Elwood Family. . poor bor, m of the town not. Aa Remember and Dr. Emmerich discuss the problem I telephone we brings the new: that Elwood Inn has: killed in an accident. Dr. Bretheriek accordingly persuade: Remember to so Went, her couch . ‘serving Q: t plausible excuse; to write home of meeting and marrying e pretended suitor --"Mr. WpodviiU"--and later to write her parents nnnouncinz her “hmbnnd's†death .bsfore the birth of her expected child. Unable alone to hear her secret, Remembers“: to . her mother with it. a . ' "Nah!. It was froth a lady._up to Jalm Springs, askin' me was I com- in', back up. there this season?" "Are you?†. . _ . "Nah! Too quiet for me'. Yuma ain't, no merry-go-round, _but Palm SpringsLmy .Gawd! It's just a lit- tle spot of /tree,r, in the desert." "This lady o er you a job?†_ “Yes: sShe'tr on her knees to me. ' ‘Mrs. Randlos her name is. Hus- band's got a mmeh. Howhriou like to go there and take' the job:" †- _ 'The other, voice "moaned: "Met Not much. I min a’way from home to get love and exeitementi" _ l _ , Mem had never heard of Palm Springs, but she was looking for just “Inch a place; And a ranch! She had always wanted to, see a ranch. She wanted ‘to get away from every'- " And that' way earner-tir her before the long day had burned itself away, for she heard two waitresses talking in the dining room 1telrtrCasthtirssiit the tables for suppei'. ('tWho was’ ttdit letter you got, from? some teller?" a . She had fdiind the my to be. rid of her husband for the satiSfaction .of htyrerreoryle.' _- -_-- __ 7* -ee -----_e _r_, -r" His story offered her the way, pds- sibly, to get rid ot"'arr. Woodvi1le." She would,fake him into "hysdesert and let him "die-cot thirst) _ j. "Now, if she, ,could qnly fitid a way to be rid of herself. . t ' "Now Go ‘On 1f'ith_tlte. Story _ -_' ‘At'her boarding house in Yana, she met an old man Who told her. of his partner of prospecting days-tbe name Woodsri1ltrrerninted him of "his friend's, thich was Woodward "or something like that;? ‘as he remem- beredAt---and how. he had died in the desert. A . . -Her "tother"atrteets with the plan of the doctor. Mem leaves town. On the' min Mom accidentally meets Tom Holby, movie stu-a traveling with Robina Teele, lending lady in the movies, who are the cynosm of all eyes. The train homes to an abrupt but; a disaster lam-in: beer} narrow/avoided, 'and the passengers Bet out indjnlk ahlmt. _ _ ic an 'Jlem meets "Dr. Galbraith; a fashr, whg.knows, her father and takes tn Rev. Doctor Studdon; violently opposed to what he maiden “worldly†things. accent! motion picture- " the any! for much of the evil of the present dar. Troubled" with 4 epusrht, R.eptmpttyr gas to see ' _ DE Brethcrick, nitidiair"t, Mk1“. Who iariuitortiirhird at the plight in which he fUsds her. Pressed by -the doctor. Remember " mits her unfortunate 'sfrnir-xrith “Mum in her. she [raised]; Tom Boibr "Mr. Woodville†iniorder to make her fancied suitor seem mounted. While the Galbraith, are away, she ‘writes them as well as her parents that she has married t'Mr. Wmdville" and that 1th 'uito'iive in _Ymna'--for whiqh stlaee-she buys a ticket. .. r. ' . T ,. Remember" Sheridan. . may. make. cued girl. in the daughter of u kindly but narrGr-minded Misti? tn I amait mil-welt em town. Her father. . 14 ‘ 2 fl (lil)llSFld _ I . F' (iiiiiill.lii'l' _ 1?i1iiij'i',!,aytiih .6t" 'll. ' 2 [!.llJlht,,,e,,, _._2+o::::f*:.°..ax, .