isley and two, her. arid Carol Visconsin, rm- gtn, hat Wt ok ir cousins Hr. Irdsley. TI 91" ning to Rr,h. ed over niseht 'r. F. Belrdsi'v “with! - t, 15.4â€... him" tw gaudy. m."l""lll'GLiT"iu'.'L'U"afg'.'"ihut. provg thmr ---" _ To a libr, . . ISSUED flu-IDA! - m house 'ro 3} T . "I‘m am“ can, I ereatsRP? t . m Cancun Ava-no, w 'r'Wrs. read ther,. . - W created m . Chicago on“: o litmus: Am. Stat. an rer, Henty, ha Finley rs? [feud or {girl'j booktieltev' It “I read" if children. . Time de- orth saving: a never adc. tinations of be handled e book fund books of es- . new ones iiph will "es.. re " it can t Swift and g this num- lee that not rlar,' well es- night, is it I "he, boys The library vn up! their treid, whigh re than this unify; where bance to do.. good, books. tnt. By a“ Altsheler in nd oft most si" or girl iendtf books, nary, where , his choice. ' the best, if e fault of no Itation .qften years liter. Wain’s “Irony n,"- 3156 Her, Dick.',' who Id Dick ttiid ito theitown and Captain Earth criifii'rro , PrP., ge, Jo.. Great 'Lakvs‘, ad Lake Blutf_. continue dur- wo games will .rtistk. mes, ' ains. .mof _the in the Like GiAtt tourna- t into action Field, Wanke- jeady fpr the Mt . Ity Teams Swift" so much "Why 1929 Three hundred invitations were il- sued by Mrs. Henry.F. Doty for the reception and tea she Cave Friday itternoon, August 16, at her resi- dence, 238 Central "svenuecin honor of her son's pride. Mrs. Henry Fair- child Doty of Chicago. Assisting during the tea hours from 4 until 6, 'rire Mrs. John 1i'..U0tsketuie, Mm, George Allen Mason, Mrs. Roland" Tviti.ntrs.s, _Mrs. Wilruim Jeoudisrbaek, Mrs.iRiehmond Dean, Mrs. A. B. Me-i Caughey, ‘MiSs Carolyn .’ 'Schofield,] Mrs. William; F. Crete of Wheaton, 'and Mrs. James, S. Hastings " Glen Ellyn. Mrs, {Daniel Cobb and Mrs. 'Walter E. 9_srrPoqristrtea and cof- fee. Beautiful, brilliant. ttuwc-rs, "lst midsummer were artistically 'ar-. ranged throughout the rooms-for the reception mt"w".hosys close 'Mr's. Doty entertirned at dinner for members of the family and a group 'of out-of- town guests. 5 . . - _ have' been since the middle 10f June. .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Monahan motored to Warren, Indiana, with Mr. and Mrs. _ Clar1tmlis, ;‘,Shetzley and spent the jeeekrind ,ithir.. Mon,: t.1an's brother and family. _' ' Mr. Richard Hammond of. Ridge.. wopd drive and Mr.'David _Thomas, Jr., of Forest avenue returned Sun- day frodi Bryan, Ohio, where they have' been since the middle-of June. LilidFmest Academy for-Boys TH unspAY August M, 1989 All minutiae- nut be with br.',ndd-oettuG"rFrtiF. Article- for publication must nub tho dun by wane-day noon to hum 3m h current lulu. Resolutions of condolcnoo. - " tbs-h. obituaria. notice of tttPetit-tte or ttthge atfnirl what. Ht minim that In - lished. will be charged " - adv-tb- gm; trttr " Che William Bark Dress sunscmmqn are: a.“ at In: Moss of Lineohtrivssmid en- Thursday, About 22, 1929 JOHN WAYNE RICHARDS, "Headmaster i Bex R, Lake Forest, Ill. Telephone Lake Forest Eu, Strictly .college preparatory --definite preparation T for Y1trAneerexaininations of Yale, Princeton, Harvard, Mass. Tech., etc. .-,...tyehool is also on accredited and pre- ferred list so. that admission/without examinations is granted by all universities which accept certificates-- both boarding and day students; the departments for day students is of special interest to residents of the North, Short who desire thorough college preparation for their.sons,. and atthe same timeettmhasarthern re- main at home f afternoon study hall supervision, physi- cal training and athletics for day students same as for boarders. Your‘boy will be kept busy until late after- noon .with’class-room work, study,' athletics and other. attivitierwhieh will develop him., Small elaiises--hr. dividual attention ---a Master for every eleven boys-- sanely progressive methods-e-for instance, we do not "hear" recitations. - a ' . . ‘Local and Personal Catalog supplied on request No. " _". John Suite of Central avenue and Roger Taylor of Lincoln avenue are expected home today, Thursday from a Aponths motor trip through the wes'tff- . . Mrs. Prank Curley of Prairie av- enue entertained Monday afternoon ' Cap't George Hanlon of Hammond, Indiana spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eran]: Curleygof Prairie stir. enue. Curtain Hanlon