F.'.-'-...-....-......"'-.'-'.'-'-'-..-.--- I 8004 Ittendlnce. utrpeeia1ir of the .ochers of the church and the teach.. era of thg Sunday school. V _ __ Hosting! i. T TV m Mmumwnn "itrFrui"trdh'ii'ii"iui' “2..-? .. . -. '.' .' WM, Whit-Tl" m, [“9‘...‘ "ttm f". . . " t'tiitria S'., , Mum - n. mm _ Lucas at the lull. c" _ _" Nrtgt-ttyrtmiraiiqrqiraNiir'iiiir" _ ' Sunday school, 9:30. . . _ Gtrrtrttrtrtrerm%riatr." -_eee'ev WWW ___ English service, 11:00. . _'" - Bible hour, 8:00 Fm. Beginning on the _trrtrt, Sunday in October yr: pffer in _ eight _ ymek course of Bible swarm]: f'Snndny evening. The phn is for the pastor to the I serials! lectures-on the subject: "The Idea of God in the ro- ligions pt, the srorld.'1, After "sash -le_ctnre riff folipw .3,th haur’sltndy we will offer iomethinz worth while, not in the line af “alignment but of mud MWLWtao hope for 19b,nieg tf,'. In this Bible Hour! Wednesday: “72Mirls’ choir re- hearsal in the parish house; 7:46 -- Churéh night program, Beginning with this service the pastor will con- duct 3 series of studies on great Christian. " an. Hoffman’s picture, "Christ and the Rich Young Ruler." will be the ttrrrt study. " _ young warned of the church "will -fittd the fellowship of this group worth- while. You are invited to attend. _ all E ' En iiT Hie Home of Hrs. Frank Pitt, 1tftlLpmapet avenue. An invitation 1: extended to all the wo- men of the congregation; 7 Atr--The Young" Woman’s club will hold its enemas 1tyttt,is,tgr,iti. thghom 21M?†InneEeon Hour {lien in BE program. women of the church are cordially invited. ‘ . __ w Mommy: 10t00-,-The opening meet- ing " the Boreas misty will be held in the parish house. During the Sundny: 9:09r-Giru' choir rehear- asiirc-thcehturhp-dt.ulL-eLe, Church school. Clam for all eyes; "toth-- Momintt worship and eeleBntion of the Lord’s Supper ; 3 t80--'rher month- ly meetintr.af the Religious Fitso'ttlp.n committee W! be hell! in the parish 119nm 4ptW,ca-7,lhe tetrtdtsrotreetirtg of the session will be held in the pastor’s 'sttubrW0b--Rourtit People’s society iitetstiiiit'Hif"tha" tutiMrntiurds. J "All this young people of the church groin- vited to come and hear reports of (huasst,Gmrnutti-mdtr-aororthwhihs. program.- I 4L rq I I _ I I n ‘ C r u I T to attend. Hrs. Carl Melina, tur- dian. For further information an Ruth-II Put -hmbrteetnxs Church Laurel And Lindon Amun- Rev. Prank Pitt, Minister Church Telephones tq Md 46 44 Tuesday: 2 :30-5 zoo-The opening Redeemer Lutheran Church A-mo-ng-the-dr-o-cal-Char-rc- ___-_'-- hes Wednesday of .next_week will be.otr- served as a day‘ of pteter.-AI1 whe believe in 'ttttr-tRite-et -6rTiiiyet are -v"iiiiiiir"Gird “Serif "iFfiisit TH; beople pray: Let us make this a time of "istCr'iiaiCiriiif iiiiiEWTittaiieUiiiaL TEE? too, let us praise the Lord for the An- ,Iwers to prayer we have had. Re- queets, for prdyer will he welcoxned. Put them in writing andpass them in to the pastor. ' They will receive thoughtful and sympathetic consider- atian. - ‘V_ ,..H . _'--,-----'","""""'"-' 'MfNrrE'75itirNrritgcwiit,-uoistt ttt6iifirhiib. Very interesting Attepet- ing: are being. planned- for. tttT,' and girls. 