FDR SALEwSm-H kitchen heater, $8; a- butter in plate. $2.. eat?lytet phonograph with records. 325: dink: table and 4 digits. . 320: I" in Rood condition. Tel.‘ R. P. 2354 or can " " Barth Ivenue. Highwood 1mm .. iifiil FPR SAri-Btmtrnlow: 6 mforhble rooms: _ 2 Inge. one!“ when; fhthshed attic: lame basement: h water heat; nil hunt improvements; exclusive corner lot on Edge. . wood Toad; terms. Call owner. Lake Forest 1989. . - 25nd rort3ALB--cow wtter ham] in A4 eJn- dmon: price $8.50. Tel. H. P. 2822.†ninn. . _ _ . . " FoRrt1ALW--Enirlutt' colonial house: 2 jean old; excellent 'condition; 5 room. Butt porch. . tile bath; bear garage; located heir trans- portation and 2 block: from uhwlr-‘jn- quire it 704 tr. St; Johns Ivenue. Tel. H. P. 2794. 23tt FOR BAtay--4NMoot wooded lot; very choice and highly restricted: no assessment“ on _ W. Deere Park drive: price below market ..Eahyy, J25 Yale, avenue, Oak Park. Tag. 1928 moan. ' _ l " ' Chrysler A-door oednn. 1926 model. Winn-Knight coupe, 1925 Tome]: Nash 'Idnneecj ,s's 2-door sedan, 1926 model ,' .-.F'0RSAEE' Nash adunced six "i-passenger sedan, 1926 Nash special six 2Moor sedan..1926 model. Nash gpndard six Moor sedan. 1926 model. Chrysler coupe. rumble sent. 1928 model. auburn-Paige coupe, 6 disc wheels, 1929' r model†. . _ q _ . Marmot) t-door sedan, 1928 model." . Nut? Mugged six 4-dmrr,tuph-adoy ledgn. FOR SALB--seve-oom brick, farm house ih Barrington district with seven acres of beautiful land; electric lights: telephone: _ orchard Ind shade trees: reasonable price: terms to suit. Atkins: C. C., Press "tt SEVENTY-NOT frontage in Chvey’a Greets. wood gardem. Itrerfteld; can be picked up at a bargain: $100 cash win be a as down payment. W. G. Tennant. H. P. 1457 after 6 p. m. . -. ' 19tf TRADE your Jot in may“ .a. beautiful 5 offs-room home at Greegwood’aud CGrotd avenues, Deerfield; haidwood noon: Kohler parietal plumbing; Odom lined. Repre- sentative at location or phone Highland Park 1457 after 6 is. m. . ' 19tf LARGE, modern ham: on Prgirie avenue: four hpdrooms, Highwood: can beturehwsed with $100 down payment. balapoejike rent; ,1 will a Wider vacant in M rsehruure, Phone B. P. 1457 after _6 p. In. _ 19tf WOULD you Jihe .to own a half-acre lot on the western edge of Deerfield near Chvey’: ,nursery: $100 cash will handle: start sav- ing 'for your future home. Phone B. P. 145778fter ti Th., m. - _ " 19tf FOR SALW--Men's and Indies' dothés: hand- some evening wrap. shoes. bed covers. brie- a-brac. etc. 951 Wade street. 25nd FOR SALE OR TRADB--A MEMBERSHIP IN ROLLING GREEN COUNTRY CLUB: ATTRACTIVE DISCOUNT T FOR, CASH.' TEL. H. P. {334. , " iucIid. 8815-12. 38 '27 Buick four-do.orosedan, 8775.“ _ '25 Dodge 2-mnser canâ€. 8325. '26 4.door Buick with. 8695. '27 Nah advnncé nix Hoar, Iednn. 8725 . J?tteyL_tsre_ttlygrr_tuy1A1tda- ' . Una! Car Department. r se, .1037'Davin atie"it, Emma . 110 B. Fiat street, Highhnd Puk. Illinois Tel. H. P. 2917-496. 