Illinois News Index

Highland Park Press, 29 Aug 1929, p. 6

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Ill, f H. A. Hansen, "Past Dictator of Highland Park 1odgxrNo. 446 Loyal Order of. Modse returned home Fris. day evening after having' hpedt ' week at Detroit, Michigan, attending ‘the frirrr-first annual Convention of this "Su‘preme lodge. He reports the "attendance" as one of. the largest in the history of the order, records. shtow- irean enrollment of over»2000 dele- gates. '. Mr. Hansen also reports hav- ing the honor and. pleasure of meets ing 'the~Hon. James J.poa"irisi, Secre- tary of Labor, who'also is the Direc- tor General of the" order and the founder of Moosehearte Charles and Newman shifahen tilgo attended as representatives oLthe local lodge. ' The Skokie' bouleyitrd highway, whiislt is to extend tram Devon av- enue, Chjcago, where it cdnnects with. Cieeroutirertue, -north through the lake shore suburbs Jnclydintt Highland' Park piid .Lake Forest, is now under way west.' of Winnetka, when: pour- ing of (eoiwrete slab, was begun last week.. . . V " ‘1 t L In conjunction with the building of this oite,hundred foot highway with a- 40 Got pavement, excavation was also begunstor the frtteert acre lagoon Which isto facilitate drainage'of the Skokie. ‘ Th'e dirt from this excava- tiott is to behssed for fills andcgraae neesssarr1for' the super. highway through the Skpkie,e . _" T , . . Near Vattey Line - -_~ _ . The highway at this point is ap- proximately 500 feet east of the Ska. kie Valley line of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee railroad. and the lagoon, which' is within' the area owned by the Forest Preserve, is lo- cated a short distance east of the new boulevard and a short distance south of Tower road extended. _ . To Extend Through Highland Pitrk and'Lake Forest from . . Devon Ave., Chicago . The fwork of laying the concrete slab began at a point .about pnishalf inile sbuth of "Willow toad and, it is said, ‘will continue: this' summer and fjJIsto at _least a point about one- half mile north of Dundee road; tor which distance the "ritrht-ofiry has beim' secured. _ _ L .. _ - The work is"undfer the supervision of, the district engineer and George N. Lamb 'of the Illinois division of‘high- ways. _ . V _ T _ It is known as state bond issue had number 57,. and is to continue on north through Highland Park and Lake ‘Forest, connecting with' other main north and south trgttie arteries. .. b "Ptan'Eariy Completion _ . It is hoped to complete the Aroad vezy soon tot the~coumy .line north tO'Glenview‘road; pnd'rtheneezo‘n seat}: as soon" as iight-of-way title diifieuts ties are ov'ereome. _ _. WORK IS BEGUN 0N _ SKOKIE BOULEVARD . Skokie boulevard connects at the saith and with Cicero avenue, at-De- von avenue, and. has a1petiiry been' bui'lt to a point sibout-oni, and orie- fourth miles north of ahrvorr-arvenue. A card and Bunco put: is to be held sometime during the morhtt of September, the exact date. to be, ap- noianchLUter.. . q ire'. Returns f min Convention . Next Week , ariniv'ersary he}; at' the Deerpath theatre, Lgke Forest, .and-irCeeiebration of the completion of the -firtst year ofJ.trrferatiorf, Man: ager J. C. Emma has secured a fipe program cf splendid features, chief among which are the" following: . On Sunday and Monday, Sept, 1 and 2, Fox Movietone Foliles of 1929 .will be oeere4. This is an all-talk- ing, alt-singing featuN with many notable celebrities in the. past and a wcylth of scenic embellishment tre- ‘yond 4eseriptisp, _ m, _ - Deerpath Theatre to _ _ _ Present Anniversary Program Next Week Tue'sday, Sept. 3, Laura- La Plante and Neil Hamilton in "The Love Trap." _ . . V " Wednesday and Thursday, Sept. -4 and' 5, "The Mysterious Dr. Fu Man- ehu" will be 'the> fepture, with a 'splendid cast.. Tlu1rtrkomists to be a high-tlids thriller of first magnitude. It is a Parattioupt picture. ' . " On Frié’ay and Saturday, Sept. 6 and 7, the attraction will be "The River Romariee," with Charles (Buddy) Rogers and _Mary Brian. This is another special feature which "is