" A LIFE-LONG LAKE COUNTY 7 CAPABLE WOMAN 'She lwlim‘w that the prime purpose of government is to spread ptosperity and happiness,' that inequalities must he rvmovvd and hunlons lessened; and that all will henefit when agriculture. labor and business are equally s 'restuarded. Patronize the Press Advertisers As only a woman can, she home and will he on the alert beneiieial to the home comes Ix She pledges her energy, tt these principles and purposes. Nominate and elect he FIRST PRECINCT. DEERFIELD TOWNSHIP YOUR SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED ELECTION. TUESDAY. APRIL B, 1930 GRACE F. BAIRSTOW PRECINCT COMMITTEEMAN R] SAN “an REPRESENTATIVE Mother from this, the 8th District LOYAI. REPRESENTATION Republican Candidate VOTE FOR on three grown ehildren She is a l can. she knows the needs of ,the the alert when legislation that is , mmex hofnre the legislative body. energy, ability and experience to FOR for " and he assured THE PRESS WOMEN CANDIDATES FOR COUNTY OFFICE With more than 80 women candi- dates running for county officers, Illi- nois women are taking a aigttifiettttt part in the present primary battle, the Illinois League of Women Vot- ers pointed out today, says a report from b'printrfield. The most popular county oftiee to which the women aspire is that of superintendent“ schools. Approxi- mately 25 women are running for this office. A close second in the esteem of women office seekers is the posi- ition of treasurer for which It women have announced their candidacy. l More Than 60 of Them in Illi- V nois Seekin§ Election This car Among other offices' tor which women are seeking nominations Ire county judge, probate judge, com- missioner, county clerk and probate clerk. There are womerreandidtttes in about half of the counties of thel ' Women Cmdidltel Women candidates for county sup- erintendent of schmzls include: Mrs. o. F. Cooke, (Dem). Shawneetown; Martha J. Ashby, (Rem). Mt. Carrol; Edith Brown, (Dem.), Mt. Sterling; Josie Campbell, (Rep.), Jerseyville; Ethel C. Cue, '(Rep.). Woodstock; Mrs. Velma Crain, (Dom), Golconda; Alice Fitzgerald, (Dem.), Dektttb; Julia Force; (Dem,), Havana; Jennie Frankenburger. (Dem.), Rio; Ethel G. Green, (Rep.), Furmington; Mat. tie Hump, (Rep.), Rosiclure; Rose Janssen, (Rm). Mt. Vernon; Cora Langham, (Dem). Centra1ia; Flor- ence McGaughoy. (Ken). Macomb; Mary B. McQuade, (Dem.), Carlyle; Mate Frances C. Moody, (Dem.), Wanke- Ran; Edith H. Moore, (Dem,), Mat- boon; Rmnie Splits Merwin, (Rep.), Munito; May Porter, (Demo, Clinton; Laura M. Rife, (Dem.), Cairo; Fay Robinson, (Rep.), Brownfield; Cora ( B. Ryman, (Dem.), Decatur; Nell F. Taylor, (Dom.), Tuscola; Cuba M. Tureman, (Rem, Mardin, and Lucy B. Twente, (Rep.), Cairo. For County Treasurer For "answer. Eva A. Black, I, (Dem.). Salem; Alice C. Blodgett, 2. (Ron). Morrison; Mahala Brudinh.‘3. (Rep.), Jacksonville: Ruthanna M. Browne, (Rem. Watseka; Mary Col- mm. (Dem), Milford; Elsie Decker, 4. 1Rep.), Savannah: Ruby Dennison, (Rep.), Monmouth; Katherine Fergu- 5. son, (Rem). Savanna; Anna Hays. (Rom. Monmouth; Helen B. King, (Rein), Magnolia; Betta K. Martin, (Rep.), Wheaten; Mary Mocha} (Dem.), Charleston; Gladys Sleezer..L (Ron). Milbrook: Olive J, Thompson, (Rep.), Dixon; Bertha Smith, (Rep.), 2. ‘Savanna, and Leone Young, (Rep.), ‘ Savanna. 3. l Other "mee., for which women will 'seek nomination include: ls. County Judge. Gertrude Gary Hum, (Rep.), Fl. M. Louis; Probate Judge. Mary Douhet Cnssel. (Rep.), Peoria; Clerk of Probate Court, Ma. bel Madden, (Rep.), Danville; Coun- ty Clerk, Beulah Barrett, (Rep). Har. risburg; Minnie D. Fetch, (Rep.), Galena; Lodoska McClure Shawn. (Dem.), Decntur; Cook County Com- misionser, Mrs. Edward J. Fleming, iDem.V, Mrs. Gertrude O. Lichen (Rep.), Mrs. Judith Weil Lowenthal, (Rep.); Emmi F. Martini, (for presi- dent also). (Rep.); Mrs, Helen G. Mehrle, (Repo', Mary McEnerney, (Dem.); Mrs. Glenn E. Plumb (Dem,), Miss Amelia Sears, (Dem,) Hit em! Run After a pedestrian was struck down by a hit-and-run driver the po- lice caught the driver some distance from the scene of the accident. When the_police with their victim returned to the spot "the injured one had dis- appeared. County Superintendent of Schools Preserve the Rural School District. Lake County Tiiaehers First. Raise Standards of all and ite crease the number of Superior One Room Schools. Fair Competition for Lake County Industries Supplying Schools. Trained Supervision of Lake Coun- ty Schools including Zion Terri. ory. I. C. PETTY Eleven Years Teaching Exper- ience. Graduate of Illinois State Normal University. Member National Education Asso- ciation. Member Kappa Deltl Pi, National Schollstic raternity. . Special Courses It Eastern Illinois Stnte Teachers' College and Uni- versity of Chicago. Pioneer in Geography Field Work. Three Years Principal Grlyslake Schools. Four Years Principal Antioch Schools. Primaries APP“ 8, 1930 Republican Card date. QUALIFICATIONS VOTE FOR PLATFORM Thursday, April 3, 1980 to: