t NORTH SHORE LINE PICNIC . WEDNESDAY Held at Sunset Pal-km. P., am Attendance Large; Program and Committees _ Several,thousand- employes of the North Shore railroad and their fam- ities gathered in Sunlet Park in Highland Park yesterday to attend the annual employes outing. Plans for the event were made un-' der the direction orthe general com- mittee, headedHry C. G. Goodsell, who is assisted by Mis. Pan! Hudson. and J; W. Oliver. . . u-. Athletic and. iiovelty. events fol-' loWedseach‘ other' ierquiek succession, and North Shore line folks of all ages weye offered plenty of contests to try their skill. The program included among other things the following special events: Tutr-of-war contests, indoor baseball game between the Illinois and Wis- consin divisions, horseshoe tourne- ment, races for the‘men, women and children, and many other :e'vents“of similar nature. One of the new events added this year is a baseball thritwr. ing contest for the ladies. T ". ' , Earl Shultis and his North Shore Line band opened the program -of events with a_.soneett; 'in the mdrn- ing.. Thi-tiuueituis were, on the grounds all day. Then, too, there teefe 'Writs and Bil1/'.aytted e1iswnsf,.whdse antics and eatrisris ma.dé"rtritr hit, I5aneing-frrrm Ai:3Cp.im to midgight brcught thdcps'tivititj1,to' "g tlose. Executive 'r-r- ‘C.4,G. qstiiliiis11, Ray Ketktjurn, Ray Gdté, Rudolph; Soder- oN,-; Robért Bryan; é: l,' _ 1Tiis1porviiittees aiitieharke of the various' phases "of therevishwtfe: "Ticket am adage Dirstribts.tiori-- 1:3. Xev'jrp; ,M- l .,: -' . _ Chetk" Room-r-milieu,, T .. Fimipoe, of trua-cpe; Huttle- ston'. _ ' C' . Transportation - .C: K. Thomas; David . Carlson, William , Ludwig, Harry Roaek, Alfred James, H, F. Cook, Robert Brynn. _. Police and Parking-John Iverson.} Publicity-C. K. Thomas, ', '; Printing-F, E. Wagnén l _ _ q Athleticiptestyr-Rey" Cotii. fir-- I H'orseshoi,sai-Datfd Nelson. _ _ ‘. .Prize pistritrution---Ernest G.. Cox. Refreshments-Annabel Lee. . Rest R6om---Mr's. Pdul HudsOn. ' T First' -Aid---Laivrence BenWy. Tug of 'War--Rptrert Brynn. Transirortatioo---&rm" Berrbng. Dancing-Harry Renner. . ' Depgrtmental committees for' the picnic are is follows: ' . ". Legion Post Gives , _ Picnic Neit,fgurtday The stupdvhmitt Post of the American Legion of Highwood are. giving their firsCpisthie and 1ianee Sunday. Aug. 25 at Santi grave, West "rn Prairie hvenue. Mugie will be 'turmighed by the Blue Bird orchestra. Ever.vtTd."v welcome. Come _and bring your friends. "' _ "rm Mechanical L- Henry C. Cordell, Rudolph Soderquist. _ . _ _ Maintenance of Way-F, J. Kra- mer, Ray Ketchum, Harry Peterson. General offiee--W. W. QToole, Ray Cote: ".., , :Electrical .-..-" Clifford Huttlest‘on Henry Liske.. _. -. Concessions - Annabelle Williams. “Chicago ofBite---Roy Thompson. The following from the Wankegup Sun regarding the position taken by Lake county members of the Modern Woodmen of America regarding the proposed increase of rates will be of interest to members in this city. The Sun says: . tMembers lit the Modern Wood- men of America order in Waukegan are joining with members in' other cities throughout the state in a deci- sive protest against the proposal of the lead camp to put into effect a radical increase in rates Quint is contended would have the tstreet of "freezing out" many of "the older members. Judging by the expres4 sion here the local opp%itiotr is get- ting strength daily. . Lake County Woodmen Object to P10908911 l Increase in Rates "The initial protest came from Woodmen _ members in Sangamori county. _ They -fi1ed a petition. in, tir- cuit court at Sprintrfield asking that the head camp of the order be barred by injunction from putting the new rates into effect. Des'pite reports to. the contrary, it, is-stated .thirt.. the petititm his not been dismisse'd,'hut that itnrill .come up for a decision at the September» term of, Court. "Local Woodmen _who . are, protests ihg point out. that when. the iates were increased in 1919 members. Were inhrrtpetrthat new rates would be adequate, "The new rates,, it -is claimedt ‘are almost prohibitive for the oMwir,membeiir and would make it