8 ial nttentiqn will Testament league. Great blessing in in “out†the people in the com; ing meetings. _ Lincoln auiiir%'iiiiiit h"a,iiGrdiic coe, mine“; We“ for the Holy digit, 1!" You ts, -rrm,-0ctpm_ an (hid it: 'ftjTiki"-r"ttuirt Kopald will conduct and speak qt both ser- 'Our special meetings will begin on Sunday, October 20th. Rev D. E. Luttrell tri1Lhcthi.air-t-qe We are aiming to make Rally day a hippr event tut-attifrstatrd out Tn the minds of 6hr ME! for. a long time. If any of the readers of this announcemént have never been at our ehitreh; mine next Sunday. You will be a stranger only once. ing- should hear ttgy mound The only dent of victory will be clearly shown. _ be held gt 7:45 pm. 'Mr. Unmet will preach on, "How a Great Vie- tory wgs ‘Won.†. The Scriptural in- eitient on whielcthe sermon is based iguquite. out. of the ordinary. Those Jyh9uiygtLAttaipttutrsgamtuuatLuiittL-. t ' x - FV " "m. . - iIllBglBlAMBlrl . o‘. 'd u E I _ A'o'o J, P' . T _ a T_-_-saw __’=s -Goette-tdHirhrirTrrttrHrriEidirr Mr. Amber Helmghlin, a student who is or-date-ttr Ctr, to 143ott.ttr America 'srraL...mitggistna-uraspmik at the Christian Endeavor meeting 3177:0075. -rrt/, UifiiiirtsnirheiiiNis. The story of his call to mission field will be interesting and his real should be catching. . . . "At '10':45'““a. m. the pastor 7 will preach an 11hurtmtedasermon on, "The Buried Bible." The maintain-e tts quented to. plant to haw their chi}; elm 1sttttttNyptervieis, rlthe boys and iirrhr'"ettt'"iiiriijr_riiiat" it; T All parents of our S. S. scholars are par- ticularly invited. There will be some-_ 4triatr-S,trtrtt toner!» hear, tours joy and to think about. - Ntrth Shove .mmsmonhr-el - The Sunday who} will meet at 9e80'acm.- Specid music an! other' exercises willhe added to this “and program. The iirat' Bible lesson for thermswqnarterwiUb.tautrht. The subject is; "Our Obligation to God apd Man." Mark 12:28-34; Jamar 2t14--t7. T , P First Um MW Church Rev. C. G. Unantmt, Pastor C Phone, Highland Park 1781 Next Sand-y is Rally day! Four THE The Zion eottttryttuton extends cordial volcano to all who not mine. for worship. _ _ H. F. Sim, Pastor. T _ The study of Pttulh' letter to the Romans {aged to be very interesting; A'l'i'llell'2trhhr'tJr,'J'l'eL',',' of “the twitch? to plan '8 eoe.t-8ititqyt or we ti, " (l ing with this week the gospel of. Matthew Till become the basialai study. Each Onecoming to the this is asked to read the chapter assigned andthacready to discuss the same. This course will be specially Adapted to teachers of the' Spud»? school; it. will "be popular in "atttttr)s and inter- esting to all. ' 7 i Choir will meet on Thursday eve- ning " 7:45.- Our audience was (gently pleased with the iiturtipee"ut1 sexvine that our choir presented hit "i-aspect" magnum RYW' a: TiiiiCBiiiiT day each month. On October 27th -thftrr-srillrtme--trtt a~vesper1ervioe Tlie isnrotimentud the eihttimiatimr elm Friday evening pt seven-thirty in the church. The class begin its Wadi. Mrdgy 199mm: l at an trpm, ftth,eomimrPrtdtsr-to-r" a Week. They will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Axel. Johnson, 687 Harvard court, Highland hilt. . J" I.1e,Aqthargeasrtse, arill,, moat, Ftp Bizéi'guiig qtitho church Parlor. The Ladiu’ Missionary lociety will meet Wednesday genius Ant eight o’clock, October 9. Mrs. fete:- Carl- Bon" will serve. __ ' 'rr-ameri-Tm-tr-tsarah-ii-ig-trar:.