NY DRY. ILL 'nrtt " Ci V C""" -rrrrcSft-ceArr_fc:9P"Cece1t-iP""rrT - _ V _ "'t- 5:" " 7"" _ ' re'""- """":" t-lilkh aam Rst . , " .‘.; . r' _ Gi " , .11, P, L ' ' _ -- ip-r, "e 'er, - 12%;?“ My, 83:126. tttht " 19. Mold. _ L. W141 and, wit; to E. C. F C. 8antt 'tnd wit; to P. Lueehi out! Cowcill ond wile platen: WD $10.00 wont-mam $10.00W lotto: Ptofiot munch-on: Moi lot a â€He-o: $100 ft of blk 4 plat c " E. Ashley Hem plat of High- dam. it tens, D $10.00. lot 19, blk 9, Bunk†Bros. Woodland Burk. no Mk W. TV 86000 bray-em & Duo. High- 'ttl Purl: addn,‘ incl ‘10. and 15, Deer- Bet . _ F. H. Bartlett to L. Derreeat D 310.00 his '9 and 10, mt " ad lot Shieldt. -- . _ ' P. B. Bartlett Tr. to E. H. Sehr, D 810.00: Lot 2; blk " Bartlett! Shore (but can. see: q uni 8, Shields. "r.' Ar: Bin-am ‘to D."Bhiimi, D tto. Lot' I, blk M, Bartlett.- Shore Crest can, no: T .1318, Shields. C. Brown and Wife to A. B. Turner and wt it tens wp 310.00. Lot 103 ad 108, use at, Bitrd and Warner Inc; udd to Dee Park sub, sec.31, 43.13. ---",t'-- Eman- M, Tillman to M; t Till,, 1119;), QCD 310.00. Lots a1 and 12, blk St, Highland Park. -liUuLihnani_A,_h., TillttMtti, ttCD, 810.00; Lot: 12, 18, " and " William Tillman Sparkling Spring "ts, sec 21, Mid. W. V. tktinur and wife to F. K. theader tn‘d wife g't ten: WD $10.00 'asr-aTrSrterrhttt-arub,-mrsrr8r,- We fuld. ' A - _ A. Bap: and wife at ll to M. D. DomtfiiiidortN it tens, WD 810.00 Lot 48.2% of tho‘"Woods, age 35 Lauren: and GIL. nuance, D 310. Lot 11, lilk Jr, Lake Irorept H313, nee 8, Mid. F-" . 7 P. Wilson to I'. T. PatiaeFi and fl) W-lyuusNr--it:-tenss--I1-,rt10.q0- Lot, P. 1f..7horttptron and wife to M. Brtattt33rD $10 Lot37,. F, Jr. Hovlanda second addn to Highland Park. t L. thher'andwiie to Niti mit aihtutpgtrttttAl1t 131113913 1of lk sec 31, Deerfte1d. ‘â€" P. mismatch c. Boning, D $10.00 LotirNk " and lots 9 and 1C1tl1t_1t8EImr,tlrtttrtr-F, Woods. sec 6, Shields. e Ir.rhr.mttmattt to A. B. Tillmaix QCD $10.00 Lots 12, 13 14 and 15 William Tillman Sparkling Spring sub, sec 21,,,Deerfte1d, est. QCD $10.00 Pot of Lot 268 Lake For- ML; Biilei to M. A. Hendrix'WD 310 Pt of NW qr of sec 31, 1hserfUld. man QCD 310.00 Sundry Iota ip Wil- liam Tillmm's Sparkling Springs 39!), .t,,s.sstt1i,.y2stsistit1of, an. Bartlett to w; C. "irmiriiiiir wife it tens D $10.00 lots 3 nnd 4, blk 14, Batista Shore Creat eats. secs 7 sad tt,atiietda. A. s., mtidfrtatt and hub to I. B. Plonhiem Wu 350.00 3 hf of NE qr of NW qr ld sec 21, Deertuttt. C. Y. h T. Co to P. Burton Smith and wifcjt tent, D $10.00 Iota, 8, " and 15.. Jtavti-Ahterrdiamia..aac,86r Mold. r, _r. TM A--- "i-e-.-- d' F2110“ 1oC122, G. P. Nixon l 1lrlt, B, TI 00: ttt J, P, "eye! and “Iâ€? En. 15110.00 lot 42, blk t, 3. T. and T, £29. to, J, 8911111192 and M K Till I if E M Till., A. Kym and We to o. R. Peek Red) Estaté TrdnstsiFs 81-an Proc-' smut Team, no , Union Bank of Chtgo toi. W. Plum, Q $10.00 lots A nnd 16, Northmoor Terrace, ttrel sub of Lake Forest, we 8, Mild. - 819.00" liit" 1lr,-TitEiart-amtimr-atrrss.