rust 3r, wilthe a] festivity at nuance at that jne" which has its introdietiol few weeks ago, new rkeord, .n' m houses. es have. heard current season, 3 performance ncert _' T aday afternoon, sist of an Orch- ection ‘osf T Eric rill be foilowed by Ruth Page, nd the Ravinia agram pf ballet {with the cast ,3 ultra-modern' the outs ding qtt5., 12/8t,1e. role and Mme. team Others in Glausnen, ‘Mr. n, Mr. Mejia, JeUnovsky, Mr. Page 36) . olinist, will be Orchestra, play- ier" by Godow- ky-Kreisler; Cgpzigsxaxi- at" by Glazou- )wa-Gordon" .and Saliforhia" by rthur Loesser. 'he rogram' will ih- ude Works Vby dassenet' and rlin and 'cello v’s 1"Grand _ Pas I played by J. 191812 Therbal.. age, Mr. Straw- reiates, will im- Bailey," "Phae- f Death," "Pas upper and the pak," ffMasuses," “Sun Worship- and Mond: , Einest of Le""? Bod . Q satisfy. popu- V' will "se ,Miss, opt, Miss Falco, lehanovsky, Mr: ant Miss Page Mr. Papi will ight . ember ‘1,’ "Maru Igda _ course, appear Magda, ,which greatest parts Edward John- iuggéro. Flar- eard as Lisette I will be Prun- .ugu-t 29. 1929 lh PARK It y Llis health broken presumably as a 4 ult of his breathing fumes from w. t with which he used to Kill weeds m the Vernon Ridge Country 'club R year Wilbert Hertel, 12, of peer- T i started suit through his father, utmost Hertel, for $20,000 in the ctr- 'c, court toduy. . He named the n-xvxtry club defendant in the action; J' "tdirttt to reports from Wanke- '"ile DamagiiSuit For . peerfield Boy, Aged 12 Thursday, August it 1929 Like Forest Academy, for Rhys - 'ae-L"-.--.-'--"':"'-"-'-----.---.-.--.-..-.--.----- db:exiirTiftrstirii 'ImTmmmmmmmWmBmWImmmtmmmTr, Strictly college preparatory m-.-t4efinite preparation for entrance examinations of Yale, _ Princeton, Harvard, Mass, Tech., ete.r---se_hopljs 1also.on accredited and pre- ferred list so that admission without examinations is granted by all universities which accept certificates-u both boardiritrand day students; the. departments, for day students ir-dir speeialitergse-td-reiridents-ot the North Shore who desire thorough college preparation for their sons, and at the sam time can have them re-. main at home; afternoon stud? hall supervision,- physi- cal training and athletics for day students same as for boarders. Your Jroy will be kept-busy until late after- noon with crass-room work,- study, athletics and-other activities which wilrdevehip him. S'mall classes-...).. dividual attention.---" Master for every eleven boys-- sanely progressive methodtg--for instance, we do not "lear" recitations. I . . . . JOHN WAYNE RICHARDS,.Headmastér Bon R, Lake Forest, Ill. . Telephone Lake Forest 230 You’ll have the, authentic style they‘re wearing at the leading universities; You’ll have a suit the other fellows will take théir'hats off to. You wori't have much trouble selling the idea to father or mother either-because the prkeiareuso reaisomiNd-,-and they know Hart Sehaffner1 & Mark quality. _ V ". '. _ Wd _ Back to School in a. . -. HART SCHAFFNER & MARX ,. "PREP" SUIT With ._ Tujo Trousers tbafiirs I" . " . .r _,," Your Clothier _ _ " -tm Hart, seminar $5101.12 clothes Examine!†786" Elm Street - Winnetka - Phone 307 13 St. Johns Avenue - Highland Park-- Phdne 307 Catalog supplied "d request FELL’S $22.50 $25.00 $27.50" _ The hay was employed 1ast"guly as a caddy' at the golf course near.Deer- Jie)d ~and as part of his duties when he was caddying he was given the acid to' kill weeds whichhad cropped tip along the fairwéy. ’Soon after he had' been' thus ernptorsdHte became in and harbeen in poor health since. It is charged by Attorney J. A. Mil. ler,- who rebresents the boy, that he we: the 'vietfrn of acid fumes. - gan. THE PRE ‘Mr; and Mrs. George H. Arnbld of 73 South St. Johns avenue" are si;ending two Weeks in Yellowstone Park and the Black Hills, South Dis, Mr. and. Mrs: James (lady Ewell and family of Car'y avemie are ex- pected home Friday from a months trip through the' west. P-. _ THURSDAY llWe Eighlanh Bark 331735 Alluoom1mmieattona must " â€complaint! by the nuns and lddreu of tho write. Article: for publication mint reach tho editor by insure cum In eugrgnt’ inn. r, . Ruolutiom of condolence. ard- of dunks. obituaries, notice of entertainment: or other affairs when an admittance dune b pub- !inhed, will be chum " regula- “Outb- sunscnumou mac: n... in: cue-go allot: 3N. Micki.“ Avfsuu "" F3ttyeod ., Second Cl.- Entered In Second Clu- â€an Hank h 1.9.11. " tho 'JN"t't 1uPl.etg', Plat. W - t Highland Put. Lake County. m. North Shore Trust . Company BANK 1331121) mum" or men In; . lag 1;]:ng isa2krsr, comm K . m rceitiaiL4ha)TciikiiiGrFG'Crhc - Televbolu mum-u Put mun-u: Local and Personal II IS paid that in no country in the worhrdo men work so hard as in the United States. . . ' We believe this is true. . . . We are proud to hear' it said. . . . For working men are strong men. . .’ . Their countries are stroitg--amrrieha '. . . There are more auto- mobiles in Chicago than in all Europe. . . . May our citizens continue to work hard. o"'., Today we gladly honor those who do-the men who have made the United States what it is. Autrui29, 1929. THIS IS HIS DAY LABOR DAY No. 26 tom, Erhagiegm (new; to High- Jary.i Turk Mhtid'iy,; _ . _ 'r," . . Miss Madeline Evensen of South Sheridan road had as her guest this week, Miss _Mary Louise Bartlett of Pasadena, California. . _ Mrs. -David R. Thomas. of Forest avenue left Saturday for a ten days visit .in Cleveland, Ohio. While there she attended the'air races. . _ .Mr. and MN.v. M. Davidson ami family of Glencoe avenue left. Friday for a three weeks trip through the east. T - \ ‘Miss Jane Garnett of. South Lin- den avenue returned Inesdhy from Warwick Woods 'camp whei'e she has spent the summer. _' _ . Miss Mary Swazey of Hawthorn lane is expected home the latter part of the week from Wesft Port,-New York, where she has spent the last three weeks' ', . ' l ' ï¬ght." HenryHhieorr of; Linegln ‘av- isitiie lean-mid. Sulgdny troiByrett-, aside; Michigan! where he hat amt a _motith':hts'itti, guest of Everett Mills .. _ _ .A .4 '_ . . . . A' Mr..and Mrs. t A.' Watkins of Haiel avenue 19ft (Friday for "the Ntirth wopds, Micbiéa'n whege they will spend two weeks. _