12e “mummy PARK NASH SALES, Park avenue " Sheridan road, Highland Park, Illinbis . "rel. if. R1608; .. ,. - Gum None]: Cltusaified Want Ada will be charged only to residents in the territory covered by The Highland mu Pro“ or those who are regular subscribers. Ram: Minimum charge of " omits for 6 lines or less (average, tive words to a line); additional lines 10 cents each. 25 canto discount on all advertisements paid for on or before day of pub- lication " our oMees 636 Central avenue, Highland Park, Illinoil. No blackface or display type (other than caps) permitted. _ Ada set in caps or partial display are charged at double rate. DIABLINI for insertions: Classified Want Ada will be accepted" up to Wednesday afternoon at 5:30 o'eloek for the Highland Park Press. Telephones Highland Park 667-658-669. 1:015:13 sgrohr 'ietricife6d. BtmnrL-NAstr-DoDtm TERMS OR TRADE- _ FOR SALE 'Classifiqd Want Ads 23-26136 MODERN 7-room English cottage: Second street; near Haul. Deerfield; all improve- mentad steam heat; 3.ear tinge: an be purchased-on payments: will consider clear "can, in Exchange. Tel. K. P. 1457 after t 69:11:. or â€(guy Deerfiehrbtoher. "u. F0_R' "IF-troom, hogan with path: newly FOh "rt-Lawn sprinkler: for hm than made. _ to order;, undmnd aprlnkler heads. Hill Sprinkler column; 1821 Jew. Hum! Itourt.' Ter. Wnukqun, Hustle a 1681. . ‘ _ 28Ahrd FOR .SALE, 'OR HiN'r--suutatttit1 brick home, 5-bedrmms: -urtre mus; enclooed under}. chicken yard; fruit tree and vino. shrub-I wish-dc; cyclone‘ fence, mammal {no In -fttMtd. wood ‘ndlzhhon; t itafo bard train It I ii7K"ii7; lino for Bale or rent I modern brick Tr.t If bedrooms. '8 baths. attached arm. n a roofs. TU. B. R215: FOR "SALB-B, owner: bungalow, 5 mm and bath: in modern improvements: belu- tiful lot. John T. Eriékaon. 676 Central avenue. . 249d Fort SALB---In Rayinia: new B-room brick and stone residence; tile roof: hot water Twat: brie pox-cw .113 shown" 6n West tloor; .automatic hot watt: heater: tile bath; 336.000: terrhi. Phone H. P. 1293, , ., _ 12de FOR SA'LE--r'i16 Brondview nveuno: Groom _ bungalow: modern; hot water heat; 1.ea'r garage; landscaped; 811,000: terms. Phone . H, P. 1298. ' -, _ 22pdtf FOR SALB---Etet,tiptm, mintlngg, piano. duv- manned, gas “an, coal range. ice-box. din- ing room. outfit, dishes; etc: will sell fp- gather or separately“ Apply t44 N. First .streetg' _ '- . _ --- 25pd FOR SALB--.8-room" brick home with tile roof 'on large-wooded lot in Bannockburn. north of Deerfield; garage attached: studio, liv- iniz room, 3 baths, oil burner". eta: owner movimz east; don't miss seeing this. it mar he your opportunity. Tel. Diertieid 399. __ FOR BALEF--Rad'to1a' in good condition; cheap. Tel. H. P. 1827. . 25 FOR SALErsTtr owner: 5proom house on Me- Kinley road, Leke Fungi; also lot on Scott street; bargniq. Tel. WI. 1922. V 25nd 1924 Chevrolet coupe, $30. .. 192.rchevrolet Sedan. :25. ~ T ' 1924 Hudson coach. $40. A . 1925 Essex cogch, $75. -q 1923 Cmyrrxtief l-ton truck; $15. + 2927 Whippet 6 coach. 