" NOTICE TO VOTERS 1vote in the DeerfuId-8ttuldg High Clan cl Prod-a Boa-duly Us. School. _ and Polling Places . 1 -. Freely“ go. a Product No. I That part " Lille For.“ within the Town of Deerfield, tho the City of Highwood. nnd that part of the City of Highlnnd Park North 01 the South lino of Section " in the Town of DeerNid, will vote in the City “All, Hitthwnod. Precinct No. , That part of the City ot Highland Park East of the easterly rightfof. vny of the C. I N. W. B. R. and East " the City of Highwood-Ind North of the center line of Vine venue, will Deerfield Township, Lake County, Illinois Election, April I, 1930 Cl CITIZENS TICKET SPECIMEN BALLOT C) By Petition FOR ASSISTANT Sl'l’ERVISOR tVute for Two) _ ARTHUR W. VERCOE MO N. Sheridan Rand PAUL L. UDELL llixhllml l'lrk. Illinois Itt Luke View Terrace Highland Park, Illinois MARTIN RINGDAHL M7 Hazel Avenue Highland Park, Illinois ALBERT LARSON SAMUEL SHAWCROFT 313 Bloom Street Highlmd Park, Illinois CT'l s'. Green Bay Road Highland Park, Illinois FUR TOWNSHIP CLERK FOR CONSTABLE To Fill Vac-my tVote tor Ouch FOR ASSESSOR (Vote for One) (Vote for One) Precinct Ne. ' That part of the City of Highland Park East of the easterly right-of- way of the C. h N. W. R. R. and South of the center line of Vino ave- nue 1nd North of the center line of Central nvenue, will vote in H. P. Kelley's at 27 N. Sheridnn road. Precinct No. 4 That part of the City of llizhlnnd Pork Euro! the easterly right-of. wny of the C." N. W. B. R. And South of the center line of Centrll avenue to the center line of Beech street, will vote in the N. 8. tho Co. thee, 47 S. St. Johns nvenue. Precinct No. 5 ' That port of the City of Highland Park East of the easterly right-of- wuy of the C. h N. W. R. k. and South of the center line of Beech street to the County Line on the South. will vote in Store " 381 Roger Williams avenue. Preeieret-Ntt. 6 That part of Highland Park West of the easterly right-of-my of the Township Clerk THE PRESS C. a N. W. R. R. end North of theiwith center line of Edgewood Road, center line of Elm Place to the eenteri thence West on the center line of line of Green Bay road, thence South Edgewood Road and the South to the southeasterly corner of Sunset line of Sections 26 and 27 to Park, thence West to the southwest the West line of Deerfield Township, corner of Sunset Park, thence North thence South along the West line of to the center line of Hurvard court, Deerfield Township to the southwest thence westerly on the center line of corner of Section M, thence East Harvard court and Centerfield court along the County Line to its intersec- to the Best line of High School Ath- tion with easterly right-of-way of the letic Field, thence South along the C. & N. W. R. R., will vote in Witty's East line of the High School Athletic Store, 475 Roger Williams avenue. Field, thence to the southeast corner, WILLIAM J, OBEE, thence west. to the southwest corner Adv. 3-4 ' Township Supervisor. of the High School Athletic Field, -------_ 353515123? 3.32: $2333.33; Another latter 9ptes center line of Glenwood svenue ex- from Martin V.itto.rrArc,. tended to the Deerf1e1d Town line, Who Is on Alaska' Trip thence North on the Deerfield Town --_ line to the southwest corner of Sec- Here is another letter from Martin tion 15, thence East to the northeast Victor, Jr., of Victor Brash local fur- corner of Section gg, thence North on riers, who is in Alaska in search of easterly City limits of the City of fine furs for their store: Highwood to its intersection with' the ' Lone Star, Alaska easterly ritrht-of-wny of the C. & N. February 20, 1930 w. R. R., will vote in Vencil Muzllt's Mr. Paul Udell, Store, 506 N. Green Bay road. Highland Park Prue. Precinct No, ' Highland Park, Illinois. That part of Highland Park West Dear Mr. Udell: of the easterly right-oI-way of the Have never experienced a worse C. & N. W. R. R. and South of the trip in my life. The temperature center line of Elm place to the center dropped from 38 below zero It Ne- at Green Bay road, thence South to nana on the 14th and kept dropping the southeast corner of Sunset Park, to "M below until yesterday when it thence west to the southwest corner came hack to 28 below. The wind has of Sunset Park, thence North to the blown furiously almost every day, center line of Harvard courtkthence filling up the trail cumpletely. My westerly on the center line of Harvard brother has u complete account in de- court and Centerfield court to the East tail of thesn six days on the trail 90 line of the High School Athletic Field, far and you may get an idea of the thence South tothe southeast corner of winter travel here. the High School Athletic Field, thence Am living on Moose, Caribou and West to the southwest corner