is 'en route to the Lakes in Wisconsin. Mrs. Prank Butter and Miss John- Anette Kastner have returned,from a .visit in Ohio. ' Miss Johnnette 'is leiving next week for her home in Denver, Colorado after having. spent sieireral ieisks with Mr. and.Mrtr.A. P. Suite of Central avenue. . g T" ' Mrs. J. W. Robinson arid. daughter, Miss Lola accompanied by Mr. Albert Haggerty of Tibertyirille have Yiy- turned from a motor trip in the easit. Enroute they visited Washington, Niagra/Falls, Detroit and Canada; _ Mr. Carl o'pelt. of Maple’avenue with George Bliss and Morton Traub, Jy., of North Linden avenue is leav, ing Friday for Sixty-One Ranch, near Sheridan,..Wy.oming where they will-join Mr. _0Thsl1'sr family -who have, spent the summer there. They will all return in three weeks. _ Delmar F. Dgniels 'of_ 1238-F, St. Johns avehue left Saturday for an extensive, trip through California. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cradle .of Virginia lodge, have " house guests, Mr. Cradles! aitrter and her husband, Mr, and Mrs; Alert Waremlorf of, Amsterdam, Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Warendorf expect to remain in High- land Park until after the celebration of Mrs Warendorf’s and Mr. Gradle's joint birthday, which falls ortmovean- her seventeenth after; which time, Mr. and Mrs. Cradle will journey! with Mr. and Mrs. Warendprf to Mr. and Mrs. Gradle’s winter home, "The Ttunarisks" nearTucspn, Arizona. Miss Heater Amr Thomas: of Linden nyenue is leaving Friday spend thiee weeks one a ranch Wyoming. _ Mr. ind .Mu. Riehnrd W. Lamb of Evanston hqve‘taken a house on Wade street. Mrs. Lunb‘wu form- erly Miss Sarah Margaret Miilti. _ attained " madman Tuesday aft; emoon at her'home. . * THE PltIlttg to in Dr. and Mrs. John, Gormley of Lin- den avenue, Hubbard Woods, are re- ceiving congratulations on. the birth, of " daughter 9n Monday, August Mr. ind Mrs. Russell Swift of 1226 Presett street, North Chicago an- nCunce the birth "Of a daughter on Saturday, August 17th " the High- land Park _hospital. Mrs. Swift was formerly. Willett Rider. _ Robert safari}. of s. Sheridan road is expected home the latter part of the week' front Camp Minocqua, where they have spent the summer. Mr. and Mrrfsames"iriiiGi"i' Hate! avénue were registered- Paris Saturday. . Mr, uni! Mrs. .Chariég -iiFiiru Bloom street Attended Antioch Chap- ter of the Eastern Star' Monday eV-' ening. Laurel Sttbey, worthy matron of Ate Ioefl, chapter wag. in the cast. _ Profane: and Mrs. Pull White re- turned to their home on W. Park av- enue the tirat part of last week, dur.. ing which time they will fill some week-end enttistr.qms.snu. - . T _ . gst' bun‘co for Mrs.' P. Petersmcand Mrs. Kelley ‘of Chicngo, . Mr. agid_ Mrs. Chm-lea Ames: of Bloom street Uvis returned from a __wqeks trip through Wisconsin. ----, North Shore . Trust COmpany .-. ' -BANK . _It Will Help Turn 5 Ypur Wishing Into Aétidnsr WHAT DOES A SAVINGS ACCOUNT no FOR'YOU? Of 'courseyou want a savings account. Eireryboiy1ioes. And some day you are gOing. to have one, Everybody is. We are a)riikethar---totd, of making prom- ises to ourselves. But a savings account calls tor. action, not wishing, " and it helpsmake wishes realities.' Your Say-1 ings passbook is waiting for you here; notâ€. "'e" rr,-.' _ . .. - of in -Mrs..John‘Pinnons of Los Angeles, Calif., arrived last Friday to visit her brother, Mr. M. Warner, of N. Second street. F ". ' wanderful 'time. Mnyarson any; "atn feeling much bitter, can . eat stone, fences." __ ' m. The Press is in teeeipt of a card from Mr. And Mrs. A. T. Larson in Juneau, Alaska, where they 'aré spending several weeks with rela- tjves, stating that they are having Mr. and Mrs. lil.' C. ohrnuiiiifind daughter Ethel were the Stinday' guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Clark of Chicago. . A daughter was born to Mg. and Mrs. Willis Dever of North avenue on Monday, August 19th " the Highland Park hospital., Mr. and Mrs. John Each of N. Buttrick street, Wankegan announce the birth ot m daughtpr on Wednes- day. August 14th at' 'the Highland Park hospital. ." Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sherhrin of 314 Oukwcod Ivenue are the proud parents of a son born on Friday, Au- gust 18th at thit Highland Park hos- pital. Mrs. Sherwin was formerly Btiassie "Fitzgerald. . 1993 at. trtsmtrtiuuui Park heiritat V " :F4,