8325. _ 1927 Whippet meh, 8155. _ lQZ‘l-Hudson coach, 8100. , _ New, De Sota coach. $850. lQZSStudebaker commander'sednn. $650. HAAK'S AUTO SUPPLY co. FOR SALB--4y2%-foot lot on Elmwood uvé~ nue in Sunset terraee; below market or will mde as first payment on a home located near school. R. E. Wink, realtor. Tel. H. P. 447. . _ 25nd decorated. For further vartieuiak -Tei. H. If. 2286. _' 28-2M FOR. sArar-sMehmttutr _diniotr room table, FOR SALE-A new shingle house having‘s bedrooms, 1 bath, extra lavatory; sun porch, pleasant living room, dining room and kitchen, plenty of cupboard space; inlaid linoleum on kitchen Boor; ant lot 60x250 with runny trees; price $18,500. D. B. .Wink. regitor. Tel. H. P. 447. 25nd FOR SAW--? "IV. tot, action '8 in Mi. sonic Memorial Park, Emma: worth $650; will surmo- for 8450 cub. To). Uni- versity 5271. - Lttf EkaéQEL GiiTt'."TsiiiLCiiiif%e' "iiiho7a"rir' table. Tel. B. P. 621. Mtid FOR SALE HAAK'S AUTO SUPPLY co, _ 25 S. Second street. THE. PRES-8 25nd FOR REN'r-8-roo, month; heat an! l Ammch, 386 Oct: .1212. . _ _ _ FOR RENT-a Neely harnhhed room: for light ttomekeerttitr. as 'httetewomb “out; 'tyt RyNT-A-room tiuntriiiow, we" Joe-ted FOR RENT---A0artment, the Ihwthon: 780 North St. Johns urging near' We road; ups-m has}: large ucnened WI): information "tiT 732 N. St. Johns auntie. Tel. B. P. 2823. 28At7grd FOR RENT-Modern 8-4 room" apartment; ideal for can and living mmrtem. 22 B. F'irototreet. Jon. B. Deibler. “L H. P. 2120-2280. a _ 28tf "tur,,",."'-:,",'"',"'),',,, rooms _ nk litrht, hem;- k _. g. 304 Washington avenue, High- wood. - T 25nd FOR RENT- FOR $tE,N'r--Furnitrttsyd or unfurnished house, Io rooms, , bath?: garage; thstober.g; for one yen-India. half: excellent Isteation, K. _ M. Jung, broker, Mt-cents, avenue“ Tel H. rr. 242. l _ "te 25nd FOR REN'rl--Nieeir furnished room FOR.. T 1,rEtl't-.--rhsrnishep 3-r90m H apartmeht FOR RENT-Two-room furnished aaruwent, light’ho'usekeeping; also 3-room tut, private bath', warm and comfortable: hot water but: oil burner; opehalf-block ,south of FOR Rrrwr---comrortime mom: agar trans-l portation: automqtic water beater; renou- Ile. 642 Vine avenue. 21tfpd FOR RENT---urtre front room for one ir two. 4316' Vine avenue. Stott FOR RENT-A modern G-room upper trat with a large sun porch; mate bisement and heating plant; in good location: 1% block from transportation. Apply at 88r ' North avenue, Highland Park, tlrst floor. FOR RENT--Nieelr _fuFnished room with or without board. Tel. H. P. 2315. 26od FoCRENT--rNeelr furnished-room with of FOR REN'r---sreu oottait FOR REN'r--Rooin; gentleman preierlg. 230 N. Second street. \ . 26pd FOR RENT-Rooms 635 vine avenue: '23:)?! 885: o-room hone, neu- tmnsportitioet ‘and new. 8110; home with 4 bedrooms. 81105; store on Can-ll avenue. immediate posse.- Mon.' D. w., Wink. realtor. Tel. H. P. 447. _ V 9M4 FOR FOR RENT---hsrnirshed rpominelr Gruporti, lion; board " ati'N) Tel. H. P. It,'s FOR REN'r--tttt- in Sand Miami. max: wood. Tan P. m. . Ittf FOR REN'r-tAmrrtmetst, two room. And bath: steam heat; central 1oe,aAiotttamnsmiedy reasonable. 