making a distinct hit wherever shown. . '. . ' Many accessory features in the way of exeetstrrna1 comedies, news. reels and educational features will Ycund out thisr'notable. prpgram. A 'The advisory committee consisted aCMra. th C, tprpkims, Martin I'nsull Maj. Rafferty, Marshall E. Sampsell, Jiri. wnum E. Swift. W. G. Ten- tttint "tind-Gert. Robert E. Wood. . Young Equestrians "" . " V _ in Successful Show Sixty yWylg .equeCitrians of the N crt.h Shame appeared Saturday- af- ternqon, in the Mai-tindale Farm Jim- ior.ttci-show.whietf was held at the estate of Maj. and Mrs. William A. Raifertyum, Ridge road and West Park nus. Entrants' wer.e limited is) 'i',f,ilC',',' under 16 years of age and the show waS managed bra commit; tee of youngsters ', including _ Fred frc'dirdorr,lr'.., Isabelle Tennant, Mar- tha Jane Thiimes, Jack White, ther. dzre Winters and: Mary Wood. . The three-hundred. who witnessed this excellent performance were more than surprised at the ability shown, by thtse young'people. In the Lead class. William Swift, Jr., of Lake Forest tock the first prize, while the 'prize for the. horsemansrtip. was. awarded to Fannie McPherson of Inu dian.Hilh. Freda Robinson of Lake Forest won the pony class, while Jane Meclntosh of Keni1y6tthrett thegeup' for the -free gaitedrsaddle horse under, and t7eoriremoths child. of Highland Park the first prize for the tirteAraited. saddle horde over 15 :2,l "", Donald McPher§on _ of Indian. Hill ~“for: the jpmping e1assrMansfield Hugis of Lake Forest :the beginners jumping class and V George Rothschild and Martha Jane ThdrmuCthe pair class. -, " V .- This is the first horse Show: ever put on in Highland Park and much credit is due those youths who made it possible. ‘From all appearances. this, will be an annual. affair and det serves the backing of all those ins terorted in .h:rsem’:nship. V THE PRESS "The average woman likes an au- tomobile that will give her speed when she wants It, that will show its agility in traifie and that will be reliable. In theseajrespecta her transparution de- inands are similar to thosirmFamsn.. Women have liked particularly the compactnegé of the Ford power plant. The automobile is one that can_ be mastered without, the exertion' of ‘strengthtand for that reason it has appealed especially to women dtivers, "Women driveri' have'tounn the new Ford an ansWer to most of their shopping and transportation prob- lems, due to the ensé with which it may be handled." said Mr. Purn'ellof Purnell & Wilson, Ford" deplérp in this city. - _ ' - "Parkinir always lias-heeir a prob- lem fir-women. Usually their time is more occupied tbin lisyman'ts time, and' to ‘. struggle' with" the "parking problem is exceedingly irksojne.‘T_hey have liked the Ford because its short wheelbase has meant egsy parking, either par-anal or at an angle to the Neiv<ard Wins e ', Favor With Women "Another feature of the Model "At' Ford that has cause much comment from women is the. excellent roadvis- ion from_,the driver’s eat. Simplicity of operation' is desirable to all auto; mobile drivers but it is especially inf? portant to women bega.useAheir ex perience, as a rule, has not been closely associated with power machin- ery, [ _ . “The Ford Coupe is a type that has appealed strongly_tp women drivers. Like the other, Model "A" Ford bod- ies, it is offered: in various e6lors.. It has simple but 4ittiruryished lines and the rietinegsCot ffiCiiiiiMiirirtteis is'ac- eentyated by the bright,, black, arti- ficit1l leather covering onj the rear? quarter. The interior is attrnetiit, the trimming being' in soft tan, with the deeply irushioned seat upholstered in brown hairline cloth, in plain' panel effect.' Excellent side "vision. is pro- vided-god a luggage compartment in the tretrrnVct-is "etriiienieitt for large packages.