T'e'""pr"re' s.,r-saL.ia-. My. W8- lune-ted. cynically. But an that both“. "I wait to laugh. Tommy," she cried. “Amuse an, nuke me hath!†- ‘Thore'l. the m Charlie Chaplin asreih'1At, said. “We might get Roby am iiira"r" 'iiriiiiiSC.' _ , einGitit-irpsiek of all them, cry- ing atNtrtet' and oAmrthttr all over the MI. Whoa; comedians. Do you think! wold ho one?†“I don't think so,†add Kelby, with 'eismtife candor, "Y on - mader me laugh. You don't laugh much." . "No, but" thn going tot I think if I over love anybody really, it will tse.a.itmrat comedian. Do you. know any 0613th who aren’t married, tmunst", " ,- _ 5 .., "w.e--c.Var-- - ggA was; of intact Irmtrtts I getting v-ted-ire-Suri long." - ' .- _ "Ney took in a Chaplin show and on the my home 'sherttrttttrWd close to Holby in thy an. Yet when he spoke undir1r'itirsriitd? fun othim. trite gled,"reminded him of bits of the 7 Itiftt1rt, that; had amused her. This earned an. ---"N "ttn, going in, for eitttredr/' the said. “It's the only thing worth while. All this tears and passion Business Kelby fought out in his soul al decent bath of self-0mm“ before he brought himself to the height of mseommiiriitintraitvrV "ire', Ned 1aiiitrirhfirfttokthtctor-th putty lead- catLtutg,ttti,r,,va?itsayt,zpatirt, Chaplin. but he’s awfullf‘ï¬ï¬y‘iï¬ï¬Ã©dï¬â€˜ 1n? "C-" it" If you’re so hell bent on a comic car- 9312?! ,pgtntt.trrtt to so after him." “Nul» macaw aha mused; "Yes, $3133 't)iiiii,'=ir-rit,ii -iitimsd: ' "Yes; Pve tteenrhim. “My make a try at him. . 1ittlchtei.'f, -., _,] = - -= _ . - _ d But when the remixed her home there In something uniting in am- truth for her - a letter from her f‘t‘hu. r V _ "'". e I . (Continued Next Week) " {HE nid' Kelby- p: a until from 'rtariestt NW {I Tiirrtriitie W .1“: iirtsitiitiai _ Tim: q Urdu: Observance. Oct. 6 to l2; Text mm mmon ___ -ee m~mmmcm 'ii'Gri'iicriii.it1ri'ii".irr'"L' "r""" _ I Conservation of our resources eon- Mitxsteg we of the first obligations of manual _gg_,_yhore__ig my: more. grains: wave of mar wealth 'han in (tul" had of on; ma: which!» _ y takes a toll of upwards of 820.000.000.09 in' property and of", one hundred human lives. _ . The records tor the (year past (tttdi- dhete a reduction of approximately $2,208,082 in property destruction in Illinois through tire. The $63:an s mum savingT’siId'thorpeople of] the state are to be eitittrratulated on tttttrr-d.- â€" _r__.i--eeftw-e-e_ie_ --. ' =-Ttucrssdnetionunttde hat you, on be repeated if our'peopls wiIrto rer â€it... 1rmetraterrsmtt at our tire losses are due to carelessness, Sand should be avoided. . ' Now, therefore, 1, Louis L. Emmer- sc‘u; governor of Illinois, do hereby r,iiGieiiur-ui-reutiitheetttk from Oetotter.6 to October 12, 1929, to be observed in the mu of Illinois as tire prevention week. r u I to lend -tihrjiirAriiiiFadi6i'i" "GriidiaiGiVtttetruttts1eiltse matusriat1r reduced. I ask all miyon, {are chiefs, Chamb‘ers of Commerce,‘ stigma and civic organisations to unwell}~ a program or-education-in- that the state in general may be ad- vised of proper methods to remove Iireaurzirrds and lanai-rm. - _ In witness whereof, I have here- unto set" my hand and named the great seal â€of This. state armhole Ito The annual prmslamation of "ue, Se amxed. "iiiirriittitsapito1," in the