47 S. St. John. avenue. _ Tel. H. P. 540. g 14tf FOP, 1TN'UtFupittte4 room: “15:53::an- FOR RENT-T rooms: 8 bath: new Ind very attractive: near school and tram, tatiorti, owner will {unlike hating: ii'ilr,ii'c' uni. 917. S. St. In Avenue, High 'tt _ _ . t SUB LBr-atod-tod 5M Inch-at h Bax-nu building. Chm. 0mm. Inn-t3 for he than mt nah]: on. abut. aerate: um nation. TU. '"'"'rilt I. mu 1uiNT--rCortfoetabU room. mic-512$: FOR RENT-suite with eontteetintr bath ; new ‘home; would 'rtTt.rsirstrle room: board Jf desired: reasonable. 2299 Pierce road. Tel. H. P. 4038. . aratrrd two, 326 S. Afrren Bay road. - 'Fei. Vii: 2199: _ - _ T . tretmrttortatiottt 116 other riailerrGik, N. First street. Lincolp â€tenure, 751363;]: TUi E trvehiid. . If _ priyatd béth: -iiiGrietii."iii,"t' $331331: high school and grade schools. .TeLJL P. 258. 381 Elm place. _ _ . '.25-28 without boirrd." . 121 iCiiGG'"irGiiiiar," lifig‘l: Fdod. Tel. H. P. 2593, --e 25nd OR, RENT--3-room an; heat .fumished. 318 Railway avenue. Highwood, opposite Northwestern devot.' , Inquire Albert Axt Variety store. , " un an“ '--Cymmu coma-W ave- nue station: suitable for two; no children Tel. H. P. 1433. 25nd ferred. -qttt" 73336-3 Tara." "$3173.": 1838. ' new -- -....r- Vvuu‘rlI-UW lwm. .96WIb&"q' ‘wl' two; also single mom: near amputation: nice locuion. Tel. Ir. P. 2067. 828 S; m. Johna nvauue.; - 2tird prize room, suit'nble for one B-rgotn nugrtment .. 865 FOR RENT nd water furnished. if " antnl lmm. Tet. H. P. St., Johns ' 26pd near 219 25nd 25 room. c. N.. a M, R, R. page. fiiirtGair. “Apply in $teNogt to Mr. K P.' Marlowe. ‘25 "its: WAN'rBD--tuid, white, amen] bowie- w In an“ funny; no mhinc; will) mount. Tel. 3, P. 1814. 25nd HELP _ YAETEPTFHJ lo kart in lunch HELP WAN'mrr---Whtti mild or was}. m general housework; 2 children; no wash- - Ina: plain cooking: reference-o. Tel. B. P. 1232. ' P T . " SITUAT‘IPN WAyTEp-rPainyirur. paper-ins SITUATION .WAN'rED--ruve you n few hours' work caring for children or light housework ‘dnlly; no Sunday work; morn- ing preferred. Call Mm. Rose. 625 hurt] Ivehue. H. P. 756-W. Mtfpd FOR earrieiter work Tel. H.' P. 2975; ei/ti. ttntrg for small jobs furnished at once; prompt service. 25 SITUATION WANTED-B," m girls, cook and-maid girl. Tel. H. P. 6tb. Irene Pertd%tpt. " _ . 25-269d SITUATION WANTED-work by day or half diy; colored. 1378 Edgewood road, down- stairs. Sake Forest , Call Saturday after- . noon or Sunday. t A I cy 2hid SITUATION. WAN'r%D---wmshinos to take home. Tel. H. P. 8968." . ' 26-28vd SITUATION" srAirriar-aaiarisia 'nurae will SITUATION WANTED-E-ries) ~maid to took" a; nerve luminous, teas and dinners; ‘can bring “shunt for large "airs. For feferencear and nppointmenta _tel. H. P... 671 or write Hilda Sundsten, care of Weiberx. 320 South Green Bay road. T k 25 ‘SITQATIONA WANTEDT'denn "witi, child SITUATION WAN'hiay---Aa, ehauffeur and gardner: good, "lean habits; single: _A-l references. Tel. Waukegan Majestic 2240. I' _ 25-2†SITUATION WANTED - Dretrssmakintr TIE hematitching. alterations. Tet.. Mrs. Ber- ~nudini.~l;[. P. 2349.1; . 