K Real E Wit 536 Central' Avenue M 1thlie '. " w" . li, wn Harlan tl w" at!" HIGHLAND PARK PHARMACY $10 o" Shit yta te T ransfem and r and hu WI) 330. Shin-Id Team W in SM. Th tv1rto Shirk] GO SUNDAY DELIVERIES M 3m! 19 M nt tivld A. â€but,“ Mrhan Wlt nd lk Id V, T. McMAHON. 'R. Ph. G, th WI) I’m-rm- nk h jt " Comic. L'hl 1.0 Retard and 22.0":an I" uml '01; ft Itvvrfit our w mu nuke t' (‘HS Smith . jt tens, " Barth-M's 3 ul K, Shield Barth-t church and wife to S If NW qr Hf AW qr of f" wn $10 hman and 310. Lot Sunset tyr W h ml {A h hrwPher m captain S 59.3 ft of E 22" NW qr of SW qr " Reilly Shun Fan-mm, Jr., pre- Mal Nady. Clyde T, human! Hsnk inrlustriél W hf Richards and Pt of Int tl Mk instructor tho com R Phone Highland Park 2404 of lot “PCT k ford I) I we r Chop Suey Special Ice Cream Brick ',0 Bra D ft LAKE C0. HAS NICHE IN LINCOLN’S TOMB Place for Preserving Relics fer This County of His Visit Here lamb of Ridge 00 over, few the prose on the sdaver: our-t- assemble hall, in Um Prtl ingtnn street. urea? row-rem-u for the memory of Lint" In and his great love for Lin. mlninna. he has dedicated a "County lli<tnrivul box" for each Illinois mun: ty Whirh can yield any documentary trmlitir n of Lincoln. The number of these "hoxvs" increased until Mr. Fay now has ur.hopes to have a "box" for each of the 102 counties: of the state. for six hall, in Um present 200 hlnck on Wash. ingtnn street. Elisha P. Perry, Wau- kmzan’s first muyn‘r (who later was appointed by President Lincoln as g vornor If Washinmnn unitary sulravnuPntly htine elected as her flrst state ttovernor), presided at this meet- ine and introduced Mr. Lincoln. The life llnmvr Cooke. then a young law- yc-r and on» who drafted Watskettan's arm-Ins of 'immrporntiun in IM9, 'was. to sown as a rocoptnclo for general histnrioul dm-umt-ms and data. Recall Abe's Visit Must. nf the citizens of Waukegan knnwiand mix-w schnnl child shculd lw taught w that Abraham Lincoln visit hr M r the Fa y Baukegan m purpose nf do sdavery issue has been the custudian '3; and, impelled by his nee for the memory of his great love for Lin. has dedicated a "County x" for ouch Illinois mun: 1 yield ziny documentary Lincoln, The number of " increased until Mr. Fay "tan on April 2, 1860. k? of delivering a speech y issue. A largo audi- 'd in the old Dickinson smut 200 hlnck on Wash. Elisha P. Perry, Wau- muyn‘r (who later wns President Lincoln as Washington unitary citizens have to the revered "min in Oak sttf1eld. How- that only since vir. H. W. Pay, dflee, has there Dr. E. H. Smith of Libertyville was eluded president of the Lake County Dental society at the annual election of offieerss for the ensuing year held last week at the Deerpath Inn " Lake Forest. Dr. Smith was honored last year by being elected to a Fellow, ship in the American College of Den, tists. This organization is made up of a small body of men in the Uni. ted States who are particularly out. standing. The other officer, elected for the coming year were'. Vice pres- ident, Dr. Noel Young of Lake For- est; secretary and treasurer, Dr. George Pastels of Highwocd, and li- brarian, Dr. D. N. Lewis of Lake Forest. County Dentists in Meet Elect Officers "Red" Hill, who has pulled, out of Niagara river brulies of more than 100 suicides and stunt performers, proposes to 20 over Niagara falls in a steel barrel on Memorial day. , among those honored with a seat on the platform. A " which destroyed the Case warehouse and a part of the pier broke up the Lincoln meeting; and Lincoln assuring the few who re- mained, that he again would come to Waukegan, joined the crowd and went to the fire. That night Lincoln slept in the Ferry home, now No. 308 Jul- ian street, the present residence of L. ll. Prentice, on therfront of which is a memorial tablet placed by the Lake County Historical society in 1909. So far as known, Lincoln never returned to Waukegan, to deliver his interrupted address. Campbell Starts Work Wilbur A. Campbell of 322 Hickory street, Waukegan, who last year spent nine mrmths in Springfield, became closely associated with Mr. Fay; and naturally Mr. Fay urged upon him the privilege and duty of collecting and adding to the "Lake County Histori- cal box" in the Lincoln tomb all of the historical material which could he gathered. Mr. Campbell, recognizing Mrs. Roland Dunn ct Waukegan " per- haps Lake county's foremost histori- cal collector and most assiduous anti- quury. at once secured Mrs. Dunn's ro'dy and willing co-operation. She contributed original documents, pho- tographs and numerous type-written copies of historical documents, to- zether with newspaper clippings of Lincoln's Waukegan visit, photo- graphs and records of Lake eounty's prominent men and events of Lin. coln's (113/, and also of prior and sub- sequent times and events. Among the photographs were a. dozen of Lake enunty's ancient log cabin homey, schools and churches. all of which Mrs. Dunn personally had photographed. for she had com- menced the collection of her histori- cal data while, most of these log cah- ins were still standing-few of which remain today. Recently Mrs. Dunn took a new 'ttttd very distinct photograph of the Lincoln memorial plaite an the Pren- tied home. One of these she gave to Mr. Campbell to send to Mr. Fay to be added to the Lake bounty box. Will Risk Life Thursday, April io, 1930