Thursday, April 10, 1930 CITIZENS' TICKET MASTER CLEANERS TUESDAY - APRIL 15, 1930 REGULAR VILLAGE ELECTION DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS We Specialize on Rugs and Drapes 539 Central Ave. TICKET BY PETITION For Village President For one year term For Village Trustees FRANK JACOBS, JR. Vote for the PETER J. DUFFY DOUGLAS A. HASTINGS For Village Clerk LORETTA M. HEMAN EARL VARNER lAve. - Highland Park PHONE 4136 CITIZENS in the THE PRESS We'll take care of the m. and We promise you unusual when. All the new colors ore here-Pewter grey. Dickens blue. Vellum tan, Tamarack brown. FELL 'S-For Easter Styles $35 345 "PREP" SUITS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS $22.50 $25.00 $30.00 Young Men's Suits in new colors 736 Elm sum Phones " B. St. John'- And how about a topcoat? _ FEATURE VALUES $30 . $40 FELL’S Winnetka all with two trousers Men 's Apparel Shots 307 2-Trouser Suits tor business men “[1th Park Ave