of the Mountain sheep and it 'sure does not High School Athletic Field, thence taste in“! at all. The natives here North to the center line of Glenwoo'd are all speaking their indian tongue ovenue, thence West on the center line and few of them understand English. of Glenwood avenue extended to the It seems like another world here en- Deerfield Town line, thence South on titmly, the mouse and caribou tracks ‘the Deerfield Town line to the center are thicker than rabbit tracks in Illi- line of Deerfield road, thence north- nois. Hove b'eert many caribou and a easterly along the center line of Deer- tow moorit' along the trail, too bad field road to Deerfietd avenue, thence they are out of Wilson to shoot. _ on the center line of Deerfield avenue Will stay in vicinity for about a tn its intersection with Walnut ave- week as there are several trapners I nue, thence on the center line of Wal, within fifty mile radius and will visit ;nut avenue to the easterly rittht-of- them. My dutt team is completely way of the C. & N. W. R. R., will vote exhausted. their feet are all bleeding 1 in Brand's Store. No. 532 Central ave- from hard travel and must rest them inue. - or they will collapse. Can rent a Precinct No. a _ That part of Highland Park West of the easterly right-ot-way of the C. & N. W. R. R. and South of the center line of Walnut avenue. Deer. field avenue to its intersection with Deerfield road.» thence southwesterly “long the center line of Deerfield road to the Deerfield Town line, thence South on the Town line to the south. west corner of Section 27, thence East alone the South line of Sections 27 and M to its intersection with the center line of Green Bay road. thence northerly on the center line of Green Bay told to its intersection with the center line of Ridgewood drive, thence easterly on the center line of Ridge- wood drive and Ravinio road to the intersection with the easterly right- of-way of the C. a N. W. R, R., will vote in the Lincoln Avenue School. Precinct No. 9 That part of Highland Park West of the easterly right-of-wey of the C. & N. W, R. R. and south of the center line of Ravinia road and Ridge- wood drive to its intersection with the center line of Green Bay road, thence south ulong the center line of Green Bay road to its intersection along the County Line to its intersec- tion with easterly right-of-way of the C. & N. W. R. R., will vote in Witty's Store, 475 Roger Williams avenue. WILLIAM J, OBEE, Here is another letter from Martin Victor, Jr., of Victor Bum. local fur- rierstwhu is in Alaska in search of fine furs for their store: Mr. Paul Highland Highland Dear Mr. Mr. Paul Udell, Highland Park New. Highland Park, Illinois. Dear Mr; Udell: Have never experienced a worse trip in my life. The temperature dropped from 38 below zero It Ne- nana on the 14th and kept dropping to 74 bvlnw until yesterday when it came back to 28 below. The wind has blown furiously almost every day, filling up the trail completely. My brother has a complete account in de- tail of thesn six days on the trail so far and you may get an idea of the winter travel here. Am living on Moose, Caribou and Mountain sheep and it sure does not taste but! at all. The natives here are all speaking their Indian tongue and few of them understand English. It seems like another world here en- tirely. the mouse and caribou tracks are thicker than rabbit tracks in Illi- nois. Have seen many caribou and a few mouse along the trail, too bad they are out of season to shoot. ' Will stay in vicinity for about a week as there are several trapners within fifty mile radius and will visit them. My dog team is completely exhausted, their feet are all bleeding from hard travel and must rest them or they will collapse. Can rent a team hore,for a week and will visit the trappers around here. The trails are completely covered up, but are easily found by the blaze in the trees. In many cases I have a hard time to find them myself, but the leader dog knows a trail hotter than 'a human being. Have been told that I’ll .aee people who have not seen any human being since last September. It is very interesting as I meet some old prospectors and trappers, they sure ask questions about Chi- cago. etc. They. have the idea that ynu need to 20 fully armed whenever you walk the street. Most of them have never seen an automobile, ete. and have beep shut off from the world in general most of their lives. Drinking water is obtained from the nearest creek, the best ice is chopped from about tour feet from the surface as the ice above that is muddy from the swampy tall water. The iée is solid all the way to the bottom and there is quite a relief to know that you may fall in and get wet. Thursday, March 27, 1930 Regards from Martin Victor. Jr,