city tgrrr1nttfuld, the seventeenth day Angnst, in the year of our Lord mg ip diiidtpnl in the city I‘ll PBIII , of of one "a-ttii-iii-Tv-e-is-tits-hammered with-the-Phenom-r GPtheWm-ld Series: 'No game ever before has; held the undivided atterition of ftn entire nation. for so long a period. From 1884, when J?rrisridenggL (male as the World Series 1v1iyjtrrrt1rtt2r1.tt WW tense in every earner of the land, And now everyone is asking: - What team will bring home the bacon in 1929? ‘Phiiade‘lphia! . Chieagbt _ . . _ --rTsiiiiistthe-iiuu.tprrptii-is-t--t-t,,,t,l-tt 3lirprjd trtriesr,-anatsy' things have" _1" _-ag-i-at-ttSf-ri-iii/IF', sts,i4ti-t, sttts,t. fancy misjo‘rmrï¬dfwï¬w -___ n m em mime e. _ "light of Lindbergh and the astounding feat of the Graf Zeppelin. j'iiiiiriiiia' of the motion. picture and_the invention pf the L, "talkies" . - . . .. j V A.: ." Tiiiiirrkare a thousand more things the old days. Ana so "pé’rhaps many being forgottpn. l / WINE LUl‘thu. Butjme thing has an eternal charm. Baseball _ its place in the infections of the-amtltitude. The of-11929 is Iooked-forirard to as eagerly as was tht of 1908. Other things may ehantte---hut the heart can is still the heart of a boy who knows that one t portgnt things in the tell is to tr? right on pléay --. . -- aw . _ A, -- .03.... JA {min-an} nu n thousand nine nine, and at if I-----,----). Series'. _ New Grain Camden .," -- -chiengo-a--A mm in Chicago in to complete the organization of the 820,000,000 Fumn’ National S'tt Tr"rrW_r'_-""'"'ee""'"""'""""""."" m’eana the co-opergtjya grain '20,000,000 PM 1"i't Str, Sanitary Board to ' GuitittGeo,orerattr tmin _ iiiF.T. . .. IT.“ up; L' r q -- jtigcr,setrt??ttt of the United-Sum F _.., Ja 'G"'i7Eiitr3jiL1tt.tt..t1t. ttn-tint Md 1mm tssa.umt-utu-ysytlu'lrrtra,-ttys- tbs 'F'igGariiriiiiaimtr-"Nfhmt- .. Gr tiardutrusysetintr 1m --fr'"-" committee of sixteen groin market- Thursday voted to" approve tuprt in: lenders meet: it will he culled u posed conference in which John Oli- n Board of Directors of the in! cor- in of Highlund Park, president a! oomtuss, or-di-tr-rite-et.); Ile board, and Maror L, I. Yoga. marketing riobtth" will to W- of whatmimtNht%iilfiF"iiRti' Afr; “W Git â€In much. will be started in mm, president of the E.9.. a a. ', 1Lpriiwipo! - out"! of this and railroad in Chicago ‘this week "tit- lforein countries, ameh n has but tive,tit chaining 1 we for'the lone __ ._ "c,irEtia-tsaatttrrrrndt-t: ' - - m artusmsto.iLttglteL.,t.e..t?.3t., 1 I“ . -. , ' 'IN. _:.!E."..'L'.Lt.‘ ____ --....-uuaataara=uewx "-e-re , pool. , Hum nine. hundred' nnd meaty- of the state of Illinois the LOUIS L. EMMEBSQN I. us has an eternal charm. Baseball will never lose e affections of -the-amtltitmie. The World Series isddorirttrd to as eagerly as was the World Series r things may ehantte--tsut the heart of thtAmeri- heart of a boy who knows that one of the most inte in the world is to keep right on playing. . ' NirthingU goimr-ta-distract 413 _trom the World THE~WORLDSERIES w=P""""'"-'""-"-7T_u7hQ- 'mret ears are unequipped with straps. Current short skirt mk- make it inadvisable for women to lift their arms over their beds. " Be-. LU,, ic...-iynroant ABeuis 1- 1 "H mm, - g - to do than there were in of the--oWdinrertsimttr-tae Car tsteui.Bauisrhed m