25-3mm DRESSMAKING and PWN- SEWING. b Mrs. Smith at Highwood 2790. 2 tmy '.ulrNT--3-eoat cottage, furnished or" En: FOR RENT--urei room, suitable for one Ji tvyo. tr,T6 laurel tumâ€. Tel. H. P. 3375. PIANO 'ryNme-An mrk'mtgd: eni- FOR RENTr--t%ven-room house; newly built; hot water, hept; guise attached; 2 baths; near Ravinia station; large grounds; 1320 Brondyiqw' ayenue, 'Tel. H. E. 1580 after FPR 1_tEN'rurarer s-rooeil km with but». J, C815iGteen Bay road. "Rel; M. P. 708-M FOR RENT-mme- at an admin pm- Tel. H. P. 11.71% 1 FOR RBNX--8-room house, 2 baths; :5; side. Tel. HIP. 1299. 2.3 FOR REN'r---8-room" furnished tannins-n; with .hath Ind urui.trrr, near trntuoortss tee.. 695 Weneiwdod avenue. Tel. H. P. For WWW“? FOR RENT-t ._-.---v-. "a""""""'"-".. yuyerlllx. decorating; good wdrk; Prfeerr-rustrte. John' Christensen. "Tel:. H. P. 890-Y-1. FOR RENT-t-room tInt; tanned glam] porch; cum: desirable loam: no. 620 Laurel 1mm: insulin ttrat ttooe.or wrue Egan C._Prichnrd. Main street. oeonomowor.' F0! t'ETiil,"e"et,tg', 3-roon toluene in am Puk: oeittmttr head: "eeUutt slum; a. betting phat gun iuulm; mm. to right party. Adar.- Box Icti, Lnke Forest. Illinois, or bloom Lulu; Porent 178. __ . 'tcor to: MT»; Nratishod tiiitit Manning room; mm Tel. been“ m1 " give room and board; are in he: 3%_ho;x{e: Tel; It', P. 8864. _ _ _ 26pd wish: position as how: iici." ETF. 1112. 25nd furnished; mirdiG, Jaiiii, -;-9f;r-;A.V. ii' H. t, 1466. J. " , 2 ._._.v -ir_-_--M%. a... -a. ...u-uvywa - materr free; chant reasonlbk. .11: I". Faignke. Tei. H. P. 2048. In! -eev fl... -- “unuuq wuuw. away In ninhed hodsseke.estine room. and kitcheneu Tel. H. P. 8878. 25, sun Arch: located fitif BurEnTv-en‘ue“ Tel. Tel. H. P. 581. _ 25pd h.o.eiuebhyr.) iiikiiaiif Airiiicir Gia,: children. "" W. Park avenue. . Wheat): iis. SITUATION WANTED . HELP WANTED "r:"6-5ooe put-531101 with bath Thuruar,shturust 22, 192s fumhhed rooms loca [a iiFa , tur. for 25-2694 25-29911 25nd 26pd 24-2-i 25nd Tel light and at " ijrcrs WAY' ourMar, AW 'HELP WANTED - for cookilgx , HELP WAN'N0- take chum " .PN", ,ndper.m irerp1 “IAN: "raid, 6t6 0am: {up -WAN'PP: OR“ for the real: dew: puny: only men in the will!!! ucuum cleaner- .pply; we' will int EXEC! remunerntiors to I)! view. ADM! by - tails to H. R. th we!" - Shit any “mum must hue good HELP V.AN' HELP WANTED small funny; . creates. Tel. I! HELP WANT! general .houae' HELP wgun‘: "inbusework; an H. P. 3218. , _---------- HELP WANT] Apply Hank‘s Second street. LosT--isuiar Friday. Amuse lihera1, mud now â€I": W Jew. ms Gai.. referees, Tel. H. P. 2872 illinoil. LOST-sunday l answers to at Tel. L. F. 110: -----t-- 1Artyr--Eitrht_r, WANTED TO rooms, funds} WANTED '10 R rooms. four. be _ M." Gr... 122 . Park, or phon nois Ewen] required REAL ETA' loeate4, not! en‘ces WANTED TD IF Russell Don in " an fl will be sold ITALIAN In: Ehrett. No. Highiud Parl oGirtsieta, 1e ulna. etc. M Enmton. m must have fo mid: room oil fuel prefel one block :01 brick, 6 but kitchen on §45.090. J. , Dedrborn . chim 3587. EnQE-ud its WAN WAN CI l they Chi,