Among the Local Churches I rihthur,td (Pa'rk . Preayteriari Cltureh I / Rev. Frank Fitt, Pastor . ", Linden and,Laurel Avenues l §undayi 9A5--Chureh sthool;,1it00 li----'. Robert E. Push, D.p., Chi- (euro district secretary of the/Gin- Semi e'ouncil of the. "'rea.brteriait church, _will preach. = Dr. "Pugh’a ‘phone number is Lake Mimi, 1556 land he will assurne'Nny necessary I pastoral _ responsibilities during the isotor's vacuum. . ' >' _ _ - I Bethany "li;vamretiear-Cittsretr" , =, Rev. H.. F. Sienrsen, Pastor.' Sunday schocl will be held at thé ‘gegular hour, Sunday morn- ing. - Interesting disewtsiomrwi11 be had in all the classes on the lesson. .Thrris will he _ up preaiehing ser- _vices merning or, 'evening, because cf the camp meeting' which is "being held "it, Ihirrintrtyt at the present' time." For further information of 'the tiarnp meetintr,see another article in this paper. Regular services will be held ajrairvairt .Sunday, September lat. Read from Ezra‘,3:1-6422.for the full context. 'yrioutsiproblems had to be faced. For example; the Samaritans wanted to assist and were refused. These were colonists from among the northern tribes who had ipterrparrjed. with the heathen tribes. In John 4 it will be noted that in New Testament times the Jews had no dealings with the Samaritans. -Hindrances also arose as poison letters were written to the king in Babylon, in an effort to preVent the" working going for.. ward. Credit must be given to the‘prophets Zechariah and Haggai for injecting enough spirit into the people so that the record could be "They builded and _f.iitisihed it." A most practical application of the lesson is to survey your own church-property and see what needs attention. - - . International Sunday "School Lesson. for August 25 . RRBUILDIN'G"rHrt TEMPLE _ Z _ " . Ezra 3:10-13, 6:14-16; Psalm 84:14 V _ F _ T Rev, Samuel o. Price, D.D.., . Return from Babylon hadbeen for a purpose tmd that was to re- establish former conditions in the land from which the Jews had been taken Hnto Captivity. Attention was naturally first given to homes for their 'families. Then came attention to/the rebuilding of the Temple. While one can approach Jehovah from anywhere religion; experiences in all lands has shown that formal places help greatly in developing ttttht habits in prayer. " have our special places in our homes where We involuntarily go when we desire to approach the Throne. Then we have the Holy Sabbath and on that day we join wrct,yther.s in worship at a egmmon_place. _ _ - l ., The return of the seventrrmonth, in which there areyso many sadred days for the Jews, resulting in the climaxing of their purpose to enter upon the great uiidertakintr, of building again the Temple on Mount Moriah, which had been a place of Jehovistie worship since Abram replaced Isaac with the ram for the sacrifice. T This second Temple was larger at the traise/tban the one erected by Solomon: though notes high. N atipnareonditiona were such that the rich orriamentations could not be as elaborate as before; for their resources: were greatly lessened, now'. ‘It was‘avTemple to stir the heart of any. Thrones were in the Temple area within. ttre.eity and multitudes more had. taken their places on the opposite side of the Kedron valley, now, known as the Mount of Olives, ,ehieh.overlooJred Jerusalem. Theywere confused by the sounds duringthe ceremony. Rejoicing was. beard and also the sound of ",1,'r"vit,"ht,ii/ft ttrr many of the older Hebrews could consider only the glory o the former Temple. Wheri"the-past overclouds the present ineentiveHs taken from under, takings that are close at hand. ty i N _ THE PRESS The ' September meeting of the Ladies Aid will be held at the home of Mrs. Ziembr at Everett. . ., The more Red ides: people get in their heads, the less of the dong green they are “mirth have in thei.r purses. -- --Dtert1eld Presbyterian Church . Rev. M. J. Andrews, Pastor 9:30;Chu'rch school. All depgrt- mentg will gather as usual.‘All teacht; ers and scholars are urged to. be pres-, ent. _ . St. Paul’s Evangelical Church Rev. F. G. Piepenbrock, Pastor. Church school, 9:15 it.nt. Worship Service, 10:30 a.m. _ .. Meeting of teachers and omeers of church school Tuesdny, September 3rd at Sunday school room. The annual picnic of the" church school will be held on Saturday, Setis tember 14, at Sunset Park. Please keep this date in reserve. T 10:45-a--Worship and sermon. The pastor of the church will preach the sermon. _ A cordial welcome to-all the ser. vices and activities of this church Redeemer Lutheran Church Rev. W. I'. Suhr, Pastor 45 North Green Bay Road my Sand-y After funny There will be no German service conducted on this and the following Sunday. . _ T . The Rev. W. Fechner ot Wheeling will occupy the pulpit this Sunday. Sunday, August 25th, Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity: 7:30 mm. - Holy communion/ 11:00 a. ttf.-arorr... ing prayer and 'tsermon. _ One can _well believe that halfthp American people." need spectacles, when you note how many can’t read the tmitie signs. The Ektilitrh seiviée will be ai-ttie' Tegular hour, 11 mm. . l Trinity Epiécépnl Church Rev. C. Keller, Rector .' . Laurel Avenue Services ', F ' Saturday, August 25th, St. Barth, olomew: 9:30 a.m.---Ho1y commun- mar-pl. It.“ a B. Dill-nine! 1 mi. no. Belvidere Rd. Sandman-don: KENTUCKY SADDLE BTALLION KING " SANFORD AT STUD Cornet Blviggq ‘Dgive‘ In} St. John) Avenue HORSES £6} PASTUREF Enioy Your Mall on Our Sun-ct Forth Summer or Winter Woodbnd Pam. CARPENTER AND BUiLDER VScr'eens and Doors Repaired . Sharpening Tools . Any Outside Work Cement or Mann Work [ Highland Park, III. 153 N. Second St. Tel. H.P. 457 . STORAGE IREDALE CHATEAU MARCHI HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE "iii-Pr-V 182 DUFFIELD FARMS _ MOVING rumour MrAlRllillBtotmliill!it trr-ttr-Ravi-our Sue-Ell)“. Service by Appointment Olly‘ Real Killian Cooking Home: and for and alive!“ A. MENONI Tel. Wankexnn In. mun-ml Pugh]: "CL" Thur-dug August 22, m PACKING of SHIPPING mutiny. Am Pho has rep Elle "Is , exp rid bod that hav ear. Ge cal