Thursday, April 8, 1930 First Church of Christ, Beletttirt Pint Church of Christ, Scientist, Highlmd Park. Ill, 3§1 Him] uvenue, a branch of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mam, holds service: every Sunday morning " 10:45 and on Wednesday evening nt 8 o'clock. when testimonies of Christian Science heal- ings are given. Sunday school meets " 9930 a. m., and is open to pupils between the "" of four and twenty. Subject for next Sunday's lesson sermon, "Unreality." Yet; are cordially invited, to make use o the tending room, MI Central avenue. where the Bible and all euth- orized Christin! Science literature may be read. borrowed or purchased. The reading room in open every week- dny from nine in the morning until six in the evening, on Wednesday un- til P.30 and on Sunday afternoon from 2:30 to 5:30. Bethatty Evangelical Church H. P. Siemscn, pastor A, S. Hang, assistant pastor The presence of Bishop Spreng brought much inspiration to both the morning and evening audience at Bethany last Sunday. His messages gripped the hearts of those who heard him. This entire week has been devoted to "Our Life Investment Series." These special Lenten services are proving a blessing to mariy people. We invite others to come and make much of this great season of the year. i The following men will speak next week: Sunday, April 6--H. R. Heininger, assisted by a chorus of 16 young men. M,onday-H. F. Siemsen. Tuesday-A. J. Byss. Wednesday-A. J, Bytes. Thuriuhry-J, G, Schwab. Friday-Dr. J. W. Davis. _ fruttday-Bishop J. S. Stamm. The presence of Bishop Stamm will also be the occasion of the celebration of the first anniversary of the dedi- cation of the new church. Much will be made of this occasion, further on- nouncements will be made later. Requests are still coming in, asking that our pageant group repeat the im. pressive pagennt entitled "The Chal- lenge of the Cross." It his been de. cided to repeat the some on the eve- nine of Good Friday. Easter Sunday will be observed in a apecial way; The rite of Baptiam will be administered to children and to adults. Opportunity will be given to unite with the church. The choir will live their annual Easter cantata " a 4:30 Vesper service. Among the Local Churches Hightlnnd Park Presbyterian Church Laurel and Linden tunnel Rev, Frank Pitt, minister Church phones 683 or 46 Friday: 7:30 Th 7:30 There will be e special meeting of the session in the psrish house. 8:00 Preparatory service for the eele. bration of the Lord's Supper. The friends and members of the church are invited to attend. F Sundsy: _ 9:45 Church school. lir00 Morning t'niship service and celebration of the Lord's Supper. 3:30 Meeting of the Religious Educa- tion committee in the parish house. 7:00 Young People’s society. there will be an illustrated lecture on the Life of Christ. The young people of the church are cordially invited to sttend. Monday: 10:00 Dorcas society meeting. Lunch. eon will be served " 12:00. Join this group in fellowship and work. 7:00 Camp Fire meeting in the parish , house. Mrs. Carl McMauus is guar- dian Ind all girls interested in games and handcrsft are invited. Tuesday: i230 The Presbyterian Guild will meet in the home of Mrs. Charles Betts _ son. MI Lincoln street. with Mrs. A, E. Lundin assisting. The study topic. conducted by Mrs. E. P. Barnes, is “Personalizing the City." The women ot the church ~sre in. vited to attend, Wednesday: ' 7:45 The snnuel congregational meet- ing will be held in the parish house, The friends' and members of the church are invited. Coming events: April It, 6:30-Men't, Fellowship din. ner in the parish house. Make your reservations early. April 13, T:00--The Young People's society will present "The Little Church Around the Corner," a six reel moving picture on the tri- umphant church, in the parish house. You are invited to attend. April 20, 7:46.--Fauster pageant. "The Resurrection," presented by the young people of the church. Plan to attend this Easter service. _ M. John's Evangelical Church I (Evangelical Synod of America) N. Green Bay rd, and Homewood ave. Rev, F. W. Fischer, pastor The response to the call “Come to Sunday school and to our church serv- ices" is gratifying. Let’a keep up our enthusiasm by staying mluionariea for Jesus. Our Sunday school in pre- pared to take into its fold your chil- dren. Children, come! The divine services at 10:30 and 8 o’clock in the evening on Sunday: and " 8 o'eloek on Wednesdays are open to the gen- eral public. In these servicel the way of salvation is the center of interest. Come and be happy. The choir meeti every Maud-y eve- ning " 8 o’clock. Lenten "rvieeg every Wednesday evening " 8 o'clock. The Ladies' Aid society will meet on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. P. C Bremen Remember St. Johns church invite: you. A THE PRESS The Swab! Methodist Chm nghwood avenue And Evert- plleo William W. Nelson. pastor Thursday, April St _ 8:00 pan. Mid-week prayer urvlce at church. Friday, April 4'. T:tlr p. m. Regal" meeting of the Pioneers. Sunday, April 6: 10:30 a. m. Sundoy echool. 