- day each month. On October 27th ther-mill-ation t-vesperaervioe which will be of interest to a large number of-tnnsic. lowers. . _ [ 1Y6ua are cordially JnvJud to mm use of the reading‘toom, Mt Cabal Ivan“, ‘yvhich loom “anti _ _ dttr-dbritr-attpe-ttrmri- morning an six in the, czégigt antiorcmdntt., _u.ts-mttirtnlrc-mirmitiiJtrittrrtm is also open on Sunday lfterpoon from 2:30 to 5:30. " l - First Church of qtyfrf,fe_1qttM, First Ctiurish-iTRrrHiitl' ScTentiet, _Highland Park, Ith, MI Bagel Ive- nue, a bunch of The Mother Church, The' First Chanel: of Christ. Jkiiet, tist, in Boston, Mum, holds serving every ï¬ned†warning. at' “1.9.45 mi dit Wednesday evening, at tV o’clock. When testimonies iit Christ!“ Sci- ence healing; iis-iriviti. -thmitiir School meets at 9:30 ttatt., and is open to pupils under. the Ice'of' twenty. JYrikt format Snidny’s Iessoie "iriiiri61f"'trirr%i1itrv" -e . ve . '. "7%k'i7iri - _ "' .. . L s -Wiiiiairr70irtot-. 10:30 am. - Sunday school; 6:00 p.in,--alpmrrth has!» musing: 7:45 Wm, - Eve- ning ,erVre'ts in English: - The Swedish Methodist Church Higli‘wood Avenue and 13ch Place William W. Nelson, Pastor . Telephone Number, Highwood 2161 _ P" Zioghuthorgn Chm]: _ iaEitrhdoira, Ill. Henry G. Hedlund, B.D., pastor M»M9:6m . _'.. Englixh service, Irnan. Sindhi! service. l p.m_.____ _ The Qctoher, meetin: 01.1316 Attire chaptexwill be held on M.oydttrttyr, duy evening with an mteortratthttt ro- spom. Let the attendance become qtill more mourn/inc with your PMM- -', V s. _ T V _ _. helm}. _ -t.'- Thuruhy, Oct. 10-Meotinz of tht session. . _ _ '-Itidar, Oct. 11.. 7316-1k099 T52; Mam 'trrn'.tirdi*m'u"i"ttat' hidal'i: lnt meeting. . .. . - Git. 't-urtdtortGtGCsttitihi.r. I A cordinl welcome to all the un- lees and activitiu of this church. --10e4trm--cRa11r-dtry 1113! ito11- 61111:! the church' n’rviee. All members of the. church no requested to be pgmr- ent ayit to respond to their lumen " the roll call. This will. be in out- standing service. _ , :30 im: Holy cognmnnion, . "t8trnan. The Church school. 11 Fm. Holy communion and m. WM Sunday the new Church uhool your begins. - Ttar-- School of Missions. Throe Emirate group: for Juniors, you: people and adults. The School of 9:08--Ranr Day ip C-the Church school. The worship service irreurire of the pastor. AC1slCts1tolariand 1tni1gtyrrt1thp1b_tiLinvtrtruatnuiutnitx iiarrih . House} ' Mrs. IrviitRamhs11, the mtodian ttC-tAAA/Alta, _l1r1u_qt.bseoft “gm. has asked} Giit' all gifts be tent to her not later than,Monday, Oct. 7. . , . Daemon Freshman Church ' Haiku. Andrew»; pastor This Shnday will be obqerved as Rally day., and Roll Call Sunday. .- Announcementn _ A thrift sale will be held in the parish house on 'F'ridny, Oct. ’11 by the turvirarlsiaws.int-. o£.thc parishzate naked to put aside and save attic!es,or1.eloth1ine._turnitnte, etc. for -thrraaht'c"=iER ales ani' 1:9 serif to the parish. house on Thursday, Ogt, IO; or teriuiitViiiiiitif iiiarFiritridii -}o 1ttwtrthernntnNddtsr hyphen!“ Mia, Mayo. (Highland Park 2990) or Mrs. E. D. Brigham (Highland Path. 2088.) The first fall matinee! the Sex-nee IifAiteottt3C5Srsmtut'grrirtxitistriaiiit When on Monday; Oct. T, in the pariah-homie-There willkgcoxgopte ff6ririiiiiimiih" iiiiiFiéis _ in wthe church at 9:30 o'eloek. . This is the first nieetiair of wise; year and all members are Iii-ted to be present. _ F _ . . Members of the Raetorh, Guild will mast. .2LMmmnmmmJ. Mlttulkathilx,aa-gtgyi,iadiiiic, V ' g7,†-tr, . Monday, Deg], 9:30 ..m.--lritri eqmmnigu Iq9rpttrart. fAmututttion ot the Church Service League 9nd Wom- an’s nuxiliary0 l “‘ . mon. Wisd'irdiiirn" ___- W "371743335 ..L. Choir irirri.- Trinity Episcopal Chi-cl Rev. Christoph Keller, rector East Laurel “can. service. Thursday. October 8, 193