- 'tnl . . _ _ . . . V n Mam. . "To be a chamberniaid or a waitress was. a dismal eope-dogn, but, Hem. decided, she must accept itt What right had .she to pride? " There's no mail delivery where We're going and no way of teaching us, 1.iuta.don't worry. If anything happens I'll let you know. If you dpn't hear from me for a long while you’ll know everything's. all right. You can send your letters to me here and PII find them when Lget back. Don't send-me any more money. ' Pve ' too busy to write you all about John air, I promised. icMe is out here scouting fora famous mine and 'is trorngtroapecttmr for it right away. It is, a famous lost mimrthat got abandoned' on account of some old litigation and was nearly forgot- ten. So he's on the' hunt for it and we're going out to hunt for it to- gether. It means losing ourselves in the desert and the niountains for a .__l_ong., whilerthere’s no telling how 1tnir1--hut it wilrhe terribly roman- tie andufine for my health. and when next you hear from me I maybe so rich I'1rsirnd you a'solid-gold, Bew.. “Heat find fatigue whipped Jier iris to ~hysteria. T She found energy enough for one last desperate letter home. Then she-sim" declare her soul bankrupt and face the world free of responsibilities-to the past. T . Darling Mama and Papa: By now you, have probably ceased ' to be surprised at anything I do. You’ll think I have gone clean crazy _and I guess I have, out as long as I’m getting' betterUnd happier every day you won't mind. _ body that,had ever‘knownl'ier; She wanted to find some deep, dark caire. A brown face looked oi,t. from the Remember Steddonr." . l _ F So gnptbye anti Imssitnrl or; 'otir glarling heads. John sends his love. Your loving, loving, loving. .. ing-machine, mamma, ami" papa " solid-gold pulpit. _ . . _ And so shy fgied into the desert to THE PRESS And now that Mem had learned her own eyes could lie to her with can'- vincing vividness, suddenly, as the road. led them within .eyuhot of two vast hills of said prprpotted with vege- 'tation, she saw what. she was sure was pure mirage-a; scene that must ave come from her memory of a pie- ture in an old vplumrie of Bible stor- Eies. She would almost have swam» that tht looked into the V desert of :Araby, for she seemed to see a train of. eamels in trappirics, and, perched upotr their billowy humps, men in the garb of Bedoulns. . _Menr found herself gently spilled in the soft and, so little injured that her pnly thought Was (or pulling down her skirt... ' - ... _ me . The Ttsgtehman's"horses ‘léemed to J1uffer from the. same, delusions, and tereified by the camels they carried the wagon into the ditchiand 9ver- turned it. ‘ . Memegs deposited at the lonely station' Gt Palm srir'imrs, and fear smothered her as she watched the train vartiiiato-theirre.d-Bat a; rancher, almost as shy ag. she, offered her the-hospitality of his wagon.. He ‘sgid-hePWas going past theHtpirrd1e's Tinch anyhow, and would: leave her theht. _ .' T "No, ma'arn,' that's a mirage-r-a 'mairinary _fnirage. . TM?s_-; nothin', there at taB-c-no ma'anu?' T ". 'IThat'a Palm Springs,, I suppose," she said.“ - - _ - Afur-as time, Mem gaw 'ahead of her a shimmering lake and trees a a waterfall. - 1 _ round and round "tht(irliibsoit'an "attt-' sizing destiny. . '. . . _ ’ -" become a "wi4ow"-cas she h'ad' be.. come a 'twife.? She went there to find obsepritar and eorkte91rnent',_?tt _ to, But _eretrth.im.r ...wliiit Ib 'pirtitrsitiei' and from that. basis she Was-15074139 caught up intoricfrervp1ttriot,.. Ionian the ‘world- to behold- airifr rolled her 3130i: ."f “Mas; Steddon T‘Miss Mrs. Kittery, the wardrobe woman, and Levo‘Iamaire (who in private life was Mrs. David Wilkinson) helir. ed Mem into one a}. the cars after. she had made explanations and said farewell to the curious ranchman. While Mrs. Kittery found 1 costume for her, Mrs. Wilkinson, who was an "All right," he said; 'a'lr'talit _a chance. Twa' of the "extra .Women- keeledu. over this, morning from the heat. ’1’“ have, my assistant take her 'm the wardrobe woman And get her Ritted opt and mad She can. ap- Thar iii the hl'lit'eCl'eSs? - i . "Well, of course, if it woahrbs do- ing you a tavor--" ' _ _ “I don't knbw anything, you know." "That)rall the better. â€You have nothing to unlearn. Here’s Mr. Ei- lis, the assistant direqtor. He'll take care of you. I've got to go." T "Pve taken agreat liberty.; I ettn't bear the thought 6f your working as a servant .