6:00 pm. Epworth begin devotion! meeting. A gospel tum conoieting of ten young men from the Welley Academy Ind Theological Seminary will have churn. 7:45 pan. Evening service in English. Mr. Paul Mntuon. chairman of the Above mentioned tum. will bring us I mange on the "Meet. “Prey- er," There will be medal lint!“ by our choir and the Wesley Ill: choral. C Tuesday, April R: 7:45 p.m. English clul n church. Wednesday, April 9: 8:00 pan. Choir rehemul. . Zion Lithu- Church . Highwood, Ill. Henry G. Hedlund, pastor T Sundny school, iP.46 I. m. English services. tt a. m, Swedish ten/ices. 7:30 p. In, English Lenten services Wednesday even!“ " ll p. m. Zion Lutheran church their pine of worship. The Luther lune will hold lu "e. ulnr meeting Fridny evening in I M- ture of a poverty nodal. Palm Sunday there will be a recep- tion of new members into the com- gnion. The Zion cow!†el- tends n cordill invitation to I" who have no church "lation to make the Wnukecnn road, Deerfield, llllnoll. Rev. C. L. MeDonoutrh, pastor. Sunday mum at 8 and 10' mm. Suturdly, 9 |.m., instruction clun- " for children. Million fpr the men in being coll- ducted this week and daily mum are a 6:00 and 7:80 mm. Sermon Ind binedietion every evening at 8:00 o'clock Thursday evening, confaaalonaI TAO o'clock. Saturday evening, conic-aim " 7:30 and 9:00 o'clock. Beginning Sunday evening, April 6th, the uaual Lenten program will be resumed. Week-day - at 6:80 'a.rn. Sunday evening, trM, holy hour, and benediction. Wednesday evening, 8 o'clock, rol- nry sermon Ind bettedfetUn. loot- ing of Altar and Rnury society. Friday, 4 pan., nation. and bam- diction for children. Eight o'clock. nutiom nud bettedietioet. Holy Crou can“: Church “at UM Iva-bolls! cam C. G, (Jung-t. pum- The union on [at Sunday and" the direction of In. 8. B. Guinea van very good. Palm C. G, Um also Rhona having had a tttttet pl»- Mabh time at the Kimball Ama- church in Chlcaco. Tho you. poo- ple may!“ Christ u chair law after an addnu in the Madly achool. Many gave mtlmonlu of pralae at the on!!!" nan-lea. Next Sunday wlll be “other and dly It thin church. Rev. B. B. Quil- cor will - It 10:45 n. In. The Bum Bible clnu wlll have . pro- imnt pan huh: evettittg andâ€. Dr. J. B. Carr will monk and the Mk. trio will slug. A lam “and.“ In expend " both union. The Sunday who! not: at 0:80 a. m. Bibi. [anon on. "Ne law of the Croat." In". 16:18-17:87. A great knoll. Chap for ull an. Fine follow-Mp. Comet Nestor Daallt wilt lead the Oil-h- ann Endeavor meeting " 7:00 p. n. Toplc, ‘WIIIC la Involved In Deciding for chum?" Rom, 10:846. for Chrllt?†Rom. 10:046. Rev. Quince will much " tho Runway Men'. Home at 8:00 p. a. Member- of tho Damn elm will u- Ii". with the uncle. Prayer meeting on Wedmedey eve- ning " 8:00 o'clock. m Bundle] school board will meet efur the prey- er meeting. _ - Service- Aprll ll te I ' Rev. A. H. Lumen. of the Heady Bible Institute, will preach for ue on Sunday evening, April It, end on My. Wednesdey. and PM eve- nings. Hie which In. "thr Fellow- ship with the Billet-ill. Christ.†' tending for the Nth," "Night - " Mel." end “The Work at the Holy Spirit in in tui.ttort to the Church.†The - for the hue- day evening mice will be ennui-ed leter on. he pater will [in the Enter menace on Sun“: moral-1. April no. end the choir will ne‘er: very ttne Enter eentete in the ewe- ning, Keep the migrating "when in mind end plea to “and M. . A number of young people nee-t- ly converted to the Lord Jeeue Citric! will mine with Rev. been: on III- day evening, April is. end they will take chem of the curled†Eat. ‘deevor meeting " "tit o‘clock. "Not {or-akin; the autumn of ourselves conduct, an the manor of some ir, but “honing on. m; uni so muchâ€! more. and ye no a. day apttroaettitte, Por it " III " fully "ter that In luv. mind the knovhdu of the with, thou undu- eth no mot-I Ina-Me- for Ila. but I fearful looking for of 1mm. III ttery summon. which III-ll “My the adversaries.†Heb. 10:15-81, The static Yul†but! Phone 3mm 8810 laugh Dry-Wot Wall-M Work “NOIIOAL "r â€NIP“? "