‘ Smalrparcelst may be car- ried_0n a' recess ‘shelf bet of ,the seat." . _ ' . . . The monthly meéting of the Gardén clgb'of Deerfield Was held Wednes. day at the home of Mrs. E. J. Gin, ter, Sunset.tane, Mrs. M. 0. Hopkins; assisting hostess. ' . _ . Gourley Lumber Co. _ . _ ' Has Aviation Sign . The John 11outier1mmberampdiiy, is doing its bit in the way' orkidimt aviation in.this Meinitrby the plac- ing cf. ty large Sign; intijeatittar'th.e name of the city, on the-roof of their warehouse. The letters 'with' the words "Highland ' Perle}. ,are' twelve feet in height and cannbe seen from far' eloft. The sign will heip avia.. torsaurlpcatimr the city-and in keep- ing. on their course in this section. . The paper i'iretoontdrleJ4arden. Be. minders" jprepmd by Mrs. A., R. Warner was read "try Mrs. Julimi Smith; . , - . _.. In' the absence of the riresidtnt, Mrs. E. B. Jordon, the vice president, Mrs.) Frank Burroughs presided. Garden (Hub Meets CLOSING PROGRAMS AT RAVINIA PARK Saturday, Sunday and Monday Otterings. Among Einest of Whole Season ' Saturday night, August 3r, will/we an occasion, of special festivity at Ravinia, for the performance at th it time will be "La' Rondine" which hvs been so popular since its introduetr af into the repertoire a few weeks " J, that it is setting a new record_ .n the-matter cf sold-but houses. Five capacity houses have. heard this opera during the current seam» 1, and Saturday night’s performance will be the sixth? _ for this .Puccini V V work. Never be- .4 fore in the his- BE! tory of Ravinia TgKit Opera has it been -.. i " Jound necessary ltr: MI _ '_'. a to give six..p'er- _"rti,NI formances "yr' a f Eucrezia Bod ' single wotK inorder to satisfy, popu- lar"iteinand. T ’. ' - Boif as Magda ' Mme. Bari. will, of course. appear again in the idle of Magda, .Which ranks,” one. of the greatest parts of her long. list, and Edward John- sdn‘will he. cast as' Ruggéro. Flor- ence Macbeth will belheard as Lisette and Armand Tokatyan will be Prun- Others in the' cast“ will -be ,Miss, Maxwell, Migs. Swarthqut, Miss Falco, Mr.-Pa1rrinieri,"Nr. Cehanovsky, Mr: D'.An do, umhAnanian,‘ Miss Page trid 'ltrl1"slur)f,idi1'i'l':'.' Mr. Papi will conduct. _ 'm " _. _ .i itdFGCrotiiiiiit (Hilde works "by Rimsky-K9rtralrow, Massenet' and Glazoqpow'. The violin and 'cello Obbligati of GIazounow'si1"Grand Pas des 1i'iapcea" will be played by J. Weipher and'C. Brueclqler. Chehal.. let prongam of Miss Page, Mr. Straw- bridge and their associates, wht in: clude "Barnum and Bailey," "Phae- ton," 'fThefhadow of Death," “Pas de Troitr,'V"'rhis Flapper and the Quarter Back," "T'.repak," 1'Masmes," "Japanese Print" and “Sun Worship- perm" ,, .17 7 . r ier. 1 . Sunday Concert V. The concert on Sunday afternoon, September Il, will consist of an Orch- our; under the direction of Eric DeLamarter. This will be followed after the 'intermission by Ruth Page, Edwin Strawbridge and the Ravinia Opera, Ballet in a program ad ballet 4iy'ertissetmpts: , . . Jacques Gorgon, violinist, will be the soloist with thtroreheaVa, play- ing :“Nccturnal Tangier" by Godow- ‘22 iitSitfikjci, . sky-Kreisler; a?“ . Ca KN __l'Q1urti.1utrh1ar.j- . il Bl E . ont" by Glazou- ‘3 . . mow-Gordon" and - I . 'Taliforhia" . by iM, if , . Arthur Loesser. iiWiiI / K the orthestrN fii'"N "Ilia,"",',', will ih- Edward 3otmpon lude works "by '.. .,r'v' Sunday'Night s. . Sunday night) Septembe'm,-“Mar. . ile Dumas buf” will be' pretsented:with, the cast . petsrtie whichhu made this ultra-modern' ms héalth br comedy dpertr9ne of the oy.ttg9tyrtmr e-ult of his I: stiece,ssesi of two seasons.. Mr. Cham- _ ,. , . lee will hive the title role and Mme. t Litl,t whieh Gall will be the Princess.- Others in t t e Jrtty.m the cast are" Mmei Glaumn, -Mr. . '3’“? Wm”? Rothief, Mr. .‘I‘re‘vis n, Mr. Mejia, 1ft?“ Mt: Mr. P11t_rir.tirri., Mr. Jehanovsky, Mr. 1'/eo',,'gtl',,f _ _" [Continued F _ Page 36) , . “may eiutfde ," _". . _ . _", "vvrding to p . ra ', w "tall Il' te 'let-s/il,:' " trhe'c'r' Csc: te T “t, ' Edwnrd Johnson mund'ny, August 29, 1929 Thursday, Am Lake rm} Strictly entrance Mass, Te ferred h' granted both bot day stat North S for their main at cal train boarders noon wi1 activities dividual sanely p "lear" D J O] Box R, You’ll h leading will fab selling t prkeia: & Mark th 13

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