- Woodland Park, sec M), New. C.T.-‘T.CotoG.A.Clnmn,and We It ten: I 810.00 list arm]: I, Branigu- Bros. Woodlnnd Park, not: 29, Dem _ ' _ _ "Um Bank at Glaxo tit A. ll; Paul- son D $10.00 lot T, blk 4; L, G. Artie: lat akin to Northmoor Terrace, toe 4, Dterfleid. R. J. Smith and wife to A...H Ei- hudaontnd wife-it ten; WD $10.00 Pt of lot 801, Org! sub of Lake For- est, sec 8, Deerfield. T lot 12 Krenn and Data’s Highland Park addn," Hitthinnd Park. _ _‘_lg._ 1312;; go li, B.. Diet: QCD 31.00 E. , it of TiienCK,Fgi"iiiifirjriiiOW; Deerfield, G. Karch to MfDiétz and C. M. Diets WD, $10.00 gm 14, Garehi tmit, sec 32, DeerdUid. . - I ._ ' ~Rriszoote atmFrifertoHhHirrOhs1nt WD $10.00 lot 188, G. P. Nixon and Co's Highland Park Gardena, secs 2't and 28, Deeifuid. _. W. T. JlFersted and wife toi. A. Honk and wife it tens Mrp $1.00 Pt Plats. page 2. M. C. Hail and bush, to I', Skehens VP 31090:? 5915,91. 193991291 W hrof lot 25g, Lake Forest. gee ttk tueitutd. S; Romano and wife, to A. Korn- feld wry $10.00 til half of 101:9,431]: 38, Bartletts" Shore Crest an, secs 7‘and 8,'Shields. __' ", _ C. T. h T. Co; ti, A. J. Fisher D, $10.00 dot-M, blk 19,11. Ah 15an 13.11. t. T. Coda M-Bncon 11m a-rt-db-r.- 6m tr P: 'M. , Poppkr It Can 2 Be Done THE._HIGHLAND PARK-Htism'tiAu,:,,, d, physical impossibility to wait: without 'ir-aa",.'" N o matter how competentthe‘ management may ., be7mrmatter ttttxr-trare-ttWt-tvery-expenditure-it V . in. Hos ital 2l:irj..aar2.i?.e.ttieli. it ?fem" a country. IMU L. 'thjirt)2iiiirt?ii7i'iifr"iiik"i' moat accep e3 Will yUrhelp? THE' PRESS -_Tele§hone Highland Park 2550 rmrtorq, t0riT0mrrir0mr .3. "0!.5', I e" Cr, I; 'i'iE'i21cLk,icir2 ‘~-:;: ;~ Lfirdhiiaai- " tr," D-tUtd. _ T, P. 11.33th to E. J. Honda & wife‘ it tangb‘tlm I " af tot s, bik 27, Bartlett, Show Crest an. seq T and 8, Shields. . ' "ha'" T, Co._to A'Hulnt 1nd vita Jt.tenos D $10.00 lot 14 Hoists sub. - R. Gardner-to M. Stévens WD $1.00 Iota' 11.4 and 115, (ex 8 101.2 ft) in Lake Forest. 7 _',' Knight and wife jt tens WD $10.00 lot 20, Brierhill sec ss, Mold. Much high stepping inllociety, but kudos -atiaeemiusnaNcume-trr climb up'the ladder of success. . It is militate time of year when the tired mines: m. row ttsrntistr from his summer outing will begin wondering whether his wife he: qtdBekrttt some at humor to ep- predate tut iitostrttrtrtifiotnoiee with the dizzy About: blonde, tn case she D. A. Hmtvedt and wife to C. M GENERAL omens m: Lock 8'. Mow is the time to an your up]: with dm-ymmg-hlgh quality Commerce Use Commerce JP-tre-r- Oil COMMERCE PETROLEUM Co. Use Commerde Fuel Oil W'"eeeee, ,4. --',: "' Chic-80 ---------------_t--- "i...s.,ca--i=sa-A..k.i,lC4 Tot-hi. 30.11! "99 MICE VII.†- Witt!“ my)â€, that tttera-dee' 'tstotttetrtrttsofth6utk, shoe. q _ METAL PRODUCTS CORP. NM _. -_w"_ iirgg%tautiilit" x ___. _ _ in--.“ '06N.meht-As.ehhe- .. Ptt-t-.re".'0.", Doe-1m " wc J. KILLIAN. INC. -__IhMnncriMc-, CHICAGO OFFIC- W1.“ Telephon- Canon-t You: -WiiiRiiEiF-" Into A t "Beauty Spot" Dada" mom Chef-fully Put-nub“! CE 'eriod d with