-when there may be ‘g big career before you' in the Lpictures. There is a shortage' in the company for the big scene, Mem listened to Leva: "That's and you’d bep ggd- send. T6"please me-r metin the di- rectory-do this, won't you?†- The earavairresumed its plodding advance, and'Holby .turned back to say to Remember: . _ _ T . The director twisted in his' saddle and stared at Mem with expert eyes. then-laughed at Holby. _ " .“I beg your pardon, Mr. 'Folger.†said Tom, mid walked beside the di- rector. . "Just a moment, old man. That jtrii1'"is a friend of "mine and beautiful as ipiaeh. She's Just lost her husband land Come out,to this hell hole to be'g chambermaid! It's too outrageous to. think of. Give her a chance, won't you?†. v't8rs,-rylby, do soh realize you're keeping the wholly company.waiting iu'thts trltiurtlrheatt" ', . .' gle'sgand a. riding was eomislainirhr". She had been brought up on a motto, "Pruisiis to the faee is open distrraiee." She snubbed him with it fierce-tpiss of the head.' V _ _ A man inua-pith helmet, darkgog- gleswand a.ridipg suit drove up and She lay um, reclining, not in pa but in wonderment, as the wagon y on its side, the driver stumbling alu and still clintting to the lines as' ht tried to hold giant falc_ons in lea, 'The carayan grew restive, too, a» Mem was consumed .with' perplexi: as she saw one (if the animals form to-his been not far from her. 'I'; sheik, or whatever he was, tumbh (mm tht saddle and In: to her. "No. Pm looking for a position a", a chgmbermaid.†_ _ . “My.God! You!" . Her eyes were amazed at his hor- ror. He cried, again: "You with your beauty! Oh, no.'" hood, and from the scarlet lips su rounded by' a short beard came voice startlingly un-Artitiie. He lifted her from the sand, brush- ed her off, and went for her suitcasu which had been dumped into the Cac- tus. "Have you come here to be with parents or friends or relatives?" he asked. . 7 “Miss Steddon! Miss Remembu Steddonl" . She was so dazed that she could only state iht'o the mystetious jaw. The Arab smiled /and laughed. "l',n Tom Holttr--a common movie actor out on Ibetttion." Abraham“ Thursday, August 22, 1925. . The mob we: she recognized She hoped tha nize her, but h apd,Hrteintr 1151 her but and ha word: . . "How you 31 ’She called In There .wis Art now on. The-re out an extra , tation, and -t, with a rush a: The dirisetor groups, with each. In aheat th diam into the dainty actress sunstr6kecttnd Were called fo: tive shelter of of action. Mem could n she who stum twitching her t of the cactus, sweat from he chief already c brush rag, a walked, with b fextT woman: ing 1fer'ttp'.' V The property nor was patch Kennedy brott ment was ttfat proposed dehtel The contrac has been give Excavators, w the village re, Watching a. bina Tools on She's earning the sweat of in sweet on, Tom of him as I. ft ---not spoiled tised as the u the world. I u once; he was Definite ate] a new busines ofuMilwaukee were taken his ing. of ground the structure, hy Frank H., The proper H1 Milwahkee Broadway and ihe buifding , major pbrtion cssst, and Ink: Park .who at: 'm'hiteets on 1 Forest. Thursday, Am if I had bee LibertyViI Handsm The plans nent of this \nderson and The' origin? vill be ,'1',1gr, 'hanges, .. Ire with 3x I Wauke avenue “cuts on the Jauline Freda: " Contim