necessary for many of them. to give up their membership and for- feit their, mainframe“ . _ At the present time, according to fnembers of the oppositidn group, five solicitors are- working among, mem- bers in Wa1skegan,_seekintr to induce them to, Sign, up for‘the 1iew.rateg. Local members. who"oppose'the pro- posed increase are preirarieyrto. join forces with .rhembers in Sangamon county and elsewhere in the state, in fitrhtirrg the proposition." _' , Deerpath Theatre to _ -. Offer Fine Features .Manaker J. C. Emma of theiDeer- path theatre,' Lake Forest: has/tus, ranged‘an especially attractive pro-- gram ‘of fine featuresr,for the_comimr wsrett,-besrinning with Sunday, contin- ue'us performance from 2 to 11 p. m., when the all-talking Pox Mirvietone feature, “Through Different 1ilyei". will be shown, with Warner Baxter, Edmund Lowe and Mary Dtmeyn in the leading roles.- . _ Monday and, Tuesday. Aug: 26 and 27. the picture. to be offered is _"Flash- ions in Love," ' featuring Adolph Meniou and Fay Compton. This ia, Menjou's first talking picture and it is sqtidr to be one orouutanding merit. On Wednesday, Aug. 28, Nice White hppears on "the Deemath scream in an all-talking, singing and dancinq. hit,. â€Broadway Babies.†takm fronrdhe great stage sucgess of the sung hump. On Thdrsdny and Friday, Aug. 29 'and' 30 Norma Shearer and_ a big Mar cast Will annear in the (gmous screen success. “The Last of Mrs. Cheney, an all-tnlking picture with hittrt.v'nottttrle features that pYomise delightful entertainment. I, THE P3388 The following report of pyobete court proceedings in 'the meter of .the estate of Leslie McPhersOn Ind others from this city will be of in- terest here: _ Leslie McPherson’s '.' Will in Probate Court Archibald Leslie McPherson, High- land Park, Will admitted to record. Estate of $40,000 personal and $50,- 000 .real estate bequeathed. in trust to Highland Park State" bank and Nancy McPherson Rise for the bene- fit of wife and children of decedent. Letters testamentary iissued to High- land Park State bank and Nancy Me- Pherson Hise. Heirship proved. - - Rania N. Campbell, H'igiaand Park. Hearing on proof of will continued to September 9. A -- u _ An inheritance tax of $3,365 was ordered by County Jildge P. L. Pei.. sons in the estate of Henry Herr- mann of Highland Park. The ap- prniirer, Attorney Charles E. Mason; fixed the value of the estate at $129;- 132. The widow, Charlotte, is to get the, entire sum. "Heartgdn Dixie" _."Hearts in Dixie"' creatés a new catégor-y' among screen productions in the sense that it has a dramatic story of wistfyLtieauty as a medium to convey longs, choral and instru- mental music andrdancesHt has, tsttyfo, "Hearts in'Dbkieins without doubt the most upusual picture.:" ' . - a pronounced strain of eomsidrwhieh provides more than relief-the hu- mor js ‘an integral “part .of . the Jte- tion. Ear, eye and heart appeal. are in the picture. Throughout it 1‘“, dialogue as absorbing as that of the best. stage play., and inters'persed) freely are musical and dancingnnmr bets which comprise a veritable reiue in themselrtsvTh1s settings are Works of art;' uiir'iietirrii, are fruthfrrrietur- esque; Arid there" are touches“ of sentiment to round out the film into a true interpretation of the section of American life it represents. . . . It will be at .the-Alcybn theatre next week, Tuesddy, Wednesday and Thursday." _ . -. A I . 5000 Attend Picnic . _'r' . l-. / ls" â€at Stnti'srGrove The picnic triirdn Sunday, August 18, at Santi Grove' by. the Italian Woman's Prosperity 1rlub “of High- woird was a verrpqeeessid1 affair. About 6ve.thoissand people attimdiid during theuay. . ' " . Mgny games, and concessions, with danéing in the evening Were the'at- tractions ofsthe day. ...fieve,ra1 Jovely' prizes were given away,' among them being a Wrist watch won by OB/Cor- teloni, [bridge lamp by L.ANerri, William' A. Turher, " years'bld, 'of Port Wayne, Ind., 11 patientjn the prison ward of. the Fort Sheridan; base ,hospitgl, escaped early, Sunday; wearing the white uniform of Is doe- tor. -rle tied the sheets " his bed together turd lowered himself from mid :1,th and