mall. th" tlosyer garden. Soil Soil sets as I protection from the sun and winds to the root system of plants. It acts as n storehouse tor the elements needed as plant food. It houses the Imam needed To ub- ente plant food. It it the home of the punt. Soil in disintegrated. pow- dered and partially decomposed roeh. otht awn-r .ulal cumin! of all plants mon- shove, via: Peotues, Phlox, ,PM, Bulbs, Dahlia“. Delphi!» Lilies. S'hastn "aim-3. Guill- m-uwis. [\quilogin. .%reet Wil. autism». Camel-bury Bells. and, hundreds of others all have .m- in the perennial border. and "I" tin-n ther Hm Only makq vnnial trom plant and Milly By Penguin!» the m mind the culture {or y perennial border. Add- to this part of the gun-den. your in a1very common [mm Perennials i. the "slrrintt should be , compact. Hardy fur. Swan Alymum, Funnies. rk Anubis, Gypsophilia varinuu Sulums are very for mixing. The bordei rum r and but "ary thi the vntire area the Home Beautifying and Landscape Suggestions until the the ahle today rule mine manure ml in wash» am mi In "i. run " " W the urh entire A-ml perennial border tho plants hive fb the at ttire border up- ' runstanuy in oi, minim-table «a! not to have " border entirely anytime during ith the hundreds I" a vignruus mv blooms. Phot- muntrrbalnnces n nitrogen and ' well balanced mlinary warden the time the us cpme in the r lau- Aoweritttt nom- and freer run have some blooms to do. "Ward the pn- r should be addintt phos- form of fl“! at to tivr best [in to Mold Gry imen plants ommon PAM)". it is t lam four area. Rub have nmple ml special Hire an aver 'rii)1.v_trstty, 1tt.A2uautuuattnarr, M. - are mixed with various amounts ut deny- ed and partially decayed animal and vegetuble metter. Top or surface soil iethut part of the soil which contain.- a liberal amount of vegetable and ani. mal life deposits added to it. Sulmoil lies just below the surface will and contains little or no organic matter. The elements that are used by plants as food ure derived both from the air end from the earth. An ele. ment in a substance which cannot by my known means be separated into two or more ditterent kinds of mat- ter. Water is a mixture of the ele- menu, Hydrogen " parts) and Oxy- gen " part), both of which are air derived elements. "ther elements used in plant life ere: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potas- sium. Culcium, Magnesium. Silicon. Sodium, Iron, Carbon, Sulphur, Chln- rine, and Manganemu Ot these, Ni- .trogen. Phosphnrus. Caleium, and Pre .tluium are of the greatest impart- Phone for A ppointmrnl Hum-m- "anzrnvilivr_ Jeanne Ib'nrr "w “ale-ml) Monsignor Achillel. The PV.. "mum. ttudherkia lhhiI-s, Sum-l " il Landscape Service- Dullik (Pride " ICm'hmh-I "arherry Thomhvrkrii lN-ZI Cornus ftted Dugunud) 2-3 FnhHMn tGolden Hell) 2.3 Spin-n Van "mm-ii 3-! " Coralherry 2.3 ft. 'ths Silh- i, gin-n In rvrhtee wmv of the stuck th " tht' fr-Ich ror mm plunlinu. Thi, slack is strictly first clam "hing our North Shun hone "wner_ the tsdvtutttrte of thy dvpartrnvru ~hrr "r mail mm market. Many of outuhtr pun-x " for $1.00 3 for $1.00 6 for $1.00 SHIN‘HS ll A Rin' PER ENNIAIH I’Hl.0.\' WEEK END SALE o !'yarl. Hard Air, Pyretheum Canterhury Bells, Centaurea. “antenna. fee.oplir, beg-Imp Lurinala. l'hymtogin. Shasta Svdum Spectible. Ik-lphiniurn Iu'lltdynn.a. t,toower, m Billions 1lcllrhork Single. Mixed. Rudlkain Newmanni ArtemiO Laetiilora IRIS " for $1.00 FRANKEN BROS., line. CASH and CARRY SPECIALS April 5-6-7 Prosper Laugh-r Sherman Wrieht Fin! Sin-cl West of Railroad and then South to the end of the Mree Mrs. llurr Tir.,. .lvnkin. Wanadis in n " since. Nitrogen is the most import- ant because: 1.--lt is an usential constituent of all plant foods. 2.- the amounts available are usually very small. 3.--it is one of the ele. ments in the soil most heavily used. Phone Deqtemttd 241 Nu "clicrrirsi R: ck Arhro, Tunim. Sedum, Phlcx Suhlam Forget-ttte-ttoh', Dianthu, Cavuius Gypsophilia Repans. Pentstemon Rununculus H. Pl. (Buttereup) Iliamhus Ileddowigii Ph PHONE ( Black Dirt Protnpt Sm'a'im “(WK GARDEN PLANTS 6 [or $1.00 Delivered L. Brown iit mm: :LENFOE 1244 $3 Nu I’hnur (lull: had in large surplus, in order to clear our and up to grade in "h'ery rtspeet. We are this stuck in Irreferenee'ttt dumping it on the fullcminu values are less than half our OTHER H AROY PERENN I ALS 6 for $1.00 Simundk Lumhardy Poplar, tim " Vuleariy Lombardy Poplar, 6-8 ft DEERFIELI) NURSERIES HOTTRASCII BROS. About Blooming Plants Rod sarivties mixed 3 dixiriitm,, ur t clump ll bile varieties, mixed "ink xarivties mixed Iritisiotts $1.00 CLIMBING “(was or Hrs" ROSES t for $1.00 for this Summer! s tor S 1.00 3 tor $1.00 hohe Ireerfield 5 l’l-IONIES us tell you that, "w all the plant: he gl nl to answar all rl ‘n rdiully. F TREES NI tf sell TEI The Lawn br:tatruED Mt ' per MI. n I. Furlllinwl I R'Illt'd