pencii 9th won by M. Puqnini. . . -. g Patient Escapes from . _ -. "Ft. Sheridan Hospital a Gtndcw on the second. floor.. The local police were notified. _ at Alcyon Theatre Librarien- Are criticized so mum because _of their undying and Co often tnctless eftortts to improve mm patron‘s taste in reading. To trlibrvs, than the world inside to house gm 'l books, ï¬le "masses" were cream} no other reason than, unread them. Only a chosen few Wet-enchanted in theicturn to be creative artists. Fund Too Scarce _to 7 . Buy "Tom Swift" When the question comes, "Why not give the child Alger, Remy, Laura Lee Hope, Martha Finler., Nick Carter and the others? I fowl them when I wanna boy or a"-irirl".' True enough, and by the bookseller" own statement,. it is what "I read" that they buy for their children. Reading. fashions change; Time dr, cides whether a book is worth saving: or not. Library funds are never ade- quate for the fertile imaginations of the librarians, they must be handled carefully and wisely. The book fund isrmade, to buyas manybooks of es- tablished worth/and those new ones seem to have qualities which will "es.. ,tablish them in the future as it can istretched to cover. Tom Swift and the others are no.t among this num- ber; when "inoney is scarce that nut enough copies tf-the popular,- well es- tahliiihed books.can. be'ttiitutht,js it wise to buy Tom Swift? .The-hoys can get them /anyway. -. The library only supplements their own and their friends’libraries. It the heart; which are-strep. more expensive than this class, arefnotxin the library, where can the children get a chance to de- yelop; their taste for good, books. Give atheuchild Yrb"tsdpntt. By all meansl. _Barbour and Altsheler in limited snuinber' are found on most library s1seiyes: The 115037 or girl reads hip own and his friends' books, then 'he,fcomés to the library, Whore matwrtsrpe's are waiting his choice. It is hoped he will choose the best, if the dyssn'tr---t! ' It is the fault of no _ one. . ,.,' l . ‘Boék’s with, bad tspuUtion .qften prove. their “character years later. To this class be)pntt TWain’s "Yom. Sawyer†amrf.'tiuek9iitrt," aliii, Her, main Meyvimi'i? “Moby Jriek..',! “Hm knows, perhaps Diamond Dick a’nd ,NickCarten will come into theitown some day, my; Tom, Huck and Captain Ahab htrver . _ V _ V BasiilmlLToirnattreit . FV _ _.'.-,torrruakit CountY'Teams Utiaiirers 3? aIzyr,rsagtrtaaint.s, T of we sevenv teams tiittet'eiC'ht. the Like County ETrmiriiatiorrBasGSatt tourna- mm, which ‘y'vill swing into action next Sunday at Weiss Field, Wauke- gen, report all teams ready for the contest. -_ 7 e, .' Thefearnienteretl are: 'e (Wankega'n »Majora, Jlorth c1'iifiitro killian's Boosters; S.-N. PrP., ge, jo.. sephs K. S. .' K: J.,. Great 'Lakvs‘, Knights of Lithuania end Lake Bluff: The tournament will continue dur- ing several Sundays. Two games will be pld'yec August M. _ _ _ _ Mr. Donslde C. Beardsley and tw? sisters, the Ntutes.7ihrther. and Carol Beardsley. of 'Darion, Wisconsin, n o- toredHo DetroiteMiehittarv last m ok where-they visited their cousins Ilr. and Mrs. Arthur B.-Beardtrlei. Tl IN. returned Thursday evening to Rirh. land Perk and remained over nieht with their uncle, Mr. G. F. Bards?! of 14 McGovern street. - Thursday, Augmt'm, 1929 "l'hreis hund sued by Mrs. reception and Afternoon, AI deuce, 238 G of her sonfs 1 child Duty I during the tea 'rire Mrs. Jo George Allen Taisti.ntry, Arr, M rs. JRiehmon, Caughey, ‘Mi: Mrs. William. 'and Mrs. Jam Elyn, Mrs, " 'Walter E. Ca: fee. Berutift midsummer , Judged, throng reception at} entertirned at the family ar town guests. .Mr. and M motored to WE and Mrs. u Cl spent the we: ahan’s brothet "Miys Moss l Mr. Richm‘ wood drive a: Jr., of Forest day froni trr: have' been sin Lake TH U RSDAY Resolution. of obituarla. not!“ ufair- than a “shed. will hi ing cirrent ' by the III-IO Article- for pl by Wodqudny Che, Chem clot: SUBSCIIP‘I'IO Entered ll i 1911. at the “WW " Thursday, A All ISSUED std Cain] 39x R, Strictly entranu Mass. T ferred I Muted- both b0; day sto llorth. S for theh main at cal train bqarders nirdn .Wi attivitie dividual Ianely p "h. Local J0 "